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Results (1 - 100 of 557)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Component: Administration (56 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#31714 Missing ID's in the post table Quick Edit touch_time rianrietveld defect (bug) high 0.71 normal
#32886 Better Passwords freezes Internet Explorer 8 markjaquith defect (bug) high 4.3 major
#24498 Improving performance of meta_form() pento enhancement normal 3.5 normal
#25408 Ability to specify that a list table column is "primary" stephdau task (blessed) normal normal
#28011 Tabbing does not display row action links on taxonomy pages defect (bug) normal 3.7 normal
#29881 Better abstraction for WP_*_List_Table so they are easier to subclass wonderboymusic task (blessed) normal 3.1 normal
#29994 Border bug on empty list tables on small screens defect (bug) normal minor
#30902 Create new dashicons (4.3) melchoyce task (blessed) normal 4.1 normal
#31650 Missing H1 heading in the admin joedolson defect (bug) normal 3.3 normal
#31654 List table: Select All shouldn't be a column header helen defect (bug) normal 4.1 normal
#31685 Better responsive styling for my-sites.php boonebgorges defect (bug) normal normal
#31962 Screen reader text needs to reset word-wrap afercia defect (bug) normal 4.1 normal
#32015 List table views: missing current class for "All" when logged in as Author wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal 4.1 normal
#32028 List table pagination: text improvements for screen readers obenland defect (bug) normal 4.1 normal
#32187 List table: Pages displayed in "Excerpt View" wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32189 List table: make the sorting indicator arrow visible on focus afercia defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32205 markup mismatch <th> <td> SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32248 adding a term containing "&" and renamed boonebgorges defect (bug) normal 4.0 normal
#32253 List table: posts navigation links pointing to same page afercia defect (bug) normal 4.1 normal
#32254 List Table: avoid adjacent links pointing to the same resource afercia defect (bug) normal 4.1 normal
#32255 List Table: media wp-list-table lacks table header content for column-icon afercia defect (bug) normal 4.1 normal
#32284 Focus style: Media Library thumbnails ocean90 defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32287 Focus style: Welcome Panel dismiss link ocean90 defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32288 Focus style: Welcome Panel assembled links ocean90 defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32289 Focus style: At a Glance links ocean90 defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32291 Focus style: Quick Draft links ocean90 defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32292 Focus style: Dashboard Activity box Publishing Soon and latest Comments links ocean90 defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32346 Admin menu: improve accessibility when collapsed afercia defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32395 Truncation is not a good strategy for responsive list tables helen task (blessed) normal 3.8 normal
#32466 List table: hidden columns return unnecessary empty items wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32494 Semantic elements for non-link links: Help and Screen Options afercia defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32529 wp-admin/includes files should not contain hooks wonderboymusic enhancement normal 4.3 normal
#32589 New Password Change UI markjaquith task (blessed) normal 4.3 normal
#32657 Media List (wp-list-table): attachment thumbnails overlap each other helen defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#32797 Dismissable admin notices focus style tweaking SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#32804 Dashboard feeds when switching language johnbillion defect (bug) normal 2.5 normal
#32834 Site Icon: File name doesn't match nomenclature pattern obenland defect (bug) normal 4.3 trivial
#32885 Site Icon screens main heading should be a H1 obenland defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#32900 "No posts found" message hidden in narrow viewports helen defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#32914 Connection lost message spinner position and visibility helen defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#32968 Plugins list table: description header and cells announced as "clickable" afercia defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32970 Site Icon (settings): accessibility improvements obenland defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#32986 Update password meter colors to match new color guidelines obenland enhancement normal 4.3 normal
#33011 Uploading a 512 x 512 site icon creates a duplicated image in the media library obenland enhancement normal 4.3 normal
#33032 User password strength result provides no feedback for screen readers rianrietveld defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#33047 Table headers shouldn't be empty or shouldn't be table headers afercia defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#33077 pw-weak vs. pw_weak, IDs vs. classes markjaquith defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#33079 Add "Cancel" and "Are you sure?" to Password Generation experience markjaquith defect (bug) normal normal
#33080 User password field is under "About Yourself" heading markjaquith enhancement normal normal
#33082 "New Password" and "Sessions" string changes in user-edit.php markjaquith enhancement normal 4.2 normal
#33164 New password UI on user profile - hide button shows wrong state markjaquith defect (bug) normal 4.3 minor
#33289 Remove existing Internal Pointers obenland task (blessed) normal 4.1 normal
#33317 Missing i18n on site admin screens helen defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#29990 Select All checkbox misalignment on list table screens defect (bug) low minor
#32207 check_admin_referer action only fires on success markjaquith enhancement low 1.5.1 minor
#32997 Use $default param in get_option('avatar_default') obenland defect (bug) low trivial

