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Expert Field Medical Badge

Thank you for visiting the Expert Field Medical Badge (EFMB) web page. We hope this site helps units and individuals plan and prepare for the EFMB. Please take the time to view each section and understand where to locate items you may find useful. Feel free to contact us if you have feedback on your experience with this page or would like to see any other resources provided.


***See below for the signed Medical Center of Excellence (MEDCoE) Pamphlet (PAM) 350-10, 01 June 2024.***

-Units and candidates should utilize this document for all future planning purposes. 

*EFMB Training Videos have been released! See the link for the Evacuation and TCCC tasks.



Soldiers and leaders should be wary about utilizing EFMB study material obtained from sources other than this website. The EFMB TCO is consistently observing sites and candidates using material that is not applicable for EFMB testing. Much of the material available on other websites is outdated or irrelevant for EFMB testing purposes. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU USE TO PREPARE! At this time we recommend utilizing the references on the "Written Test" tab to study for the EFMB written test. These materials are also available on each EFMB Written Test Blackboard site in the "References & Resources" section.

Purpose of EFMB Testing

The Department of the Army approved the Expert Field Medical Badge (EFMB), a special skill award for recognition of exceptional competence and outstanding performance by field medical personnel, on 18 June 1965.

Personnel eligible to earn the EFMB include all officers assigned or detailed to an Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Corps, Army officers in training at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Army officers enrolled in the Health Professions Scholarship Program, Warrant Officers who have an AMEDD primary military occupational specialty (MOS) controlled by the Surgeon General, Warrant Officer pilots that have a special qualification identifier "D" (Aeromedical Evacuation Pilot) and are assigned to an air ambulance unit, and Enlisted personnel who have an MOS in the 68- Career Management Field (CMF) as well as an AMEDD primary MOS, MOS18D, 38W, 38ZW4.


Candidate Eligibility Requirements

In order to be an EFMB candidate, Service Members must meet the following requirements:

  • Volunteer for EFMB Testing.
  • Be recommended by their unit commander.
  • Be physically and mentally prepared to cope with the rigorous demands of the EFMB test and trained in the prevention of heat related injuries.
  • Qualify as Expert on their individual weapon dated within one year of EFMB testing.
  • Possess a current Basic Life Support (BLS) certification. The certification must be valid through the final day of EFMB testing.
  • Meet standards outlined in AR 600-9.
  • Must not be flagged IAW AR 600-8-2.

Note: Please contact the host unit OIC/NCOIC to ensure you are submitting all required documents. Examples of the required documents are located under the “Resources” tab and contact information for the host units can be found under the “EFMB Schedule” tab.

History of Expert Field Medical Badge


Prior to the establishment of the Expert Field Medical Badge, some AMEDD units of V Corps in Europe developed and conducted tests to ensure their Soldiers were trained to the highest level of proficiency required of their wartime mission. These tests lasted for 2 1/2 days and consisted of written and practical exercises (identification of types of wounds, bandaging, application of splints, treatment of war casualties, removal of injured personnel from tanks, loading and unloading of patients from helicopters, map reading, aerial photo reading and maintenance of equipment). If the Soldiers passed the test, they were issued a "Expert Medical Soldier Certificate". These tests were apparently the forerunner of the EFMB test.

