Public Notices

How to send comments. Email comments to the respective Project Manager, at [email protected] or mail to: Regulatory Branch, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburgh District, 1000 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. Comments made in reference to a Public Notice should include your name, address, and phone number. Please be sure to include the Public Notice Number or the Application Number on all correspondence to the District.
     Individuals or parties may request an extension of time in which to comment on the proposed work by writing to the project manager. Any request must be specific and substantively supportive of the requested extension, and received by this office prior to the end of the initial comment period.  The Section Chief will review the request and the requestor will be promptly notified of the decision to grant or deny the request.  If granted, the time extension will be continuous to the initial comment period and, inclusive of the initial comment period, will not exceed a total of 30 calendar days.
     Upon request, anyone's name will be added, deleted, or modified in the electronic mailing to receive public notices. Please submit your information by email to [email protected] or call us at 412-395-7155.

2022 - 2023


                      Application No.


Public Notice No. Date Comment Period Closes Applicant Location Project Description
LRP-2023-286 PN 23-26 August 31, 2023 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, District 11-0 State Route (SR) 0837, Section A50 located along the Monongahela River within West Mifflin Borough and the City of Clairton in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

PennDOT proposes to re-establish the SR 0837, Section A50 roadway located along the Monongahela River within West Mifflin Borough and the City of Clairton in Allegheny County.  The project consists of widening the existing roadway to restore the shoulder and improve the profile to meet the 55 mph design criteria. The design includes widening toward the river with rock embankments and sheet piles. Culvert replacements and extensions will be required through the widened embankments to convey existing outfalls that carry stormwater, industrial discharges, and perennial streams. Both temporary and permanent utility relocations will be required. The southbound retaining walls will remain. Roadway paving, guiderail updates/upgrades, signing, pavement markings, and drainage improvements are also included. Because the Monongahela River is the primary aquatic resource within the project area, impacts below the Ordinary High Water Mark at elevation 731.6 feet, were included as river impacts and totaled approximately 3.2 acres.  However, the normal pool elevation of 718.7 was used to calculate aquatic resource impacts along the Monongahela River which totaled approximately 0.26 acres. In additional to the Monongahela River, 5 perennial and 1 intermittent stream will involve encroachments totaling an additional 97 linear feet.  The use of barges are anticipated to construct the sheet piles and the toe of the rock embankments along the left descending bank of the Monongahela River. The coordinates for the southern end are 40’ 19′ 9.73″ N; 79’ 53′ 54.24″ W. The coordinates for the northern end are 40’ 20′ 16.41″ N; 79’ 53′ 40.51″ W.


PN 23-27 September 9, 2023

​U. S. Steel Corporation

Along the Monongahela River, left descending bank, Miles 19.0, 19.3, 19.9, 20.2, 20.3, 21.1, 21.6, and 21.8, in Clairton, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

The applicant proposes reauthorization of a permit to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years, in order to maintain adequate draft for the mooring of loaded barges at their Clairton Works.

N/A SPN 23-25 August 16, 2023 Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

:  United States Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branches of the Baltimore and Philadelphia Districts and the Regulatory Division of the Pittsburgh District are considering a proposal to accept and expend funds provided by the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission to expedite processing of Department of the Army permit applications, subject to a series of limitations in accordance with Section 214 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000, as amended; 33 USC Chapter 36 Section 2352.    

N/A SPN 23-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A
LRP-2016-132 PN 23-24 August 10, 2023 Ellwood Engineered Castings 41.174722, -80.561084; Hubbard Township, Trumbull County, OH The applicant proposes to permanently impact 0.904 acre of palustrine emergent wetland, 0.678 acre of palustrine scrub shrub wetland, and 0.111 acre of palustrine forested wetland, 339 linear feet of ephemeral stream, 327 linear feet of intermittent stream, 80 linear feet of perennial stream, and 0.176 acre of open water, to construct an expansion the existing Ellwood Engineered Castings facility. As compensation for the proposed impacts associated with the project, 3.6 wetland credits and 1233 stream credits will be purchased from an inlieu fee mitigation provider. Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.
LRP-2016-01411 PN 23-19 29 July 2023 Wildlife League of Ohio County (WLOC) Unnamed tributaries of Todd Run, Todd Run and abutting wetlands, near Triadelphia in Ohio County, West Virginia, (40.063708, -80.530518) Project activities include the construction of a private recreational impoundment structure consisting of approximately 1,904 cubic yards of fill material, 14-foot in maximum height, and 15-foot top-of-dam width. The footprint of the structure would occupy approximately 77 linear feet of waterway. At normal pool elevation, the dam would permanently convert 999 linear feet of waterway and 0.14 acres of wetland resource into a 1.43-acre open water pond. Minor grading and contouring of upland and aquatic resource would occur directly upstream of the dam within the footprint of the inundated pool to facilitate construction activities.
LRP-2023-109 PN 23-20 July 7, 2023 Monroe County Port Authority Ohio River, right descending bank, river mile 120.4 in Salem Township, Monroe County, Ohio (39.73358, -80.84496) The applicant proposes to place permanent fill in 0.28 acres along 247 linear feet of the Ohio River to construct a trapezoidal closed cell dock approximately 173 feet by 80 feet. Two mooring dolphins will be constructed immediately upstream and downstream of the proposed dock. The mooring area will be 240 feet in length and extend approximately 50 feet riverward from the dock. In addition, the applicant proposes to dredge 4,805 cubic yards of material from the area fronting the dock which is 532 feet long and an average width of 38 feet, to a depth 11.5 feet below normal pool elevation of 623.54 feet, to create sufficient depth for vessel access to the dock. Dredged material will be disposed of in an upland location. The purpose of the project is to provide a publicly available dock for loading and unloading bulk materials to and from onshore facilities. Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.
LRP-2023-00118 PN 23-18 June 30, 2023 CNX Green Ventures, LLC
A wholly-owned subsidiary of
CNX Resources Corporation
The proposed mitigation bank is located within the Lower Monongahela Watershed (8-digit HUC #05020005) (Pennsylvania State Water Plan Watershed Sub basin 19)near Spraggs, Greene County, Pennsylvania (Maps are attached to this notice). Unnamed tributaries to Dunkard Creek traverse the site and are the subject of the proposed restoration. CNX Green Ventures, LLC (GreenVentures, Sponsor), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNX Resources Corporation (CNX) proposes to establish the Blacksville Mitigation Bank with a proposed Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument. The Bank proposes to reduce bank erosion and sedimentation, re-establish stream and floodplain connectivity, re-establish the hyporheic zone and associated floodplain wetlands, improve flood capacity and storage, improve baseflow and groundwater storage, improved biogeochemical cycling, improve vertical and horizontal stability, improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat, increase vegetative diversity, improve water quality, and eradicate invasive species. The sponsor reported that the site currently contains 48,720.96 linear feet of streams and 5.66 acres of wetlands, but did not report a proposed site condition or determination of the number of potential credits available.
LRP-2019-00643 PN 23-17 June 22, 2023 Steven Folmar Ohio River, left descending bank, river mile 98.72, Glen Dale, Marshall County, West Virginia. Coordinates: 39.9562778, -80.7563988. The applicant proposes to construct an extension to his private recreational dock on his riverfront property. The proposed extension will add four additional 12-inch diameter pilings, a 60-foot by 8-foot section of dock, and a 60-foot by 48-foot floating platform to support a covered recreational structure. This authorization will also include portions of the original dock that were not included with the 2019 authorization under the same permit number. This includes an additional 20-foot by 8-foot section of dock and an additional 16-foot by 4- foot section of gangway. A location map and drawing of the proposed dock are attached to this notice.
LRP-1971-00053 PN 23-15 June 2, 2023 Starvaggi Industries, Inc. Ohio River Mile 66, Left Bank, Weirton. Brooke County, West Virginia (Terminal Drive) Latitude: 40.384722, Longitude: -80.618889 The applicant proposes to conduct annual routine maintenance dredging to maintain sufficient depth for the safe loading and unloading of barges at the dock facility located on the left bank near Ohio River Mile 66.0, as necessary for a period of ten (10) years. The applicant indicated that an elevation of 634 ft mean sea level (msl) is required for the loading and unloading of barges, which is 10 feet below the normal pool elevation of 644.0 ft msl.  Dredged material will be hauled to a specified upland on site, outside of any resource area. The quantity of material to be dredged within the project limits is at a minimum 4,450 CY. Dredging will be accomplished by utilizing a B.E. 62-B crawler crane with a 4 cubic yard clam stile bucket, or similar machine. No other activities are being proposed in association with the dredging. Plans are attached to this notice.  
LRP-1987-135 PN 23-12 June 2, 2023 Rick Dement At the existing Rayland Marina, in an embayment located on the right descending bank on the Ohio River at approximate river mile 81.35 in the Village of Rayland, Jefferson County, Ohio. The applicant proposes to occupy a 68-foot-long by 48-foot-wide area of the Ohio River to moor a floating house, at the existing Rayland Marina. Drawings of the proposed structure are attached to this notice.
N/A SPN 23-17 N/A N/A N/A Subject: The purpose of this Special Public Notice is to hereby inform the public of the
recent changes made by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding the
final rule to reclassify the federal listing of the Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis
septentrionalis) as an Endangered Species under the Endangered Species Act. For
additional information regarding the listing of the Northern Long-Eared Bat, including the
USFWS Interim Consultation Framework for the Northern Long-Eared Bat, please visit the
USFWS web site at:
LRP 2012-572 PN 23-16 May 10, 2023 N/A The Mill Creek Wildlife Sanctuary ILF site is located on wetlands and waterways within the Mill Creek Watershed (HUC 050301030801) in Beaver Townhsip, Mahoning County, Ohio, north of West Calla road, south of West Western Reserve Road, east of County road 125, and west of Interstate 76. The mitigation site is centered approximately on the following coordinates: 40.975888°, -80.681939° The Mill Creek Wildlife Sanctuary InLieu Fee Mitigation Project will generate in-kind mitigation credits to replace advanced mitigation credits that have been sold in the Mahoning Watershed (HUC 05030103) as compensation for activities authorized by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Ohio EPA through the issuance of permits. The project will be designed, implemented, and managed to attain the following basic objectives:
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Baltimore, Buffalo, Charleston, Chicago, Detroit, Fort Worth, Galveston, Huntington, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Little Rock, Louisville, Memphis, Mobile, Nashville, New England, New Orleans, New York, Norfolk, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Savannah, St. Louis, Tulsa, Vicksburg, and Wilmington Districts, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 jointly announce the availability of the Beta Streamflow Duration Assessment Methods (SDAM) for the Northeast and Southeast (dated April 12, 2023). The methods are rapid assessment tools to help distinguish between ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial streamflow at the reach scale for the Northeast and Southeast SDAM Regions. The beta SDAMs may help provide technical guidance for identifying waters that may be subject to regulatory jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act; however, these methods do not alter or change the definition of “Waters of the U.S.”
LRP-2012-00518 PN 23-13 April 14, 2023 Shelby Run Mining Company, LLC The project is located on Shelby Run and unnamed tributaries to Shelby Run, and Berry Run and unnamed tributaries of Berry Run, near County Road 38 in Wendel, Taylor County, West Virginia (39.308050, -80.078611). The applicant proposes to modify a previously issued Department of the Army authorization by redesigning the mine site area in order to move the slope entrance to accommodate an alignment shift of the underground workings, as well as meet the increased parking capacity and associated access needed for the mine complex and relocating internal access roads. Additionally, the applicant submitted a design change at the request of the State of West Virginia, Division of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) that was not assessed in the original Section 404 permit. Therefore, the applicant is requesting approval of these impacts as well. Finally, the applicant is requesting an extension of the permit expiration date to December 31, 2028. The project modifications as proposed would result in the permanent loss of an additional 2,011 linear feet of intermittent stream, 189 linear feet of ephemeral stream and 0.002 acre of wetland will be lost in addition to the 20,659 linear feet of stream and 14.856 acres of wetland loss authorized by the original Section 404 permit. The WV SWVM was used to assess a debit value for these additional losses, and the applicant proposes to compensate for these unavoidable losses by the purchase of mitigation bank or in-lieu fee credits from a Corps-approved bank or in-lieu fee program. Drawings of the proposed work are attached to this notice.
LRP-2012-00572 N/A April  24, 2023 N/A N/A Interested parties are hereby notified that a request to modify the Sponsor’s approved ILF program instrument has been received pursuant to procedures outlined at 33 CFR 332.8(g). The Nature Conservancy’s Ohio Mitigation ILF Program is a statewide ILF program which provides compensatory mitigation for unavoidable adverse impacts to waters of the United States and State Waters that result from activities authorized under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344), the Ohio Revised Code (ORRC Chapter 611 – Isolated Wetlands) and/or Ohio Administrative Code (OAC 3745-1) and/or Sections 9 or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 U.S.C. §§ 401, 403). The purpose of this public notice is to solicit comments from the public regarding the proposed modification of the previously approved ILF program instrument.
LRP-2011-1825 PN 23-10 April 22, 2023 Ohio County Coal Resources, Inc., a subsidiary of ACNR An undeveloped parcel adjacent to the Ohio County Coal Mine Facility located near the community of McMechen, Marshall County, West Virginia (40.004444, -80.714444). The applicant proposes to construct the Cunningham Hollow Coal Refuse Embankment Expansion project by expanding an existing coarse coal refuse embankment at the Ohio County Mine facility. The impoundment as proposed would ultimately provide disposal for approximately 5,750,000 cubic yards of coarse coal refuse, which is estimated to be sufficient to support an additional 2.63 years of operation at the Ohio County Mine. The project, as proposed, would permanently impact 7,699 linear feet (0.399 acre) of fourteen unnamed tributaries to Boggs Run, and to 0.008 acre of non-forested wetlands present in the project area. The project would be constructed in two phases and is expected to begin construction of the final phase in 2024. The applicant proposes to compensate for the unavoidable loss of Waters of the United States by purchasing compensatory mitigation bank credits from a Corps-approved bank, in accordance with functional debits determined using the West Virginia Stream and Wetland Valuation Metric (WV SWVM). The proposed credit amounts for both phases of construction total 4,682.86 linear feet of stream credits and 0.008 acre of non-forested wetland credits. Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.
LRP-2021-320 PN 23-09 April 22, 2023 Harrison County Coal Resources, Inc., a subsidiary of ACNR An undeveloped parcel adjacent to the Harrison County Coal Preparation Plant located near the unincorporated community of Jimtown, Harrison County, West Virginia (39.408184, -80.402375) The applicant proposes to construct the Jimtown Coal Refuse Impoundment project by constructing a coarse and fine coal refuse impoundment and downstream sediment control ponds. The impoundment as proposed would ultimately provide disposal for approximately 7,750,000 cubic yards of coarse coal refuse and for 12,141 acre-ft of fine coal refuse, which is estimated to be sufficient to support an additional 24.3 years of operation at the Harrison County Preparation Plant. The project, as proposed, would permanently impact 15,365 linear feet (0.902 acre) of several unnamed tributaries to Jones Creek, and to 3.553 acres of non-forested wetlands present in the project area. The project would be constructed in three phases and is expected to begin construction of the final phase in 2026. The applicant proposes to compensate for the unavoidable loss of Waters of the United States by purchasing compensatory mitigation bank credits from a Corps-approved bank, in accordance with functional debits determined using the West Virginia Stream and Wetland Valuation Metric (WV SWVM). The proposed credit amounts for all three phases of construction total 10,284.45 linear feet of stream credits and 3.553 acres of non-forested wetland credits. Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.
LRH-2022-932 N/A 21 April, 2023 N/A N/A In accordance with Title 33 CFR 325.5(c)(1) as published on November 13, 1986, in the Federal Register, Volume 51, Number 219, the district engineers of the Huntington District and Pittsburgh District United States (U.S.) Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), are proposing to re-issue the Regional General Permit (RGP) for Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. This RGP is available for use within the entire State of West Virginia and may be used by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) or an approved contractor working on behalf of the WVDEP, any non-profit 501(c)(3) watershed organizations or their subsidiaries, the West Virginia Conservation Agency (WVCA) and their respective Soil Conservation Districts, and the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR), for projects associated with AML and acid mine drainage (AMD) that require the discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the U.S.
LRP-2022-357 PN 23-11

March 28, 2023

BC Allen Company Along the Monongahela River, Right Descending Bank, approximate Mile 127.4, at the intersection of Merchant Street and Water Street, Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia 26554. (Latitude: 39.479277, Longitude: -80.142868)

The applicant proposes to construct a 244-foot x 26-foot community floating recreational boat dock, consisting of 20 slips, that will be connected to the shore by three (3) proposed 35-foot boat ramps anchored above the OHWM. No fill will be discharged into the river. The floating dock structure will extend approximately 50-feet from the shoreline on a 380-foot wide portion of the Monongahela River. Drawings of the proposed dock are attached to this notice.

LRP 2020-329 PN 23-04 April 6, 2023 Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Wetlands and Unnamed Tributaries to the Monongahela River along an alignment from PA Route 51 in Jefferson Hills to I-376 in Monroeville, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (40.314229, -79.905753).

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) is designing a new 4-lane, limited-access, tolled expressway from PA Route 51 in Jefferson Hills to Duquesne, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; eventually allowing continuous travel from I-68 in West Virginia north to I-376, the Parkway East, in Allegheny County.  The PA Route 51 to Duquesne project begins at PA Route 51 and will extend SR 0043 northward to a new interchange that will end SR 0043 just south and west of PA Route 837 at a relocated Commonwealth Avenue in Duquesne.  Project impacts were originally estimated at greater than 22,500 linear feet of stream impact and 13 acres of wetland impact.  The final environmental impact statement was reassessed, and impacts were most recently recalculated using a June 2021 engineering design snapshot (see notice for impact totals).  This project will be constructed in a phased process, with seven separate sections.  This public notice is for Construction Section 53B1A.

LRP 2012-1501 PN 23-08 March 18, 2023 Wolf Run Mining Company, LLC Unnamed tributaries to Little Hackers Creek near Philippi, Barbour County, West Virginia (39.186897, -80.093064) The applicant proposes to construct phases 2 through 5 of the Hackers Creek Slurry Impoundment which was previously permitted under LRP-2012-1501 in 2019. The proposed coarse refuse impoundment will support continued mining operations at the Leer South Complex. The project results in the placement of permanent fill in 3745 linear feet of five streams and 0.23 acres of three wetlands. Drawings of the proposed work are attached to this notice.
LRP 2015-798 N/A February 25, 2023 Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC The project location remains unchanged from the March 29, 2021 Public Notice.

The applicant has provided supplemental information which overall reduces impacts. The provided information also includes a detailed stream and wetland restoration plan, a voluntary proposal to provide additional compensatory mitigation for longer-term temporary impacts to waters of the U.S., a cumulative effects assessment, minor corrections, and refinements to the amount of discharges of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the U.S. necessitated by the proposed project to further avoid and minimize effects to waters of the U.S. As a result, the Corps is providing notice to the public of this supplemental information and refinements.

LRP-2010-01472 PN 23-05 March 02, 2023 The Buncher Company, c/o Jeffri Theys Unnamed Tributaries to Glade Run, Jackson Pointe Court,Zelienople, Butler County, Pennsylvania (40.7576004, -80.1273105) The applicant proposes to expandthe Jackson’s Pointe Court with the construction of a new 29-acre commercialdevelopment and associated roadways, utilities, stormwater management facilities, andattendant features. Conceptual drawings of the proposed development are attached tothis notice. The purpose of this project is to provide a development to service the lightmanufacturing, strategic warehousing, and/or logistics and fulfillment market for thegreater Pittsburgh region. The Corps of Engineers permit decision will be on aprovisional basis subject to reapproval once a tennant is identified and furtheravoidance and minimization is achieved, if practicable. This project, as conceptuallyproposed, would permanently fill 994 linear feet of three unnamed tributaries to GladeRun. The applicant proposes 1,000 linear feet of stream restoration on Thorn Creek aspermittee-responsible compensatory mitigation for the proposed work.
LRP-2022-597 PN 23-03 February 19, 2023 Gregory Tersine A residential parcel owned by the applicant with an address of 140
1st St, Blawnox PA 15238 and located on the right descending bank of the Allegheny
River at approximate River Mile 9.5 (40.487765, -79.86394).
The applicant has moored a flat
deck barge measuring 40ft wide x 30ft long x 3ft deep to existing pilings on the
downstream end of an existing recreational boat dock and constructed thereon a 20ft
wide x 20ft long x 24ft high wood-frame, two story asphalt roofed tiny home structure for
private use by the applicant as a residential/recreational dwelling. The barge is moored
in such a manner that it extends 30 feet further towards the centerline of the Allegheny
River than the previously permitted dock, and is semi-permanently connected by means
of an aluminum gangway and a tri-link “hoop style” roller assembly with steel pins.
Drawings of the structure are attached to this public notice.
LRP 2022-00608 PN 23-02 February 18, 2023 First Pennsylvania Resource, LLC A wholly-owned subsidiary of Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC

The proposed mitigation bank consists of waterways, wetlands, and riparian areas within the Paden Creek Watershed (12-digit HUC #050301020101) of the Pymatuning Reservoir-Shenango River Watershed (10-digit HUC # 0503010201) in Beaver Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania (PA) and is approximately 5.0 miles west of Conneautville and 7.5 miles northwest of Linesville (41°45'37.50" North, -80°27'57.47" West).

The goal of the Project is to restore and preserve self-sustaining, functional ecological resources identified within the Project area. In accordance with these goals, the Project strives to replace the functions and values lost through adverse impacts to streams and wetland areas due to various Section 10 and/or Section 404 authorized projects occurring elsewhere within the Ohio River Subbasin (Pennsylvania State Water Plan Watershed Subbasin #20N) and/or adjacent secondary service watersheds were deemed appropriate.

LRP 2015-798 N/A February 10, 2023 Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC The project location remains unchanged from the March 29, 2021 Public Notice. The applicant has provided supplemental information which overall reduces impacts. The provided information also includes a detailed stream and wetland restoration plan, a voluntary proposal to provide additional compensatory mitigation for longer-term temporary impacts to waters of the U.S., a cumulative effects assessment, minor corrections, and refinements to the amount of discharges of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the U.S. necessitated by the proposed project to further avoid and minimize effects to waters of the U.S. As a result, the Corps is providing notice to the public of this supplemental information and refinements.
LRP 2020-329 PN 23-01 February 3, 2023 Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Wetlands and Unnamed Tributaries to the Monongahela River along an alignment from PA Route 51 in Jefferson Hills to I-376 in Monroeville, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (40.314229, -79.905753). The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) is designing a new 4-lane, limited-access, tolled expressway from PA Route 51 in Jefferson Hills to Duquesne, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; eventually allowing continuous travel from I-68 in West Virginia north to I-376, the Parkway East, in Allegheny County.  The PA Route 51 to Duquesne project begins at PA Route 51 and will extend SR 0043 northward to a new interchange that will end SR 0043 just south and west of PA Route 837 at a relocated Commonwealth Avenue in Duquesne.  Project impacts were originally estimated at greater than 22,500 linear feet of stream impact and 13 acres of wetland impact.  The final environmental impact statement was reassessed, and impacts were most recently recalculated using a June 2021 engineering design snapshot (see notice for impact totals).  This project will be constructed in a phased process, with seven separate sections.  This public notice is for Construction Section 53C3.
LRP 2015-798 N/A January 11, 2023 Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC The project location remains unchanged from the March 29, 2021 Public Notice The applicant has provided supplemental information which overall reduces impacts. The provided information also includes a detailed stream and wetland restoration plan, a voluntary proposal to provide additional compensatory mitigation for longer-term temporary impacts to waters of the U.S., a cumulative effects assessment, minor corrections, and refinements to the amount of discharges of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the U.S. necessitated by the proposed project to further avoid and minimize effects to waters of the U.S. As a result, the Corps is providing notice to the public of this supplemental information and refinements.
LRP 2022-580 PN 22-53 December 23, 2022 Water and Land Solutions The proposed Bank Site includes the floodplain of Chartiers Creek, which
is a tributary to the Ohio River. The site is located on the is located on two adjoining parcels in Upper St. Clair Township, Allegheny County, and Peters Township,
Washington County, Pennsylvania (40.04545, -80.38654) in the Upper Ohio Watershed
(8-Digit HUC 05030101) and in the Upper Ohio River Subbasin South (20S) of the
Pennsylvania State Water Plan Watershed.
The goal of the Bank Site is to restore
and preserve self-sustaining, functional environmental resources identified within the
conservation area.
LRP-2003-793 PN 22-52 December 22, 2022 ELG Metals, Inc. The project is located along the Monongahela River, Right
Descending Bank, River Mile 15.9, in McKeesport, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
The applicant proposes to perform
maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years, at the Knapp's Landing
Barge Docking Facility. The purpose of the activity is to allow for continued barge
navigation and docking. Approximately 3,100 cubic yards of sediment as previously
permitted is to be dredged from the area fronting the dock which is 250 feet long, an
average width of 80 feet, and to a depth of 10 feet below normal pool shoreline
elevation 718.7. The dredged material will be transported by barge and deposited at an
upland area to preclude its re-entry into the waterway.
LRP-2022-00515 PN 22-51 December 8, 2022 Brandon Mueller Presque Isle Bay (Lake Erie), 21 Niagara Pier, Erie, Erie County,
Pennsylvania (42.128903, 80.111796)
The applicant proposes to
construct the Brandon Mueller Personal Watercraft Lift Construction Project which
consists of a 16'x34' watercraft lift supported by a piling structure, an 18'x50' watercraft
lift supported by a piling structure, an 11'x29' permanent dock with landing and stairs, a
5'x43' permanent dock between the two lifts, a 3'x20' permanent dock, a 2'x50'
permanent dock, and an 8'x34' seasonal floating dock along the eastern side of the
Niagara Pier. The applicant does not propose any mitigation for this project. The
purpose of the project is to provide direct watercraft access to Presque Isle Bay (Lake
Erie) for personal recreational use. Drawings of the proposed docks and structures are
attached to this notice.
LRP-2021-288 PN 22-50 November 27, 2022 Industrial Commercial Properties, LLC An approximately 100-acre parcel of vacant industrial land owned by the applicant with an address of 365 Victoria Road, Austintown, Mahoning County, Ohio (41.109852, -80.777990) The applicant proposes to construct two additional large (over 200,000 square feet each) industrial warehouse buildings, including associated access roads, parking areas, stormwater management facilities, and utilities, to accommodate the expansion of the applicant’s operations and the addition of a new identified tenant. The project, as proposed, would permanently impact 1.998 acre of combined emergent/forested wetland at the project location. The applicant proposes to mitigate these unavoidable impacts by purchasing approximately 4.1 acres (a ratio of slightly more than 2:1) of in-lieu fee program credits from an approved in-lieu fee program. Credits were assessed at 2:1 for emergent wetland impacts and 2.5:1 for forested wetland impacts. Drawings of the proposed work are attached to this notice.
LRP-2022-489 PN 22-49 November 12, 2022 Rick Dement, Rayland Marina Along the right descending bank of the Ohio River, Mile 81.5 in Rayland, Jefferson County, Ohio. The property is owned by the U.S. Government and is leased as a commercial concession.

