Electrical Equipment Market Outlook 2022 - 2026

Daily Updated Industry Statistics and Top Emerging Trends about the Electrical Equipment Industry

Global Electrical Equipment Trends in 2022

Electrical Equipment is part of Manufacturing and includes a number of sub-sectors such as Turbine. You may also be interested in Metal Manufacturing, Electronic Component and Molding.

Global Electrical Equipment Export is set to reach $2,583,100,000,000 by 2026 from $2,408,200,000,000 in 2021, growing 1.3% year on year on average. Since 2017, Global supply jumped by 4.8% year on year. At $725,010,000,000 in 2021, China was number 1 in Global Electrical Equipment Export. South Korea, the United States and Germany respectively were numbers 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. The Central African Republic jumped by 76.2% year on year, while Gambia decreased by 49.2% year on year since 2017.

Global Electrical Equipment Import is set to reach $2,854,400,000,000 by 2026 from $2,661,200,000,000 in 2021, growing 1.3% year on year average rate. Since 2017, Global demand rose 4.8% year on year. With $563,300,000,000 in 2021, China was number 1 in Global Electrical Equipment Import. The United States, Germany and Singapore respectively were numbers 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. Malawi was up 20.3% year on year, while Uruguay decreased by 7.4% year on year since 2017.

European Electrical Equipment Revenue is set to reach €130,110 Million by 2026 from €133,510 Million in 2021, falling by 0.4% year on year on average. Since 2017, European market rose 1.1% year on year. In 2021, Germany ranked number 1 in Electrical Equipment Revenue with €52,830 Million. France, Italy and Spain respectively came in numbers 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. Ireland was up 15.7% year on year, while Portugal fell by 11.5% year on year since 2017.

Top 10 countries

In 2022 major markets in the Electrical Equipment Industry were:

Electrical Equipment Market Data and Forecasts

How much the Electrical Equipment industry is expected to grow to 2026?

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Forecast: Global Export of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
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Global Electrical Equipment Statistics

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