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Our competitive benefits change constantly in response to workplace trends and employee feedback.

We offer compre­hens­ive medical bene­fits, which are heav­ily subsid­ized by the Center, free dental and vision care for every employee, as well a gym reim­burse­ment program. Our dental plan even includes cover­age for adult ortho­don­tia! We also offer free virtual medical care through Teladoc.

We provide access to an Employee Assist­ance Program through Health Advoc­ate for mental health support, as well as finan­cial, legal, and profes­sional resources.

Other insur­ance policies include life, disab­il­ity, and long term care—all paid for by the Center.

Time Off
We have an extremely gener­ous paid-time-off policy, which includes a minimum of 20 vaca­tion days, four personal days, and six sick days annu­ally for all full-time employ­ees. Employ­ees also receive an addi­tional 10 paid holi­days.

Retire­ment Savings
Save for retire­ment with our 401k plan with a very gener­ous employer match.

Pre-Tax Saving
We offer access to pre-tax saving options for commut­ing and medical expenses.

We provide 12 weeks of 100% paid leave for eligible employ­ees.

NYU Bene­fits
We have access to a vari­ety of bene­fits because of our affil­i­ation with New York Univer­sity, includ­ing but not limited to access to legal data­bases, CLE-grant­ing courses, librar­ies, and discounts.