The applicant placed a spud barge on the right descending bank of the Ohio River, near river mile 81.2, for mooring barges and vessels, this activity was not authorized. Proposed: The applicant has relocated the fleet to river mile 81.5, right descending bank and is proposing to obtain a permit for this location, to construct a waterfront structure, approximately 230-Ft in length, along the right descending bank. Due to the topography of the area, the downstream portion of the mooring area will extend approximately 160-Ft from the face of the spud barge riverward and the upstream portion will extend approximately 120-Ft from the face of the spar barge, riverward. This new mooring area will be used to moor the facilities towing vessels. Drawings of the proposed dock are attached to this notice.

LRP-2022-502 PN 22-48 November 11, 2022 Stream + Wetlands Foundation The Upper Ohio Beaver Umbrella instrument proposes to service the Upper Ohio- Beaver 6-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC 050301) within Ohio.  The Willow Creek Wetlands Mitigation Bank is a 107.5-acre project, which is part of a 137.8- acre parcel, located at 1688 Alliance Road, Deerfield Township in Portage County, Ohio (latitude 41.036825°, longitude -81.095175°)

The overall purpose of the Upper Ohio Beaver Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument is to provide third-party compensatory mitigation to offset unavoidable adverse impacts to wetlands and streams/tributaries authorized by Clean Water Act Section 404 permits.  The first mitigation site to be authorized by this Instrument is the WILLOW CREEK WETLANDS MITIGATION BANK. Objectives include re-establishing high-quality forested and non-forested wetlands, forested uplands, rehabilitating existing degraded wetlands, and rehabilitating existing upland forest/successional woods.


PN 22-47

October 7, 2022

MPLX Terminals LLC

Along the Ohio River, right descending bank, Mile 34.9, in Midland, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Latitude: 40.627684, Longitude: -80.4349 The applicant is reapplying for a previously issued permit to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years, to provide for safe loading and unloading of barges at their MPLX Midland Terminal Dock.

PN 22-46

PN 22-46 Maps

September 30, 2022

Silicon Processors, Inc.

Ohio River left descending bank Mile 112 in Moundsville, Marshall County, WV (39.84611, -80.81833).

The applicant (Silicon Processors, Inc.) proposes to install a 35-foot wide Crane Barge and three new conveyor belts. Conveyor A is approximately 135’ long x 36” wide. Conveyor B is approximately 125’ long x 36” wide, and has a transition point approximately 75’ from the top of the Bank. Conveyor C is approximately 110’ long x 36” wide, and is located on the Deck of the Work Barge. Conveyor A and B will extend over the river. These feed other conveyors which sit at the top of the Bank. No belts will extend into the river beyond the Riverward face of the cells. Other structures and equipment used for construction will be located either on the bank above the Ordinary High Water Mark on a floating barge/platform. Drawings of the proposed dock are attached to this notice.

LRP 2022-350 PN 22-40 September 30, 2022 Wee Five Development, LLC The project site will be located in wetlands and unnamed tributaries that flow to Connoquenessing Creek in Jackson Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania (40.772248, -80.094186).

Permanent discharge of fill material into 1,961 linear feet of twelve streams and 0.468 acre of four wetlands, as well as the temporary discharge of fill material into 206 linear feet of seven streams, associated with the construction of the Londonderry Ridge residential development.  Londonderry Ridge will consist of 80 townhouse units and 100 single-family units, located in Jackson Township, Butler County, PA.

LRP 2022-192 PN 22-45 September 16, 2022 Martin Wohlgamuth Wetlands at 2842 Bell Wick Road, Hubbard, Trumbull County, Ohio (41.1663, -80.5974) The applicant proposes to construct a 27,500 square foot building with warehouse, garage, and office space and attendant features including a paved driveway and parking area, utility service, storm sewers, and a stormwater management facility.  The purpose of the project is to expand and support Frito Lay’s regional product warehousing and distribution.  The project will impact 0.68 acre of two wetlands.  The applicant proposes to purchase 1.7 acres of forested wetland credits from the Stream and Wetlands Foundation In-Lieu Fee Program as compensatory mitigation.  Drawings of the proposed commercial development and location map are attached to this notice.
LRP 2022-395 PN 22-44

September 9, 2022

Water and Land Solutions

The proposed Bank Site includes headwater tributaries of Chalfant Run (PADEP COMID 39541), which is tributary to Thompson Run (99407502); which is tributary to the Monongahela River. The site is located on the Churchill Valley Greenway, owned by Allegheny Land Trust, in Churchill Borough and Penn Hills Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (40.4481, -79.8410) in the Lower Monongahela Basin (HUC 05020005, Pennsylvania State Water Plan Watershed 19).

Water and Land Solutions has submitted a prospectus to the Pittsburgh District Corps of Engineers to develop and operate Churchill Valley Mitigation Bank.

LRP 1996-60874 PN 22-37 September 2, 2022 Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission 42.25799° N, -79.79228° W; North East, Erie County, PA The applicant proposes to perform maintenance dredging of North East Marina twice a year by pumping dredge material over the eastern wall of the Marina in the eastern littoral drift below the ordinary high-water mark of Lake Erie.  Additionally, material accreted on the western fillet of the marina wall will be dredged with long reach excavators, placed in dump trucks, and disposed on the eastern beaches.  A total of approximately 18,000 cubic yards of dredge material will be transported each year over two events that will typically occur in the spring and fall.
LRP 2001-2169

PN 22-35

PN 22-35 Maps

July 21, 2022

Gallatin Fuels, Inc

Monongahela River, right descending bank, mile 87.4, Springhill Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania

The applicant proposes to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years, at their coal loading dock to provide sufficient depth to handle loaded barges. The area adjacent to the existing dock will be dredged for a length of 1,780 feet, an average width of 55 feet, to a depth of 12 feet below normal pool elevation, 778.0 feet. Approximately 1,985 cubic yards of accumulated sediment will be removed over the life of the permit. Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.


LRP 2021-214

PN 22-36

PN 22-36 Maps

PN 22-36 Attachments

August 7, 2022

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, District 10-0

Located along the existing State Route (SR) 0228 Section 29B in Adams and Middlesex Townships, Butler County, Pennsylvania The applicant proposes to discharge clean fill into Waters of the United States in conjunction with a safety and capacity improvement project involving the Three Degree Road intersection and SR 0228.  The project involves the widening of SR 0228 from two to four lanes (plus median and auxiliary turn lanes) from Mars-Valencia Road at the west end to the Balls Bend project on the east end. The applicants preferred alternative results in approximately 2,154 linear feet (LF) of permanent and 316 LF of temporary riverine habitat being affected.  Additionally, approximately 0.497 acre of permanent and 0.162 acre of temporary palustrine emergent habitat is expected to occur as a result of the proposed project.  Compensatory mitigation requirements for unavoidable impacts to riverine and emergent habitats were calculated using the Pennsylvania Function-Based Aquatic Resource Compensation Protocol.

PN 22-42

PN 22-42 Maps

August 19, 2022 T&R Properties, Inc. The project site will be located in streams and wetlands at 63 Lewicki Road in Canonsburg, Cecil Township, Washington County, PA 15317 (40.288, -80.1627)

The applicant (T&R Properties, Inc.) proposes to permanently discharge dredged or fill material into 1560 Linear Feet (LF) of ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial streams and 0.053 acres of PEM and PSS wetland. This proposal is to construct a future mixed-use development, associated stormwater management facilities, access roads, and other site amenities on the approximately 180-acre site in Washington County, PA. As mitigation for permanent impacts to waters of the U.S., the applicant proposes onsite stream relocation for 1,009 LF of stream. The remaining 551 LF of permanent stream loss and 0.053 acres of permanent wetland loss will be mitigated for with the purchase of 551 stream and 0.5 wetland mitigation bank credits from Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC.

LRP-2020-479 22-18 -A August 18, 2022 Michael Bruderly 29 acre site at 6432 W. Garfield Road in Salem, OH The applicant is proposing to mitigate the wetland and stream impacts through on-site permittee responsible mitigation. The stream area identified for mitigation work is currently degraded due to over grazing and is sparsely vegetated in some areas, while dominated by multiflora rose in others. The mitigation proposal for direct stream impacts includes the reestablishment of vegetation along both banks of 696 linear feet of stream, rehabilitation of 1.27 acres of riparian area (50 foot buffer area of each bank), and preservation of these areas. The area would be fenced off to exclude livestock. In addition a fish ladder will be installed on the downstream end of the recently installed culvert to allow passage for fish species. A 10 year management and monitoring plan is proposed for the mitigation area.
CELRP-RG 2020-329 22-41 August 11, 2022

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission

Wetlands and Unnamed Tributaries to the Monongahela River along an alignment from PA Route 51 in Jefferson Hills to I-376 in Monroeville, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (40.314229, -79.905753).

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) is designing a new 4-lane, limited-access, tolled expressway from PA Route 51 in Jefferson Hills to Duquesne, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; eventually allowing continuous travel from I-68 in West Virginia north to I-376, the Parkway East, in Allegheny County. The PA Route 51 to Duquesne project begins at PA Route 51 and will extend SR 0043 northward to a new interchange that will end SR 0043 just south and west of PA Route 837 at a relocated Commonwealth Avenue in Duquesne. Project impacts were originally estimated at greater than 22,500 linear feet of stream impact and 13 acres of wetland impact. The final environmental impact statement was reassessed, and impacts were most recently recalculated using a June 2021 engineering design snapshot (see notice for impact totals). This project will be constructed in a phased process, with seven separate sections. This public notice is for Construction Section 53A2.

LRP-2022-242 PN 22-34 July 8, 2022 Liberty Point Partners LLC 

40.7610° N, -79.8099° W; Jefferson Township, Butler County, PA

The applicant proposes to permanently impact approximately 0.66 acre of PEM/PSS wetlands and 0.01 acre of watercourse and temporarily impact 0.17 acre of PEM/PSS wetland to construct a residential development (Liberty Pointe) with 29 quad-plex buildings and one community building, as well as required infrastructure including a 48-inch diameter, 95.5 feet long culvert crossing of an Unnamed Tributary to Vaur Run, site utilities, parking, and stormwater management facilities in Jefferson Township, Butler County. As compensation for the proposed impacts, the applicant is proposing 0.87 acre of onsite wetland creation.  Drawings of the proposed development are attached to this notice. 
LRP 2021-00518 PN 22-33 June 25, 2022

Menards, Inc.

Washington, Pennsylvania,    Washington County,                            UNTs to Chartiers Creek,            40.193599, -80.222636

Project activities include the construction of an approximately 209,000 sq. ft. commercial facility, outdoor lumber yard, a drive-through lumber warehouse, parking areas, roads, stormwater facilities, and associated utilities.  Project would result in temporary impacts to 8 linear feet of waterway and permanent impact of 773 linear feet of waterway and 0.782 acre of wetlands within UNTs to Chartiers Creek.

LRP 2022-00177 PN 22-32 June 25, 2022 Water & Land Solutions, LLC

Near Morganton, West Virginia, Monongalia County                             Little Indian Creek                      39.59707, -80.07011

The sponsor’s Prospectus proposes the creation of the Little Indian Creek Mitigation Bank.  The purpose of the mitigation bank is to generate credit for use in off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable adverse impacts (including the discharge of dredged or fill materials) to streams and wetlands within the specified service area (see below).  Impacts are subject to long-term monitoring which aids in the evaluation of credit releases and to ensure that ecological uplift occurs.  The bank is projected to restore, enhance, and protect approximately 16,895 linear feet of stream as well as 3.78 acres of forested wetland. 


SPN 22-31

SPN 22-31 Attachments

June 19, 2022 N/A Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Pittsburgh District has collaborated on a draft Programmatic Agreement (PA) for the review of transportation projects related to the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Federal and state agencies signatory to this agreement include: the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) and the Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh Districts of the USACE.


The purpose of the agreement is to streamline review of transportation-related projects requiring authorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, by delegating compliance determinations for minor transportation-related actions requiring coordination under Section 106 of the NHPA to PennDOT cultural resource professionals meeting the Secretary of Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards.  This PA represents a renewal of prior agreements among FHWA, PennDOT, ACHP, and PHMC, notably adding the USACE Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh Districts as signatories.

LRP 2022-220 PN 22-30 June 13, 2022 Conneaut Lake Properties

Wetlands off of Pymatuning Avenue and SR 618 in Sadsbury Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania (41.6232, -80.3253).

The Reflections on Conneaut Residential Land Development Plan proposes to permanently discharge dredged or fill material in 0.67 acre of palustrine forested (PFO), 0.09 acre of palustrine emergent (PEM), and 0.01 acre of palustrine scrub shrub (PSS) wetlands associated with construction of 103 single family homes, carriage homes, and townhome units along with associated infrastructure, landscaping, and stormwater management facilities with a 34.98 acre limit of disturbance. As mitigation for permanent impacts to waters of the U.S., the applicant proposes replacement ratios of 3:1 ratio for PFO habitat, 1:1 ratio for PEM habitat, and a minimum of 2:1 ratio for PSS habitat as a part of onsite wetland creation resulting in 2.01 acre of PFO habitat, 0.09 PEM habitat, and 0.02 acre of PSS habitat.

LRP 2022-225

PN 22-29 May 26, 2022 Smith’s private recreational boat docks  Ohio River, Left Descending Bank, Mile 43.4, Chester, Hancock County, West Virginia. (40.61143333, -80.57577222)

The applicant proposes to construct a non-commercial private recreational boat dock..

LRP 2022-0166

PN 22-28

PN 22-28 Maps

May 20, 2022

Somerset Conservation District

Attn: Len Lichvar

Lamberts Run in Stonycreek Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania (40.069589, -78.915692)

The applicant proposes to construct an Acid Mine Drainage Passive Treatment System in Stonycreek Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania.  The system will treat artesian flows of acidic water contaminated with high concentrations of iron. The system will utilize an existing Anoxic Limestone Drains (ALD) cell discharging to proposed settling pond, Vertical Flow Pond (VFP) cell, setting pond, and treatment wetlands.  The system will discharge to existing wetlands onsite.  An approximately 3.82-acre passive acid mine drainage treatment facility permittee responsible mitigation project will be constructed on-stie to offset the loss of Waters of the United States. The applicant proposes to permanently impact 1.8 acres of wetlands and Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.  
LRP 2022-130 PN 22-26 May 8, 2022 Highland Field Services, LLC Wetlands at Borden Drive, Sergeant Township, Zane, McKean County, Pennsylvania (41.682881°, -78.629507°) The proposed project is for a material staging area expansion associated with the Seven Mile Mineral Facility that will encompass 4.2 acres. A new gravel pad and a stormwater basin on the north and east sides of the existing facility will result in the discharge of dredged or fill material into 0.87 acres of four wetlands.  The proposed conceptual compensatory mitigation plan includes on-site permittee responsible wetland reestablishment in order to offset these impacts.
LRP 2022-120

PN 22-25

PN 22-25 Maps 

April 29, 2022

EBX-EM, LLC, a Resource Environmental Solutions (RES), LLC subsidiary

The proposed mitigation bank site is located in the headwaters of Glade Run and an unnamed tributary to Little Sandy Creek, adjacent floodplains and upland corridors, within the Cheat River watershed, near Bruceton Mills, Preston County, WV (39.613, -79.599)

EBX-EM, LLC (Sponsor), a subsidiary of RES, has submitted a mitigation plan to the Pittsburgh District Corps and the other members of the WV IRT to develop and operate a stream mitigation bank, known as the Old Oak Mitigation Bank. The purpose of the mitigation bank is to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable adverse impacts (including the discharge of dredged or fill material) to streams and wetlands within the specified service area, as noted below. The proposed mitigation bank will involve the enhancement, restoration and preservation of streams and wetlands and their associated riparian buffers.

LRP 2022-112 PN 22-22 April 12, 2022 Nick Massini

Along the Monongahela River, approximate Mile 57.9, Left Descending Bank, in Brownsville, Washington County, Pennsylvania.

(Latitude: 40.01895; Longitude: -79.92128)

The applicant proposes to construct a private recreational boat dock along his riverfront property. The proposed dock will consist of a 4-ft wide by 30-ft long main walkway extending riverward from the rover shore. The dock will extend perpendicular (downstream) 25-ft from the main walkway. The downstream walkway will support two “finger” piers extending riverward. Each finger will be 4-ft wide by 16-ft long. A total of three 12-inch diameter steel pipe pilings will anchor the dock configuration. Two of the pilings will extend riverward on the up-flow side of the walkway and one downstream to help secure a section of the docking parallel to the riverbank. The docks will be constructed of aluminum with composite decking. Foam filled poly floats will be used as floatation devices for the docks. 

LRP 2022-0098

PN 22-24

PN 22-24 Maps

April 18, 2022

Carter-Roag Coal Company

The project area is located approximately 3.5 miles southeast of the community of Helvetia in Middle Fork District of Randolph County, West Virginia.

The applicant proposes to employing re-mining, contour mining and highwall miner / auger mining methods. These methods would be employed to recover metallurgical-grade bituminous coal from the Sewell, Sewell A, and Sewell B splits of coal. The Hartridge No. 1 Project encompasses a total of approximately 113 acres, of which approximately 88 acres are designated for mineral removal area. The remaining area, approximately 25 acres, consists of ancillary areas for drainage control, access road, and a top-of-highwall buffer.  Overall, project activity would result in direct impact to approximately 1,384 linear feet (0.130 acres) of 73 linear feet of perennial streams, 1,105 linear feet of intermittent streams, and 206 linear feet of ephemeral streams.  A total of approximately 0.53 acres of palustrine emergent wetland and 0.05 acres of open water feature would also be permanently filled during project activities.  The applicant proposes to purchase 1,143.40 stream mitigation bank credits and 0.98 wetland mitigation bank credits to offset the loss of Waters of the United States.

LRP 2020-237

PN 22-23

April 14, 2022

Carter-Roag Coal Company The proposed project area is located in unnamed tributaries of Jones Creek of Tenmile Creek of the West Fork River in Harrison County, West Virginia. 

The applicant proposes to construct the proposed Middle Area Embankment Expansion – Blue Rock Knob Refuse Facility.  The proposed expansion of the embankment is necessary to accommodate future coarse and fine coal refuse produces by the Carter-Roag Coal Company Starbridge Coal Preparation Plant in two phases.  The project activity will also include the construction of new sediment control structures.  The applicant proposed to impact 0.620 acre of wetlands and 1,621 linear feet of streams.  The applicant will purchase 356.048 stream credits and 0.061 wetland credits from an approved mitigation bank for Phase I of the project.  The applicant proposed to purchase either 816.755 stream credits and 0.559 wetland credits from an approved mitigation bank or 996.442 stream credits and 1.3640 wetland credits from an approved In-Lieu Fee Provider, dependent upon credit availability, for Phase II of the project. 

LRP 2021-320

PN 22-21 

PN 22-21 Maps

April 13, 2022 Harrison County Coal Resources, Inc. The proposed project area is located in unnamed tributaries of Jones Creek of Tenmile Creek of the West Fork River in Harrison County, West Virginia.  The applicant proposes to construct the new Jimtown Coarse Coal Refuse Disposal Area.  The construction of the refuse area is necessary to accommodate future coarse coal refuse produced by the Harrison County Preparation Plant. This will allow for the continued operation of the preparation plant by providing coarse coal refuse disposal. The proposed refuse area construction will result in the permanent filling of 9,832 linear feet of streams (i.e. perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral) and 0.765 acre of palustrine emergent wetlands within the project boundary.  The applicant proposed to purchase 7149.15 combined stream and wetland mitigation credits from either an approved mitigation bank or the West Virginia In-Lieu Free Program. 

LRP 2022-129

PN 22-20 April 11, 2022 Keystone Land Resources, Inc.

Monongahela River, Alicia Docks Facility, river mile 58.2 to 58.9, right descending bank, Luzerne Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Lat: 40.0111416 North, Long:-79.9289778 West

The applicant proposes renew their maintenance dredge permit, to preform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years, at the Alicia Docks, along the bank of the Monongahela River.

LRP-2020-479 PN 22-19 April 9, 2022 Michael Bruderly 29 acre site at 6432 W. Garfield Road in Salem, OH The applicant seeks an "after-the-fact" permit for a private pond that was constructed in 420.31 linear feet of intermittent and perennial stream. 
LRP 2010-553

PN 22-18

PN 22-18 Maps

April 9, 2022 Pennsylvania Department of General Services Unnamed Tributary to Turtle Creek (locally known as Dirty Camp Run), Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (40.420000, -79.775833) The applicant requests the reauthorization of a previously issued permit to construct a flood protection project along an unnamed tributary to Turtle Creek (Dirty Camp Run) that frequently damages structures within the Borough of Pitcairn. The flood control project will be designed to manage the 100-year flood event. Development of the Dirty Camp Run flood control project will impact approximately 7,000 feet of stream channel, which is approximately 2.59 acres of Waters of the United States below the Ordinary High Water Mark.
LRP 2022-78 PN 22-15 March 30, 2022 Allegheny Mineral Corporation  The existing Mine 37 site located immediately north of Slippery Rock Creek in Slippery Rock Township, Lawrence County, PA (41.031667, -80.158889) The applicant proposes to construct an expansion of the Mine 37 limestone and aggregate mine on property currently owned by the applicant, to recover additional mineral reserves.
LRP 2012-1750 PN 22-17 April 3, 2022  Stream + Wetlands Foundation 

The 153.2-acre project is located northwest of the intersection of New Garden Avenue (County Route 172) and Gamble Road (Township Road 758) in Center Township, Columbiana County, Ohio (40.795511°, -80.836105°).  The project drains into Cold Run located within the Cold Run sub-watershed (Hydrologic Unit Code [HUC] #05030101-05-01) and (via drain tile) into Middle Fork Little Beaver Creek. Cold Run flows southeasterly into the West Fork of Little Beaver Creek and ultimately into the Beaver Creek mainstem, part of the Upper Ohio watershed (HUC #05030101). 

The Stream and Wetlands Foundation proposes to establish the Guilford Bog in lieu fee site within the approved Stream and Wetlands In Lieu Fee Program Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument.  The primary objectives of the site are to generate wetland and stream mitigation credits to fulfill advance credits sold to permittees through the Stream and Wetlands Foundation within the Pittsburgh South service area, consisting of the Upper Ohio (HUC 05030101) and Upper Ohio Wheeling (HUC 05030106) watersheds. The proposed site will include work that will generate credits through wetland re-establishment, wetland rehabilitation, wetland enhancement, upland forest re-establishment, and upland forest enhancement. The plan specifically includes breaking and plugging of existing drain tiles, conducting shallow soil scraping, establishing micro-topography, hydrologic rerouting, reintroduction of structural diversity across the landscape, and introducing hydraulic roughness by planting native wetland trees, shrubs, and seed mixes.
N/A SPN N/A N/A West Virginia

On December 27, 2021, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) published a final rule in the Federal Register (86 FR 73522) announcing the reissuance of forty (40) existing nationwide permits (NWPs) and one (1) new NWP. These forty-one (41) NWPs will go into effect on February 25, 2022, and they will expire on March 14, 2026:

N/A SPN N/A N/A Ohio

On December 27, 2021, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) published a final rule in the Federal Register (86 FR 73522) announcing the reissuance of forty (40) existing nationwide permits (NWPs) and one (1) new NWP. These forty-one (41) NWPs will go into effect on February 25, 2022, and they will expire on March 14, 2026:

N/A SPN 22-14 N/A N/A N/A The purpose of this special public notice is to inform the public of the issuance of the final regional conditions applicable to 41 Nationwide Permit (NWP) activities in the State of Maryland, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia. Furthermore, this special public notice announces the suspension of various NWPs in the State of Maryland, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia.
LRP 2012-1501

PN 22-13

PN 22-13 Maps

March 7, 2022

Wolf Run Mining Company, LLC

Unnamed tributaries to Little Hackers Creek near Philippi, Barbour County, West Virginia (39.186897, -80.093064)


The applicant proposes to construct the Sidehill Coarse Refuse Fill Project adjacent to the existing Hackers Creek Slurry Impoundment which was previously permitted under LRP-2012-1501 in 2019. The proposed coarse refuse impoundment will support continued mining operations at the Leer South Complex. The project results in the placement of permanent fill in 1585 linear feet of five streams and 0.20 acres of three wetlands.
LRP 2001-420

PN 22-09

PN 22-09 Map

February 15, 2022

Marion County Coal Resources, Inc. The site is located approximately 3.1 miles northwest of the Town of Fairview, Monongalia County, West Virginia (39.61833, -80.29917). The project is located on an unnamed tributary of Harvey Run of Paw Paw Creek. Paw Paw Creek is a tributary of the Monongahela River.

The applicant requests the reauthorization of a previously issued permit to continue expansion of the existing Harvey Run II Coal Refuse Impoundment.

LRP 2021-332


22-06 Maps

February 28, 2022 PA Department of General Services 40.30944, -79.53889 The applicant proposes a Flood Protection Project due to persistent flooding along UNT to Jacks Run including channel realignments, enhancements, enclosures, bridge replacements, and repairs.
LRP 2016-346 PN 22-11

February 28, 2022

AllStar Ecology Near Mt. Tabor, Harrison County, West Virginia (39.424237°N, 80.424624°W)

AllStar Ecology has submitted a mitigation plan to the Pittsburgh District Corps and the other members of the WV Interagency Review Team (IRT) to develop and operate a stream and wetland mitigation bank, known as the Little Run Mitigation Bank.

