IDC’s “Future of X” Practices

Helping the C-Suite Understand and Address
Digital Transformation Requirements

Charting the Course to the Future Enterprise

By 2023, digitally transformed enterprises will account for 53% of total GDP.

Are You Prepared?

IDC’s global research teams provide expert guidance to business leaders and technology suppliers on the digital transformation trends, requirements, and business goals driving the new CEO agenda. With nine Future of X research practices, IDC provides the critical context organizations need to build a digital-first strategy that helps scale operations, establish trust, improve customer experiences, and achieve measurable business goals and outcomes.

Each Future of X practice is global, cross-functional, and organized as a virtual team, combining thought leadership with industry-leading analysis of important technology trends and survey-based insights.

Compete, Differentiate, Win

Interested in learning how IDC’s Future of X research can help your organization address the new C-Suite technology agenda? Explore all of the research practices.

Future of


Create pervasive and seamlessly connected experiences

Future of

Digital Innovation

Deliver innovative services and experiences at scale

Future of


Develop resilient decision-making and unify operational data streams

Future of

Customer Experience

Strengthen customer loyalty through empathy at scale

Future of

Industry Ecosystems

Build open, agile and scalable ecosystems that encourage innovation

Future of


Mitigate risk, create value and engender trust with customers

Future of

Digital Infrastructure

Ensure ever faster delivery of reliable digital services and experiences

Future of


Build intelligent organizations based on evidence-based cultures

Future of


Create dynamic work models that promote agility, flexibility and intelligence

Introducing IDC’s Future Enterprise Podcast Series

Leverage technology to achieve innovative business outcomes

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