Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
Crawl DZ from Alexa Internet. This data is currently not publicly accessible.
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Professional Development
Changing the culture of a classroom and school takes time,
patience, sustained effort, and support. We are working with Educators
for Social Responsibility and other educational organizations, including
colleges of education, to provide exceptional professional development
Our goal is to equip teachers, school counselors, principals, and other
educators who wish to implement Don't Laugh at Me (DLAM) with the necessary
skills and confidence to launch the program successfully. Workshops are
designed to offer participants: background on the innovative approach
of the DLAM program; a detailed examination of program components and
related teaching resources; hands-on experiences with multiple strategies
for implementation and classroom infusion of DLAM;
methods for the utilization of DLAM as a gateway program to comprehensive
year-round social and emotional learning; and, assistance in developing
school action plans for incorporating DLAM into existing efforts that
meet the specific needs of individual schools.
DLAM is designed to help teachers and students create a respectful, compassionate
and ridicule-free environment that nurture both the emotional/social and
academic growth of students. The program integrates powerful video images
and music with highly regarded conflict resolution curricula that help
sensitize students to the painful effects of bullying, ridicule and other
forms of disrespect - behaviors that frequently lie at the root of emotional
and physical injury that children inflict upon one another. The programs
are designed to inspire children to help take responsibility for making
their class a "Ridicule Free Zone," and to give them the tools
and techniques for preserving it.