LRP 2022-29

PN 22-12

February 28, 2022

Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC

Near Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia (39.0680°N, 80.5064°W)

Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC has submitted a mitigation plan to the Pittsburgh District Corps and the other members of the WV Interagency Review Team (IRT) to develop and operate a stream and wetland mitigation bank, known as the Cherry Ridge Mitigation Bank

LRP 2022-30

PN 22-10

February 28, 2022

Hard Rock Land Company, LLC

Near the unincorporated community of Walkersville in Lewis County, West Virginia (38.897106°N, 80.427605°W)

Hard Rock Land Company, LLC has submitted a mitigation plan to the Pittsburgh District Corps and the other members of the WV Interagency Review Team (IRT) to develop and operate a stream and wetland mitigation bank, known as the Stonefly Mitigation Bank.

CELRP-RG-S 2021-00303

PN 22-08

February 27, 2022

Patrick Wildfire

Near Fairmont, West Virginia, Marion County, 39.444354, -80.122130

The project is proposing the creation of two private recreational ponds via the impoundment and subsequent inundation of two streams.  The project would include the excavation and shaping of stream and adjacent upland area above the impoundment structures which would form the ponds.  Excavated materials would then be redischarged back into the stream for the creation of the impoundment structures.  These structures would include a fixed outlet which controls pond elevation up to natural land contours and a rocked dissipation pad at the outlet location.  Impoundment of these waters would result in the loss of 80 and 205 foot of stream associated with the creation of 2,200 sq. ft. and 17,000 sq. ft. ponds, respectively.  It is anticipated that the ponds may take 2-3 weeks to fully fill with waters, and this may result in a temporary reduction in downstream flow contributions from the ephemeral and intermittent upstream reaches.

LRP 2021-23               PN 22-05 February 12, 2022 Preston Auto Group

Wetlands within a 35-acre property located at 9140 Peach Street, Summit Township, Erie County, Pennsylvania (42.02320, -80.05700)

The applicant proposes to permanently discharge dredged or fill material into 3.67 acres of six wetlands associated with ten acres of earth disturbance for the development of a new automobile sales and service facility.  The applicant proposes to mitigate for impacts to waters of the U.S. by constructing a 5.82 acre wetland mitigation site on the same property.
LRP 2001-242 PN 22-07 February 18, 2022 Energy Harbor Nuclear

Ohio River, left bank, mile 34.55 to 34.93, in Shippingport, Beaver County, Pennsylvania.

The applicant proposes to renew their maintenance dredge permit, to preform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years at the Energy Harbor Nuclear Corporation, to ensure adequate flow at intake and discharge structures and to maintain proper depth at the barge slip.  Approximately 23,000 cubic yards to be dredged.

LRP 2021-414 PN 22-04 February 13, 2022 City of DuBois 34-acre site at 96 Guy Avenue in City of Dubois, PA The applicant proposes to construct a new wastewater treatment plant including tanks, buildings, driveways, access road across Sandy Lick Creek, outfall structure, and storm water management facilities. 

LRP 2012-1313


PN 22-03

PN 22-03 Map

January 26, 2022 Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. Wetlands associated with the East Branch of Wolf Creek Berg Mine Barkeyville Borough Venango County, Pennsylvania

The applicant has already been approved to impact 2.352 acres of PEM wetlands for non-coal surface mining activities at the Berg Mine in Barkeyville Borough, Venango County, Pennsylvania.  The applicant now proposes to expand the project area to impact 0.42 additional acres of PEM wetland for a total of 2.772 acres of permanent impact to waters of the U.S.  

Approved mitigation for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States was on site creation of 2.84 acres of palustrine wetlands.  The additional impacts will now require that the mitiation provide for 3.68 acres of wetland replacement. 

CELRP-RG-S 2021-00024 PN 22-01 February 10, 2022 Churchill Creek Project, LLC Churchill, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, UNTs to Monongahela River, 40.441797, -79.850399 Project activities include the construction of a fulfillment and sorting center with a building footprint of approximately 634,812 square feet, access roads, parking areas, the installation/extension of utility & stormwater appurtenances, and the temporary deployment of E&S control measures.  The project would also include the construction of a new entrance to an adjacent Westinghouse facility within the southeast portion of the site.  The project would temporarily impact 0.171 acre of wetland and permanently impact 1,361 linear feet of waterway and 1.66 acre of a pond. 
N/A SPN 22-02 N/A N/A N/A On December 27, 2021, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) published a final rule in the Federal Register (86 FR 73522) announcing the reissuance of 40 existing nationwide permits (NWPs) and one new NWP.








                      Application No.


Public Notice No. Date Comment Period Closes Applicant Location Project Description
 2010-1132  20-43 December 25, 2020 The Ohio County Coal Company Shoemaker Deep Mine, near Benwood, Marshall County, West Virginia The applicant requests the reauthorization of a previously issued permit to impact approximately 365 linear feet of stream channel by raising the current surface elevation level of the Browns Run impoundment, associated with the Shoemaker mine under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. 
 2008-563  20-42 December 25, 2020 The Marshall County Coal Company  The project is located in unnamed tributaries of Connor Run of Fish Creek of the Ohio River and is located approximately 7.5 miles west of Glen Easton in Franklin District of Marshall County, West Virginia.  The approximate center of the project is Latitude 39’ 50’ 05” and Longitude 80’ 47’ 21” The applicant requests the reauthorization of a previously issued permit to place fill material into waters of the United States in conjunction with site preparations for the expansion of the McElroy Refuse Area.  The activity proposed will impact approximately 11,165 linear feet of 1st and 2nd order tributaries as well as one small 0.01-acre palustrine emergent wetland.  Mitigation for these impacts will include the off-site stream enhancement and riparian restoration of approximately 14,731 linear feet of stream channel within the Middle Grave Creek watershed.
 2016-67  20-41 December 24, 2020 Three Rivers Marine & Rail Terminals, LLC 40.44330078, -79.88526389; Within the Monongahela River, right descending bank, river mile 19.0 to 19.7, Glassport, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The applicant proposes to continue to modify their existing waterfront facility. On December 16, 2015, this office authorized this facility to modify their waterfront, by constructing several mooring structures along the bank of the Monongahela River, from river mile 19.0 to 19.7.  Of the 18 mooring structures originally proposed, only 5 were constructed. Work was halted due to unforeseen circumstances and on December 31, 2019, the permit had expired. The applicant is requesting authorization to continue to construct the remaining 13 quad-tie, pipe dolphins mooring structures.
2018-774  20-37 January 3, 2021 Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority  40.430078, -79.950353; City of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

The applicant proposes to control storm water and reduce sediment transport, flooding, and combined sewer overflows (CSO) in the local Four Mile Run sub-watershed by completing the Four Mile Run (4MR) Storm water Improvement Project. The project construction involves removal of approximately 7,946 cubic yards of accumulated sediments from Panther Hollow Lake, placing 7,782 cubic yards of fill in Panther Hollow lake to increase aquatic habitat and modify the outlet and embankment of Panther Hollow Lake, daylighting approximately 2,550 linear feet of the currently culverted Four Mile Run stream in Junction Hollow downstream of Panther Hollow Lake, and building a separated 2,975 linear foot storm water pipeline, ranging in diameter from 36” to 60”, from Junction Hollow to the right descending bank of the Monongahela River at River Mile 3.45.  The new separated storm water outfall will be located approximately 115 feet upstream from the existing M-29 combined sewer outfall.





December 25, 2020 Litman Excavating, Inc. (LEI) Unnamed tributary (UNT) to Coon Run and adjacent wetlands in Marshall County, West Virginia (39.860538, -80.663433) The applicant proposes to deposit approximately 811,000 cubic yards of fill within five soil stockpiles located south of County Route 29 (Brush Ridge Road) associated with the West Virginia Division of Highways WV 2, Kent to Franklin Road Project.



December 20, 2020 Michael Lazorcik

Blacklick Creek, North Branch to Blacklick Creek, East Wheatfield and Buffington Townships, near Vintondale, Indiana County, and Blacklick Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania (40°29'03.4"/ 78°55'57.2")

 The applicant proposes to collect and treat three large volume acid mine drainage discharges from abandoned underground coal mines from Vinton No. 3 and Jackson Hill mines.  



 December 18, 2020 EUREKA MIDSTREAM, LLC The project is located on Alum Run off of Beautiful Ridge Road, Clarington, Salem Township, Monroe County, Clarington, Ohio (39.730172/80.913371). The Buelso54 Project proposes to install a 1.09-mile, 12-inch diameter steel natural gas pipeline to connect the existing Schindler Well Pad to the proposed Cleveland Valve Yard.


 20-38  December 9, 2020  Stream + Wetlands Foundation  Proposed Deer Creek mitigation site to be incorporated into their In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program (ILFP). The project is located in Lexington Township, Stark County, Ohio.  The 103.0 acre project is located south of German Church Road.  The project’s center coordinates are: latitude 40.984589°, longitude -81.118843°

PN 20-36

 MAP 1

 MAP 2

 MAP 3

November 26, 2020 EBX-EM, LLC, a Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC subsidiary In the northeastern portion of the Bartholomew Fork-Buffalo Creek watershed and the headwaters of the State Road Fork-Pyles Fork watershed, adjacent floodplains and upland corridors, within the Monongahela River watershed, near Mannington, Marion County, WV (39.592907, -80.435928). A new mitigation bank involving approximately 86,564 linear feet of stream and 7.90 acres of wetlands, which will be re-established, expanded, restored, enhanced, and preserved.
 2020-358 PN 20-35  November 27, 2020 Water and Land Solutions, LLC Tomlinson Run State Park, New Manchester, Hancock County, West Virginia (40.540743°N, 80.575108°W) With this submittal the applicant proposes to establish a mitigation bank as defined in 33 CFR 332.8.

PN 20-34


 November 22, 2020  Water and Land Solutions Elizabeth Township in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, approximately two miles southeast of Elizabeth Borough. The project is in the Lower Monongahela River Basin HUC 05020005, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Service Area 19. The site consists of all the headwater tributaries of Firden Run (Tributary 39541 to Fallen Timber Run); Fallen Timber Run is a tributary to the Monongahela River. The project center coordinates are: 40.2549, -79.8654  A new mitigation bank involving the restoration of Firden Run, its four headwater tributaries, and riparian and headwater wetlands. The bank will comprise essentially the entire upper watershed of Firden Run, totaling approximately 7,077 linear feet of re-established and restored streams and approximately 4.89 acres of established, restored, and enhanced wetlands.

 PN 20-33



 November 22, 2020  Water and Land Solutions  

East Finley Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, approximately two miles north of East Finley in the Upper Ohio-Wheeling Basin (HUC 05030106), Pennsylvania State Water Plan Watershed 20). The project center coordinates are: 40.04545, -80.38654

 A new mitigation bank involving the restoration of the main stem of Rocky Run, 11 of its headwater tributaries, and riparian wetlands and forest. The bank will comprise essentially the entire upper watershed of Stream 1, totaling approximately 7,489 linear feet of stream and 10.14 acres of wetlands, which will be re-established, expanded, restored, enhanced, and preserved. During the initial site assessment, additional minor tributaries and wetlands were identified beyond the conservation easement boundary.

 SPN 20-32

 Enc. 1

 Enc. 2


 SPN 20-30


November 13, 2020    State of West Virginia This current Public Notice discusses and solicits public comment on the Huntington and Pittsburgh Districts’ proposal to issue 54 nationwide permits and associated regional conditions and revoke three (3) nationwide permits within West Virginia.
LRP 20-29 w/reference to Special Public Notice NAB 20-62


 Enc. 1

 Enc. 2

 Enc. 3

 Enc. 4

 November  16, 2020     The Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia Corps Districts are seeking comments on the proposed regional conditions relating to the Pennsylvania Nationwide Permits and seeking comments on the need for additional regional conditions to help ensure that the adverse environmental effects of activities authorized by the proposed NWPs are no more than minimal, individually and cumulatively. Unless otherwise noted, all proposed regional conditions listed on this enclosure are applicable for activities in the State of Maryland, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and for Fort Belvoir, Fort Myer, and the Pentagon in Virginia. Comments on regional issues relating to the proposed NWPs and proposed regional conditions should be sent to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, State College Field Office, 1631 South Atherton Street, Suite 101, State College, Pennsylvania, 16801, Attn: Mrs. Amy Elliott or via email at [email protected]. Comments relating to regional conditions are due by 45 days from September 30, 2020.



 Oct. 29,     2020  Glencannon Homes     Association  40.260205, -80.1454; Glencannon Pond Dam in North Strabane Township, Washington County, PA The applicant is proposing to temporarily disturb 1.1 acres of open water habitat to remove approximately 10,000 cubic yards of accumulated sediment from the Glencannon Pond for the purpose of restoring the pond to its original capacity and constructing a sediment forebay.  In addition, 138 linear feet of one unnamed tributary to Little Chartiers Creek will be permanently impacted by the placement of rip-rap and the replacement of a concrete endwall. 

PN 20-27



October 3, 2020 The Village at Marketplace, LLC Montour Run watershed. The proposed project site is located approximately 1,500 feet NW of Market Place Boulevard and Montour Run Road
intersection, between Interstate 376 and Hirshinger Road, in Cecil Township,
Allegheny County, PA (coordinates: 40.46264, -80.186912).
The applicant proposes to construct a mixed residential and commercial development. The project area is 189.6 acres and the area of disturbance would be approximately 135 acres. The residential component of the proposal includes a mix of both townhomes and single-family homes with 271 lots and 441 total residential units open space, amenity facilities, road network, and related infrastructure. The commercial
development includes the construction of a commercial office building with 850 parking spaces located at the eastern portion of the mixed-use development.
The applicant proposes to permanently impact a total of 3,223 linear feet of streams; no wetlands would be disturbed. To offset loss of waters of the United States, the applicant proposes to enhance 5,963 linear feet of stream with a combination of on-site mitigation and off-site mitigation in McCandless Township, Allegheny County, PA. Drawings and mitigation plans of the proposed project are attached to this notice.
   SPN October 4, 2020     The purpose of this Public Notice is to request comments on whether to issue, for a five year period, the Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit 6 (PASPGP-6).




October 3,   2020 Todd Stern c/o Reed Smith, LLP Right descending bank of the Monongahela River at River Mile 4.2 in Pittsburgh, PA (40.413579, -79.951809) The applicant is proposing the addition of two 60-foot long 8-foot wide floating boat docks to the existing mooring system and river access improvements within the Hazelwood Green Development.  Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.




      Guidelines for Wetland Mitigation Banking and
In-Lieu Fee Programs in Ohio





September 16, 2020  Washington County   Council on Economic   Development 40.426389, -80.407778; Hanover Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania The applicant proposes to place fill in a total of 0.952 acres of PEM/PSS wetlands to develop a seven lot expansion to construct the third phase (Phase 1C) of the existing Starpointe Business Park.  1.0 acre of wetland mitigation is proposed on-site to compensate for the proposed wetland impacts.  Drawings of the proposed development are attached to this notice.




September 5, 2020  City of Struthers 41.06285, -80.59449; Mahoning River; River Mile 14.0-15.0; Cities of Struthers and Campbell; Mahoning County, OH The applicant proposes to impact up to 2,900 linear feet of the Mahoning River to remove the existing Struthers Dam, remove accumulated sediments by mechanical dredging methods, and perform channel restoration, as well as bank stabilization activities using native substrate material and imported rock.  Drawings of the proposed work are attached to this notice.
   SPN 20-51        
 N/A LRH-OH SWVM-2020   August 4, 2025  N/A  Ohio Statewide

The purpose of this Public Notice is to advise the interested stakeholders on current status of the re-evaluation, modification and implementation of the Ohio Stream and Wetland Valuation Metric (SWVM).






 August 18, 2020

 Hanson Aggregates     BMC, Inc.  Allegheny River, Right Descending Bank, River Mile 32.5, Murphy’s Bottom, near Murphy Road, South Buffalo Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania (40.693492, -79.629483)Allegheny River, Right Descending Bank, River Mile 32.5, Murphy’s Bottom, near Murphy Road, South Buffalo Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania (40.693492, -79.629483) The applicant proposes to reclaim a historic barge inlet on the Allegheny River by filling in the mouth.  The reclamation will result in filling in approximately 130’ of waters along the river.  All but 15’ of waters has been naturally silted in.  A berm will be created with a top elevation 20’ above normal pool level.







 August 1,    2020  XcL Midstream   Operating, LLC Laurel Run and unnamed tributaries of Laurel Run and Grave Creek in Marshall County, West Virginia (Eastern terminus: 39.824194, -80.598920; Western terminus: 39.823013, -80.636399)  The applicant proposes to place temporary fill in 458 linear feet of five streams for the purpose of constructing the proposed Tollway Phase II Option 2 pipeline. The streams will be returned to pre-construction conditions following the completion of the project. Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.



 August 1,     2020 Tug Hill Operating, LLC within UNTs to Long Run, Moundsville, Marshall County, West Virginia The applicant proposes to temporarily impact 168 linear feet of intermittent & 463 linear feet of ephemeral UNTs to Long Run for the purpose of installing 8-inch steel natural gas pipeline associated with the Burch Ridge Pipeline Project.  The pipeline will be laid within excavated trenches and backfilled upon project completion.  Site access will require the clearing of 9.50 acres of trees as well as temporarily impact waterways with the use of timber mats and ford crossings.





 July 31,     2020 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, District 12-0 The proposed project is located along State Route (SR) 0981 Section Q20 in Mount Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. The applicant proposes to discharge fill into waters of the United States in conjunction with the realignment and widening of portions of SR 0981 in Mount Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. The scope-of-work includes widening and realigning sections of SR 0981 for approximately 4.5 miles beginning near the intersection with SR 0819 and ending north of the intersection with Windy Hill Court in Norvelt, Pennsylvania.






 July 26, 2020  Harmony   Environmental, LLC The proposed mitigation bank site is located in the Fike Run of Little Sandy Creek watershed along unnamed tributaries of Fike Run, adjacent floodplains and upland corridors, within the Cheat River watershed, near Bruceton Mills, Preston County, WV (39.7040, -79.4967).

The Bank Sponsor, Harmony, received approval for their UMBI on July 21, 2019 (LRH-2016-00006-WV No. 2017-1734). As defined in 33 CFR 332.8, an UMBI is a single mitigation banking instrument which provides for future authorization of additional mitigation bank sites. As additional sites are selected, they must be reviewed and approved by the IRT as modifications to the existing mitigation banking instrument. Therefore, the current proposal is under consideration as a modification to Harmony’s UMBI.

Harmony has submitted a mitigation plan to the Pittsburgh District Corps and the other members of the WV IRT to develop and operate a stream mitigation bank, known as the Howdershelt Run Mitigation Bank. The Howdershelt Run Mitigation Bank would implement restoration measures and conserve the aquatic environment and upland buffer areas in an effort to provide ecological benefits, including improvements to water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, erosion control, and flood conveyance and storage within the watershed. The goal of the mitigation bank is to restore and preserve self-sustaining, functional stream corridors and wetlands to replace the functions and values lost due to unavoidable adverse impacts to streams and wetlands from agricultural activities, cattle grazing, roads, and timbering. The mitigation bank is anticipated to include the unnamed tributaries of Fike Run, their adjacent floodplains and upland corridors. The Bank Sponsor proposes to restore approximately 2,012 linear feet (lf) of stream, enhance approximately 1,803 lf of stream, and establish approximately 1,279 lf of stream. Wetland credits will be determined using the West Virginia Stream and Wetland Valuation Metric 2.1. The Bank will have components of both wetland enhancement and preservation. The acreage and predicted credits generated will be determined after the wetland delineation has been performed and included in the mitigation plan.





 July 24,     2020  The Marshall County     Coal Company Conner Run Impoundment, 10.4 miles south of Moundsville, Marshall County, West Virginia (39° 49’ 43.14”N, 80° 47’ 41.028”W) The applicant proposes to continue operating and maintaining an existing fly ash and coal refuse impoundment by obtaining an after-the-fact permit; further, to permit ongoing and future operations up through and concluding with the capping and covering of the impoundment.
2018-1515   20-16   July 16,      2020   Wolf Run Mining       Company, LLC In Simpson Creek, unnamed tributaries of Simpson Creek and adjacent wetlands near County Route 76/Galloway Road in Philippi, Barbour County, West Virginia (39.208, -80.0958) The applicant proposes to construct, operate, and reclaim the Baker Run Site Project (WVDEP Article 3 Permit No. U-15-83), a proposed ancillary facilities location for the existing Sentinel Mine, consisting of a ventilation shaft, centrifugal fan and associated access roads and drainage control structures. The project results in the permanent placement of fill in 1,424 linear feet of five streams (351 linear feet perennial and 1,073 linear feet intermittent) and 0.63 acres of two wetlands (0.46 acres of palustrine emergent wetland and 0.17 acres of palustrine scrub shrub wetland). Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice. Mitigation for unavoidable impacts Waters of the United States is proposed via purchase of 1,059 in-lieu fee stream credits and 1.26 in-lieu fee wetland credits.




July 8, 2020 Appalachia Midstream Services, LLC Unnamed tributaries to Short Creek near the town of Clinton in Ohio County, West Virginia.  The Project extends from 40.136300°, -80.658871° to 40.129966°, -80.638311°.

The applicant proposes to construct 1.34 miles of a 10-inch natural gas gathering line.  Construction is proposed to occur within a combined permanent and temporary 75-foot right-of-way, access roads within a 35-foot wide corridor, and temporary workspaces.  The applicant proposes to temporarily impact a total of 461 linear feet of eight streams and 0.05 acre of three wetlands.  Temporary fill will be removed and crossings will be restored to pre-construction conditions.  Loss of waters of the United States is not proposed for this project; therefore no mitigation is proposed for the project. Drawings of the proposed work are attached to this notice.

2018-730 20-14 July 2, 2020 Benedum Airport Authority Unnamed tributaries of Peddler Run and Ann Run and adjacent wetlands near the North Central West Virginia Airport northeast of the city of Bridgeport, Harrison County, West Virginia (39.306050, -80.220450)

The applicant proposes to construct the Terminal and Aerotech Park Phase I, of a two-phase project, which will involve airport expansion activities including the construction of a new terminal, taxiway, apron, parking lot, Taxiway H reconstruction, entrance roadway to the terminal, and an aeronautical industrial park by developing an area east of Runway 3-21 at the North Central West Virginia Airport. The project proposes to permanently fill 7,710 linear feet of 16 streams (1,493 linear feet perennial, 4,686 linear feet intermittent and 1,531 linear feet ephemeral) and 3.363 acres of 15 wetlands (3.162 acres palustrine emergent, 0.036 acres palustrine scrub-shrub and 0.165 acres palustrine forested). Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.

Mitigation for unavoidable impacts to Waters of the United States would consist of deducting a total of 1.929 acres of wetlands from the Brushy Fork Mitigation Bank and Hackers Creek Mitigation Bank. The applicant also proposes to restore/enhance/preserve 12,674 linear feet of ephemeral, intermittent and perennial stream channels, enhance of 1.202 acres of palustrine emergent wetland to palustrine forested wetland, and restore 2.501 acres of palustrine forested wetland by constructing the Little Run Mitigation Site.



June 28, 2020

The Nature Conservancy in Ohio

Wetlands and waterways within the mouth of the Deer Creek watershed (HUC 0503010302) in Marlboro Township, Stark County, Ohio, east and north of Allen Drive Northeast, south of Pontius Street Northeast, and west of Marlboro Avenue Northeast (40.968135°, -81.220806°)

The Walborn Reservoir In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Project will generate in-kind mitigation credits to replace advanced mitigation credits that have been sold in the Mahoning Watershed (HUC 05030103) as compensation for activities authorized by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Ohio EPA through the issuance of permits. The project will be designed, implemented, and managed to attain the following basic objectives:

• Restore riparian stream buffers to improve water quality, regulate watershed hydrology, and attenuate runoff.

• Produce high-quality wetlands and wetland buffer habitat that will result in a gain in aquatic resource functions that are currently not present on the site.

• Provide a diverse interspersion of restored habitat features and buffers.

• Establish connectivity and habitat corridors within an existing natural area.

• Provide an endowment for the long-term maintenance of the mitigation site.





June 26, 2020 XcL Midstream Operating, LLC Fish Creek, unnamed tributaries of Fish Creek and adjacent wetlands near Lynn Camp, Marshall County, West Virginia (39.772968, -80.692332) The applicant proposes to construct the Knob Creek to Keith Stern Pipeline which will include the installation and burial of two 8-inch diameter steel pipelines and one 4-inch diameter steel pipeline within a single right-of-way. Temporary fill will be placed in a total of 1,245 linear feet of twelve streams and 0.231 acres of six palustrine emergent wetlands. Temporarily impacted streams and wetlands will be restored to pre-construction conditions following the completion of construction. 0.018 acres of two palustrine forested wetlands will be permanently converted to palustrine emergent wetlands. Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.




 June 19, 2020 Heartland Fabrication, LLC

Monongahela River, right bank, Mile 57.2-58, in Brownsville Borough and Luzerne Township, Fayette County, PA (40.015170°, -79.923326°)


The applicant proposes to perform a total of 1.52 acres of maintenance dredging in the Monongahela River, in order to utilize and maintain the existing Heartland Fabrication facility for barge storage, launching, and marine repairs.  Drawings of the proposed work are attached to this notice.  





 June 19, 2020 

Benjamin Capo, Bridgewater Landing Marina                       404 Brkich Way, Bridgewater, PA 15009

The Bridgewater Landing Marina (project) is located at mile marker 0.3 of the right descending bank of the Beaver River in Bridgewater, Beaver County, Pennsylvania (40.698786°, -80.291055°)

The project includes a marina that was constructed in the early 2000s and no new or additional work is proposed. The facility consists of three (3) docks along the right descending bank of the Beaver River ("A" Dock North, "A" Dock South, "B" Dock, and "C" Dock). The mooring area is 1.88 acres in size. Total area of docks in the Beaver River at Bridgewater Landings Marina is 12,806 square feet. No disturbance of land results from the operation of the marina or the docks on the river. All facilities / features shown on attached Drawing No. 1 of 2 (Site Plan) are existing and no changes or new impacts are proposed.





 June 17, 2020 Glacial Sand & Gravel Co.

Mine 60, Scott Township,

Lawrence County, PA                     

N 41°, 1’, 54” : W -80°, 9’, 32”

The applicant proposes to impact four wetlands totaling 1.87 acres associated with a 246.2 acre sand and gravel mine.  Two hundred linear feet of unnamed tributaries B and C to Slippery Rock Creek, will be impacted to construct a haul road and conveyor belt. Mitigation for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States will result in the creation of 2.98 acres of palustrine emergent/scrub shrub/forested wetlands on site.

