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We are focused on offering you the flexible strategic relationship you need

Why IDC is the Right Fit for Growing Tech Vendors

Partnering with an analyst firm is critical for innovative technology providers to advance their market awareness, grow lead generation efforts, and build third-party validation momentum. However, some analyst firms have rigid structures that impede rather than advance disruptors' growth. We are focused on offering you the flexible strategic relationship you need.

Explore IDC’s unique solutions exclusively for emerging tech vendors

IDC Accelerator Program

Custom-built to help disruptive tech vendors drive awareness and position themselves in the market and with investors.

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IDC Emerging Vendor Program

Offers growing tech vendors the opportunity to dive deeper into market sizing and segmentation for growth with direct access to an analyst expert.

IDC Mid-Market Vendor Program

For expanding tech disruptors looking to scale market reach and increase marketing activities in more geos and new markets and industries.

Your Journey. Our Partnership.

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