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VA Research Currents archive

Archived Issues

VA Research Currents is produced by the VA Office of Research and Development. The newsletter provides stakeholders of VA research with news about research results, new initiatives, major awards, research funding, and other matters of interest. New VA Research Currents articles appear weekly on this website, and selected articles are compiled into a 24-page print magazine twice yearly and distributed widely at VA medical centers and to individual subscribers.

To be added to the print or email mailing list for VA Research Currents, or to receive bulk copies for distribution at a VA medical center or clinic, please email [email protected] or call 443-759-3456.


Fall/Winter, 2021

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2021

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Fall, 2020

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2020

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Summer, 2020

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2020

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Spring, 2020

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2020

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Winter, 2019 -2020

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2019

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Fall, 2019

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2019

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Summer, 2019

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2019

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Spring, 2019

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2019

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Winter, 2018 -2019

In this issue:

VA  Research Currents ,2018

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Summer, 2018

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2018

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Spring, 2018

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2018

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Winter, 2017 -2018

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2017

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Fall, 2017

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2017

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Spring, 2017

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2017

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Winter, 2017

In this issue:

The following articles are available in print version only.

  • Health effects of uranium exposure
  • HIV increases risk for lung cancer
  • Virtual training helps prevent pressure ulcers
  • Can neurocognitive function predict suicide?
  • Nanoparticle may aid in cancer diagnosis, treatment
  • Program did not lower health care cost or use
  • Easing risks linked to electronic health records
  • Experiences of U.S. and Australian Veterans
  • Infection control in VA, non-VA nursing homes
VA Research Currents ,2017

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Fall, 2016

In this issue:

The following articles are available in print version only.

  • New technique to test Alzheimer's drugs
  • Can yoga enhance sleep for midlife women?
  • Treating PTSD when TBI is present
  • Disclosing adverse surgical events
  • Personal stories for hypertension management
VA Research Currents ,2016

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Summer, 2016

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2016

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Spring, 2016

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2016

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Winter, 2016

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2016

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Fall, 2015

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2015

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Summer, 2015

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2015

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Spring, 2015

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2015

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Winter, 2015

In this issue:

VA Research Currents ,2015

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Fall, 2014

In this issue:

  • Can lithium help stem suicide rate? VA study aims to find out
  • Experimental drug packs double whammy against Alzheimer's Experimental drug packs double whammy against Alzheimer's
  • A walk a day may keep the Parkinson's symptoms away
  • Unit cohesion could be key to PTSD resiliency
  • Study: More pain relief with new knee replacement method
  • Mobile phones offer hope for reaching homeless Veterans
  • Diabetes wound care: Much progress in past 25 years, but challenges remain
  • Helping those with vision loss find their way
  • VA spinal cord researchers receive Service to America award
  • Shared appointments help diabetes patients
  • PTSD tied to autoimmune disorders
  • Study reveals link between medical marijuana, opioid overdoses
  • Delays in filling prescriptions for heart drug linked to worse outcomes
  • Possible weapon against triple-negative breast cancer
VA Research Currents ,2014

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Summer, 2014

In this issue:

  • DEKA advanced prosthetic arm gains FDA approval
  • Study: 9 in 10 users happy with PTSD Coach smartphone app
  • Fluoride initiative takes bite out of cavity rate
  • Male breast cancer: A rare disease, on the rise
  • Are computers a third wheel in the exam room?
  • A look ahead to the future of rehabilitation research
  • Tracking eye movements may help in diagnosis of otherwise invisible TBI
  • Cardiologist says small tweak to stent technique can up success rate
  • High heels a snap with new prosthetic foot
VA Research Currents ,2014

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Spring, 2014

In this issue:

  • Can magnetic stimulation help tinnitus?
  • Comparing diabetes medications
  • Exercise and your eyes
  • Depression therapy via Skype
  • Improving end-of-life care
  • Creating a roadmap of OEF/OIF injuries
  • The power of positive psychology
  • The Mediterranean diet: One VA group's contribution
  • Million Veteran Program hits milestone
  • Remembering Rosalyn Yalow
VA Research Currents ,2014