  2020-127   20-9 May 17, 2020  Rosebud Mining Company

The proposed Miller Hollow Refuse Site is located in unnamed tributaries to Dutch Run and adjacent wetlands along Dutch Run Road in Plumcreek Township, Armstrong County and Armstrong Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania                                  (40.6977, -79.2991).


The applicant proposes to develop a new coal refuse disposal site (Miller Hollow Refuse Site). The proposed Miller Hollow disposal site would be contiguous to the Dutch Run Preparation Plant (CMAP No.03851601) and adjacent to the active Coal Refuse Disposal Area (CRDA) No. 2. (CMAP No. 03870701). The project as proposed would permanently impact 5,523 linear feet of eight unnamed tributaries to Dutch Run and 4.04 acres of wetland (3.84 acres PEM and 0.17 acre PSS). The impacts, as proposed, would result from construction of sedimentation ponds, site preparation, and refuse placement.

N/A LRH-OH SWVM-2020 May 24, 2020 N/A Ohio Statewide The United States Army Corps of Engineers published on February 23, 2020 a public notice titled “LRH – OH SWVM-2020 THE OHIO STREAM AND WETLAND VALUATION METRIC FOR APPLICATION WITHIN THE STATE OF OHIO.” The purpose of the public notice was to solicit comments from the interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the use of the Ohio Stream and Wetland Valuation Metric (SWVM).  Any comments received will be considered by the Corps to determine whether to modify, adopt, or terminate the use of the Ohio SWVM. Comments, both favorable and unfavorable, will be accepted, made a part of the record, and receive full consideration in subsequent actions on these procedures.  The public comment period on this proposal has been extended until May 24, 2020.  All aspects, as described in the original public notice remain unchanged.



April 30, 2020 4K Industrial Park LLC

Along the right descending bank of the Ohio River, river mile 88.0, Martins Ferry, Belmont County, Ohio. Lat.: 40.09909167 North, -80.71114722 West.

The applicant proposes to construct a barge loading and offloading waterfront facility. The facility will be receiving fluids from the Gas and Oil markets for processing, to reuse the fluids for drilling operations or to be sent to a disposal facility.  

N/A 20-8      

Due to recent developments concerning the COVID19, and potential unanticipated office closures. The Pittsburgh District Regulatory Branch requests that all new regulatory permit applications and incoming correspondence be submitted electronically.


2020-67 20-5 April 11, 2020
Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission
682 Prospect Street
Berea, OH 440176        
Mainline toll plaza at Mile Post 211, Ohio Turnpike, Newton Falls, Trumbull County, Ohio

The applicant proposes to impact 4.89 acres of palustrine wetlands and 427 linear feet of unnamed tributary to Lawson Run to construct a new toll plaza at Mile Post 211 of the Ohio Turnpike.  Drawings of the proposed toll plaza are attached to this notice.  



2019-1080 20-2(B) March 22, 2020 General Motors LLC on behalf of GigaPower LLC   General Motors LLC on behalf of GigaPower LLC (Applicant) proposes to develop approximately 158 acres of land located in the Village of Lordstown, Trumbull County, Ohio, to construct a mass-production battery cell manufacturing plant (Project).  Due to concerns of the COVID-19 outbreak, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency have decided to CANCEL the previously scheduled face-to-face joint meeting/hearing on March 12, 2020.  This document also serves to notify the public that the Corps will hold a virtual meeting that will take the place of the CANCELLED face-to-face meeting.  Details on how to participate in the virtual meeting are provided in section 2.
2019-01035  20-06 April 5, 2020 City of Wheeling Ohio River, Wheeling Island Main Channel, Mile 90.58, Wheeling, Ohio County, West Virginia (Lat: 40.067, Long: -80.725)

The applicant proposes to construct a commercial dock for the purpose of providing moorage for stern wheel boat cruises.  The dock will comprise of six - 40 foot by 8 foot, one - 50 foot by 8 foot, and one - 30 foot by 8 foot dock sections with a 20 foot by 4 foot gangway.  The dock will total 2,640 sq. ft. and extend 69 linear feet riverward into the Ohio River, a navigable waters of the United States.  Two stern wheel boats will operate from this dock occupying a 120 foot by 50 foot and 120 foot by 30 foot area on the riverward side of the dock.  The dock, including the moored stern wheelers, will extend 113 linear feet into the Ohio River.  A crane barge, materials barge, and towboat will be utilized to remove existing/install new pilings and to install the dock segments.  The project would be located on the left descending bank of river mile 90.58.  Drawings of the proposed dock are attached to this notice.

     N/A CELRP-RG-20-LOP1 April 6, 2020           N/A          State of Ohio    

The purpose of this Public Notice is to inform interested parties of the proposed activity and to solicit comments regarding the proposed renewal of the Letter of Permission for Construction of Recreational Boat Docks within the State of Ohio.


   N/A LRH-OH SWVM-2020 April 24, 2020          N/A      Ohio Statewide

The United States Army Corps of Engineers published on February 23, 2020 a public notice titled “LRH – OH SWVM-2020 THE OHIO STREAM AND WETLAND VALUATION METRIC FOR APPLICATION WITHIN THE STATE OF OHIO.” The purpose of the public notice was to solicit comments from the interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the use of the Ohio Stream and Wetland Valuation Metric (SWVM).  Any comments received will be considered by the Corps to determine whether to modify, adopt, or terminate the use of the Ohio SWVM. Comments, both favorable and unfavorable, will be accepted, made a part of the record, and receive full consideration in subsequent actions on these procedures.  The public comment period on this proposal has been extended until April 24, 2020.  All aspects, as described in the original public notice remain unchanged.

2018-715 19-14 A March 4, 2020

FJA Developers               3445 Winners Circle Canfield, OH 44406

US-224 Canfield,   Mahoning County, OH 

(41.02377 N : -80.79290 W)

This is an amended public notice for PN 19-14 which ended on April 3, 2019.  The applicant proposed to impact 1.44 acres of Category 2 wetlands and 295 linear feet of unnamed tributary to Meander Creek for the construction of a residential/commercial development including, 64 residential lots, 33 multi-unit town-home lots, a clubhouse, pool, and a 17 acre retail area.  The applicant had proposed to create 1.44 acres of wetlands on-site as mitigation for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States. The applicant’s amended plan proposes an additional 0.41 ac of wetland impacts totaling, 1.85 acres and 295 linear feet of unnamed tributary to Meander Creek for the previously described development.   The amended proposed mitigation for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States is to purchase 3.9 in-lieu fee wetland credits and 295 LF of in-lieu fee stream credits.

2019-837   20-4 March 17, 2020 Norfolk Southern Railway Company

The project is on and within wetlands and unnamed tributaries of Narrow Run and the Ohio River starting at the existing Norfolk Southern Rail north of East 26th Street in Bellaire, Belmont County, Ohio (40.012334/-80.7441629) and extending south for approximately 16 miles to Powhatan Point (39.837461/-80.827797).

The applicant proposes to stabilize railroad roadbed and embankments in 20 separate areas along an approximately 16-mile stretch of track extending from Bellaire, OH south to Powhatan Point, OH, known to the Norfolk Southern Railway Company (NSR) as the River Line. Railroad roadbed and embankment stabilization is anticipated to include construction of rock buttresses or earth retaining structures.  The project proposes to permanently impact 0.07 acre of wetland, 605 linear feet of intermittent/perennial stream, 3,808 linear feet of the Ohio River, and to temporarily impact 118 linear feet of intermittent/perennial stream, and 9,880 linear feet of the Ohio River.

NAB 2014-00371-P02 SPN-    20-11 March 19, 2020 This Special Public Notice is issued jointly by the Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  

The purpose of this Special Public Notice is to inform interested parties of the proposed activity and to solicit comments concerning the proposed development of an in-lieu fee (ilf)compensatory wetland and stream mitigation program by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) for use throughout the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.



2019-1080 20-2 (A) March 22, 2020 General Motors LLC on behalf of GigaPower LLC Unnamed tributaries and adjacent wetlands of Mud Creek in the Village of Lordstown, Trumbull County, Ohio northeast of I-80, west of State Route 45 (Tod Ave SW), and east of the Lordstown Motors Corporation manufacturing facility (41.152727, -80.863155) This document supplements Notice No. 20-2 and notifies the public of an upcoming meeting/hearing, jointly held by The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) and The United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), for a project proposed by General Motors LLC on behalf of GigaPower LLC. General Motors LLC proposes to develop approximately 158 acres of land located in the Village of Lordstown, Trumbull County, Ohio, to construct a mass-production battery cell manufacturing plant to supply battery-electric vehicles.




February 3, 2020   The proposed project is located along the State Route 0228 Section 270 corridor in Middlesex Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania.

The applicant proposes to discharge fill into waters of the United States in conjunction with the realignment and widening of State Route (SR) 0228 Section 270. The SR 0228 Balls Bend project includes for the proposed widening of SR 0228 from 2 lanes to 4 lanes in Middlesex Township, Butler County, PA. The purpose of the proposed project is to improve mobility and safety for the traveling public along the SR 0228 corridor from the area just east of Three Degrees Road near the Adams/Middlesex Township line, to the intersection with Pennsylvania SR 8.  The applicants preferred alternative results in approximately 3,214 linear feet (LF) of permanent and approximately 721 LF of temporary stream channel impacts. These impacts include the removal of three existing structures and the placement of four new structures. Additionally, 1.21 acres of permanent and 0.14 acres of temporary wetland impacts are expected to occur as a result of the proposed project.  Stream Mitigation for the project includes the relocation of approximately 1,813 LF of channel and approximately 2,602 LF of improvements to stream bank/riparian buffer along two sections of Glade Run within the project site. Permanent wetland impacts will be mitigated on site through the construction of approximately 2.64 acres of wetland habitat.

LRH-2016-00006-WV (MOD)   SPN      

This notice is to notify you that on January 15, 2020, after consideration of the comments received, the Division Commander accepted the WVDEP’s modified WQC for the 2017 NWPs. The modification includes changes to Special Conditions A, C, and L of the WQC for NWP 12 (Utility Line Activities); no other changes to the standard or permit-specific special conditions of the Section 401 WQC were made.





February 15, 2020 General Motors LLC on behalf of GigaPower LLC

Unnamed tributaries and adjacent wetlands of Mud Creek in the Village of Lordstown, Trumbull County, Ohio northeast of I-80, west of State Route 45 (Tod Ave SW), and east of the Lordstown Motors Corporation manufacturing facility (41.152727, -80.863155)

The applicant proposes a joint venture, currently named GigaPower LLC, between General Motors Holdings LLC and LG Chem Michigan Inc. (LG).  The proposal is to develop approximately 158 acres of land located in the Village of Lordstown, Trumbull County, Ohio to construct a mass-production battery cell manufacturing plant near rail and highway access in order to supply next generation battery-electric vehicles.  The project will result in the unavoidable impact of 65.99 acres of 24 wetlands and 81linear feet of one stream. 


20-1 February 5, 2020

Virginia Electric and Power Company d/b/a Dominion Energy Virginia


Morgan Run, Red Sea A, Red Sea B, Helmick Run, Stony River, No Name Run, Above Lake, Headwaters, Laurel Run, near Petersburg, Grant County, West Virginia


The applicant requests the reauthorization of a previously issued permit to place limestone sand for acid mine drainage abatement in several Stony River tributary streams. The tributary streams are located upstream of Mount Storm Lake, in a 1200-acre impoundment of the Stony River, in northern Grant County, West Virginia.




2018 - 2019

Application No. Public Notice No.  Date Comment Period Closes Applicant Location  Project Description
2019-1054 19-66 January 16, 2020

                                                                                                                                                     Emmert Industrial Corporation d.b.a Emmert International


Left descending bank of the Monongahela River, River mile 79.1 in Monongahela Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania (39.853333, -79.928056)

The applicant proposes to construct a temporary barge offloading ramp extending upslope from the Monongahela River to an existing access road for the Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC power plant property.  The ramp will be 24 feet wide and approximately 150 feet long, with approximately 85 feet of ramp placed over the water and the remaining 65 feet on the embankment. It will be supported by clusters of H-piles driven into the riverbed and will be set approximately 10 feet above the normal pool elevation of 763 feet.  A 54 foot wide and 190 foot long barge mooring area is proposed.  The project area will be restored to pre-construction conditions after the ramp is removed.  Drawings of the proposed ramp and barge mooring area are attached to this notice.  

1999-2132 19-63 December 27, 2019

Univar Solutions USA Inc.                                                                                                   328 Bunola River Road                                                                                                        Bunola, Pennsylvania 15020


  Monongahela River, Mile 27.8, Right Bank,    Bunola, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania


The applicant proposes re-new their current permit to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years, to provide sufficient depths for their barge docking operations. The proposed dredging area is approximately 200 feet long by 60 feet wide and to a depth of 10 feet below normal pool elevation 726.9. The dredge material would be transported to an upland disposal site to preclude its re-entry into the river.

1986-17 19-62 December 18, 2019

Tunnel Ridge Coal, LLC                                                                                                           2596 Battle Run Road                                                                                                 Tridelphia, West Virginia 26059


Along the Ohio River, Mile 81.9-82.2, Left Bank, two miles north of Pike Island L/D, OH County, WV(Latitude: 40.1771944,   Longitude: -80.6836305)

The applicant proposes to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years to remove accumulated sediment adjacent to the in-take pumps in order to continue providing water to the prep plant and to ensure continued access to the Tunnel Ridge River Load-Out Barge Docking Facility.


2019-530 19-61 December 7, 2019

Menard Inc. 5101 Menard Dr.  Eau Claire, WI 54703

Wetlands and unnamed tributaries to Morrison Run, North Jackson, Mahoning County, Ohio (41.109/-80.871)

The applicant proposes to construct a concrete block manufacturing plant, a truss plant, a bagging facility, a wood recycling plant, a distribution facility within a 90 acre limit of disturbance in North Jackson, Mahoning County, Ohio (41.109/-80.871).  The project proposes to permanently impact 1,907 linear feet of ephemeral channel, 725 linear feet of intermittent channel, and 1.96 acres of wetland.  The applicant proposes to mitigate for loss of aquatic resources by paying into an Army Corps approved In Lieu Fee Program, as well as construct over 6,000 linear feet of vegetated swales on site.
2017-1183 19-60 November 24, 2019 Allegheny County Sanitary Authority

Woods Run Wastewater Treatment Plant, right descending bank of River Mile 3.6 of the Ohio River, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (40.480833, -80.048333).

The applicant proposes to expand the existing Woods Run Wastewater Treatment Plant to eliminate sanitary sewer overflows and to reduce the number and total volume of upstream combined sewer overflow events on the right descending bank of the Ohio River, Mile 3.6, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.  The applicant proposes to remove existing mooring cells and construct a new river wall, relocate an existing outfall, construct a new outfall to discharge high flow, relocate an existing combined sewer overflow, construct a new outfall, and modify existing stormwater outfalls.  The river wall will permanently impact 1,158 LF of the Ohio River with 0.23 acre of permanent impact. The river wall requires revetment at its base for stabilization which will permanently impact 1,158 LF by 25 LF with 0.67 acre of permanent impact.  The applicant will place riprap with integrated aggregate on top of the revetment area that will use native material from the river systems resulting in 0.28 acre of permanent impact.


NA SPN      19-59   Announcing the Release of Form ENG 6082 – Nationwide Permit (NWP)                Pre-Construction Notification (PCN)    
2019-775 19-57 November 4, 2019  Peters Township

40.274669, -80.101844; along McMurray Road and Center Church Road in Peters Township, Washington County, PA

The applicant is proposing to construct a new Township road through the property intersecting East McMurray Road approximately 200 feet east of the existing Rolling Hills Country Club driveway and intersecting Center Church Road near the existing Presbyterian Church.  A portion of East McMurray Road will be realigned to create a new 4-way signalized intersection.  The project includes the placement of permanent fill in 1100 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Brush Creek, the construction of 915 linear feet of relocated open stream channel, the construction of one 102 linear foot stream enclosure, and permanent fill in 0.093 acres of four palustrine emergent (PEM) wetlands. 0.10 acre of PEM wetland mitigation is proposed on-site to compensate for the proposed wetland impacts
2018-847 Revised 19-17 October 17, 2019 Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC

Jefferson Township, Somerset County, PA, and is approximately 1 mile southeast of Bakersville, 6 miles northwest of Somerset, 22 miles northeast of Connellsville, and 19 miles southeast of Mount Pleasant, PA 40° 1' 30.00” North -79° 10' 57” West

Project-centered restoration efforts will focus on the creation of a stable, exchanging and self-regulating stream, wetland, and riparian system. Functional gains from the restoration activities will include reduction of bank erosion and sedimentation, re-establishment of stream and floodplain connectivity, re-establishment of the hyporheic zone and associated floodplain wetlands, improved flood capacity and storage, improved baseflow and groundwater storage, improved biogeochemical cycling, improved vertical and horizontal stability, improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat, increased vegetative diversity, improved water quality, and eradication of invasive species. 
NA SPN     19-55  

Step 1 Repeal of 2015 Clean Water Rule and Re-codifying the Previous Definition of the Waters of the U.S. 

  Clean Water Act Final Rule Repealing the 2015 Clean Water Rule and Re-codifying the Previous Definition of the “Waters of the U.S.”
1999-1166 19-53

October 5, 2019

Glencannon Homes Association

40.260205, -80.1454; Glencannon Pond Dam in North Strabane Township, Washington County, PA


The applicant is proposing to temporarily disturb 1.1 acres of open water habitat to remove approximately 10,000 cubic yards of accumulated sediment from the Glencannon Pond for the purpose of restoring the pond to its original capacity and constructing a sediment forebay.  In addition, 138 linear feet of one unnamed tributary to Little Chartiers Creek will be permanently impacted by the placement of rip-rap and the replacement of a concrete endwall. 

2017-391 19-52 October 6, 2019

7590 Dawson Properties of Howland, LLC                                                                        7608 Dawson Drive                                                                                                       Howland Township, Ohio 44484


7590 Dawson Drive                                                         Howland Township, Mahoning County, Ohio

The site is a 4.48 acre parcel of which, 1.82 acres were wetlands and filled without a permit.  Approximately 300 linear feet of stream has also been relocated.  The applicant proposes to obtain a 404 permit to impact 70 feet of stream for a culvert and to keep 0.54 acre of fill in wetlands for the construction of an office building access roads and parking lot. Proposed mitigation for the project includes the restoration of 1.28 acres of the remaining unauthorized impacted wetlands and the on site creation of 0.54 acres of wetlands. 

2017-1369 19-51 September 11, 2019 

H & H Materials, Inc.

190 Canon Road                                                             Stoneboro, PA 16153

(41.364203; -80.150257)



The applicant proposes to impact 5.41 acres of five palustrine wetlands and 1,917 linear feet of two unnamed tributaries to the Little Shenango River for the plant expansion of surface mining and the construction of an access road.  The plant is located in Stoneboro, Mercer County, PA.  Mitigation for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States will result in the on-site creation of 10.23 acres of palustrine wetlands and 1,978 linear feet of stream channel.

2019-773 19-49 August 21, 2019

Richard E. Riddles, Jr.

Monongahela River, left descending bank, Mile 122.6, Rivesville, Marion County, West Virginia.

The applicant proposes to construct a 396 square foot U-shaped dock for private recreational use and place 80 linear feet of rip-rap for the purpose of stabilizing the river bank.


2019-567 19-48 August 13, 2019 John M. Simmons, Sr.

Ohio River, Wheeling Island Main Channel, Mile 90.53, Wheeling, Ohio County, West Virginia.

The applicant proposes to construct a 240 square foot dock for private recreational use at river mile 90.53.

1995-18 19-47 August 29, 2019

Rivers Material Inc.

Monongahela River, Right Bank, Mile 13.9 - 14.1, McKeesport, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

The applicant proposes to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for the period of 10 years, at river mile 13.9 to 14.1 right descending bank, removing  approximately 12,000 cubic yards of river sediment from the face of the dock wall.

2017-1942 19-44 August 22, 2019

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission


Mile Post (MP) 102-109 of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Mainline (I-76) in Jefferson, Lincoln, and Somerset Townships in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. 

The applicant proposes to reconstruct seven miles of the existing Turnpike mainline (I-76) from approximate MP 102 to MP 109 and widening of the Turnpike to three (3) travel lanes in each direction. Project construction activities propose to permanently impact 13,522 linear feet (LF) of streams; permanently impact 1.519 acres of wetlands; and temporarily impact 4,680 LF of streams; and temporarily impact 1.989 acres of wetlands.  The Klejka Stream Mitigation Site will incur permanent impacts of 0.011 acres to PEM wetlands and temporary impacts of 0.536 acres to PEM wetlands. The applicant proposes to deduct 3.142 acres of wetlands from the PTC Louie-Beach Advance Wetland Compensation Site.  The applicant also proposes to relocate/establish/enhance 2,799 LF of perennial streams, 1,032 LF of intermittent streams, and 5,130 LF of ephemeral streams and enhance 3,079 LF of stream Clear Run with the construction of the Klejka Stream Mitigation Site.

2019-722 19-45 August 16, 2019 Seneca Landfill, Incorporated

A 34.3 acre property west of the existing Seneca landfill and mine and north of Hartmann Road in Lancaster and Jackson Townships, Butler County, Pennsylvania (40.816027/-80.084612)

The applicant proposes to excavate unconsolidated soils beneath the existing 34.3 acre Seneca non coal mine to use as portions of a landfill liner system.  The project proposes to permanently impact 0.08 acre of forested wetland and 1.72 acre of emergent wetland, for a total of 1.8 acres of impact.  The applicant proposes to offset these impacts by conducting permittee responsible mitigation at an onsite property that abuts an existing mitigation site. 







Comment Period Extension

July 27, 2019 The State of West Virginia West Virginia The Corps is providing a comment period as to whether the Division Engineer should accept and incorporate WV's modified 401 WQC.
2019-641 19-41 July 2, 2019

Randy and Roberta Spaziani                                                                                                                           “Just Around the Bend”                                                                                                                                    81 Grant Road                                                                                                                             Monongahela, Pennsylvania 15063

Monongahela River, approximate Mile 34.8, Right Bank, #2 Skippers Landing, John Street in Forward Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.                          Latitude: 40.198259, Longitude: -79.875267


The applicant proposes to construct a private recreational boat dock. The proposed dock will be constructed in a “T” shape formation.


2019-709 19-40 July 2, 2019

Fernando Bolea                                                                                                                                         233 Dawson Avenue                                                                                                                         Rear Building                                                                                                                            Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143


Ohio River, Main Channel, Right Bank, approximate Mile 8.9, in Glenfield Borough, Sewickley, Allegheny County,  Pennsylvania.                                              Latitude: 40.518265, Longitude: -80.135641


The applicant proposes to construct a private recreational boat dock. The proposed dock will be constructed of pre-fabricated aluminum docks in an “L” shape formation


August 4, 2019

Guidelines for Wetland Mitigation Banking

and In-lieu Fee Programs in Ohio, Version 2.0
2019-668 19-43 July 13, 2019 Land Reclamation Group, LLC

The site is on Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County (MAWC) property at the end of Ligonier Reservoir Road, Ligonier Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania and was formerly operated as a water supply reservoir.  The project is in the Upper Loyalhanna Creek HUC 12 (050100080104) and the Kiskimentas HUC 8 (05010008).  Waters on the site drain to Laughlintown Run, to Loyalhanna Creek, to the Conemaugh River; which is a Traditionally Navigable Waterway.  The Project’s approximate center coordinates are: 40.208943 -79.179579


The proposed Furnace Run Mitigation Bank aims to reestablish wetlands and streams at an inactive water supply reservoir on MAWC property.  Furnace Run was historically manipulated and channelized.  The channel was originally impounded in-line.  Due to sediment accumulation, the stream was then moved off-line after the impoundments had been established for several years.  Currently Furnace Run flows through a concrete trapezoid channel with an 8-10 foot drop at the end of the channel which impedes passage of aquatic species.  Upon draw down of the facility, the sponsor will design a stream channel using an upstream reach and a downstream reach as the reference sites. Valley wide structures will be installed to minimize and control any head cutting of the channel.  Wetlands will be reestablished from drained terrestrial areas.  The sponsor proposes to restore/reestablish 14,400' of stream and 2.3 acres of wetland and to rehabilitate 0.7 acre of wetland.




July 13, 2019

Land Reclamation Group, LLC

The site is a 120 acre property that straddles Shrader Hollow Road in Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.  The site is in the Youghiogheny HUC 8 Watershed and the Lower Sewickley HUC 12 watershed.  The Project’s approximate center coordinates are: 40.246674 -79.615996


Currently Long Run and its tributaries are deeply incised on the property providing little area for the stream to flood outside the channel during a high flow event. LRG proposes to reestablish the perennial stream channel by raising the stream bed elevation and connecting it to the flood plain.  In addition to the reestablishment of Long Run and other tributaries on the property, the proposed removal of tile drain systems will restore the water table and reestablish wetland adjacent to Long Run.  This activity is expected to reestablish wetlands throughout the valley.  The sponsor proposes to restore/reestablish 13,064' of stream and 9.1 acres of wetland and to rehabilitate 1.35 acre of wetland.

2005-188 19-39 June 17, 2019 Kelly Klein, Residential Floating Boat Docks

136 Bow Street, Stockdale, Monongahela River, Mile 47.99, Left Descending Bank, Stockdale, Washington County, Pennsylvania.

A Letter of Permission to construct a residential floating boat dock.  To construct a small “L” shaped recreational boat dock.  Four sections measuring, 4 feet wide by 10 feet long, will attached to the existing wall extending riverward approximately 41 feet.  The “L” shape section will consist of two 6 feet by 10 feet sections totaling approximately 24 feet. Two 12 inch diameter pipe pilings will be used to anchor the docks into place.

