
Time in Beirut, Libanon now

torsdag, 16. november, uge 46, 2023

Time zone info for Beirut

UTC +2
Lebanon Standard Time
nu 7 timer foran New York
søndag oktober 29 2023
Latest change: Winter time started
  • Switched to UTC +2 / Lebanon Standard Time.
  • The time was set back én time from 00:00 to 23:00 local time.
søndag marts 31 2024
Next change: Summer time starts
  • Switching to UTC +3 / Lebanon Daylight Time.
  • The time will be set forward én time from 00:00 to 01:00 local time.

Time difference
from Beirut

Los Angeles
10 timer
10 timer
8 timer
8 timer
New York
7 timer
7 timer
7 timer
7 timer
São Paulo
5 timer
5 timer
2 timer
2 timer
2 timer
2 timer
Canton of Zurich
1 timer
1 timer
1 timer
1 timer
1 timer
1 timer
Istanbul+1 timer
Moskva+1 timer
Dubai+2 timer
Mumbai+3,5 timer
Hongkong+6 timer
Shanghai+6 timer
Singapore+6 timer
Tokyo+7 timer
Sydney+9 timer
Compare other time zones

Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Beirut

Beirut on the map

The 24 largest cities in

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