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Winter 2013, 2014

In this issue:

  • Biorepository targets ALS, Gulf War illnesses
  • Biomedical labs get facelift
  • Chaplaincy and mental health
  • Vitamin E slows Alzheimer's disease
  • Transplanting insulin-producing cells
  • International prize to BrainGate team
  • Study highlights risks of testosterone therapy
  • Latest findings on hyperbaric oxygen for TBI
  • Stem cell advance uses adult blood
  • Gene may alter women's PTSD risk
VA Research Currents ,2014

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Fall , 2013

In this issue:

  • The emotional burden of killing in war
  • Veterans with spinal cord injury re-enter the workforce
  • MVP: Veterans share their reasons for enrolling
  • When reintegration goes awry
  • Natural supplement put to the test for PTSD
  • Tackling methamphetamine addiction
  • Inexpensive generic drug shown effective for nightmares, other PTSD symptoms
  • Loving-kindness meditation shows promise in pilot study
VA Research Currents ,2013

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Summer, 2013

In this issue:

  • Hormone findings point to possible TBI therapy
  • Study links combat injuries to changes in brain's cortex
  • Agent Orange linked to aggressive prostate tumors
  • VA-Case Western Reserve team working on simple but elegant solution for preventing pressure ulcers
  • Online brain training effective, but more evidence needed
  • Dental care linked to better outcomes for homeless Veterans
  • Telemedicine yields good results in hypertension trial
  • Bison edges beef in nutrition study
  • Twitter and smoking cessation
  • Researchers study the effects of low mobility on older hospital patients—and seek ways to get them moving more
  • VA team says blue-dye method boosts power of colonoscopy to ward off cancer
  • Career Milestones
VA Research Currents ,2013

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May, 2013

In this issue:

  • VA's chief research officer to step down after eight years
  • For Veterans with PTSD, videoconferencing proves effective for delivering therapy
  • Study backs less frequent mammograms for most women
  • 'Mantram' technique benefits Veterans with PTSD
  • Product made from soy and mushroom may aid in prostate cancer treatment
  • Study links new primary care model to fewer hospitalizations
  • Anti-malaria drug shows success in lab tests
  • VA Technology Transfer has role in malaria invention
  • Career milestones
VA Research Currents May ,2013

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March-April, 2013

In this issue:

  • On the frontier of Alzheimer's research
  • A decorated Veteran's final battle: Alzheimer's disease
  • New DoD-funded study to track Alzheimer's in Veterans with head injuries
  • Rapid test, VA policy tweaks help boost HIV screenings
  • Study yields potential biomarker for PTSD-resistant brains
  • An antiseptic bath a day keeps the doctor away
  • Survey of national sample: PTSD affects more than one in eight women Veterans
  • Teledermatology on par with conventional consultations
  • Obesity no hindrance to heartburn drugs
  • Research Week slated for May 13 - 17
VA Research Currents March ,2013

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February, 2013

In this issue:

  • Research revolution
  • Trial yields hope for blast-related auditory problems
  • Prostate cancer trial finds similar long-term outcomes from surgery, radiation
  • Automated way to identify Veterans at risk of suicide?
  • VA plays role in another brain-computer breakthrough
  • Seaweed suspect
  • Protein could signal risk of hip fracture
  • Study adds to evidence on cognitive processing therapy for sexual trauma
  • Natural antioxidant bolsters cancer drug
  • Ventilator study is first to compare weaning methods
  • Smokers' reports of quitting need bio-verification
VA Research Currents February ,2013

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December-January, 2013

In this issue:

  • Study sheds light on best fix for dangerous aorta bulges
  • Less is more: Drawbacks seen to longer antibiotic treatment
  • PTSD tied to changes in brain's 'amygdala'
  • Study of 10,000 Veterans with lipid problems confirms benefits of fitness, statins
  • VA study adds to evidence on health benefits of smoking bans
  • The family factor: Can supportive spouses help Veterans improve their cholesterol?
  • Study hints at brain chemical's role in autism
  • Physicians-in-training benefit from protected sleep
  • Exposure therapy for PTSD works in groups
  • VA Research now on Facebook
VA Research Currents January ,2013

