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International workshop for industrial safety regulators of BRICS Countries «Effective Industrial Safety Regulation as an Element of Stability of National Economy»

Programme of international workshop for industrial safety regulators of BRICS Countries 
«Effective Industrial Safety Regulation as an Element of Stability of National Economy»

(Rostechnadzor, Moscow)

November 11, 2015

09:00 — 09:30

Registration of participants

Welcoming coffee

09:30 — 10:00

The opening of the Seminar

Welcoming words from Rostechnadzor Chairman — Alexey Aleshin

Welcoming words from the People’s Republic of China — Huang Yuzhi

Welcoming words from the Republic of India Dr. Aseem Vohra

Welcoming words from the Republic of South Africa — Vusi Mweli

Welcoming words from the Federative Republic of Brazil — Bruno Soares Leite

10:00 — 11:10

Technical session «Industrial Safety Regulation»
Chairperson: Alexander Rybas

Regulatory and legal control of industrial safety in the Russian Federation — Dmitry Yakovlev, Deputy Head of Rostechnadzor Legal Department, Russian Federation (15 minutes);

Development of legal system of work safety in China — Huang Yi, spokesman of the State Administration of Work Safety, People’s Republic of China (30 minutes);

Regulatory legal acts and technical regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus in the field of industrial safety. Latest changes to the law of the Republic of Belarus in the field of industrial safety, changes to mechanisms of supervisory activities in the Republic of Belarus — Аlexander Kudryashov, head of Department for Supervision of Safety Work Conduct in Industry, Ministry of Emergencies, Republic of Belarus (15 minutes);

Information on general accident and injury rates by industries — Мaksat Abduldayev, head of Department for Industrial Safety and Mining Supervision, State Inspectorate for Environmental and Technical Safety under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyz Republic (10 minutes).

11:10 — 11:30

Coffee break

11:30 — 13:30

Technical session «Industrial Safety Regulation» (continued)
Chairperson: Alexander Rybas

Specificities of supervision of overpressurized equipment — Vladimir Chernyshev, deputy head of Department for State Construction Supervision, Rostechnadzor, Russian Federation (15 minutes);

Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents as a legal instrument in the field of industrial safety — Franziska Ilg-Hirsch, Secretary, Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (15 minutes);

Prevention of major industrial accidents and safety and health at work: an ILO perspective — Shegli Niu, Senior Expert, Labor Administrator, Labor Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Branch, ILO (30 minutes);

Problems of prevention of major industrial accidents in BRICS countries: from coal industry to post-industry — Alexander Grazhdankin, division administrator, Scientific and Technical Centre for Industrial Safety, Russian Federation (15 minutes);

Strategy of ensuring comprehensive man-made safety and security of hazardous production facilities of techno-infrastructure — Felix Deduchenko, Ph.D., chief scientific officer, Research Institute of Civil Defense and Emergencies, Russian Federation (15 minutes;

Questions and Answers (30 minutes).

13:30 — 15:30


15:30 — 16:15

Technical session «Safety of Energy Facilities»
Chairperson: Alexander Trembitsky

Ensuring safe and reliable operation of hydraulic engineering structures taking into account changes in the law of the Russian Federation — Vladimir Pimenov, Head of Division, Department of State Energy Supervision, Rostechnadzor, Russian Federation (15 minutes);

Safety of hydraulic engineering structures of RusHydro HPPs — Nikolay Stefanenko, head of department, RusHydro, Russian Federation (15 minutes);

Today’s trends of safety regulation in the field of electrical power engineering — Inna Kaliberda, deputy director, SEC Energy Safety, Russian Federation (15 minutes).

16:15 — 16:45

Coffee break

16:45 — 17:45

Technical session «Safety of Energy Facilities» (continued)
Chairperson: Alexander Trembitsky

Latest significant changes to the law in the field of energy safety supervision — Anarbay Kuniev, chief specialist, State Environmental Inspectorate, Kyrgyz Republic (15 minutes);

UNIDO’s energy efficiency programme — Marina Plutakhina, UNIDO (15 minutes);

Questions and Answers (30 minutes).

Programme of international workshop for industrial safety regulators of BRICS Countries
«Effective Industrial Safety Regulation as an Element of Stability of National Economy»

(Rostechnadzor, Moscow)

November 12, 2015

09:00 — 10:00

Registration of participants

Welcoming coffee

10:00 — 11:30

Technical session: “Enhancing Measures to Reduce Accident and Injury Rates in Hazardous Facilities. Cooperation between National Safety and Environmental Regulators and Emergency Agencies”
Chairperson: Boris Krasnykh

Development of international regulatory framework in the field of monitoring of facilities with detected hazards on the basis of ISO/TC 292 “Safety and Stability”— Oleg Volkov, expert of international standardization committee, chief scientific officer, Research Institute of Civil Defense and Emergencies, Russian Federation (15 minutes);

Industrial safety management system and arrangement of control and supervision in coal industry — Sergey Myasnikov, deputy head, Department for Supervision in Coal Industry, Rostechnadzor, Russian Federation (10 minutes);

To reduce coal mine accidents through hidden hazards identification and rectification, based on improved governance by law — Shang Dengying, DG of the Department of Industry Management, SACMS, People’s Republic of China (30 minutes);

Enhancing regulatory and legal control in iron and steel industry — Alexander Medvedev, deputy head, Department for Mining Supervision, Rostechnadzor Russian Federation (10 minutes);

Innovative approaches to business at RUSAL — Ivan Rebrik, head of department, RUSAL Global Management B.V., Russian Federation (10 minutes);

Industrial safety management system at SUEK and practices of introduction of multifunctional safety systems for purposes of remote monitoring of safety parameters of mining operations — Vladimir Lisovsky, Viktor Kosterenko, Oleg Smirnov, Ilya Dubkov, SUEK, Russian Federation (15 minutes).

11:30 — 12:00

Coffee break

12:00 — 13:30

Technical session: “Enhancing Measures to Reduce Accident and Injury Rates in Hazardous Facilities. Cooperation between National Safety and Environmental Regulators and Emergency Agencies” (continued)
Chairperson: Boris Krasnykh

Voluntary compliance to regulations — a product regulator’s perspective — Lancerlot Riyano, Technical Specialist of the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications, Republic of South Africa (15 minutes);

Development of regulatory documents of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial safety of oil & gas complex — Gleb Churkin, deputy director, Industrial Risks Research Agency, Russian Federation (15 minutes);

Improving fire safety regulation of oil & gas complex facilities — Denis Gordienko, division head, Research Institute of Civil Defense and Emergencies, Russian Federation (15 minutes);

Cooperation in industrial safety issues within the Commonwealth of Independent States — Albert Druzhinin, director, Department for Cooperation in the Sphere of Safety and – Counteraction against New Challenges and Threats, CIS Executive Committee (15 minutes);

Questions and Answers (30 minutes).

13:30 — 15:30


15:30 — 16:00

Panel session:
«Role of International Cooperation in Improving the Safety Regulation System»
Chairperson: Alexey Aleshin


  • State Administration of Work Safety (People’s Republic of China);
  • National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (Republic of South Africa);
  • UN Economic Commission for Europe;
  • UNIDO.