2005-526 19-38 July 7, 2019 East Bethlehem Township Board of Commissioners 36 Water Street, Fredericktown, Monongahela River, left bank, mile 64.0 – 64.1, East Bethlehem Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania :  To expand their existing public boat docks from 120 feet in length to 960 feet in length
2012-1750 19-36 June 23, 2019

Stream and Wetlands Foundation                                                                                        123 South Broad Street, Suite 238                                                                                    P.O. Box 369                                                                                                                  Lancaster, Ohio 43130

The site is 48.3 acres and straddles Old State Route 558, north of State Route 558 in northern Columbiana County on the Lisbon Quadrangle of the United States Geological Survey: 40.858646, -80.796747

The Stream and Wetlands Foundation proposes to establish the Entrikin Farm in lieu fee site within the approved Stream and Wetlands In Lieu Fee Program Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument.  The primary objectives of the site are to generate wetland and stream mitigation credits to fulfill advance credits sold to permittees through the Stream and Wetlands Foundation in the Upper Ohio and Upper Ohio-Wheeling 8-digit HUC watersheds. The proposed site will include areas that will generate credits though wetland restoration, wetland rehabilitation, upland forest restoration, and stream restoration. The plan proposes to implement natural channel design, promote hydrology restoration, micro-topography restoration, and installation of native trees, shrubs, and seed mixes.  In areas degraded by agriculture or Non-native invasive plants, cattle exclusions and appropriate physical or chemical control means will be implemented.  Portions of the site’s active restoration area in the existing agricultural field and pasture that do not convert to wetland will be restored to upland forest. Additionally, a berm will be constructed in the south and east of the wetland restoration area and will be planted with trees to restore forest.  Specifically, the project proposes to re-establish or rehabilitate 36.1 acres of wetland and restore 2,389 linear feet of stream.






June 14, 2019


Washington County Council on Economic Development



40.426389, -80.407778; Hanover Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania

The applicant proposes to place fill in a total of 0.952 acres of PEM/PSS wetlands to develop a seven lot expansion to construct the third phase (Phase 1C) of the existing Starpointe Business Park.  1.0 acre of wetland mitigation is proposed on-site to compensate for the proposed wetland impacts. 





May 30, 2019

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, District 12-0

The proposed project is located along the State Route 0070 Section L10 and L20 corridor in Sewickley, South Huntingdon and Hempfield Townships, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.

The applicant proposes to discharge fill into waters of the United States associated with road widening and reconstruction of the SR 0070 L10 and L20 corridor.  The project will improve approximately 2.46 miles of SR 0070 including the Yukon Interchange and the Madison Interchange.  The preferred alternative results in approximately 7,148 linear feet (LF) of stream channel being permanently impacted by the SR 0070 L10 and L20 project. This includes 1,134 LF of impacts associated with existing enclosures, and 6,014 LF of impacts related to the proposed project. These impacts include waterway relocations, fill placement, bridge replacement, new culvert construction, culvert replacement and culvert extensions and rock aprons. The applicant proposes to mitigate for the unavoidable stream impacts by constructing and maintaining approximately 6,135 LF of channel on-site.  Compensatory wetland mitigation will occur on-site and will be situated southeast of the Yukon Interchange.  Approximately 5.73 acres of palustrine emergent wetlands will be constructed on-site.  Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.                                                           


2019-516 19-32

May 25, 2019

Bellaire Harbor Service, LLC.Bellaire Harbor Service, LLC. 39.9870, -80.7400; Ohio River, Right Bank, River Mile 96.3; City of Bellaire, Belmont County, OH

The applicant proposes to place four, eighteen inch diameter pipes (deadmen) along the right bank of the Ohio River to create a 175 foot wide, by 2400 foot long mooring area. 


2019-0443 19-33 May 23, 2019

Jim Dunfee                                                                                                                     Murray American Energy, Inc.                                                                                            43226 National Road                                                                                                           St. Clairsville, OH

2006-0565 19-30 May 23, 2019

Richard Anke                                                                                                                     Murray American River Towing, Inc



Monongahela River, left bank, Mile 23.0-23.5,                 in West Elizabeth, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

The applicant proposes to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years, to remove accumulated river sediment to provide adequate depth to moor barges. Approximately 10,000 cubic yards of sediment would be dredged from an area 2,301 feet long, 26 feet wide, to a depth of 12 feet below normal pool shoreline elevation 718.7 fronting 14 mooring cells and also from an area 532 feet long, 45 feet wide, to a depth of 12 feet along the shoreline adjacent to the boathouse. The dredge material would be transported off-site to a landfill facility. A drawing of the proposed project is attached to this notice.


2012-1313 19-28 May 15, 2019

Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.

Wetlands associated with the East Branch of Wolf Creek    Berg Mine                                                                         Barkeyville Borough                                                           Venango County, Pennsylvania


The applicant proposes to impact 2.352 acres of PEM wetlands for non-coal surface mining activities at the Berg Mine in Barkeyville Borough, Venango County, Pennsylvania. 

2018-1584 19-26 April 24, 2019

Buckeye Water District


17547 OH-45

Wellsville, Columbiana County, Ohio 43968

This Public Notice is an amendment to Public Notice 19-4 which closed on March 6, 2019.  The revised project plan includes an on-site Pump Station which proposes an additional 0.048 acre of palustrine wetland impacts and 63 linear feet of impacts to an unnamed tributary to Little Yellow Creek in addition to the original plan that proposes to impact 0.668 acre of wetlands to construct an 18 million gallon raw water reservoir.  Drawings of the proposed resevior are attached to this notice.  





May 9, 2019 Springdale Energy, LLC

40.544321, -79.766574; Allegheny River, Right Bank, River Mile 17.6; Springdale, Allegheny County, PA

The applicant proposes to perform maintenance dredging on 1.82 acres of the Allegheny River, and to operate and maintain five approximately 20’ diameter mooring cells, two approximately 25’ diameter ice breaker cells, and a 100’ long catwalk connected to two 20’ diameter foundation cells, in front of the existing Springdale Generating Station, on the right bank of the Allegheny River, at River Mile 17.6, in Springdale, Allegheny County, PA.

2016-1884 19-25 May 8, 2019

Allegheny Mineral Corp.                                                                                                                         


Mine 57 Slippery Rock Township

Lawrence County, PA

The applicant proposes to impact eighteen wetlands totaling 4.77 acres for the unavoidable impacts  ..

2017-1821 19-23 April 19, 2019

Mack Industries, Inc. 

Wetlands adjacent to South Branch Yankee Run in Fowler Township, Trumbull County, Ohio.

This Public Notice is an amendment to Public Notice 18-14 which closed on May 9, 2018.  The amended application proposes to retain 2.56 acres of previously unauthorized wetland fill to continue to facilitate the stockyard associated with their concrete products and continue to utilize the two storm water ponds necessary to handle site runoff.  




May 3, 2019

Tidewater River Rail Operating, LLC 

40.349927, -80.612820, Ohio River, Right Bank, mile 68.5, City of Steubenville, Jefferson County, OH


The applicant proposes to place a standard barge (26’ wide x 175’ long x 11’ high) on top of two existing barges at an existing docking facility, construct a new docking facility consisting of three stacked standard barges approximately 53’ downstream of the aforementioned existing docking facility, and place approximately 50’ of rock bank stabilization between and downstream of the docking facilities.  A 200’ long, by 35’ wide mooring area will be established riverward of each of the docks.  Drawings of the proposed activity are attached to this notice.  


1954-9 18-46 April 17, 2019

McKees Rocks Industrial Enterprises, Inc.  

Ohio River, Left descending bank, Mile 3.7, McKees Rocks Bottoms, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania 40.481472/-80.054965).


The applicant proposes to expand the MRIE Barge Fleeting Area along 1,079 linear feet of the left descending bank of the Ohio River. This fleeting area proposes to accommodate twenty-five barges of dimensions 35 feet by 195 feet. The fleeting area will extend 140 feet riverward from the river bank three barge widths).  The facility will be constructed in two phases.  Phase I will consist of four breasting dolphins, a captive barge, and an anchorage system to an existing concrete structure.  Drawings of the proposed fleeting area are attached to this notice.
2005-526 19-20 April 19, 2019

East Bethlehem Township                       


Monongahela River, Left Bank, mile 64.0, Fredericktown, East Bethlehem Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania.


The applicant proposes to expand the existing 120 LF boat public docks an additional 840 LF of 8 foot boat docks to include gangway and sidewalk to allow river access at Frederick Street in Fredericktown



19-19 April 22, 2019 NLS Asphalt, Inc.

Along the Right Descending Bank of the Ohio River, Mile 56.3, Knox Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.

The applicant is requesting authorization to moor barges, unload aggregate material from barges, to operate an elevated conveyer belt system on the river bank of the Ohio River and to maintain the existing barge unloading area of aggregate materials.


2019-137 19-18 April 22, 2019 NLS Asphalt, Inc.

Along the Right Descending Bank of the Ohio River, Mile 88.9, Martins Ferry, Belmont County, Ohio.


The applicant is requesting authorization to moor barges, unload aggregate material from barges, to operate an elevated conveyer belt system on the river bank of the Ohio River and to maintain an existing area impacted by the discharge of aggregate materials.

2018-1408 19-13 April 6, 2019

Harrison County Coal Company                                                      

Robinson Run and an unnamed tributary adjacent to County Route 8/5 at the Harrison County Prep Plant near Lumberport, in Harrison County, West Virginia (39.4036/-80.3662)


The applicant proposes to continue operating an underground mining operation and therefore expand, maintain, and replace its surface infrastructure and drainage control systems.  This current request proposes to extend an existing 84" culvert on Robinson Run, by approximately 285 linear feet, upstream. 


2018-847 19-17 April 7, 2019

First Pennsylvania Resource, LLC



First Pennsylvania Resource, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Resource Environmental Solutions (RES), has secured land consisting of waterways, wetlands and riparian corridors within Laurel Hill Creek-Laurel Hill Lake Dam Watershed (LHC-LHLD) (HUC-12: 050200060601) of the Youghiogheny Watershed (8-digit HUC #05020006). The Project’s approximate center coordinates are: 40° 1' 30.00” North -79° 10' 57” West


First Pennsylvania Resource, LLC (FPR, Sponsor), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC (RES) proposes to establish the Laurel Hill Creek Mitigation Bank within the approved Pennsylvania Statewide Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument.  The Bank proposes to restore and preserve environmental resources identified within the Project’s limits.




19-14 A (MOD)


April 3, 2019

FJA Developers


Millennial Moments Development                                                US- 224  Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio                         (41.02377 N : -80.79290 W)

The applicant proposes to impact 1.44 acres of Category 2 wetlands and 295 linear feet of stream for the construction of a residential/commercial development including, 64 residential lots, 33 multi-unit town-home lots, a clubhouse, pool, and a 17 acre retail area.  Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice. The applicant is proposing to create 1.44 acres of wetlands on-site as mitigation for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States.

2016-846 19-12 March 29, 2019

Monroe County Port Authority                            

Monroe County Port Authority Clarington Industrial Park, River Mile 114.5 on the Ohio River Right Descending Bank, at 49874 State Route 7, Clarington, Monroe County, Ohio




The applicant proposes to impact 0.87 acre of wetlands to develop a 30 acre business park supporting two buildings 100,000 square foot in size and all necessary infrastructure, utilities and rail access.  The project also proposes to impact 0.21 acre of the Ohio River for the construction of barge dock.  Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.  Mitigation for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States is proposed through the purchase of  0.7 non-forested wetland credits from the Nature Conservancy’s In-Lieu fee program.

1997-1317 19-11 April 1, 2019

Morgantown Energy Associates                            

The project is located on the right descending bank of the Monongahela River (River Mile 100.4), Point Marion Pool, in Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia (39.640008, -79.961774).

The applicant proposes to complete maintenance dredging to remove the buildup of river silt in front of the Morgantown Energy Associates plant water intake structure on the right bank of the Monongahela River (River Mile 100.4), Point Marion Pool. Dredging will be performed by a clamshell on a barge mounted crane. The dredge material will be loaded onto an adjacent deck barge. The dredged material will be hauled away by barge and transferred to trucks to be disposed of by contractor at Meadowfill Landfill, 1488 Dawson Drive, Bridgeport, WV 26330. Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.


2018-848 19-09 March 22, 2019 

First Pennsylvania Resource, LLC

A wholly-owned subsidiary of

Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC

33 Terminal Way, Suite 431A

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219

 The proposed mitigation bank is located lies wholly within the Upper Ohio-Wheeling Creek Watershed (8-digit HUC #05030106) (Pennsylvania State Water Plan Watershed Subbasin 20) immediately adjacent to Robinson Fork Mitigation Bank Phase I in West Finley Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania (Maps are attached to this notice).  In addition to unnamed tributaries, Robinson Fork and Beham Run traverse through the site.  The approximate center coordinates of the project are: 39° 59' 45.07” North -80° 28' 56.98” West


First Pennsylvania Resource, LLC (FPR, Sponsor), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC (RES) proposes to establish the Robinson Fork Mitigation Bank Phase II within the approved Pennsylvania Statewide Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument.  The Bank proposes to reduce bank erosion and sedimentation, re-establish stream and floodplain connectivity, re-establish the hyporheic zone and associated floodplain wetlands, improve flood capacity and storage, improve baseflow and groundwater storage, improved biogeochemical cycling, improve vertical and horizontal stability, improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat, increase vegetative diversity, improve water quality, and eradicate invasive species.  The functional goals, specifically targeted functional gains, and proposed crediting for the Project are shown in the attachment.







To advertise WOTUS -2 being in the Federal Register for comment.




February 22, 2019

August 27, 2019


ESC Harrison County Power, LLC

39.287564ËšN, 80.322522ËšW

The applicant proposes to modify their permit add extra workspace for the storage of materials and contractor parking.

This modification proposes to place fill in an additional 624 linear feet of ephemeral stream and 0.0269 acre of PEM wetland to accommodate storm water control features as part of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit.






19-06 Maps

March 13, 2019 Heartland Fabrication

Monongahela River, right bank, Mile 57.2-58, in Brownsville, Fayette County, PA (40.015170°, -79.923326°)

The applicant proposes to perform a total of 1.29 acres of maintenance dredging in the Monongahela River, in order to utilize and maintain the existing Heartland Fabrication facility for barge storage, launching, and marine repairs.   Additionally, 0.62 acres of rock will be placed in the Monongahela River, immediately upstream of the dredge locations to create and enhance fish habitat in the area.  Drawings of the proposed work are attached to this notice. 


2012-572 19-05 March 8, 2019


The Nature Conservancy in Ohio


Wetlands and unnamed tributaries to Piney Creek in the Upper Ohio Wheeling Watershed (HUC 05030106) in Wayne Township, Beallsville, Belmont County, Ohio (39.869806/-81.040421) 


The applicant has submitted a Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for the Raven Rocks In-Lieu Fee (ILF) Mitigation Site to the Ohio Interagency Review Team.  The proposal is to generate in kind mitigation credits to replace advanced mitigation credits that have been sold in the Upper Ohio Wheeling Watershed (HUC 05030106).  These credits will be used as compensation for activities authorized by the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.  Specifically, the Raven Rocks ILF Mitigation Site proposes restoration, rehabilitation, reestablishment, rehabilitation, and preservation on streams and wetlands.  See the table below for proposed amounts of each work type.  This mitigation plan is a modification to the ILF Program Final Instrument dated October 2014.  A location map and drawings are attached to this notice.

2018-1584 19-04 March 6, 2019



Buckeye Water District                     



17547 OH-45 Wellsville, Columbiana County, Ohio 43968


The applicant proposes to impact 0.668 acre of wetlands to construct an 18 million gallon raw water reservoir.  Drawings of the proposed reservoir are attached to this notice. Mitigation for unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States is proposed through the purchase of 1.4 non-forested wetland credits from the Nature Conservancy’s In-Lieu fee program.



2006-929   19-03 March 7, 2019

Kenneth Zuzik                                                                                                                                                KPZ, Inc.

Abbey Road, Canfield Township, Mahoning County, Ohio


The applicant proposes to impact 0.764 acre of PFO and PEM wetlands to construct the second phase of the Abbey Road Subdivision, including seven new home lots.  The construction will include lot grading, road construction, and installation of all associated utilities. KPZ Inc. completed a wetland restoration project in Poland Township to mitigate for proposed wetland impacts for a previous permit at the Abbey Road site.  The permittee did not fill all of the acres originally proposed, and proposes to use the excess mitigation acreage to fulfill the mitigation requirements for this permit. Drawings of the proposed project are attached to this notice.  


2008-2182 19-02 February 08, 2019 Freeport Terminals, Inc. Along the Allegheny River, right bank, Mile 29.75 in Freeport, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania

The applicant proposes to re-new their previously issued permit to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years, at their existing barge docking facility to ensure sufficient draft for the safe loading and discharging of various cargoes to and from barges. Approximately 1,200 cubic yards of material will be removed from a 1,192-foot area downstream of the embayment, a 208-foot 'area upstream of the embayment, and a 445-foot area inside the empbayment, bringing the total length of dredging to 1,845 feet. Width and depth of dredging will be 45 feet and 12 feet, respectively. All dredged material will be dewatered and placed on site in a manner to preclude its re-entry into the waterway.

2017-1183 19-01 February 25, 2019

Allegheny County Sanitary Authority

Woods Run Wastewater Treatment Plant, Right descending bank of River Mile 3.6 of the Ohio River, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (40.480833/-80.048333) The applicant proposes to construct a new river wall 1,430 feet along the existing Woods Run Wastewater Treatment Plant, on the right descending bank of the Ohio River, Mile 3.6, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (40.480833/-80.048333).  The new river wall will extend 40’ into the channel at its furthest point.  There will be 0.65 acre of temporary impacts to the river associated with construction.  There will be 0.43 acre of permanent impact associated with backfilling the new wall.  The four existing stormwater outfalls will be consolidated into two 20’ wide outfalls, six feet below the normal pool elevation, with upstream and downstream rock protection.  The project also proposes to remove thirteen mooring cells from the river adjacent to the facility.  Drawings of the proposed dock are attached to this notice. 
 1989-141  18-44 December 30, 2018 Trimodal Terminal, LP  Ohio River, left bank, Mile 69.9 in Follansbee, Brooke County, WV (40.331501°, -80.601297°) The applicant proposes to place two empty barges on top of one another, anchored to the existing Trimodal Terminal barge load-out area, in order to make an additional 35’ by 195’ offloading area. The new barges would be welded to the existing dock and filled with aggregate and compacted.
2014-1067 18-43  December 20, 2018 FWH Development, LLC Unnamed tributaries to Kaufman Run and abutting and adjacent wetlands on the south side of the Route 228 and Myoma Road intersection in Adams Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania.
FWH Development proposes to develop approximately 57.1 acres of land with mixed use development that will include single and multi-family residential units and commercial development along Route 228. According to the permit application the project will result in impacts to three streams for a total of 1,075 linear feet and seven wetlands for a total of 0.316 acre. The applicant has proposed to create five wetland mitigation areas on the site for a total of 0.344 acre. In order to offset the stream impacts the applicant has proposed the creation of 110 linear feet of ephemeral stream channel, relocation of 653 linear feet of Stream 2, and the proposed restoration of 372 linear feet of stream through riparian enhancement.
2012-1750  18-42 December 19, 2018 Stream and Wetlands Foundation Anderson Run and Captina Creek in Washington Township, Belmont County, Ohio near Armstrongs Mills The applicant has submitted a Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for the Anderson Run Stream In-Lieu Fee (ILF) Mitigation Site to the Ohio Interagency Review Team. The proposal is to use ILF money from within the Upper Ohio- Wheeling (HUC 05030106) to preserve 36,060 linear feet of streams (Anderson Run, Captina Creek, and unnamed tributaries) and riparian buffer within the 124 acre site.
2018-1210  18-40 November 25, 2018  Casey D. Bowes 42.10187 N, -80.174457 W;                              Lake Erie                                                            Millcreek Twp.                                                                                   Erie County, PA The applicant proposes to construct a 8 foot wide, 45 foot long, precast concrete block or sheet pile groin structure extending 32 feet into Lake Erie from the existing concrete seawall at the residential property located at 3777 Lake Front Drive, to accumulate sand to protect the existing seawall and residential dwelling, and to enhance the existing beach.
1989-161  18-38 October 31, 2018 Neville Island Holdings LLC/Triad Metals International
3450 Grand Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15225
Ohio River, Mile 7.3, Left Bank, Main Channel, Neville Island, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
The applicant proposes to re-new their previously issued permit to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years to remove accumulated sediment to ensure continued access to Neville Island Holdings LLC / Triad Metals Neville Island barge docking facility.
2018-1208  18-37 November 1, 2018  Lauderdale Estates Improvement Association
Northern Access Canal (unnamed tributary to Conneaut Lake) from Route 18 to the mouth of Conneaut Lake including the marinas in Summit Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. Approximate center location of project is at 41.64352 N, -80. 309001W. The Lauderdale Estates Improvement Association proposes to dredge approximately 2,500 feet of the Northern Access Canal from the mouth of Conneaut Lake to the bridge at Route 18. Maintenance dredging is proposed along the entire length including the adjacent marinas known as Marina 1, 2, and 3.
 2018-168  18-36 October 29, 2018 HomeGoods Inc.
3640 Ellsworth-Bailey Road
Village of Lordstown, OH 44481
N 41.143792; W -80.890285

The applicant proposes to impact 2084 linear feet of ephemeral stream, 4455 linear feet of intermittent stream, 8 linear feet of perennial stream, 0.45 acre of Category 1 palustrine emergent wetlands, 0.11 acre of Category 2 palustrine emergent wetlands, and 0.03 acre of man-made pond for the construction of a 1.2 million square foot distribution center building, associated parking lots, storm water detention pond, and access driveways. The project is located in the Village of Lordstown, Trumbull County, Ohio.


October 7, 2018 Mountaineer Products, Inc Along the Right Bank of the Ohio River, Mile 92.3, Bellaire, Belmont County, Ohio Waterfront modification, applicant proposes to construct a 400 linear foot sheet pile wall to moor additional barges and dredge a 20 foot wide by 2 feet deep along the front of the sheet pile wall once constructed.
2012-1263  18-33 September 11, 2018 Hickory Run Energy, LLC


N: 40°, 59', 39", W: -80°, 25', 49".
North Beaver and Mahoning Townships, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania


Hickory Run Energy, LLC (HRE) is proposing a modification to their existing Hickory Run Energy permit for the construction of the proposed electric transmission line, which will have additional permanent impacts to 0.006 acre of wetlands and 0.351 acre of temporary impacts to wetlands from wood matting during construction.  Two pole locations are proposed within the limits of Wetland No. 12.  There is no proposed additional conversion of wetlands in this area. The current permit authorizes 0.36 acre of permanent impacts, 0.26 acre of temporary impacts to palustrine wetlands, 198 linear feet of temporary impacts to six unnamed tributaries to the Mahoning River, and to directorial drill underneath the Mahoning River to construct a natural gas fired combined-cycle electric generating facility with associated parking, pipeline and infrastructure. Mitigation for the above authorized impacts consists of on-site wetland enhancement of 1.901 acres of a portion of Wetland 7.  Due to the proposed project modification, the wetland enhancement has been increased to 1.907 acres of mitigation.

2017-1643  18-31 September 19, 2018  North Eastwood, LLC Unnamed tributaries to Mosquito Creek, and wetlands in Howland Township, Niles, Trumbull County, Ohio. The applicant proposes to discharge fill into 15.44 acres of forested wetland and 0.9 acre of non-forested wetland in addition to 1,727.5 feet of unnamed tributaries to Mosquito Creek for the construction of a medical office building, a medical educational center, an assisted living and memory care facility, an office building, a mid-rise apartment building, a doctor’s office building, and an additional building designed to accommodate the expansion requirements of St. Joseph’s main hospital facility and appurtenant features. Compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to aquatic resources is proposed through purchase of 32.0 wetland credits from an In-Lieu Fee Provider. In addition, preservation of 25.26 acres of Category 3 wetlands, 0.15 acre of Category 2 wetland, 0.35 acre of wetland buffers, and 4,860 linear feet of stream is also proposed.
 2018-790  18-29 August 16, 2018   Dennis Illar Left descending bank of the Monongahela River at River Mile 74.3 in Adah, Fayette County, Pennsylvania (39.912120/-79.926267) The applicant proposes to add three segments of dock to an existing dock. The existing dock extends 40 feet into the channel. The applicant proposes to extend the dock an additional 20 feet into the channel. The applicant also proposes to install four 40 foot steel pilings into the river bed in order to secure the dock during high flows.  



 N/A N/A State of Pennsylvania The purpose of this Public Notice is to inform the public of revisions effective July 30, 2018, to the Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit-5 (PASPGP-5) originally issued on July 1, 2016. POC Mrs. Patricia Strong, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, State College Regulatory Field Office, 1631 South Atherton Street, State College, Pennsylvania 16801 or via e-mail at [email protected].



August 25, 2018 Dept. of Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Ohio River at river mile RM) 35.4 (Phillis Island) and RM 37.8 (Georgetown Island), Beaver County, Pennsylvania  The applicant proposes to conduct an ecosystem restoration project designed to rehabilitate and protect Phillis and Georgetown islands. The applicant proposes to construct and maintain a dike, and to place and maintain fill along the banks of Phillis Island for a distance of approximately 1,150 linear feet in the Ohio River (WWF) and approximately 750 linear feet in the Ohio River backchannel (WWF); and to construct and maintain a dike, and to place and maintain fill along the banks of Georgetown Island for a distance of approximately 600 linear feet along the Ohio River (WWF) and a distance of approximately 800 linear feet in the Ohio River backchannel (WWF) for the purpose of protecting said islands from further erosion. As a result of the proposed fills, the total acreage of impact/restoration area for the two islands, combined, will be 7.5 acres, at most.
2018-952  18-28 August 16, 2018  Heritage CO-OP, Inc. Along the Right Bank of the Ohio River, Mile 42.7, East Liverpool, Columbiana County, Ohio. Maintenance Dredging for a period of 10 years.