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November, 2012

In this issue:

  • MVP hits milestone: 100,000th Veteran enrolled
  • Providence VA launches neurotechnology center
  • New cell therapy may help prevent amputations
  • 'Same day' primary and mental health care helps continuity
  • Medical interns: Is their time well-spent?
  • Hyperbaric oxygen fails to show benefit in TBI trial
  • Three VA researchers named to Institute of Medicine
  • Informatics leader takes on new role
  • Nobel-winner Andrew Schally marks 50 years with VA
VA Research Currents November , 2012

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September-October, 2012

In this issue:

  • VA, DoD join to fund $100 million in new studies on brain injury, posttraumatic stress
  • Cooperative Studies Program to pilot new enrollment strategy
  • VA-led team reports progress toward healing spinal cord injury
  • Study underscores body-mind connection
  • Popular mind-boosting herb fails to benefit multiple sclerosis patients
  • Will prostate cancer reoccur? Three-gene signature may hold answer
  • In HIV care, patient-provider relationship is key
  • Calcium build-up in arteries: Do statins make it worse?
  • Teasing out the long-term effects of TBI
  • Career milestones: Thomas E. Starzl, MD, PhD
VA Research Currents October, 2012

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August, 2012

In this issue:

  • Study finds 'observation' as effective as surgery in early prostate cancer
  • Study links gene to PTSD risk
  • For a new generation of cancer drugs, scientists look to targeted nanomedicine
  • Healing words: Study looks at the power of expressive writing to aid in Veterans' readjustment
  • Couple therapy helps with PTSD
  • Vitamin D and prostate cancer
  • Hormone boosts resistance to obesity
  • Women with back pain may benefit from yoga
  • Millennium Cohort Study finds sparse evidence of lung damage from burn pits
  • Career milestones
VA Research Currents August,2012

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June-July, 2012

In this issue:

  • Tackling homelessness, with a focus on women Veterans
  • Study: Financial health critical in reintegration
  • Study shows long-term benefit from Parkinson’s therapy
  • Telephone therapy brings more Veterans into treatment
  • Popular herb for prostate problems may be ineffective
  • Wii-Fit helps improve balance, gait for assisted living residents
  • Latest study is step forward for virtual colonoscopy
  • Career milestones
VA Research Currents July,2012

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May, 2012

In this issue:

  • Breakthrough in neural control
  • Fitness or ideal weight: Which holds the key to long life?
  • Study of Vietnam-era twins yields genetic brain map
  • Preventing colon cancer deaths: New VA study aims to find out which method works best
  • MEG scans to detect brain injury
  • For knee replacements, hospital ranking may not be crucial
  • High fiber intake linked to healthier gums
  • Eye tremor may predict Parkinson's
  • Leading physician-scientists honored by VA
VA Research Currents May,2012

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March-April, 2012

In this issue:

  • Buddy system: African American Veterans with diabetes benefit from peer mentor program
  • Study: 'Mantram' meditation eases PTSD
  • Flying high with diabetes: Story of a peer mentor
  • Seeking the 'optimal dose' for seniors?
  • What makes Navy SEALs tick? Study suggests key to stress control
  • Men, women equally likely to use VA homeless services
VA  Research Currents March,2012

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February, 2012

In this issue:

  • Probing war's effects on women
  • Study highlights effective route to employment for Veterans with PTSD
  • Inside PTSD: VA researcher's book offers compelling account through Veterans' stories
  • Stopping tumors by cutting off their blood supply
  • In pilot study, Veterans with PTSD and traumatic brain injury benefit from prolonged exposure therapy
  • Marijuana less harmful than tobacco—at least to lungs
VA Research Currents February,2012

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December-January, 2012

In this issue:

  • Handling data from the Million Veteran Program is the health informatics challenge of an era
  • Brain studies sort out physical, emotional scars of war
  • Shorter drug regimen could help eradicate TB
  • Lab scientists pay close attention to biological gaps between the species
  • VA-led study on police points to stress biomarker
VA Research Currents January,2012

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Issues from 2011 and earlier:

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