Recreational Activity Market Outlook 2022 - 2026

Daily Updated Industry Statistics and Top Emerging Trends about the Recreational Activity Industry

European Recreational Activity Trends in 2022

Recreational Activity is part of Leisure and includes a number of sub-sectors such as Movie Theater, Gambling, Pleasure Garden, Amusement Park and Waterpark. You may also be interested in Cultural Attraction.

European Recreational Activities Revenue is set to reach €177,770 Million by 2026 from €164,110 Million in 2021, growing 0.8% year on year CAGR. Since 2016, European market was up 0.3% year on year. In 2021, Germany was number 1 in with €30,930 Million. France, the United Kingdom and Spain respectively ranked numbers 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. Lithuania jumped by 12.1% year on year, while Slovakia fell by 6.9% year on year since 2016.

Top 10 countries

In 2022 major markets in the Recreational Activity Industry were:

Global Recreational Activity Statistics

Global Recreational Activity Industry Database

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