Giving Intelligence Teams an AI-powered advantage

Understand and monitor any market in real time with our AI enabled Market Intelligence Platform

Switch to AI-powered Intelligence

Transforming millions of published data and industry information into business-relevant opportunities accelerating your growth. Our state-of-the-art AI detects unknown opportunities that classical search algorithms typically miss. Global footprint, multi-sector and cross-sector topics.

Reduce the risk of missing key data

by automating your MI and CI tasks. With ReportLinker, you can simultaneously track multiple companies, sectors, topics and territories across countless sources.

Avoid information overload

with AI trained to understand business and competitive contexts. ReportLinker allows you to go beyond keyword searches and deliver insights with unprecedented accuracy.

Spot emerging trends

with learning algorithms trained to detect early signals. ReportLinker helps you stay ahead of competitors and drive innovation through out your organization.

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About us

A team driven by Passion and Innovation

Our challenge? Reinventing Intelligence with Technology