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Travel Grants

ACM CIKM 2011 will provide a limited number of travel grants to help student delegates attend the conference. Each grant will come in the form of a flat contribution which could be used to pay anything related to CIKM 2011. The expected value of the student travel grant this year will be £300. Preference will be given to applicants who are the principal authors of a paper and will be presenting the paper at CIKM 2011. Authors who are not presenting will not be funded. All travel grants will be conditional on the student attending and presenting their own work at the conference. Students receiving these grants need to agree to serve as student helpers during the conference. No registration fee will be waived.

Applications for travel grants can be made using our online application form - you will be able to apply for the Conference Travel Grants on or before 16th September. Applicants that are not registered to the conference will not be funded. In addition, workshop-only delegates and tutorial-only delegates will not be eligible for these grants.

Moreover, if you are or plan to attend the BooksOnline workshop, CrossRef has kindly agreed to subsidise the registration of a number of student delegates. Please use the online application form to apply. Check CrossRef Travel Grants for eligibility and deadlines.

Finally, if you are residing in Eastern Europe, you may be eligible to apply for a Google Eastern European Travel Grant. Please use the online application form to apply, closing date is the 25th of August. Check the Google Eastern European Travel Grant to make sure you can apply. Google Eastern European Travel Grants have now closed