Exhibit 1 

Exhibit 2

Exhibit 3

Exhibit 4

Exhibit 5

August 17, 2018                         
Harmony Environmental, LLC
The proposed mitigation bank site is located on a 292-acre property along Fike Run and unnamed tributaries, adjacent floodplains and upland corridors, within the Cheat River watershed, near Bruceton Mills, Preston County, WV (39.713566° N, -79.524635° W). The purpose of the mitigation bank is to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable adverse impacts (including the discharge of dredged or fill material) to streams and wetlands within the specified service area, as noted below. The proposed mitigation bank will involve the enhancement, establishment, restoration, and preservation of streams and wetlands and their associated riparian buffers.
2008-1008  18-25 August 3, 2018 Shannopin Materials, LLC Along the Monongahela River, Right Bank, Mile 86.7, Poland Mines, Greene County, PA The applicant proposes to re-new their previously issued permit to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years, to remove accumulated sediment to ensure continued access to their Shannopin Materials Harbor, Poland Mines, Pennsylvania barge docking facility.
 2011-281 18-23  July 14, 2018 Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Mile Post 12-14 of the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Big Beaver Borough and North Sewickley Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania (40.813364 / -80.321458) The applicant proposes to replace the Beaver Bridge and reconfigure the Beaver Valley Interchange; associated with the widening of the Pennsylvania Turnpike mainline from four lanes to six lanes at mile post 12 to milepost 14 in Big Beaver Borough and North Sewickley Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania (40.813364 / -80.321458). The project will temporarily impact 1,130 feet of six streams and 0.03 acre of four wetlands. The project will also permanently impact 6,099 feet of 32 streams and 1.6 acre of 25 wetlands. Four new 44’ x 32’support piers will be installed in the channel of the Beaver River. Mitigation for impacts to aquatic resources will be achieved by relocating 6,241 feet of stream, using natural stream design. A multi-cell, 2.29 acre wetland mitigation site will be created on site.



July 5, 2018   USACE-Pittsburgh District
Proposed Renewal of Letter of Permission for Construction of Recreational Boat Docks Monongahela and Ohio Rivers State of West Virginia



June 15, 2018

Kiven Smithberger,                                                                                                                                                  

Sunfish Creek Backwater, Ohio River, Mile 118.0, Clarington, Monroe County Ohio. Latitude: 39.7641530 North, Longitude: -80.8714684 West.

The applicant proposes to perform a 10 year, maintenance dredge at the location of the community boat ramp, located near the mouth of Sunfish Creek. The proposed length, width and depth of the dredge is 25 feet wide by 36 feet long by a 42 inches depth. All dredge material will be placed in an upland location. In 1995, the Community of Clarington, OH, was issued a permit to construct a public recreational boat ramp and docks to accommodate small recreational boats. Drawings of the proposed dock are attached to this notice.



Site Plans



June 16, 2018 National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation Big Run, unnamed tributaries to Big Run and abutting and adjacent wetlands located in Pymatuning Township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. Approximate center location of project is at 41.359995N, -80.419485W. National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation (NFG) proposes to replace approximately 3,220-feet of Line HM175 west of Reynolds in Pymatuning Township, Mercer County.
 1957-1 18-20 June 17, 2018 Cronimet Corporation Ohio River, right bank, Mile 24.8, East Rochester, Beaver County, Pennsylvania
The applicant proposes to re-new their previously issued permit to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years, to remove accumulated sediment to ensure continued access to their barge docking facility.
  CELRP-RG-18-LOP1 June 16, 2018 USACE-Pittsburgh District    Proposed Renewal of Letter of Permission for Construction of Recreational Boat Docks within the Commonwealth of PA
1987-0003 18-18 June 10, 2018 Dan Gahagan
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
Mouth of Walnut Creek into Lake Erie and the Walnut Creek Marina in
Fairview Township, Erie County, PA.
The applicant proposes to perform maintenance dredging in Walnut Creek (extending along the channel from the mouth of the Walnut Creek Marina into Lake Erie) and in the basin of the Walnut Creek Marina. The Walnut Creek channel and the Walnut Creek Marina will be dredged to an elevation of 567.0 feet. The dredged material from the Marina will be discharged via pumping below the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM), on the East Beach of Lake Erie, down-drift from the Walnut Creek Marina where the material will enter back into the littoral drift system for the purposes of beach replenishment.
2012-1501  18-16 May 19, 2018 Wolf Run Mining Company The existing coal slurry impoundment that that is proposed to be expanded is located approximately 2.6 miles northwest of the City of Philippi, Barbour County, West Virginia. The applicant proposes to expand the Little Hackers Creek Coal Slurry Impoundment. Impacts to Waters of the US will occur due to a downstream expansion of the impoundment embankment and an upstream expansion of the impoundment “slurry pool”. Fill from the above will permanently impact 3,745 linear feet of stream channel. This fill will also permanently impact 0.23 acre of palustrine emergent wetland (Wetlands 4, 5, and 6).



May 11, 2018 Tri-State River Products Ohio River, New Cumberland Pool, Miles 40-54 Hancock County, WV The applicant proposes to continue commercial dredge operations in the New Cumberland Pool of the Ohio River to produce sand and gravel for use as construction aggregates for roads, highways, bridges, and buildings.
 2017-181  18-14 May 9, 2018 Mack Industries, Inc. Wetlands adjacent to South Branch Yankee Run in Fowler Township, Trumbull County, Ohio. The applicant proposes to retain 2.41 acres of previously unauthorized wetland fill to continue to facilitate the stockyard associated with their concrete products and continue to utilize two storm water ponds necessary to handle site runoff.
2007-443 18-12 April 30, 2018  Center Point Terminal Company

Ohio River, left bank, Mile 64.9, Brooke County, West Virginia.

The applicant proposes to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years, to remove accumulated sediment at their barge docking facility. Approximately 1,000 cubic yards of sediment would be removed from an area 660 feet long by 20 feet wide, to a depth of 10 feet below normal pool elevation 644.0. The dredged material would be transported to an upland disposal site to preclude its reentry into the waterway. Drawings of the proposed dock are attached to this notice.
 2015-719  18-11 April 23, 2018 Allegheny County Airport Authority Wetlands and Unnamed Tributaries to Montour Run near the southwest corner of I-376 and McClaren Road, Findlay Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (40.468971/-80.239475)  The applicant proposes to develop 110,000 square feet of mixed use space on a 75 acre site. The project also includes construction of an access drive, stormwater facilities, utility infrastructure, and highway improvements to accommodate the development. Approximately 1,435 linear feet of seven tributaries consisting of perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral reaches will be impacted by the proposed project. Site development will require 0.2 acre of wetland impact. Impacts to streams will be mitigated through permittee responsible mitigation (restoration/enhancement) at the Clinton Phase II stream mitigation site and the Meeks Run stream mitigation site. Wetland impacts will be mitigated through permittee responsible mitigation (creation/enhancement) at the 10.2 site.
2004-1729  18-10 April 12, 2018 Campbell Transportation Company, Inc. Ohio River, Left Bank, River Mile 75.0, near Wellsburg, Brooke County, West Virginia. The applicant proposes to modify their current permitted waterfront by constructing 2 large slips and to perform maintenance dredging.



       Ohio Streams Statewide Ohio Stream and Wetland Valuation Metric (OH SWVM) 




August 27, 2018 Shelby Run Mining Company, LLC

Unnamed Tributaries of Shelby Run and Shelby Run and Unnamed Tributaries of Berry Run and Berry Run near County Road 38, Wendel, Taylor County,        West Virginia                      

The applicant proposes to construct the Shelby Run Deep Mine, construction of the mine includes all work necessary to enable excavation and construction of the ancillary facilities.
2017-1904 18-01 February 4, 2018 Access H2O, LLC. The proposed activity is located on the right-descending bank of the Monongahela River (RM 101.1) in Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia. The applicant proposes to create a passenger vessel service to serve the Mon Valley Region stretching from Fairmont, WV to Charleroi, PA. On special occasions the vessel(s) will provide service to Pittsburgh, PA. The project will provide a positive impact to the excursion, hospitality, and tourism along the Monongahela River.


Location Map

A. Drawings

B. Drawings

February 10, 2018  Mark Nicholson 
Snow Waters Development, LLC 
20 South Santa Cruz Avenue 
Los Gatos, CA 95030 
 Snow Waters Development, LLC, Summit Township, Crawford County, PA    Lattitude: 41°, 38’, 40” Longitude 80°, 18’, 55”,   The applicant proposes to impact 2.16 acres palustrine wetlands, dredge 2.69 acres of Conneaut Lake, Inlet Run & the PA Fish & Boat Commission Boat Launch (including periodic maintenance dredging), the placement of 2,371 linear feet (lf) of sheet piling (1,115 lf of Inlet Run and 1,256 lf of the harbor area), 275 linear feet of streambank removal, 275 lf of rerouting of unnamed tributary, and install two stormwater outfalls. Temporary watercourse impacts include 0.01 acre discharge of dredge materials of a dewatering basin on Inlet Run and 0.03 acre of temporary rock filters on Inlet Run to develop the former Park Golf Course and mobile park property that will include the construction of a restaurant, 60 condominiums with the potential of up to 50 additional condominiums, 189-slip harbor area along Inlet Run and 16 residential lots.
 2004-270   18-04 February 20, 2018  LafargeHolcim  Ohio River, Left Bank, River Mile 66.1, Weirton, Brooke County, West Virginia The applicant is reapplying for a project that was originally permitted in 2012, but never constructed. The applicant proposes to begin a waterfront operation to offload cement from barges, along the left bank of the Ohio River.  Currently, no constructed waterfront structures are in place.
 2007-1182   18-05  February 19, 2018  Lindy Paving, Inc  Ohio River, left bank, main channel, Mile 5.1, Neville Island, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania The applicant proposes to re-new their previously issued permit to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years 


Application No.

Public Notice No. Date Comment Period Closes Applicant Location Project Description

17-05   Revision 1

December 18, 2017 Shepard of the Valley Lutheran Retirement Services, Inc. Wetlands abutting an unnamed tributary to Squaw Creek located south of Tibbets Wick Road, east of Keefer Road and north of Naylor-Lloyd Road in Liberty Township, Trumbull County, Ohio. Approximate center location of project is at 41.18185N, -80.67555W. The Liberty Retirement Center project entails the construction of a proposed retirement center. Facilities include both independent and assisted living buildings, including the main building complex (skilled workers, assisted living and common area) and independent 6-plex living, independent apartment living, and independent row housing.
2016-1900 17-59 December 21, 2017

Zelienople Municipal Airport
1857 Route 588
Zelienople, PA 16063

Zelienople Municipal Airport, Zelienople, PA (40Ëš48’ 7.1”N, 80Ëš9’ 39.1”W) The applicant proposes to improve airport safety by removing a highwall created by historical mining activities, relocating of a portion of State Route 288 which is obstructing Runway 17, and rehabilitating runway 17/35 to meet Federal Aviation Administration Design Standards. Proposed stream impacts include 2,300 linear feet of impoundment to eliminate the highwall and 3,558 linear feet of stream fill to extend and widen the runway. Additionally, 2.97 acre of wetland will be filled to extend and widen the runway. Stream and wetland mitigation is proposed to be constructed as permittee responsible on-site and in kind. Drawings of the proposed project and mitigation are attached to this notice.



December 21, 2017  


The Buncher Company
Penn Liberty Plaza I
1300 Penn Ave, Suite 300
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-4211


Unnamed tributaries to Glade Run and Likens Run and abutting wetlands located between Interstate 79 and US Route 19 north and south of Route 528 in Jackson Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania. Approximate center location of project is at 40.7565N, -80.11657W.

The Buncher Company proposes to construct a commercial development consisting of lots for restaurants, offices, retail stores, a hotel, and a bank, along with all associated roadways, parking, utilities, and stormwater management facilities, on approximately 60 acres of land located between US Route 19 and Interstate 79. Jackson’s Pointe Phase 3 is located south of the US Route 19/Route 528 intersection and Phase 4 is located north of the US Route 19/Route 528 intersection. The existing Jackson’s Pointe Commerce Park (Phase 1 and 2) is located west of US Route 19.

2017-376 17-57 December 15, 2017 Coresco, LLC The proposed Barge Off-loading Facility will be located on the left descending bank of the Monongahela River at approximate Mile Marker 94.8. The site will be located approximately 1.7 miles southeast of the community of Maidsville, Monongalia County, West Virginia. The applicant proposes to construct a new “barge off-loading facility” on the left descending bank of the Monongahela River.
2001-1542 17-53 December 7, 2017 American Energy Corporation, Inc. UNT to Long Run and wetlands in Wayne Township, Belmont County, Ohio.  The applicant proposes to fill 10,162 linear feet of UNT to Long Run and 0.4 acre of wetland to construct the 95 acre Century Mine Coarse Refuse Disposal Area Expansion Project. Impacts will be mitigated through purchase of 0.817 wetland credits and 21,614 stream credits from an in-lieu fee program.
2016-1866 17-55 December 8, 2017 R. Stephen Catlett, Martinsburg-Berkeley County Parks and Recreation Board, Berkeley 2000 Rec Center, 273 Woodbury Avenue, Martinsburg, West Virginia 25404 Poor House Farm Park Lake, Tuscarora Creek, Southeast of Poor House Road, Martinsburg, Berkeley County, West Virginia (39.459424/-78.0382242) The applicant proposes to remove approximately 1,880 cubic yards of accumulated sediment from the existing, man-made, Poor House Farm Park Lake. Flow from Tuscarora Creek will be temporarily diverted around the lake and the remaining water will be pumped out so that a tracked frontend loader and backhoe can enter the lake and remove the accumulated sediment. Erosion and sediment controls will be in place and the sediment will be disposed of in an upland area. Drawings of the proposed work are attached to this notice. 
2009-1085 17-56 December 8, 2017  Rosebud Mining Company, 301 Market Street, Kittanning, Pennsylvania 16201 Unnamed Tributary of Spring Run in Portage Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania (approximate center: 40° 23’ 20.7” N, -78° 38’ 41.4” W) The applicant proposes to construct an expansion to the existing coal refuse disposal area known as the Refuse Area #1 Expansion Project.  The proposed work will include 74.3 acres of disposal area and 104.3 acres of support area to extend the life of the nearby preparation plant and coal operation by 16 to 19 years.  At the current rate of production/disposal the current refuse area has less than 1 year of storage capacity.  The proposed project will impact Waters of the U.S. in the amount of 0.07 acres of wetland and 2,375 linear feet of stream (UNT to Spring Run).  Compensatory mitigation will be provided by creating a new stream channel around the perimeter of the refuse area as shown in Exhibit 15.2.  Wetland impacts will be mitigated by payment to the PA Wetland Replacement Fund or with the creation of on-site, in-kind permittee responsible mitigation.  
2013-2279 17-52 December 6, 2017 Amerikohl Aggregates, Inc. Unnamed tributary to Connoquenessing Creek located on the Gardner Mine in Wayne Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. Approximate center location of project is at 40.873391N, -80.254821W. The previously approved Gardner Mine proposes to impact 1,060 linear feet of an unnamed tributary to Connoquenessing Creek.
2017-138 17-51 November 2, 2017 River Harbor Marina
501 Steel Street
Aliquippa, PA. 15001
Near the mouth of the Beaver River, Mile 0.1, Right Bank, 100 Wolfe
Lane, Bridgewater, Beaver County, Pennsylvania.
The applicant proposes to construct a floating marina along the right bank of the Beaver River.
1968-3  17-50 October 23, 2017 Millvale Borough
501 Lincoln Avenue
Millvale, PA. 15209
Allegheny River, Right Bank, Mile 2.9-3.9, in Millvale, Allegheny County,
The applicant proposes to modify their docks by upgrading and replacing them with new docks, new access ramp, supporting structures and extending the docks length


October 21, 2017 Three Rivers Rowing Association
300 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh PA 15222
Allegheny River, Back Channel, Mile 2.6, Herrs Island, City of Pittsburgh,
Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
The applicant proposes to modify their existing upstream and downstream docks by upgrading and replacing them with new docks, new access ramps, supporting structures and extending the length of both docks.
2017-1102  17-47 October 13, 2017 Bay Front Realty L.P.
Walter Bender
P.O. Box 9098
Erie, PA. 16505
133 East Dobbins landing, Presque Isle Bay, Lake Erie, Erie County, Erie,
PA 16507
The applicant removed and replaced 550
linear feet of existing sea-wall. The wall was in disrepair. Additionally the applicant proposes the
rehabilitation, reconfiguration and replacement of existing boat docks. The existing 3 fingers of
the dock on the east side will be widened to 4 feet. All 3 fingers will be lengthened to 28.3 feet.
The main dock that the fingers are attached to will be widened to 5 feet. The dock in the center
will be widened to 5.5 feet. The 3 fingers on the west side will be removed. A 4 foot wide by
54.7 feet long dock section will be added 14.2 feet from the western boundary of the property.
The adjacent property owner has agreed for work to be completed on his property for the removal
of the 3 fingers. A location map and drawings of the proposed sea-wall and dock are attached to
this notice.
1995-86   17-45 September 7, 2017 ArcelorMittal Monessen LLC
345 Donner Avenue
Monessen, Pennsylvania 15062
Monongahela River, Right Bank, approximate Mile 39.0, in Monessen,
Westmoreland County Pennsylvania.
The applicant proposes to construct and
install a pipe extension and diffuser structure at Outfall 001. Outfall 001 currently discharges
through a six-inch steel pipe located at the river bank. The proposed pipe extension would
connect to the existing steel pipe and extend into the Monongahela River 35-feet from the river
 2016-61  17-43 September 18, 2017 CMC Company, LLC The Middletown Mall Fill Commercial Development Site is located approximately 1,250 linear feet southeast of the Southland Drive and Viking Road intersection in south Fairmont, Grant District, Marion County, West Virginia.

CMC Company, LLC has placed unauthorized fill in approximately 1,382 linear feet of unnamed tributaries of the Tygart Valley River in association with the Middletown Mall Fill Commercial Development Site. This fill has been placed without applying for a Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers. The US Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburgh District is allowing the applicant to pursue a CWA Section 404 Permit through the “After-the-Fact” permitting process to achieve compliance with the CWA.
 1911-18  17-44 September 1, 2017

David Konesni
Pittsburgh Intermodal         Terminal Inc.
P.O. Box 29
Butler, Pennsylvania 16003

Right Descending Bank of the Ohio River, River Mile 16.5, Ambridge, Beaver County, Pennsylvania (40.579920/-80.231087)  The applicant proposes to dredge 1.51 acres of river bottom to a bottom elevation of 670 feet above sea level on the Right Descending Bank of the Ohio River, River Mile 16.5, Ambridge, Beaver County, Pennsylvania (40.579920/-80.231087). Approximately 66,000 square feet is expected to be dredged and disposed of in an upland area. Drawings of the proposed work are attached to this notice.
 2017-350  17-40 September 5, 2017 West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street, S.E.
Charleston, West Virginia 25304

The Project is located along an unnamed tributary of Teter Creek within the eight-digit United States Geological Survey Hydrological Unit Code referred to as HUC 05020001, Tygart Valley, West Virginia; within WVDEP’s ILF Service Area 2 - approximately two miles south of Nestorville, in the Glade District of Barbour County, WV (39.157797/-79.888383). The applicant has presented a project to the West Virginia Interagency Review Team that proposes to construct a mitigation project using West Virginia in-lieu fee money within the Tygart Valley (HUC 05020001). The goals of the project are to improve stream stability, re-establish native riparian vegetation, and enhance ecological habitat by using a combination of Level I & III restoration (i.e. reestablishment or rehabilitation), establishment, enhancement, and preservation. Regarding wetlands, enhancement and establishment will be implemented, primarily near the confluence with Teter Creek and upstream along an open water resource.
2017-0790 17-39  July 28, 2017  Ohio County Coal Company

Wheeling Creek watershed. The proposed 8 South Supply Yard is located along county route 1511, 4.3 miles southwest of Dallas, Sand Hill Township, Marshall County, West Virginia (coordinates: 39.952379, -80.562870)

 To continue operation of an existing underground coal mine shaft, the Applicant proposes construction of a new support facility with a supply yard, adjacent to the shaft. The Applicant proposes to remove a 20-foot culvert from an unnamed intermittent tributary to Wheeling Creek and to restore that stream section. A 40-foot culvert would also be added downstream, and two palustrine emergent wetlands would be permanently filled (0.75 acres). The Applicant proposes in-kind, off-site mitigation of these aquatic resources with a purchase of mitigation credits. Best management practices of erosion and sedimentation controls would be in place during construction. A map of the project area is attached to this notice.



 N/A August 12, 2017  N/A  State of West Virginia  In accordance with Title 33 CFR 325.5(c)(1) as published on November 13, 1986, in the Federal Register, Volume 51, Number 219, the district engineers of the Huntington District and Pittsburgh District United States (U.S.) Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), are proposing to re-issue the Regional General Permit (RGP) for Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. This RGP is available for use within the entire State of West Virginia and may be used by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP), any non-profit 501(c)(3) watershed organizations or their subsidiaries, the West Virginia Conservation Agency (WVCA) and their respective Soil Conservation Districts and the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR), for projects associated with AML and acid mine drainage (AMD) that require the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States.
2017-617  17-37 July 10, 2017 Ecological Resource Partners
3970 Bowen Road
Canal Winchester, Ohio 43110
The approximately 267.1-acre Grafton Swamp Wetland Mitigation Bank would be located within the Corps, Buffalo District regulatory boundary in the Black- Rocky River 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 04110001, in the Village of Grafton, Lorain County, Ohio (latitude 41.27991, longitude -82.03633). This proposal has been assigned Department of the Army (DA) file numbers LRB-2017-00473 , LRH-2016-01002 , and LRP-2017-00617.

The Bank Sponsor has submitted a prospectus to the Corps Buffalo, Huntington and Pittsburgh Districts to establish a stream and wetland UMBI in the State of Ohio with one initial proposed mitigation bank known as the Grafton Swamp Wetland Mitigation Bank.
2012-1750  17-36 July 16, 2017

Vince Messerly
Streams + Wetland Foundation
123 South Broad Street       Suite 238
PO Box 369
Lancaster, Ohio 43130

The site straddles Warner Road north of State Route 305, in Fowler and Hartford Townships, Trumbull County, Ohio (latitude 41.3223, longitude -80.6408).

The Streams + Wetland Foundation (S+W) is proposing to generate wetland and stream mitigation credits to fulfill advance credits that have been sold to permittees through the S+W Pittsburgh ILF program in the Mahoning and Shenango
primary service areas. The site includes wetlands, Yankee Creek and tributaries. It is located
within the Yankee Run 12-digit HUC watershed (HUC 05030102). Yankee Creek is a
Warmwater Habitat (per Ohio Administrative Code [OAC] 3745-1-25) perennial stream and
tributary to the Shenango River (HUC 05030102), that crosses through the site from north to
south. It is located within the S+W In-Lieu Fee Program Mahoning and Shenango primary
service area.

2004-0255   17-35 July 5, 2017   Ryan Belski 106 Water Street, Rices Landing Borough, Greene County, Pennsylvania (coordinates: 39.95024, -80.000013)

The applicant proposes to dredge a 40’ x 100’ area at the base of Pumpkin Run, near its confluence with the Monongahela River. The dredging is necessary to remove accumulated silt. The dredging would be conducted from barge-mounted equipment, and material would be disposed of on land, in accordance with the county conservation district. Appropriate erosion control devices would be in place. The project is proposed to restore the river depth sufficient for recreational boating at the dock area.
2016-1483  17-33 July 5, 2017 ESC Harrison County Power, LLC
481 Carlisle Drive, Suite 202
Herndon, VA 20170

39.287564ËšN, 80.322522ËšW The applicant proposes to construct a natural gas fired electric generating facility and ancillary facilities.

 2017-547  17-32 July 1, 2017 EBX-EM
137 ½ East Main Street
Suite 210
Oak Hill, West Virginia 25901
 The proposed mitigation bank is located lies wholly within the 5,340-acre watershed of Bartholomew Fork off of County Road 3 in Marion County, West Virginia. The Site is located at the edge of the Monongahela River Watershed (HUC 05020003) and Marion County, with Wetzel County and the Middle Ohio North Watershed (HUC 05030201) on the other side of the ridge (39.5912/-80.4762). Bartholomew Fork flows into Buffalo Creek of Monongahela River.

 The applicant/sponsor proposes to construct and operate the Seven Pines Mitigation Bank on a 77-acre Site that will result in the restoration, enhancement and preservation of approximately 26,961 feet of headwater tributaries and establishment of approximately 1,071 feet of connecting tributaries. There are twelve (12) streams which no longer have a downstream connection, which EBX-EM will reconnect to the downstream watershed. The areas in which the establishment streams will be created have no current baseline stream conditions.

1979-105 17-30 May 29, 2017 Ergon-West Virginia, Inc.
9995 Ohio River Blvd.
Newell, West Virginia 26050

Along the Ohio River, Mile 46.5, Left Bank, in Newell, Hancock County, West Virginia. (Latitude: 40.61613, Longitude: -80.62601)



The applicant proposes to perform maintenance dredging at the existing EWVI Riverview Fleeting Facility, as necessary, for a 10 year period. The proposed dredging area is approximately 65-ft. running north to south and 120-ft. out from the fleeting cells. The overall length from cell to cell is approximately 340-ft. long. For each event, the dredged material will be disposed of in an upland area.



2005-2264  17-26 June 4, 2017

Genesis Partners, Limited Partnership
Mr. Robert Stuart
600 Marketplace Avenue     Suite 350
Bridgeport, WV 26330

The project is located between I-79, SR-131/73 and SR-279 on approximately 1,358.5 acres within the Upper West Fork River Basin near the city of Bridgeport, Harrison County, West Virginia (Approximate center: 39.3108° N, -80.2417° W).

This permit action is being re-published as a new application seeking re-authorization because the current Department of the Army permit authorization for the project will expire on July 10, 2017. The development work at the project location is currently on-going and is known as Development Area “A” in the application. Additionally, compensatory mitigation work is currently underway and is known as Phase 1 along Stout’s Run.

1987-139 17-28  May 11, 2017  

Bradley Leslie

West Virginia Division of Natural Resources

324 Fourth Avenue South

Charleston, West Virginia 25303


Tygart Lake, Tygart Lake State Park, Grafton,Taylor County, West Virginia (39.2983/-80.0228)



The applicant proposes to expand the parking area available for vehicle/boat trailer parking at the Tygart Lake State Park boat ramp in order to provide parking for 110 parking spaces.  The project also proposes to improve the two existing boat ramps.  The northernmost ramp will be widened to 24’ wide and lengthened to 612’ to reach low pool elevation.  The southernmost ramp will be widened to 31’ wide.  Approximately 45 cubic yards of concrete will be placed below the ordinary high water mark in order to construct the new ramps.  Drawings of the proposed work are attached to this notice.  


