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Call for Tutorials

It is the goal of the CIKM 2011 Tutorial Program to offer conference attendees and local participants a stimulating and informative selection of tutorials reflecting current topics in databases, information retrieval, and knowledge management. These tutorials will be presented by subject matter experts and will reflect the high academic and research standards of the CIKM 2011 conference. We encourage submissions of tutorial proposal on all topics in the general areas of databases, information retrieval, and knowledge management, especially tutorials bridging these areas, or presenting new perspectives in these areas. A full list of current topics of interest will be found

Proposals will be considered for half-day and full-day tutorials. Topics should have a direct relevance to the topics of the conference. Anticipated areas of interest at the time of CIKM 2011 include topics related to database, information retrieval and knowledge management theory, technologies, and applications. A list of recent tutorials collocated with CIKM can be found at:

Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF by sending a mail to tutorial chairs via

A tutorial proposal should include the following:

  • Title of the tutorial
  • Instructor(s) and their credentials (CV)
  • Aims/Learning objectives
  • Description of topics
  • Scope of the tutorial
  • Tutorial history (previous offerings of tutorial, if any)
  • Format of tutorial (1/2 day or 1 day)
  • 300 Word abstract (1-2 paragraphs suitable for inclusion in conference registration materials)
  • Keywords
  • Full description (1-2 pages to be used for evaluation)
  • Target audience information and relation to CIKM areas
  • Prerequisite knowledge of audience
  • Relevant references that would support proposal evaluation
  • Any other noteworthy comments or remarks

Important Dates for Tutorial Proposals

  • April 26, 2011: tutorial proposals due
  • June 21, 2011: notifications

Queries regarding tutorial proposals should be sent to the Tutorial Program Chairs: Jaap Kamps and Fabrizio Silvestri (