MG Duncan, Chief of Staff, US Continental Army Command recommended establishment of an Expert Field Medical Badge as a Department of the Army special skill award for recognition of exceptional competence and outstanding performance by field medical personnel in a letter to Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, (DCSPER), dated 20 January 1964, in accordance with correspondence between General Waters and General Heaton, The Surgeon General.  (DCSPER and the Army Chief of Staff for Force Development (ACSFOR) did not favorably consider an earlier request in 1963 for the same badge.) On 14 May 1964, DCSPER tentatively approved the recommendation, subject to Headquarters US Continental Army Command and ACSFOR`s development and submission of criteria. DSCPER received the design of the badge, with criteria for the award, by Summary Sheet on 2 February 1965, and returned it without action on 27 February 1965 due to pending further study of questions posed by the Vice Chief of Staff, US Army. DCSPER advised Commander, The Institute of Heraldry (TIOH), US Army, by Disposition Form (DF), dated 6 July 1965, of the approved Summary Sheet, dated 18 June 1965, establishing an Expert Field Medical Badge.  TIOH took on the responsibility of preparing the necessary Army Regulation and commencing action on procurement of the new badge.  A reproduction sample of the Expert Field Medical Badge was approved on 8 December 1965. The badge was oxidized silver consisting of a stretcher placed horizontally behind a caduceus with a cross of the Geneva Convention at the junction of the wings, 15/16 inch high and 1 7/17 inches long.  The badge has not changed since its inception. AR 672-10, dated 1 March 1966, prescribed the authority for the award of the badge. Current Regulations: AMEDDC&S HRCOE PAM 350-10, dated 1 March 2019.

Today, the EFMB test is the utmost challenge to the professional competence and physical endurance of the Soldier medic. It is the most sought after peacetime award in the AMEDD, and while the Combat Medical Badge is the "portrait of courage" in wartime, the Expert Field Medical Badge is undoubtedly the "portrait of excellence" in the Army all of the time.

MEDCoE PAM 350-10 and Policy Updates

68W Sustainment

The 68W sustainment course, in combination with the Expert Field Medical Badge train-up and testing, provides units an additional avenue to ensure 68W Combat Medics complete their annual skills validation by supplementing EFMB with an additional 16 - 20 hours of didactic training and 8 hours of hands-on testing to fulfill the annual requirements set forth by the US Army EMS Programs Management Division. This training is executed over the course of three days, prior to EFMB train-up and testing.


Units may provide 68W candidates that are not current with Tables I-VIII and skills validation to attend the training with approval from their Company Commander.

Candidates participating in the 68W sustainment program must be prospective EFMB candidates for the sites upcoming EFMB.


NOTE: Candidates must attend the entirety of both the 68W sustainment training and EFMB train-up to receive their training certificate for TC 8-800 tables I-VII. To receive table VIII skills validation credit, candidates must pass 68W sustainment program hands-on testing and the Tactical Combat Casualty Care lane.

TC 8-800 (CAC Required)

Required Training Material (Zip File, CAC Required)

DA From 7442 (CAC Required)

DA Form 7741 (CAC Required)

Example Sign-In/Out Roster

68W Sustainment Fillable Training Schedule (CAC Required)

68W Sustainment Task Completion Memorandum

Written Test

The EFMB Written Test (WT) evaluates the institutional knowledge of the candidates, and is executed digitally as a prerequisite prior to in-processing EFMB and/or at the EFMB site, based on the host unit`s preference. Candidates must complete 60 multiple choice questions in 1 hour 30 minutes or less. This examination is the only retestable EFMB event. This event is a non-rebuttable task.

In order to receive a "GO" and continue to EFMB in-processing, candidates must pass either the Written Test or Written Re-test by answering 45 out of 60 questions correctly.

The following are the only references utilized in developing the questions on the EFMB WT. Candidates preparing for the WT should utilize the references listed below as their primary study materials:

Note: We utilize the most current version of the publications in the test questions. Clinical Practice Guidelines also located on the Joint Trauma System website

Radiology: Imaging Trauma  Patients in a Deployed Setting (CPG ID: 01)
Aural Blast Injury Acoustic Trauma and Hearing Loss (CPG ID: 05)
Burn Care (CPG ID: 12)
Military Working Dogs (CPG ID: 16) 
Whole Blood Transfusion (CPG ID:21)
Infection Prevention in Combat-related Injuries (CPG ID:24)
Inhalation Injury and Toxic Industrial Chemical Exposure (CPG ID:25)
Frozen and Deglycerolized Red Blood Cells (CPG ID:26)
Interfacility Transport of Patients Between Theater Medical Treatment Facilities (CPG ID: 27) 
Pain, Anxiety, and Delirium (CPG ID: 29) 
War Wounds: Debridement and Irrigation (CPG ID:31)
Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Management (CPG ID:41)
The i-STAT Portable Blood Analyzer in Austere Locations (CPG ID:47)
Burn Wound Management in Prolonged Field Care (CPG ID: 57)
Frostbite and Immersion Foot Care (CPG ID: 59)
Traumatic Brain Injury Management in Prolonged Field Care (CPG ID:63)
Drowning Management (CPG ID:64)
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Injury Part I (CPG ID: 69)
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) injury Response Part 2 (CPG ID: 69)
Nursing Intervention in Prolonged Field Care (CPG ID: 70) 
Documentation in Prolonged Field Care (CPG ID: 72) 
Global Snake Envenomation Management (CPG ID:81)
Prehospital Blood Transfusion (CPG ID:82)
Global Spider and Scorpion Envenomation Management (CPG ID: 84)