 1988-11  17-27 May 11, 2017  

Six Points Boat Club

142 Manown Lane                   

 Belle Vernon, PA 15012



Monongahela River, approximate Mile 34.4, Right Bank, Forward Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. (Latitude: 40.19846, Longitude: -79.87646)



The Applicant added on to a previously permitted smaller private recreational boat dock along the Monongahela River. The boat dock configuration consists of (3) - 10" diameter steel piling each located approximately 50-feet from the shoreline and 50-feet apart from each other running parallel with the shoreline. The main walkway is 6-feet 6-inches wide and 160-feet long, connected directly to each of the three pilings. There is approximately 22-feet of main walkway extending up river (south) from the first piling and approximately 38-feet of main walkway extending down river (north) from the third piling. A 4-foot wide walkway extends from an existing concrete wall on land out 60-feet to the main walkway. There are seven (7) dock extensions attached to the main walkway. Each are 20-feet long by 3-feet wide. One attached to each end of the walkway and the remaining five (5) spaced equally between the ends.

 2017-449  17-25

May 20, 2017


James Casanova

150 Arch Street

Verona, PA 15147



538 – 542 Penn Street, Verona, PA, along the left bank of the Allegheny River, mile 10.9, Verona, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.  Latitude:  40.50327778 North, Longitude:  -79.84661111 West.


The applicant proposes to construct a private residential recreational boat dock.


 2017-566  17-24 May19, 2017  

Canaan Valley Institute


The proposed project is located along Gandy Creek and Unnamed tributaries to Gandy Creek, Whitmer, Randolph County, West Virginia (38.72839/-79.61855)


The applicant has presented a project to the West Virginia Interagency Review Team that proposes to construct a mitigation project using West Virginia in-lieu fee money within the Cheat River basin (HUC 5020004). The proposed service area for this project is the In Lieu Fee (ILF) Program’s secondary service area 2, which includes the Dunkard, Monongahela, West Fork, Tygart Valley, Cheat, and Youghiogheny HUC 8 watersheds. The goals of the project are to improve stream stability, re-establish native riparian vegetation, and enhance ecological habitat on 4,569 linear feet of Gandy Creek through installing various in-stream structures, planting, and stream bank sloping.

 2017-554  17-23 May 18, 2017  Norfolk Southern Corporation  

The proposed project is located along the right bank of the Ohio River, river mile 10.75, Glen Osborne Borough, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. 


The applicant proposes to stabilize approximately 600 feet of a severely eroded railroad embankment along the Fort Wayne Line, right bank of the Ohio River, mile 10.75.


2011-2068  17-22 May 12, 2017  

Monongahela Conservation District



Upper Deckers Dam Site 1, Preston County, West Virginia (39Ëš 30’ 5”N, 79Ëš 50’ 25”W)



The applicant proposes to rehabilitate the Upper Deckers Creek Dam Site 1 to bring the current structure into compliance with current Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) criteria.


2016-1865  17-21 May 11, 2017 EIP III Credit Company   

The Brushy Fork Mitigation Site (located at approximately N 39.220759, W -80.195088) is located in Harrison, Taylor, and Barbour Counties, West Virginia, in the West Fork River watershed which flows into the Monongahela River. The site can be accessed from County Route 23/6 (Stonecoal Run Road) which can be accessed from County Route 23/9 (Brushy Fork Road).


The applicant proposes to perform stream and wetland creation, restoration, enhancement and preservation work on Stonecoal Run, Pigtail Run, Beards Run, Glade Run and on unnamed tributaries of these streams. The stream work will occur on and along 95,796 linear feet of perennial, intermittent and ephemeral streams and the wetland work will occur on 9.5 acres of Palustrine Emergent, Palustrine Unconsolidated, Palustrine Scrub-Shrub and Palustrine Forested wetlands.


2009-593 17-19 May 4, 2017  Donora Dock, LLC Monongahela River, left bank, Mile 34.7, Donora, Carroll Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania  

The applicant proposes to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years and make necessary waterfront mooring structure improvements.  The facility has approximately 1,288 feet of waterfront property for loading and offloading materials. 


2014-1271 17-16  April 28, 2017  AllStar Ecology Hackers Creek Road (CR-1) along Hackers Creek in Upshur County, WV (Latitude: 39.060857º Longitude: 80.295399º)  

The applicant proposes to perform stream restoration/enhancement along unnamed tributaries of Rover Run unnamed tributaries to Hackers Creek and Hackers Creek.


1979-105  17-18

April 18, 2017


 Ergon West Virginia Inc.  

Ohio River, Left Bank, Mile 46.5, in Newell, Hancock County, West Virginia (40.616173/-80.625960).

The applicant proposes to expand the Ergon-WV, Inc. existing barge mooring and fleeting area from one jumbo barge width to three jumbo barges in width and three jumbo barges in length to accommodate additional barges and increased barge fleeting activity.  The moored barges will be 585’ in length (195’ each) and will extend 105’ (35’ each) into the river channel from the facility. 
LRH-2016-00006  N/A March 18, 2022  N/A State of West Virginia Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program Reissuance and Issuance of Nationwide Permits for the state of West Virginia.
 N/A SPN 17-17 March 18, 2022  N/A State of Pennsylvania  Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program Reissuance and Issuance of Nationwide Permits for the state of Pennsylvania.
LRH-2016-00006  N/A March 18, 2022  N/A State of Ohio Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program Reissuance and Issuance of Nationwide Permits for the state of Ohio.







April 10, 2017  

EIP III Credit Co, LLC.



The proposed banks sites are located near German, Harrison County, Ohio


The bank sponsor is proposing the development of an umbrella mitigation banking instrument to cover the State of Ohio. The Bank Sponsor proposes the establishment and management of two (2) initial mitigation banks known and the Tuscarawas Mitigation Bank and the Upper Ohio Mitigation Bank.

2015-1389  17-12 April 3, 2017  

R & Z Harrison Properties, LP


Little Bull Creek watershed.  At intersection of State Route 28 and State Route 366.  Natrona Heights, Harrison Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (coordinates: 40.615077, -79.750715)


The Applicant proposes to develop a mixed-use business park.  This construction (6 acres of office space, two hotels, 250 units of senior living, a grocery store, and 0.4 acres of commercial space) will potentially result in permanent fill of 9 streams (3,920 linear feet) and 7 wetlands (0.13 acres), temporary fill of 1 wetland (1.54 acres), and permanent excavation of 1 palustrine open water (1.14 acres).  The project is being proposed as a source of needed economic growth in the area, and it would also provide an access road to the Silver Lake Park.  The past use of this property within the last 50 years was forest/woodland, construction staging for Route 28, and residential.  Recent use within the last 5 years consists of forest/woodland.  The Applicant proposes on-site compensatory mitigation of these resources with 1,050 feet of bank stabilization on Little Bull Creek, 0.22 acres of emergent wetland planting, 1.14 acres of deepening on Silver Lake, and 1.49 acres of wetland creation and restoration.  Best management practices of erosion and sedimentation controls would be in place during construction.  A map of the proposed project is attached to this notice.



2015-1489  17-14 March 23, 2017  Allegheny County Conservation District
  1. The project is located on Milk Run (an Acid Mine Discharge) and abutting wetlands next to Mahoney Road (T-370) in North Fayette Township, Allegheny County, PA; (40.44333° N, -80.21222 ° W)

The project proposal involves the placement of fill in Waters of the U.S. for the purposes of constructing a passive wetland treatment system. The project will treat the discharge known as MKR3 for the purpose of improving water quality .within Milk Run which is located in the Montour Run Watershed (Reference the 2003 Montour Run Watershed Association Report).This passive system is designed to treat the MKR3 discharge by neutralizing acidity, precipitating aluminum, and producing net-alkaline water. Construction of the project will include the development of a five(5) cell treatment system and impact 367 LF of Milk Run and 1.56 acres of abutting wetland.
2012-1533 17-13 March 28, 2017 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, District 12-0  South Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Decimal Degrees: 40.186149 N, -79.706685 W  

The applicant proposes to place fill material into waters of the United States for the purpose of improving approximately 2.8 miles of State Route 0070 and the interchange at State Route 0031 in South Huntingdon Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.


 1911-18  17-10 March 13, 2017  


David Konesni                             Pittsburgh Intermodal Terminal Inc.

Right Descending Bank of the Ohio River, River Mile 15.8, Ambridge, Beaver County, Pennsylvania (40.579920/-80.231087) The applicant proposes to dredge 1.51 acres of river bottom to a bottom elevation of 670 feet above sea level on the Right Descending Bank of the Ohio River, River Mile 15.8, Ambridge, Beaver County, Pennsylvania (40.579920/-80.231087).  Approximately 66,000 square feet is expected to be dredged and disposed of in an upland area.
2016-1384  17-08  March 23, 2017 Carter Lumber Company  

3747 State Route 5, Newton Falls, Trumbull County, Ohio (41.21835°N, -80.93536°W)


The applicant proposes to permanently impact 1.6 acres of wetland to expand the existing Carter Lumber Facility.


2016-1035  17-07 March 16, 2017 Mountaineer Natural Gas Liquids Storage LLC  

Powhatan Site No. 4 Mine Site

Salem Township, Monroe County, Ohio

 N: 39°, 47’, 32.21”, W: 80°, 50’, 23.71”

The applicant proposes to impact 6.13 acres of wetlands, 2,001 linear feet of intermittent streams and 400 linear feet of perennial streams, to redevelop the Powhatan No. 4 mine site as a natural gas products storage and transfer facility.  Development plans include a new rail spur and transfer facility, storage wells and a salt water impoundment. 
2012-1533  17-06 Feb. 10, 2017

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, District 12-0825 North Gallatin Avenue Uniontown, PA 15401

 Fallowfield Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania. Decimal Degrees: 40.12118 N, -79.95324 W  The applicant proposes to place fill material into waters of the United States for the purpose of constructing a toe bench and fill slope to support a section of Interstate I-70.  
2015-1049 17-05 March 8, 2017   

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Retirement Services, Inc.


Liberty Township, Trumbull County,  Ohio


The Liberty Retirement Center project entails the construction of a proposed retirement center.  Facilities include both independent and assisted living buildings, including the main building complex (skilled workers, assisted living and common area) and independent 6-plex living, independent apartment living, and independent row housing.


2017-0092  17-03 March 2, 2017 ADESA Pennsylvania, LLC

254 New Fox School Road, New Stanton, Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania

(coordinates:  40.216272, -79.642798)


 ue to business growth, the Applicant has found a need to expand inventory-vehicle storage capacity.  The Applicant proposes to construct a 26,930 square-foot auction facility with 626 customer and employee parking spaces and a 14-acre storage lot to store the additional vehicles.  This construction (building construction, utility installation, asphalt paving, SWM facility construction, and landscaping) will result in permanent fill of an ephemeral unnamed tributary to Sewickley Creek (897 linear feet) and two palustrine emergent wetlands (0.55 acres).  The Applicant proposes in-kind, on-site mitigation of these resources with creation of 1,731 linear feet of a vegetated swale around the site and a 0.55-acre wetland in the southeastern corner of the site.  (Another 1.39-acre wetland on-site would be preserved.)
2012-518 17-02 Feb.17, 2017  Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission  

The Project is located from the U.S. Route 22 Findlay Connector (previously PA Turnpike 579) interchange in Washington County (40.424141/-80.318590) to Interstate 79 in Cecil Township, Washington County near the Allegheny County/Washington County line between Bridgeville and Canonsburg, PA (40.319935/-80.146756). 


The applicant proposes to construct approximately 13 miles of four-lane wide, divided, limited access, tolled expressway between U.S. Route 22 and Interstate 79. 
 N/A  17-01 N/A   N/A State of Pennsylvania   Public Notice For Federal Register Notice Announcing The Reissuance Of The Nationwide Permits 


Application No.   Public Notice No.  Date Comment Period Closes  Applicant  Location  Project Description





January 20, 2017   Shelby Run Mining Company, LLC  

Pruntytown, Taylor County,

 West Virginia (39.309199/-80.074678)


The applicant proposes to construct a 4.5 acre slope area and a six acre shaft area associated with the Shelby Run underground mine operation in Pruntytown, Taylor County, West Virginia (39.309199/-80.074678).  Permanent impacts are proposed to five unnamed tributaries of Shelby Run, totaling 841 linear feet.  Permanent impacts are also proposed to one 0.605 acre wetland.  All impacts are fill related to the regrading of the shaft area.  The applicant has proposed to replace lost functions and values of aquatic resources by purchasing 721.0808192 stream credits, and 1.211 wetland replacement credits from a mitigation bank. 
 LRP 1973-66  16-65 January 11, 2017  FirstEnergy Generation, LLC

 Ohio River, Left Bank, River Mile 33.66, at the Bruce Mansfield Power Plant, located in Shippingport,

 Beaver County, Pennsylvania.


The applicant proposes to modify their existing waterfront by constructing three new mooring structures (Quad Ties) downstream of the existing coal handling harbor maintaining the same dock line.  The mooring structures will be spaced approximately 195 feet from each other to coincide within the length of the barges.  The proposed overall length and width is 2 barges long or 390 feet by 4 barges wide or 140 feet.  The mooring structures will be based on a “quad-tie design” utilizing pipe piles at the four corners with open grating tying the structure together.  The approximate permeant disturbance to the river bottom is less than 60 square feet.

 2010-895  16-63  December 19, 2016 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, District 11-0  The project is located in North Sewickley Township and Kopple Borough, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Decimal Degrees: 40.84141 N, -80.31667 W This application was previously authorized by Nationwide Permit 14 & 33 on October 17, 2016, however due to constructability concerns the applicant has asked to increase the footprint (s) of the causeway area.  The applicant proposes to place fill material into waters of the United States for construction activities associated with the replacement of the existing State Route 0351, Section B10 Bridge over the Beaver River


Construction Drawings

November 23, 2016 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Engineering District 10-0  

The project is located in Center Township and Homer City Borough, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Decimal Degrees: 40.54861 N, -79.15528 W


The applicant proposes to place fill material into waters of the United States for the purpose of a safety improvement project along State Route (SR) 0119 between the intersections of SR 0056/SR 3056 and SR 2023 (Lucerne Road).  In addition, Tide Road (T-840) will be relocated with direct access provided to SR 0119 so that the bridge structure on SR 0119 can be removed. SR 0119 will be widened to accommodate the proposed safety improvements, which results in unavoidable impacts to wetlands and waterways.

2010-400 16-61 December 7, 2016   

Vance River Terminal, Inc.


Monongahela River, Mile 99.8, left bank, Westover, Monongalia County, West Virginia (coordinates:  39.64060833, -79.97325 )



Vance River Terminal proposes to modify their existing waterfront dock by expanding their barge loading and offloading area.  The current waterfront consist of eight (8) embedded barges, totaling approximately 1,436 linear feet of constructed waterfront.  The modification proposal is to embed six (6) additional barges in two locations along the waterfront, totaling approximately 1,090 linear feet. 

2011-1499  16-59 December 05, 2016  

Kentucky Power Company


Taylors Ridge Road, Proctor, West Virginia (Lat: 39.831397ËšN, Long: 80.770387ËšW)



The applicant proposes to expand the existing Mitchell Landfill facility boundary as part of the construction of Phases 3 and 4, which entails filling 3,023 linear feet of headwater ephemeral and intermittent streams and 0.025 acre of wetlands. The applicant proposes to mitigate for the loss of stream and wetland by constructing permittee responsible mitigation at a site located in Wetzel County in the Fishing Creek watershed (HUC#050302010206), a tributary to the Ohio River.



Map Location

Map Overall

November 30, 2016 West Ridge, Inc    

Wetlands and unnamed tributaries of Scotts Run, West of Interstate 79 and the City of Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia. (39.63928 N, 80.011077 W)


 proposed to construct Phase II and Phase III of its I-79 Exit 155 Development Project. Phase II consists of roadway improvements and the development of five (5) non-contiguous building pads, totaling approximately 84 acres.  Of these pads, one will be the premier site for the West Virginia University Medicine (WVUM) Children’s Hospital. The Phase III will consist of one (1) development pad totaling approximately 78.5 acres and will include an access road to Route 19.  The proposed phase II and III pose impacts to 2,780.2 LF of stream impacts and 0.059 acres of wetland impacts. The proposed impacted areas are located within the Upper Monongahela watershed. The applicant proposed to offset the proposed impacts through purchasing private banking credits and/or paying In-Lieu Fees.
1988-121   16-58  November 16, 2016  Frank Bryan Inc.  

Along the left bank of the Monongahela River, river mile 1.1, between the Port Authority Transit Bridge and Liberty Bridge, South Side, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.  Latitude: 40.43173056 North, Longitude: -79.99828194 West.



The applicant proposes to modify their existing waterfront facility by constructing a river retaining wall at their concrete processing and storage facility.  This will  provide additional space for expansion of the barge unloading operations and to increase the length of their existing wall for safe mooring of barges at the landing.





November 23, 2016  

Hydro Green Energy, LLC


Monongahela River, Mile 11.2, left bank, West Mifflin, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (coordinates:  40.389240, -79.858737)


Hydro Green Energy, LLC proposes to construct a power-generating modular facility with a steel-frame, seven-turbine powerhouse located on the existing weir adjacent to the spillway gates at the Braddock Lock and Dam.  The construction (placement of cofferdams, temporary dewatering and excavation for the installation of a foundation) will result in disturbance and displacement of the river bottom.  The facility would be a permanent structure that would require long-term maintenance dredging. 

2002-1006  16-56 November 18, 2016   Tri-State River Products

Ohio River Montgomery Pool Mile 21.9 to 22.7 Both Banks, Mile 22.7 to 23.3 Right Descending Bank, and 26.2 to 27.92 Both Banks in Beaver County, Pennsylvania


The applicant proposes to commercially dredge sand and gravel from the above reach of the Ohio River to provide aggregate for construction projects conducted by multiple contractors. 



2002-1005  16-55 November 16, 2016  Hanson Aggregates BMC, Inc  

Ohio River Montgomery Pool Mile 15.9 to 16.35 Both Banks and Mile 16.35 to 16.4 Left Descending Bank, Beaver County, Pennsylvania.


The applicant proposes to commercially dredge sand and gravel from the above reach of the Ohio River to provide aggregate for construction projects conducted by multiple contractors. 


2002-1005  16-54 November 16, 2016  Hanson Aggregates BMC, Inc.  

Ohio River Dashields Pool Mile 10.4 to 10.5 Left Descending Bank and Mile 10.5 to 10.7 Both Banks Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.



The applicant proposes to commercially dredge sand and gravel from the above reach of the Ohio River to provide aggregate for construction projects conducted by multiple contractors. 

2001-1604 16-52 October 14,2016  Cumberland Coal Resources LP  

The subject project is located along unnamed tributaries to Whiteley Creek located in Whiteley Township, Greene County, PA (approximate center location at 39.792034N - 80.167661W).



The Cumberland Coal Raw Coal Stockpile Expansion project proposes to expand an existing raw coal stockpile by 7.47 acres for the existing 51 acre Cumberland Mine. The project is a proposed modification to an existing Corps authorization (CE-LRP 2001-1604). Previous impacts to waters of the U.S. resulting from construction of the coal preparation plant and existing stockpile total 1,770 linear feet of stream and 0.43 acre of wetland. These impacts have been mitigated for. The  proposed stockpile expansion will permanently impact 536 linear feet of stream in the Whiteley Creek watershed. To mitigate for impacts to Waters of the U.S. the applicant proposes to conduct stream restoration of 512 linear feet, stream creation of 20 linear feet, riparian enhancement of 168 linear feet, and preservation into perpetuity of a 100 foot riparian buffer (12.15 acre forested area) within in the Whiteley Creek watershed. Increase in-stream flow and habitat structures through the installation of rock cross-vanes, log sills, step pools, coir logs, and scour pools, reconnect the incised stream channel to the historic floodplain areas through channel reconfiguration and profile adjustments, enhance riparian shrub and tree density through plantings along 168 LF of otherwise stable stream channel, development of contiguous, extensive forested, scrub shrub and herbaceous riparian buffers through supplemental live staking, tree and shrub plantings, and application of herbaceous floodplain and riparian seed mixes. This in-kind, permittee-responsible, compensatory mitigation is proposed within the Whiteley Creek watershed (same as the proposed impact site) 1.3 aerial miles from the proposed impacts.

 2014-262 16-49 October 29, 2016  Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, District 12-0   

The project is located in Donegal Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Decimal Degrees: 40.108866 N, -79.385550 W


The applicant proposes to place fill material into waters of the United States for the purpose of reconstructing portions of the existing State Route 0031 Section X10 including the realignment of the western limit to create additional storage for the Pennsylvania Turnpike Donegal toll plaza driveway. 


 2016-668  16-51 November 13, 2016


The proposed mitigation bank is located on tributary headwaters of Laurel Fork of Dry Fork of Black Fork of Cheat River; southwest of the town of Whitmer in Randolph County, West Virginia off of Route 40 Dry Fork Road. It is located in the Tygart Valley watershed (HUC 050200001) and has an approximate center at Latitude 38.788264N and Longitude -79.624513W  

The applicant/sponsor proposes to construct and operate the Randolph-I Mitigation Bank on a 108 acre site of a larger 407.20 acre tract of land owned by EBX-EM.  Forty-four (44) stream channels totaling 21,607 linear feet of stream were identified on site.  Thirteen (13) wetlands totaling 1.17 acre were also identified on site. The goal of the Randolph-I Mitigation Bank is to enhance and preserve self-sustaining, functional streams and wetlands, while restoring properly functioning riparian areas.  Within the site, EBX-EM proposes to perform enhancement and preservation by replanting cleared areas, treating for invasive species removal and adding large woody debris in planted riparian areas where there currently is none.  The sponsor proposes that the site will generate 0.21 wetland credits and 3,192 stream credits. 


 2015-587  16-48  November  07, 2016  

Mr. Timothy Ball


Cobun Creek and Mountain Run in Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia (39.574272° N, -79.931791° W). 

The applicant proposes to construct the Cobun Creek No. 2 Impoundment within the area of Cobun Creek and Mountain Run confluence for the purposes of freshwater supply to the city of Morgantown, West Virginia. 
2016-1635  16-47 September 28, 2016  East Bethlehem Township  Monongahela River, Mile 64.0, Left Bank, Fredericktown, Washington County, Pennsylvania Latitude: 40.002548, Longitude: -79.997130  

The applicant proposes to construct a gangway and floating dock for canoe/kayak use as part of the Monongahela River Water Trail.


 1969-23  16-46 September 28, 2016  City of Monongahela

Monongahela River, Mile 31.9, Left Bank, Monongahela, Washington County, Pennsylvania  Latitude: 40.202452, Longitude: -79.923111



The applicant proposes to construct a gangway and floating dock for canoe/kayak use as part of the Monongahela River Water Trail.


 1967-61 16-45

September 28, 2016 


 Charleroi Borough Monongahela River, Mile 42.3, Left Bank, Charleroi, Washington County, Pennsylvania. Latitude: 41.136375, Longitude: -79.892198  

The applicant proposes to construct a gangway and floating dock for canoe/kayak use as part of the Monongahela River Water Trail.  


2015-1048 16-44 September 22, 2016 Enrout Properties, LLC  The Harvest Ridge Residential Development site is located approximately 2.2 miles south of the City of Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia.  

Enrout Properties, LLC has placed unauthorized fill in approximately 1400 linear feet of an unnamed tributary of Bloody Run, a tributary of Booths Creek of the Monongahela River, in association with the Harvest Ridge Housing Development. This fill has been placed without applying for a Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 Permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers. The US Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburgh District is allowing the applicant to pursue a CWA Section 404 Permit through the “After-the-Fact” permitting process to achieve compliance with the CWA.



Maps and Drawings

September 12, 2016 UBER ADVANCE TECHNOLOGIES River Mile 6.0, left Bank, Allegheny River, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  

Construct a new boat dock, observation deck, ice and debris deflector and repair an existing boat ramp.



Maps and Drawings

 September 12, 2016  West Virginia Division of Natural Resources  

The site is located along the West Virginia bank of the Ohio River near River Mile 102 at Moundsville, Marshall County, West Virginia.


The applicant proposes to construct a public boarding dock on the Ohio River.




Map and Drawings

September 10, 2016  National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation  Allegheny Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania  Applicant proposes to replace the existing natural gas pipeline within the existing right-of-way temporarily impacting 1.12 acres of palustrine forested wetland. 


Maps and Drawings

 September 10, 2016  National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation  

Sergeant Township, Keating Township, Annin Township, Eldred Township, and Ceres Township in McKean County, Pennsylvania.  (41.701344°N, -78.499994°W)

The applicant proposes to install a natural gas pipeline from Sergeant Township, McKean County, Pennsylvania to the Town of Elma, Erie County, New York with approximately 28 miles of pipeline located in Pennsylvania.  





September 1, 2016  Amerikohl Aggregates Unnamed Tributaries to Connoquenessing Creek and to the Beaver River, northwest of Elwood City, Lawrence County, PA.  Approximate center point of project:  40.867812°, -80.303199°  The applicant proposes to mine limestone and incidental coal at the 204 acre Welsh Quarry northwest of Elwood City over a period of 4.5 to 6.5 years.  Access to the quarry will require that Township Road 321 (Jockey Moore Road) be closed and eventually reconstructed.  The proposed activity will permanently impact 1.3 acres of wetland
2010-0127 16-36 August 21, 2016  ERP Federal Mining Complex, LLC  

1 mile SW of Blacksville, Monongalia County, West Virginia (center coordinates:  39.70765, -80.24038)



ERP Federal Mining Complex, LLC proposes to construct a ventilation shaft and associated structures at the currently active Federal No. 2 Coal Mine.  Work for this project would result in 1,263 linear feet of permanent impact to 6 of the streams present on the site.  ERP proposes to mitigate for these impacts with a payment into West Virginia’s In-Lieu Fee program. 




16-35 Construction Drawings

16-35 Stream and Wetland Mitigation

July 22, 2016 Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Engineering District 11-0 State Route 2004 (Freedom Road) Section B08 in Conway Borough and New Sewickley Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. The applicant proposes to discharge fill material into waters of the United States as part of the State Route (SR) 2004 safety improvement project.  The purpose of the project is to improve the substandard features found within the corridor, remove truck restrictions, and provide vehicles with a safe passage for local and regional travel. 
2016-820 16-33  July 27, 2016  City of Warren  City of Warren, Trumbull County,  Ohio  

The Warren Reserve Greenway Trailhead Project entails the construction of a trailhead facility consisting of an asphalt parking lot (28 spaces), information kiosks, a picnic pavilion, and associated asphalt trail connectors.

