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How Instagram is Bringing People and Brands Closer Than Ever

Discover what people want from brands on Instagram and explore ways marketers can connect with Instagrammers along their shopping journeys.

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Instagram now hosts more than one billion monthly active accounts.1 Facebook IQ wanted get to know the people behind these accounts, find out how they use Instagram throughout the consumer journey and learn how they like to engage with brands. So, we commissioned a two-part study: We hired LRWTonic to interview 70 Instagrammers in 9 countries and Ipsos to survey 21,000 Instagrammers in 13 countries. We discovered that Instagrammers' relationship with the platform is growing stronger, and they see brands as a key part of the Instagram community.

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Learn more about the methodology

The research and findings in this article are based on two extensive research studies. First, Facebook commissioned LRWTonic to conduct a qualitative study consisting of in-depth, hour-long interviews with 70 people ages 18 and older who used Instagram multiple times a day across 9 countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, France, Japan, Korea, United Kingdom, United States). That qualitative data helped inform a quantitative study commissioned by Facebook from Ipsos, administered as a survey of 21,000 people ages 13–64 who used Instagram at least once a week across 13 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, France, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States). Survey response styles might vary across countries due to cultural differences, but scale anchors remained fixed within each country. For example, Japan respondents may tend to answer questions more conservatively than respondents in Brazil.

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