Written Test Study Guide

Digital Written Test & Survey Overview (CAC Required)

EFMB Blackboard Guide

EFMB Physical Fitness Assessment

The EFMB Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) is the first graded event of the EFMB testing phase. Candidates must pass this GO or NO-GO event to continue competing for the EFMB. This event is not re-testable and is a non-rebuttable task.

Note: No alternate cardio events authorized for EFMB testing.

ATP 7-22.01, Holistic Health and Fitness Testing, 01 October 20

Expert Physical Fitness Assessment (EFPA)

Land Navigation

Land navigation is the second graded event of the EFMB test. During this event, candidates will demonstrate their individual proficiency in navigating from one point to another, while dismounted, without the aid of electronic navigation devices. Candidates must correctly annotate and punch at least three out of four points in under three hours in order to receive a GO for both day and night land navigation. This event is not re-testable.

How To Find Your Way

Land Navigation Point/Lane Distance Workbook (CAC Required)

Testing Lanes

There are three testing lane with a varying number of tested skills per lane. These lanes test the practical ability and attention to detail of candidates while performing evacuation, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) and warrior skills tasks. The testing lane tasks are not re-testable.

In order to receive a "GO" and continue in the EFMB event, candidates must pass 9 out of 10 evacuation tasks, all TCCC critical tasks (T1-T3), 10 out of 12 TCCC non-critical tasks, and 9 out of 10 warrior skills tasks.

Candidates will execute station testing for all tasks except the TCCC tasks. Candidates will execute the TCCC tasks in a scenario based lane.

Lane Concept (CAC Required)

Evacuation Lane - Station Testing

  • E1 - Evacuate Casualties Using One-Person Carries or Drags
  • E2 - Evacuate Casualties Using Two-Person Carries or Drags
  • E3 - Evacuate Casualties Using Litter Carries
  • E4 - Evacuate a Casualty Using a SKED Basic Rescue System
  • E5 - Establish a Helicopter Landing Point
  • E6 - Load Casualties Onto a Ground Ambulance
  • E7 - Unload Casualties From a Ground Ambulance
  • E8 - Load Casualties Onto Nonstandard Vehicle (Cargo HMMWV Family)
  • E9 - Unload Casualties From a Nonstandard Vehicle (Cargo HMMWV Family)
  • E10 - Load Casualties Onto Nonstandard Vehicle (5-Ton)

Tactical Combat Casualty Care Lane - Scenario Based Lane

  • *T1 - Treat Massive Hemorrhage (Patient 1, 2, & 3)
  • *T2 - Airway Management (Patient 1, 2, & 3)
  • *T3 - Respiration Management (Patient 1, 2, & 3)
  • T4 - Circulation Management (Patient 1, 2, & 3)
  • T5 - Hypothermia Prevention and Administer Medications (Patient 1, 2, & 3)
  • T6 - Detailed Physical Exam (Patient 1, 2, & 3)
  • T7 - Complete a TCCC Card (Patient 1, 2, & 3)

(*) Signifies critical TCCC tasks

Warrior Skills Lane (Combined Tasks with Expert Infantryman Badge and Expert Soldier Badge) - Station Testing