Component: Bootstrap/Load (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#28551 Add Better Debugging Documentation Into wp-config.php DrewAPicture enhancement normal normal
#32333 Define SCRIPT_DEBUG early, similarly to WP_DEBUG azaozz defect (bug) normal normal

Component: Build/Test Tools (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#30824 Upgrade QUnit enhancement normal normal
#31700 Update Grunt devDependencies in package.json jorbin task (blessed) normal 4.2 normal
#31982 WordPress PHPUnit Tests should run error free on PHP7 - 4.3 tracking ticket netweb task (blessed) normal normal
#32026 Tests: Tests_Multisite_Site:: test_get_blogaddress_by_id_with_valid_id shouldn't use a hardcoded domain name jeremyfelt defect (bug) normal normal
#32404 Tests_Multisite_Option::test_with_another_site() should use the available factories johnbillion defect (bug) normal normal
#32534 Tests_Media::test_media_handle_upload_sets_post_excerpt() should delete test image McGuive7 defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32536 In unit tests, `$this->factory->term->create_and_get()` returns `null` for non-tags boonebgorges defect (bug) normal normal
#32574 Compiled qunit tests should test minified files iseulde defect (bug) normal normal
#32636 $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] isn't set in the test environment wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal normal
#32718 Use a valid SPDX license ID in package.json netweb defect (bug) normal 3.7 normal
#32984 Several PHPUnit tests cannot be run individually boonebgorges defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#33021 Global javascript variables incorrectly defined nacin defect (bug) normal normal
#33136 Travis CI: Switch version from nightly to 7.0 for PHP7 netweb defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal

Component: Bundled Theme (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#31074 Twenty* themes should have an official change log enhancement normal normal
#31460 Twenty Fifteen: Sidebar Background Color when a header image is in use obenland defect (bug) normal 4.1.1 normal
#31814 Bundled themes: add README files to explain basic theme usage lancewillett enhancement normal normal
#31899 Proper Licensing for Twenty Fifteen enhancement normal 4.1.1 normal
#32001 Twenty Fifteen: Use default comments_popup_link() obenland defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32083 Bundled Themes: Use SSL links in footer lancewillett defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32231 Twenty Eleven: Skip Link Does Not Appear on :focus SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal 3.2 normal
#32232 Twenty Twelve: Skip Link Does Not Appear on :focus lancewillett defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#32332 Twenty Fifteen: Add Missing Social Link Genericons lancewillett defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#32880 Twenty Fifteen: don't hyphenate input elements lancewillett defect (bug) normal normal
#32881 Twenty Eleven Ephemera Widget class constructor obenland defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal
#32978 Updates to readme.txt files of Bundled Themes davidakennedy task (blessed) normal 4.3 normal
#33022 TinyMCE: the more tag placeholder is not displayed properly azaozz defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#33177 Persist expanded states for submenus in Twenty Fifteen when customizing menus obenland defect (bug) normal 4.3 normal

Component: Comments (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#12991 Allow setting default_comment_status specifically for Pages (or for any post type) messenlehner enhancement normal 3.0 normal
#14601 wp_new_comment method doesn't allow passed in values for IP and user-agent rachelbaker enhancement normal 3.0.1 normal
#21845 Losing comment reply by accidentally clicking on another comment obenland defect (bug) normal 3.4 normal
#29336 Error messages page does not have the viewport meta tag rachelbaker defect (bug) normal 3.8 normal
#29991 Comment action links are quite cramped on small screens defect (bug) normal minor
#30157 Remove allowed tags from comment_notes_after parameter of comment_form() rachelbaker enhancement normal normal
#31081 Prime the comments cache in get_comments() rather than in comment_template() rachelbaker enhancement normal normal
#31108 test coverage for check_comment rachelbaker enhancement normal 4.2 normal
#31168 Comments should be turned off on pages by default valendesigns enhancement normal normal
#31326 Edit comment screen: misplaced-missing labels DrewAPicture defect (bug) normal 4.1 normal
#31333 Comment reply link broken in ajax call SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal 4.1 normal
#31747 wp_insert_comment better docstrings DrewAPicture defect (bug) normal normal
#32081 comments query w/ meta_value and comments__in returns clause is ambiguous db error boonebgorges defect (bug) normal 4.1.2 normal
#32152 List table: Comments column accessibility improvements afercia defect (bug) normal 4.2 normal
#32349 Comments postbox on the Edit Post screen azaozz defect (bug) normal normal
(more results for this group on next page)
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