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The Brennan Center for Justice has communications staff in our New York City and Washington, DC, offices. They handle questions and requests from journalists about the Brennan Center’s areas of expertise and arrange interviews with staff.

If you’re in the media, consult the list below to find the right commu­nic­a­tions staffer for your inquiry.  

If you would like to request a Bren­nan Center expert to appear at one of your events, please contact: 
Maylina Graham, Exec­ut­ive Assist­ant
E   grahamm@bren­  

Click here for press releases.

Media Inquir­ies

Elec­tion secur­ity and admin­is­tra­tion
Rebecca Autrey, Senior Media Strategist, Wash­ing­ton Office
E   [email protected]
P   202.753.5904

Campaign finance; national secur­ity
Julian Brookes, Senior Media Strategist
E   [email protected]
P   646.292.8376

Voting rights
Kend­all Karson, Senior Media Strategist
E   kend­[email protected]
P   646.925.8746

Redis­trict­ing and census; requests for Michael Wald­man; general inquir­ies
Romario Rick­etts, Media Assist­ant
E   romario.rick­ett­[email protected]
P   646.925.8734 

Crim­inal justice, court reform
Derek Rosen­feld, Media Strategist
E   derek.rosen­[email protected]
P   646.292.8381