  • WS1 - M4 Carbine/M16 Rifle
  • WS2 - M9/M17/M18 Pistol
  • WS3 - Move Under Direct Fire
  • WS4 - Tactical Handheld Radio
  • WS5 - Transmit SPOTREP with Tactical Man Pack Radio
  • WS6 - Camouflage and Visual Signaling Techniques
  • WS7 - Chemical and Biological Operations
  • WS8 - Resection and Military Maps
  • WS9 - Request Medical Evacuation
  • WS10 - Operate PVS-14 Monocular Night Vision Device

12-Mile Road March and Final Event

Candidates must pass the PFA, land navigation, and the testing lanes in order to attempt this as a graded task. In order to receive a "GO" and be awarded the EFMB, candidates must complete a 12-mile (19.3 kilometer) road march, within 3 hours, completely crossing the finish line carrying their individual field equipment. The 12-mile road march event is not re-testable and is a non-rebuttable task. Within five minutes after a candidate crosses the finish line, the final event begins. The final event is: clear, disassemble, assemble, and perform a functions check on an M4 series carbine or M16 series rifle in five minutes or less. This final event is a critical task. The final event is not re-testable.

Upon completion of the 12-mile forced march, host units will either weigh each candidate`s rucksack (minimum 35 pound dry weight).

EFMB Schedule


Upcoming FY 24 EFMB Tests


3BCT, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Johnson, LA

  • Train-up Dates: 23 OCT - 03 NOV 23
  • Testing Dates: 06 - 10 NOV 23


30th Medical Brigade, Grafenwoehr, Germany

  • Train-up Dates: 23 OCT - 03 NOV 23
  • Testing Dates: 06 - 10 NOV 23


1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, CO

  • Train-up Dates: 15 NOV - 01 DEC 23
  • Testing Dates: 04 - 08 DEC 23


2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82D Airborne Division, Fort Liberty, NC

  • Train-up Dates: 29 JAN - 02 FEB 24
  • Testing Dates: 05 - 09 FEB 24


Medical Readiness Brigade, National Capital Region, Fort Walker, VA

  • Train-up Dates: 02 - 09 MAR 24
  • Testing Dates: 11 - 15 MAR 24

US Army Medical Department, Fort Jackson, SC

  • Train-up Dates: 08 - 21 APR 24
  • Testing Dates: 22 - 26 APR 24

25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, HI

  • Train-up Dates: 15 - 26 APR 24
  • Testing Dates: 29 APR - 03 MAY 24

2nd Brigade Combat Team, 11th Airborne Division, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska

  • Train-up Dates: 05 - 17 AUG 24
  • Testing Dates: 19 - 23 AUG 24

William Beaumont Army Medical Center, Fort Bliss, Texas

  • Train-up Dates: 03 - 14 SEP 24
  • Testing Dates: 16 - 20 SEP 24


1st Brigade Combat team, 82D Airborne Division, Fort Liberty, North Carolina

  • Train-up Dates: 05 - 13 SEP 24
  • Testing Dates: 16 - 20 SEP 24

2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, New York

  • Train-up Dates: 16 - 27 SEP 24
  • Testing Dates: 30 SEP - 04 OCT 24



Upcoming FY 25 EFMB Tests


3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Drawsko Combat Training Center, Konotop, Poland

  • Train-up Dates: 03 - 13 OCT 24
  • Testing Dates: 14 - 18 OCT 24

3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Kentucky

  • Train-up Dates: 28 OCT - 16 NOV 24
  • Testing Dates: 18 - 22 NOV 24

3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Moore, Georgia

  • Train-up Dates: 08 - 14 DEC 24
  • Testing Dates: 15 - 20 DEC 24

2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Cavazos, Texas

  • Train-up Dates: 13 - 31 JAN 25
  • Testing Dates: 03 - 07 FEB 25


FY23 EFMB Schedule/POCs (CAC Required)

FY24 EFMB Schedule/POCs (CAC Required)



Frequently Asked Questions

Below are common questions we receive daily by email and phone. They are not addressed in any order so please review the questions thoroughly. If you have a question that is not addressed on this page please let us know!

Q: I am a written test proctor. How do I obtain the written test passwords?

