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IT Inflation Trends &
Preparedness Strategies

IDC's "Future of" (FoX) Research Practices

Addressing New Competitive Forces and Key CEO Agenda Items in a Post-Pandemic World

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Should Your Organization Adopt an Outcomes-as-a-Service Model?

Sell outcomes, not products: Adopting an outcomes-as-a-service model

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Smart Facilities: Using Technology in a Reimagined Workplace

The concept of work now spans time and space

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Investing in a Business Outcomes-Driven Digital Infrastructure

Lessons learned from IDC’s North America Best in Future of Digital Infrastructure Awards

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Understanding the
Future Consumer

Learn How IDC Helps Business Leaders

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IDC Directions 2022

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Thriving in Today's
Digital-First World

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Why Every Executive Should be Focused on Enterprise Intelligence Now

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Adapting to Meet the Needs of the Future Consumer
(Originally scheduled for CES 2022)

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