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Our Board of Directors brings together faculty of NYU School of Law and experts from the legal, nonprofit, and corporate sectors.


Robert A. AtkinsCo-Chair
Part­ner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Whar­ton, & Garrison LLP 

Patri­cia BaumanCo-Chair
Pres­id­ent, Bauman Found­a­tion

Nancy Bren­nan
Consult­ant, Nonprofit Manage­ment and Fundrais­ing

Leslie Bhutani

Maggie Black­hawk
Professor, NYU School of Law

Adam B. Cox
Professor, NYU School of Law

Kimberly Davis 
Managing Director, AB Bern­stein

Les Fagen
Retired Part­ner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Whar­ton & Garrison LLP

Dani­elle C. Gray
Exec­ut­ive Vice Pres­id­ent and Global Chief Legal Officer, Walgreens Boots Alli­ance

Kimber­ley D. Harris
Exec­ut­ive Vice Pres­id­ent, General Coun­sel, NBCUni­ver­sal 

Helen Hershkoff
Professor, NYU School of Law

Thomas M. Jorde
Professor Emer­itus, Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, Berke­ley, School of Law

Daniel F. Kolb
Senior Coun­sel, Davis Polk & Ward­well LLP

Ruth Lazarus

Paul LightfootTreas­urer
General Manager of Patago­nia Provi­sions

Trevor Morrison
Eric M. and Laurie B. Roth Professor of Law, Dean Emer­itus, NYU Law School

Melissa Murray
Professor, NYU School of Law

Wendy Neu 
Chair­man and CEO, Hugo Neu Corpor­a­tion

Franz Paasche
Senior Vice Pres­id­ent, Corpor­ate Affairs and Commu­nic­a­tions, PayPal

Lawrence Pedow­itzChair Emer­itus

Steven A. ReissGeneral Coun­sel
Retired Part­ner, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP

Richard Revesz
Professor and Dean Emer­itus, NYU School of Law

Gerald Rosen­feld
Vice Chair­man, Invest­ment Bank­ing, Lazard Ltd. 
Distin­guished Scholar in Resid­ence, NYU School of Law
Clin­ical Professor of Busi­ness, NYU Stern School of Busi­ness

Stephen Schul­hofer
Professor, NYU School of Law

Emily Spitzer
Pres­id­ent, The Bern­ard and Anne Spitzer Char­it­able Trust

Gerald Torres
Professor of Envir­on­mental Justice, Yale School of Forestry & Envir­on­mental Stud­ies

Christine A. Varney
Part­ner, Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP

Michael Wald­man
Pres­id­ent, Bren­nan Center for Justice

Adam Wink­ler
Professor, UCLA School of Law

Kenji Yoshino
Professor, NYU School of Law