 2013-1434  16-21 July 25, 2016   

ITC Lake Erie Connector LLC


Lake Erie, Conneaut Township, Girard Township, and Springfield Townships, Erie County, Pennsylvania



The applicant proposes to construct, operate, maintain, and connect a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission line across the U.S.-Canada border.  The HVDC line would extend south from the U.S.-Canada international border buried under the bottom of Lake Erie for approximately 35.4 miles, leave the Lake via Horizontal Directional Drilling and temporarily impacting 0.42 acre of wetland and 1,283 linear feet of streams.  The project will permanently impact 117 linear feet of streams and permanently convert 1.12 acre of Palustrine Forested wetlands (PFO) to Palustrine Emergent (PEM) wetlands for the approximately seven mile terrestrial portion along or in existing roads to the proposed 6 acre Erie Converter Station [DC to Alternating Current (AC)] where an approximately 0.4 mile High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) line would connect to the existing Penelec Erie West Substation in Erie County Pennsylvania. 



 16-32 Maps

July 22, 2016  Ohio West Virginia Excavating  Ohio RM 103 Right Descending Bank, Big Run, unnamed tributaries to Ohio River and Big Run, adjacent wetlands and open water bodies, Mead Township, Belmont County, Ohio  The applicant proposes to fill no more than 5,092 linear feet of stream, 3.564 acres of wetland, and 27.831 acres of open water bodies for the construction of PTTGCA US Petrochemical Complex more commonly referred to as an ethane cracker. 
 1996-60127  16-31 July 6, 2016  


Jon Meriwether

Merco Marine, Inc.



Ohio River, Mile 72.5, left bank, Wellsburg, Brooke County, West Virginia (coordinates: 40.296500, -80.608889).


The applicant proposes to modify an existing barge docking facility by installing an 8’x80’ dock parallel to the seawall along the bank. The dock would consist of two 8’x40’ floating sections that would be secured to the river bottom with pilings. A map of the proposed project area is attached to this notice.

 2016-886  16-34 July 22, 2016  

Tersine Docks


 Allegheny River, Mile 9.5, Right Bank, Blawnox, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.


The applicant proposes to construct a private recreational boat dock. The proposed dock will be configured into a “T” configuration. The vertical section of the “T” will measures 5 feet wide and will extend approximately 100 feet, from the ordinary high water mark to riverward. The horizontal section of the “T” will measure 5 feet wide by 50 feet long. The docks will be secured / anchored via four 10 inch diameter steel pipe pilings. The pilings will be placed approximately 25 feet apart along the downstream side and at each end of the horizontal section of the “T”.

N/A   2016-03-LRD July 15, 2016  N/A  State of Ohio The Huntington, Louisville, Buffalo, and Pittsburgh Districts are seeking comments on the  Ohio Environmental Protection Agency proposal  to modify the Clean Water Act Section 401 water quality certifications for the State of Ohio.
 N/A  SPN 16-37 August 1, 2016 N/A  State of Pennsylvania              

The Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia Districts are seeking comments on the proposed regional conditions for the 2017 Nationwide Permits and seeking comments on the need for additional regional conditions to help ensure that the adverse environmental effects of activities authorized by the proposed NWPs are no more than minimal, individually and cumulatively. Unless otherwise noted, all proposed regional conditions listed on this enclosure are applicable for activities in Pennsylvania.


 LRH-2016-00006  16-30 July 29, 2016  N/A  State of West Virginia              

The Huntington, Pittsburgh and Buffalo Districts are seeking comments on the proposed regional conditions for the 2017 Nationwide Permits and seeking comments on the need for additional regional conditions to help ensure that the adverse environmental effects of activities authorized by the proposed NWPs are no more than minimal, individually and cumulatively. Unless otherwise noted, all proposed regional conditions listed on this enclosure are applicable for activities in West Virginia.

 LRH-2016-00006  16-29 July 29, 2016  N/A State of Ohio              

The Huntington, Pittsburgh and Buffalo Districts are seeking comments on the proposed regional conditions for the 2017 Nationwide Permits and seeking comments on the need for additional regional conditions to help ensure that the adverse environmental effects of activities authorized by the proposed NWPs are no more than minimal, individually and cumulatively. Unless otherwise noted, all proposed regional conditions listed on this enclosure are applicable for activities in Ohio.

 2016-700  16-28 July 14,2016  Michael Lemon  Harmar Township, Allegheny County,  Pennsylvania  

The applicant proposes to construct a floating dock consisting of a 20 foot long by 7 foot wide walkway and a 20 foot by 12 foot wide boat dock.  Two 50 foot long posts will be used to anchor the dock in place.

 2016-160  16-27 June 30, 2016  Ray Appleby  

Allegheny River, Left Bank, River Mile 10.8, Verona, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania 



After the Fact Permit to construct a private recreational boat dock. The 40 foot by 5 foot docks are held in place with three 12 inch pipe pilings that have been driven into the river bottom. The first piling was placed approximately 17 feet off the river bank with the second and third piling placed approximately 40 feet between each other extending riverward. Currently the applicant has redesigned the dock configuration into an “L-Shape” with each segment totaling 40 feet. The applicant has indicated that the 3rd pipe piling will not be utilized and may be removed within the near future. 

 2016-473  16-25 June 25, 2016  Roger Parker  Allegheny River, Right Descending Bank, River Mile 22.5, Brackenridge, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. (40.60239 N, -79.74054 W)  After the fact permit application.  The applicant constructed a boat dock for private recreational use by adding on to a previously permitted smaller boat dock in the Allegheny River.  The applicant proposes to place 3 anchor poles, 12-inch in diameter and approximately 45 feet in length to stabilize the dock.
2006-1413  16-22  June 17, 2016  

Erie Sand and Gravel                                                PO Box 179                                      Erie, Pennsylvania 16512‑0179

Lake Erie                                           Erie County, Pennsylvania                                           N: 42.21091 W: -80.32432 The applicant proposes to hydraulically dredge approximately 300,000 cubic yards of sand and gravel for commercial purposes annually, for a period of five years, from a 19.6 square mile area in Lake Erie.  
2004-270  16-24  June 22, 2016

APEX Environmental LLC

11 Country Road

Amsterdam, Ohio 43903

APEX Landfill

11 Country Road

Amsterdam, Ohio 43903

The applicant proposes to permanently impact 9.21 acres of wetland, 3,821 linear feet streams (including 3,071 linear feet of impacts to seven unnamed tributaries to Goose Creek, and 750 linear feet of four unnamed tributaries to Cross Creek) and 0.96 acre of federally jurisdictional open water for the proposed lateral expansion of the existing Apex Sanitary Landfill located in Jefferson and Harrison Counties, Ohio.



June 6, 2016

Findlay Township Municipal Authority 1271 Route 30

P.O. Box W

Clinton, Pennsylvania 15026

Potato Garden Run and wetlands in the floodplain of Potato Garden Run, Findlay Township Potato Garden Wastewater Treatment Plant, Strauss Road, Findlay Township, Allegheny County (40.477431N, -80.319792W)  

The applicant proposes to construct a 0.50 million gallon per day sewage treatment plant to replace the existing 0.15 million gallon per day sewage treatment plant known as the Potato Garden Wastewater Treatment Plant.

 N/A  SPN 16-22  N/A  N/A Commonwealth of Pennsylvania To inform the public that PASPGP-5 has been issued and is effective on July 1, 2016.
 2015-904  16-19 May 26, 2016  Charlie Company

Richland Township, Belmont County. Ohio

The applicant proposes to re-contour the existing land surface to create an accessible, adequate surface area for future residential development on the approximately 21 acre site.
2015-674  16-17 May 10, 2016  MarkWest Ohio Fractionation Company, LLC UNT to Cross Creek and adjacent wetlands in Green Township, Harrison County, Ohio The applicant proposes to construct two new fractionation plants, a larger electrical substation, expansion of a truck loading area, construct associated access roads, parking, and stormwater.





April 25, 2016


Cole Kee Buckeye Partners, LP

Ohio River, River Mile 11.3, Left Descending Bank, Moon Township, Allegheny County, PA


The applicant proposes to rehabilitate the existing Coraopolis dock, including the installation of a sheet pile bulkhead and tie back system to create a 600’ by 108’ mooring area, at the Buckeye Facility on the Ohio River

 2014-1230  16-15 April 6, 2016  Mr. Derek Ferguson West off of state Route 9, Cadiz, OH  The applicant proposes to construct a future commercial development on a 24.5 acre parcel of land that has previously mined in Cadiz, OH
2014-185 16-13 April 29, 2016 Borough of Coudersport Mill Creek Debris Basin at Mitchell Park, along Park Avenue, Coudersport, Potter County, PA The applicant proposes to modify the Mill Creek Debris Basin to enable the borough to conduct routine maintenance themselves.

16-13    C-4 Detail Sheet


16-13    C2 Overall Plan


16-13          C3 Profile & Sections         

  16-13         Mill Creek Location Map        
2004-1721 16-12 April 13, 2016 Shades Beach Lake Erie, Harborcreek Township, Erie County, PA The applicant proposes maintenances dredging to remove both granular and organic material from launch basin and basin entrance.
2015-996 16-10 April 7, 2016 Three Rivers Aggregate, LLC Hammerschmidt 2 Mine, Plain Grove, Lawrence County, PA The applicant proposes to extract sand and gravel from an approx. 55 acre site
1993-94 19-09 April 11, 2016 Phil's Towing Company Ohio River, Left Bank, Mile 37.0-37.4, Greene Township, Beaver County, PA The applicant proposes to modify their existing, partially-permitted waterfront faciity
2014-1109 16-08 March 11, 2016

West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP)       WV In-Lieu Fee Program

Whitethorn and Jackthorn Creeks off Lightstone Drive, the South Branch of the Potomac Watershed in Pendleton County, WV The WVDEP proposes to restore 730 LF of stream for a net stream credit of 601.03  
2016-89 16-07 April 1, 2016 City of Girard Mahoning River, Mile 26.9, Right Bank, Girard, Trumbull County, Ohio The applicant proposes to construct a canoe and kayak launch with a dock in the Mahoning River for public access.
2015-604 16-06 March 10, 2016 Kelly Paving, Inc. Ohio River, Mile 95.4, Left Bank, Benwood, Marshall County, WV The applicant is applying for a waterfront facility permit to unload aggregate at their Benwood Asphalt Facility and to perform maintenance dredging.
2013-478 16-05 March 3, 2016 PennDOT Engineering District 1-0 State Route 4016 (Millfair Road) in Millcreek and Fairview Townships Erie County, PA The applicant proposes to discharge fill material into waters of the U.S. as part of the State Route 4016 safety improvement project
1994-29 16-04 February 3, 2016 Kelly Paving, Inc. Ohio River, Mile 96.2, Left Bank, McMechen, Marshall County, West Virginia The applicant is reapplying to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years
2015-1325 16-02 February 8, 2016 Nathan Carilli Monongahela River, Mile 64.8, Left Bank, Washington County, PA The applicant proposes to construct a private recreational boat dock
2012-1586  15-59 January 25, 2016

PennDOT District 12-0

SR 0070, Section W31, South Junction to SR 0519, in South Strabane Township, Washington County, PA The applicant proposes to discharge fill material.
1989-141 15-58 January 20, 2016 Trimodal Terminal, LP Ohio River, Mile 69.9, Left Bank, in Follansbee, Brooke County, WV  The applicant proposes to do maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years
2015-1418 15-57 January 18, 2016 JD & D Enterprises Northwest of the City of Uniontown,  in Franklin and Menallen Townships, Fayette County, Pennsylvania The applicant proposes construction and fill placement to expand the existing Franklin Commercial Park


Application No. Public Notice No. Date Comment Period Closes Applicant Location Project Description
 1992-34 15-56 December 30, 2015 Mon Rail Terminal Monongahela River, Left Bank, Mile 43.8, Speers Borough, Washington County, PA The applicant is seeking reauthorization for a Corps permit orignally issued in 1992, to construct a barge docking facilityPN 15-56.pdf
2004-1090 15-55 January 8, 2016 Allegheny Energy Supply Company Monongahela River, Left Bank, Mile 78.7 - 79.1, Masontown, Greene County, PA The applicant proposes to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary for a period of 10 years
2005-1230  15-49 December 18, 2015 Duquesne Light Company Ohio River, Right Bank, Main Channel, Mile 2.4,Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA  The applicant proposes to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years
2004-228  15-48 November 23, 2015 NRG Power Midwest LP Allegheny River, Right Bank, Mile 15.6, Springdale Borough, Allegheny County, PA The applicant is re-applying to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary for a period of 10 years 
 1988-16  15-47 November 19, 2015 Walter Banker Allegheny River, Right Bank, Mile 9.7, Blawnox, Allegheny County, PA

The applicant proposes to modify existing recreational boat dock

 2014-463  15-46 November 27, 2015 McElroy Coal Company Streams and wetlands located in Marshall County, West Virginia  The applicant proposes expansion of an existing coal prep plant
  15-46 Site Plans        
2011-1009  15-12 November 26, 2015 Cumberland Coal Resources, LP Tributaries 41291 and 41292 to Whiteley Creek, in Whiteley Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania The applicant proposes to continue mining and process coal reserves at the Cumberland Mine Complex
2014-1182  15-45 November 24, 2015 MarkWest Ohio Fractionation Company, LLC Unnamed tributaries to Cross Creek and adjacent wetlands and ponds in Green Township, Harrison County, Ohio The applicant proposes to expand the Hopedale North Rail Yard on an approximately 90 acre site to include 37,900 LF of track, 14 storage tanks, access roads, and stormwater detention basins.
  15-45 Location Map Railyard Expansion        
  15-45 Location Map Mitigation Site        
  15-45 Railyard Expansion Impacts        
  15-45 Mitigation Plan        
2005-1048  15-44  October 31, 2015 NRG Power Midwwest LP Ohio River, MC, LB, Miles 2.34-2.43 and BC, RB, Miles 1.8-2.04, Brunot Island, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA Applicant is re-applying to perform maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years
 N/A  SPN 15-60  October 29, 2015  N/A Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

30-Day request comments on whether to issue, for a  5-year period PASPGP-5

 N/A  SPN 15-59    N/A Commonwealth of Pennsylvania  To inform the public of revisions to the PASPGP-4
2015-992 15-40 October 9, 2015 Allegheny Mineral Corporation Wetlands in the Slippery Rock Creek Watershed, Portersville, Slippery Rock Township, Lawrence County, PA To extract limestone via mining in a 74.1 acre area known as Mine 39
 N/A LRH-2015-493 September 25, 2015 Conservation Foundation of America 43 eight-digit HUC watershed primary service areas within the geographic boundries of the Buffalo, Pittsburgh and Huntington Districts in Ohio The applicant proposes to initiate the development of a stream and wetland ILFP to meet compensatory mitigation requirements for future permits issued under Section 404 and Section 10.
  CFA ILF Prospectus        
 2015-1094  15-42 September 8, 2015 WVDNR Wildlife Resources Section Monongahela River, Right Bank, Mile 126.8 and UNT to the Monongahela River, Palatine Park, Fairmont, Marion County, WV

The applicant proposes to construct a new boat ramp, permanent floating dock and to remove and replace box culvert

 N/A LRH-2015-HGM SWVM August 17, 2015 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Huntington District Regulatory Branch Clubhouse at Coonskin Golf Course, Charleston, WV A Public Workshop on the recently completed "Operational Draft Regional Guidebook"
 2015-733  15-41 August 26, 2015 Steel City Rowing Corporation  Allegheny River, Left Descending Bank, River Mile 10.5, Penn Hills, Allegheny County, Pa. Construction of new dock in Allegheny River.
 2007-381  15-39 September 3, 2015 McKees Rock Harbor Services, LLC Ohio River, Mile 3.7, Left Bank, McKees Rocks Bottoms, Allegheny County, PA The applicant proposes to construct the MRIE Barge Fleeting Area
 2007-1113  15-38 August 30, 2015 PADEP-Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation South Beaver Township, Beaver County, PA The applicant proposes to eliminate 5,000 linear feet of dangerous highwall from an abandoned mine site
 2015-1004  15-37  September 4, 2015 Greer Industries, Inc.  Monongahela River, Mile 100.3, Right Bank, Morgantown, Monongalia County, WV The applicant proposes to renew and revise a maintenance dredging permit for a 10 year period
 2014-136  15-36  August 27, 2015 Moundsville Power, LLC Ohio River, Mile 106, Left Bank, Moundsville, Marshall County, WV The applicant proposes to construct a new 565 Megawatt natural gas-fueled electric generating facility
 2014-874  15-35  August 17, 2015 PA Fish & Boat Commission Glade Run, Middlesex Township, Butler County, PA The applicant proposes to rehabilitate the dam which will allow Glade Run Lake to return
2013-297 15-34 August 20, 2015 Amnesley Association of Senior Health

Edinboro, Borough and Washington Townships, Erie County, Pennsylvania. N:  41° 52’ 39”  W: 80° 08’ 20.85”

The applicant proposes to permanently impact 5.21 acres of palustrine emergent wetlands for the construction of a retirement community consisting of 50 single family residences and a 10 unit apartment building along with all supporting infrastructure: utilities, roadways, stormwater management facilities
LRH 2015-2 NA US Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington, Buffalo, and Pittsburgh Districts NA SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE: 

The purpose of this public notice is to advise applicants, sponsors, consultants, industry, and the general public of updated mitigation banking and in-lieu fee (ILF) program geographical service area description guidelines developed by the Ohio Interagency Review Team (IRT).

2012-1525 15-32 July 14, 2015 American Transmission Systems, Inc. off Salt Springs Road, Lordstown, Trumbull County, Ohio

The applicant proposes to convert an already permitted temporary access road to a permanently access road.

1956-2 15-31 July 10, 2015 Walden Industries Ohio River, Right Bank, River Mile 82.8, Tiltonsville, Jefferson County, Ohio.  Latitude: 40.17002, Longitude: -80.69566 The applicant proposes to modify the existing river terminal by constructing six (6) quad-ties to allow for additional storage of loaded and unloaded barges.
2012-405 15-30 July 19, 2015 Mr. Rick Lowry along Calis-Majorsville Road in Majorsville, Marshall County, West Virginia.

The applicant proposes to construct an  expansion to the Majorsville Natural Gas Processing Facility consisting of three additional cryogenic plants (8, 9, and 10) and an additional de-ethanizer plant (Unit 2).

2004-862 15-29 July 13, 2015 ArcelorMittal Weirton, LLC

Ohio River, left bank, Mile 61.8, 62.1, 62.3, 62.9 in Weirton, West Virginia (40°25’13.5” / -80°36’16.1”)

The applicant proposes to conduct maintenance dredging, for a period of 10 years, at the No. 1 and No. 2 loading dock areas and at the River Pump House at the ArcelorMittal Facility in Weirton, West Virginia.

2010-400 15-28 July 19, 2015 Vance River Terminal, Inc. Monongahela River, Left Bank, Mile 99.8, Westover, Monongalia County, West Virginia The applicant proposes to modify their existing waterfront dock by expanding their barge loading and offloading area
2015-743 15-27 July 19, 2015 Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Pymatuning Reservoir, Pine Township, Crawford County, Pennsylvania

The applicant proposes to replace the Linesville Livery docks.

2005-2159 15-26 July 17, 2015 Potomac Valley Conservation District

Lower Cove Run of the Lost River, near Lost City, Hardy County, West Virginia

The applicant proposes to construct a dam and reservoir for flood control and water supply on Lower Cove Run, a tributary to lost River.
2012-346 15-25 July 17, 2015 Greg Ganzer

in Presque Isle Bay-Lake Erie along the eastern side of Niagara Pier in the City of Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania. Approximate center location of project is at 42.13004 N, -80.11252 W

The applicant proposes to construct a 14’x 28’ personal watercraft lift with six steel pilings, a 10’-8” x 14’ permanent dock, and a 6’ x 10’ permanent dock (walkway).

1977-175 15-24 July 9, 2015 H.L.C.J, LLC Ohio River, Right Descending Bank, River Mile 65.5, Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio. (40.382296, 80.622078) The applicant proposes to modify and extend their existing general services barge loading and offloading site.
 2015-333  15-22  July 3, 2015

PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Chapman Dam Reservoir, West Branch Tionesta Creek and adjacent Wetlands in Pleasant  Township Warren County, PA The Applicant proposes to dewater the approx. 55.5 acre Chapman Reservoir for installation of overtopping protection to the dam embankment and training berm to the east of the spillway
2004-1090 15-21 June 22, 2015 Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC Monongahela River, Left Bank, Mile 78.1-79.1 in Masontown, PA (39.855833, -79.9275) The applicant proposes to do maintenance dredging, as necessary, for a period of 10 years, to maintain the water intake and harbor area at the Hatfield Power Station.
2015-651 15-19 June 30, 2015

Fairmount Santrol(Tiltonsville Barge Waterfront Facility)

Ohio River, Right Descending Bank, River Mile 82.79, Tiltonsville, Jefferson County, Ohio. (Lat: 40.17118333° N, Long:-80.69341667° W)

The applicant proposes the construction of a new aterfront platform for barge unloading and transfers of sand into an existing storage building.

2013-2051 15-18 June 26, 2015 Consolidation Coal Company Tributary to Jones Creek, Nolan Run Slurry Impoundment, Lumberport, Harrison County, West Virginia (39.407357N, 80.394799W) The applicant proposes to impact 2,807 linear feet of stream channel, 260 linear feet of impoundment outlet channel, 0.24 acre of wetland and 1.88 acre of open water to raise the crest elevation to 1340 feet to accommodate additional coal refuse from the Robinson Run Mine operations.
NA SPN 15-30 May 4, 2015 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Baltimore Districts NA

Special Public Notice:

The purpose of this Special Public Notice is to hereby inform the public of the recent Federal listing of the Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) as a Threatened Species with Interim 4(d) Rule under the Endangered Species Act and the associated requirements for coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).


 2007-231 15-16 May 29, 2015  High Tech Corridor Development Adjacent to White Oaks Business Park located in the City of Bridgeport, Harrison County, West Virginia. (39°20'14.59"N, 80°13'42.82"W)  The applicant proposes to construct White Oaks Boulevard and additional building pads which will impact 2,595 linear feet of streams and 0.189 acre of wetland.
2013-561 15-14 May 2, 2015

Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Lake Erie -Presque Isle Bay in Millcreek Township and City of Erie, and Elk Creek, Girard Township, Erie County, Pennsylvania.

Low lake levels and the accumulation of sediments have created hazardous boating conditions at Presque Isle and Erie Bluffs State Parks in Erie County, Pennsylvania.  The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources proposes to conduct periodic maintenance dredging over the next 10 years at 15 locations within Presque Isle State Park and the Elk Creek Access Area boat launch in Erie Bluffs State Park.

2013-615 15-13 July 20, 2015

Robindale Energy Services, Inc.

Approximately 3 miles north of Armagh, Brush Valley Township, Indiana County, PA The applicant proposes to expand the existing Dilltown coal refuse disposal facility.
2009-477 15-10 June 4, 2015 Emerald Coal Resources, L.P. Due South of two existing refuse areas and approximately 1.5 miles southwest of the City of Waynesburg 39.877856° N, -80.209797° W), in Franklin Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania. The applicant proposes to construct the Emerald Refuse Area No. 3; a new combined coarse coal refuse and slurry impoundment.
2012-433 15-9 March 24, 2015 PennDOT District 12-0 New Stanton Borough and Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania The applicant proposes to place fill material into waters of the United States for the purpose of reconstructing the New Stanton Interchange (I-70 and State Route 3093) in New Stanton Borough.
2012-255 15-8 April 1, 2015 North Central Resources, LLC Along Route 34 (Peel Tree Road) in Union District, Barbour County, West Virginia The applicant proposes to construct the Kittanning Seam Deep Mine Complex to extract coal from the Kittanning Seam.


PN-15-08 March 4, 2015 Blatimore District

Brooklyn Township, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania

Special Public Notice:

The proposed Hop Bottom Creek Mitigation Bank would provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidable wetland and stream channel impacts for projects authorized by the Corps.

2013-2104 15-6 Rev 1 March 30, 2015 Consol PA Coal Company, LLC Boothe Run and Unnamed Tributaries to Enlow Fork, Bailey Central Mine Complex, Morris Township, Breene County, PA The applicant proposes to expand coal refuse disposal capacity at the Bailey Central Mine Complex (BCMC), which services the Bailey and Enlow Fork unerground coal mines.
2013-2014 15-6  February 27, 2015  Consol Pennsylvania Coal Company, LLC  Boothe Run and unnamed tributaries to Enlow Fork, Bailey Central Mine Complex, Morris Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania (39 51’ 55.46”N, 80 22’ 37.86”W)  The applicant proposes to expand coal refuse disposal capacity at the Bailey Central Mine Complex (BCMC), which services the Bailey and Enlow Fork underground coal mines. 
2005-003 15-5 February 23, 2015 Conemaugh Township within Stonycreek River at Greenhouse Park, south of Johnstown, Somerset County, PA The applicant proposes to construct Phase II of the Stonycreek Whitewater Park Project...
2014-381 15-4 February 27, 2015 Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington

Canonsburg Lake, Peters Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania

The applicant proposes to restore the Canonsburg Lake aquatic ecosystem...
 N/A CELRP-OP 15-LOP1 February 26, 2015

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburgh District


Proposed Renewal of Letter of Permission for Construction of Recreational Boat Docks within the State of Ohio

 2014-1277  15-2  January 27, 2015 Ohio River Aggregates, Inc.

Ohio River,  Mile 102.23, Left Bank, Moundsville, Marshall County, West Virginia

The aaplicant propses to dredge approximately 200 cubic yards of material from the river bottom and to construct a three sided sheet metal wall and dock
2014-1120  15-1  February 4, 2015  H&H Materials, Inc. Little Shenango River, unnamed tributary and wetlands in Lake Township, Mercer County, PA  The applicant proposes to expand surface mining operatons for sand and gravel, with the use of a floating dredge, in a 40 acre area known as the Slater Railroad Mine.
15-1 Location Map
   15-1 Wetland Impacts Map        
   15-1 Wetland Area Map        
   15-1 Sheets 1-4