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APA Copyright and Permissions Information

APA Permissions Policy

APA supports the dissemination of information to aid in the development of science and scholarly research. APA also values and respects its own intellectual property as well as the intellectual property of others. As a result, APA believes it is essential for publishers of scholarly and other proprietary material to develop an efficient and consistent system, based on mutual trust, for granting permissions for both electronic and print publication of proprietary works. Therefore, APA adopts the following guidelines for the use of APA copyrighted content.

Permission is required for the following

  • Chapters, articles
  • Pages, excerpts
  • Abstracts
  • Images, photos, charts, graphics, tables, figures
  • Measures, scales, instruments
  • Videos

Fees for the above uses may be found at

Permission is required, but no fee applies to

  • Author of the requested work
  • Students publishing in a thesis or dissertation
  • STM Publisher signatory

If you are an author of an APA book or journal article seeking to reuse content from your work, please see the links below for more information.

Permission is not required for the following

  • Single text extracts of 400 words or fewer
  • Cumulative text extracts of 800 words or fewer
  • Permission is required for all other uses

No formal requests to APA or the author are required for the items in this clause. Proper attribution and credit of the source are required for all uses.

How to seek permission

APA has partnered with Copyright Clearance Center to provide a web-based permission service using RightsLink®. This service offers users the opportunity to obtain permission to reuse APA book and journal copyrighted materials quickly, easily, and legally. Most requests to use APA copyrighted content can be processed through RightsLink. You may do so in one of two ways:

  • Request permission to republish APA content by going directly to the Copyright Clearance Center and entering the book or journal information.
  • Locate the journal article book title you want to use on the APA website. Then click the Permissions & Copyright link associated with that item from the right-hand menu.
    Please note, if you are seeking permission to use a journal article or book title in a thesis/dissertation do not select “chapter/article.” You must indicate a page range or make a different selection.

STM Permission Guidelines

  • APA is a signatory to STM Permission Guidelines. Authors should check the STM Permissions Guidelines prior to seeking permission via CCC to reprint third party content in APA publications as the fees and/or conditions may be favorable under the STM agreement.
  • In adopting these guidelines, APA seeks to facilitate the exchange of scholarly and professional information. At the same time, APA maintains full authority for protecting and setting policy for works copyrighted by APA.

Permissions for APA Style resources

APA does not typically grant permission for use of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association or any content derived from the Publication Manual.

However, APA may grant permission for extracts from the Publication Manual or other APA Style resources under certain circumstances. Permission is not required for single text extracts of 200 words or fewer or cumulative text extracts of 400 words or fewer from the Publication Manual or related APA Style resources. Written permission is required for all other uses. Proper attribution and credit of the source are required for all uses.

Permission may be granted by request for the following:

  • The “Journal Article Reporting Standards” and “Manuscript Elements” sections (pp. 21–41) in Chapter 2 and related appendix material (pp. 247–253) in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual
  • The “General Guidelines for Reducing Bias” and “Reducing Bias by Topic” sections (pp. 71–77) in Chapter 3 in the sixth edition of the Publication Manual
  • Chapter 3 “Journal Article Reporting Standards” (pp.71–108) in the seventh edition of the Publication Manual
  • Chapter 5 “Bias-Free Language Guidelines” (pp. 131–149) in the seventh edition of the Publication Manual
  • Chapter 3 “Bias-Free Language Guidelines” (pp. 55–80) in the seventh edition of the Concise Guide to APA Style
  • Select APA Style blog and website content

Requirement for attribution and credit

APA requires that full credit be given to the author(s) and APA of the material(s) reused. That credit should include the following:

  • For material republished from books: author, title, edition, publisher, copyright year, and “reprinted [or adapted] with permission.”
  • For material republished from journal articles: author, title of article, title of journal, volume number, issue number (if relevant), page range (or first page if this is the only information available), date, APA as publisher, and “reprinted [or adapted] with permission.”

The following language should be added to the credit line for versions translated from the English: “APA is not responsible for the accuracy of this translation.”

Original material

It is the requesting party's responsibility to ensure that the material is original to APA and that it was not reprinted with permission from a non-APA source.

Last updated: April 2021Date created: October 2008

ADA Requests

Request electronic copies of books for students with disabilities.