Progress Update

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District (Corps) is revising the Shenango River Lake Master Plan (MP). The Master Plan guides the use of government-owned and leased lands around the lake. This will impact future use of natural resources and recreational activities at Shenango River Lake for the next 25 years. This is your opportunity to let the Corps know how you would like the reservoir to be managed in the future.

Update (as of May 5, 2022): This Master Plan update is just getting started. The scoping phase will kick-off on June 29, 2022 and will end on July 29, 2022. Following the scoping phase for the MP, we will work to prepare a draft for an updated MP and create an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the MP. At that time we will release both the draft MP and the EA for public review. 

How can you use this page? Explore the website to learn more about the Master Plan update process and proposed content as it’s developed. Then, tell us what about Shenango River Lake is most important to you and share what you’d like to do and see changed in the future at the reservoir!

  • We invite you to review the documents posted to this website to see what the current MP includes as well as other relevant information. 
  • To learn more about the MP scoping phase and submit comments for consideration as the MP is revised, please see below for information for how to attend the virtual public meeting which will be held on June 29, 2022
  • You're invited to submit a comment using the public comment tool included on this page or using the other methods listed below by July 29, 2022. We look forward to hearing your comments about the topics in the "Tell Us What You Think!" box below! 

Come back to this website periodically to see what changes we are recommending for Shenango River Lake.

June 2022 Public Scoping Meeting

USACE will be holding a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, June 29 from 6:00-7:30, to explain the upcoming Master Plan (MP) update process and how the public can be involved in the process.

At this meeting you can:

  • Learn more about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Master Plan update process.
  • Ask questions about the process and/or about what is currently happening at the reservoir.
  • Share your ideas or concerns on the direction Pittsburgh District should take the recreational, environmental, cultural/historical, safety, or other aspects of the reservoir in the next 25 years

​​Instructions for how to access and join the meeting:

We invite you to join the meeting by joining us at the webinar link: (copy [ctrl+c] and paste [ctrl+v] link into browser; if you have trouble with the link - try it a couple of times or try typing the link into your browser). Detailed instructions for joining the webinar are located here. If you aren't able to join us in the webinar, each meeting can also be joined via telephone toll free by calling 1-844-800-2712 and providing the access code 199 341 3549. The security code is 1234 (only if prompted).

Not able to make it to the meeting? Want to hear the presentation again? No problem!

Review the slides and view the meeting recording (password: mX8P6y2B) of the June 29 virtual public meeting by clicking the links. Once you've reviewed the meeting content and the current Master Plan (located on the left hand side of the screen), utilize the public comment tool in the section below.

Have thoughts on the future of Shenango River Lake? We'd love to hear from you!

Before we begin updating the Shenango River Lake Master Plan, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or questions you may have. In particular, your thoughts on the following would be helpful:

  • The regional needs the Master Plan should take into consideration
  • The potential threats that need to be addressed in the Master Plan
  • The opportunities you see for the reservoir and surrounding area
  • New or relevant information/plans we should be aware of as we update the Master Plan
  • The areas or resources needing to be protected for their environmental, cultural, or archeological significance
  • Best Management Practices that should be considered for managing the project and its resources

The public scoping period will end on July 29, 2022. Please submit all comments for consideration by that date.

Thank you in advance for contributing to the Shenango River Lake Master Plan update!

To submit a comment, visit this page. (use Chrome or Firefox for best results)

How best to use the tool?

1) Click on the link above, it will lead you to a website that looks like the image below:

Shenango River Lake Public Comment Tool Image


2) Zoom in on the map to the area around the reservoir. Click the legend symbol to understand what each of the colored sections in the Master Plan map indicate:

 Legend Symbol 

3) Click the topic your comment is most related to OR to see what others have commented about that topic. The topics you can chose from are Recreation, Environment, Cultural/Historical Resources, Safety, and Other.

4) To add a comment of your own, click  + Click to Start a Comment  on the upper right part of the screen to add a comment and fill out the information requested. You can leave a Concern, Question, or New Idea/Opportunity for Improvement . If your comment is location-specific, the tool will ask you to click on the location your comment refers to.

5) You will also be able to see other comments submitted. You can choose to like or comment on those comments as well.


If you're unable to use the Public Comment tool, you may also provide input in the following ways:

Print out and Mail in this comment form.

Send your comment form to: US Army Corps of Engineers - Comments, 2442 Kelly Road, Hermitage, PA 16148.


Visit the Comment Boxes located at two local locations.

The comment boxes can be found at Shenango Recreation Area Kiosk (492 West Lake Road, Transfer, PA 16154) and Mahaney Recreation Area Kiosk (2442 Kelly Road,  Hermitage, PA 16148).


Email your comments to Shenango Lake.

Email [email protected] with the subject line of "Shenango River Lake Public Scoping Comments"


Message the Shenango River Lake staff on Facebook.

Send your input in a message to