A: Please ask your chain of command to e-mail a request to the host unit with a copy of your EFMB orders. The EFMB TCO will only provide this information to the host unit test board members.

Q: What do I do if I lost/didn’t receive a copy of my EFMB orders?

A: Email the EFMB Test Control Office Group Email [email protected] with the following information: Name, Rank, last four of SSN, and the year, date and location of the EFMB event you attended. We will attempt to locate your orders or will give you guidance on further actions to take.

Q: How do I obtain a slot at an EFMB

A: The Test Control Office does not schedule candidates to attend an EFMB. Requests can only be made through the EFMB OIC/NCOIC of the EFMB host unit. Under the “Host Units” tab at the bottom of the page is a link to a document with contact information for each site. If you are having trouble getting in touch with the host unit EFMB cadre, you can contact us directly to provide you more information. Please attempt to contact the host unit prior to calling the Test Control Office.

Question: What are the first steps to locking in EFMB dates to host an event?

A: The Test Control Office receives request to host memos on a first come first serve basis. Under the “Requesting to Host” tab is an example request to host memo that needs to be filled out accurately in order to be approved by the TCO and added to the schedule. It is also important that you give us the best contact numbers to post on our website and keep us informed of any key personnel changes between the request to host submission and EFMB event.

The host commander must sign and submit a request to conduct EFMB testing to the EFMB Test Control Office (TCO) no later than (NLT) 90 days prior to the anticipated test-start date for CONUS units, and NLT 120 days prior to the anticipated test-start date for OCONUS units. The EFMB TCO will consider requests submitted after the required deadlines based on date availability. 

Q: Are there any planning resources for host units to utilize?

A: Yes! Check the "Planning and Training" tab for unit planning and training products.

Q: What should I [future candidate] do to best prepare for the EFMB?

A: Our best guidance to you as a future candidate is to ask your company/ unit if there is an EFMB Train-up program that you can get involved in. We understand everyone`s schedules are different so individual efforts you can prepare yourself for are the PFA, 12 Mile Forced March and the EFMB Written Test. All publications for this test can be found online and we recommend studying weeks prior to testing.

There is no one way to be guaranteed successful at an EFMB event. While talking to current badge holders about their experience is a great way to learn tips and tricks of what worked for them, it is best to find what study skills benefit YOU the most in order to make YOU successful when it comes to test week. The R2 center is also a great resource to link up with a performance coach and have them provide specific EFMB preparation to you and fellow Soldiers before an event.

Q: Is there a time restriction to host an EFMB or be a candidate?

A: There is no time restriction to host or attend an EFMB test. Units may host an EFMB test as often as they want/can support; clearly communicate with the EFMB TCO to ensure availability of the dates they would like to host an EFMB test.

Candidates may attend as many EFMB tests as their parent unit will allow. The parent unit is responsible for any travel required to get to an EFMB event.

Q: How do I study for the WT? Is there an approved study guide?

A: Complete the EFMB Written Test Study Guide, and continue to study it.

The EFMB TCO is consistently observing sites and candidates using material that is not applicable for EFMB testing. Much of the material available on other websites is outdated or irrelevant for EFMB testing purposes. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU USE TO PREPARE!

Q: Can sister services/foreign services compete for the badge?

A: Yes, other service and multinational candidates eligible to compete must be either medical personnel or serving in comparable medical positions. The test board chairperson will determine whether candidates have met a suitable standard prior to acceptance IAW with this guidance.

Q: Is the Weapons Qualification a tested event at the EFMB site?

A: No, the weapon qualification scorecard is part of the candidate packet and will remain a prerequisite to attending EFMB, not a tested event on site. The standard did change that you must now qualify expert on your individual (assigned) weapon within 12 months of the EFMB test end date. 


EFMB TCO`s physical address:

3630 Stanley Rd., Suite 0251A
Ft. Sam Houston, TX 78234

Contact Us

Email: [email protected] 

OIC        Cell (Primary): 210-529-4338     Office (Alternate): 210-221-6385

NCOIC    Cell (Primary): 210-896-1590     Office (Alternate): 210-221-6934