Recent District Books and Publications


Hey, all you Vertical Lift Gate Design junkies -- do we have a treat for you!!! We just released our historical publication on the transitional design technology applied during the construction of the first vertical lift gates on the Ohio River Navigation System.  This study examines the engineering and political factors involved in the historical evolution of controlled crest gate technology on the Upper Ohio River, the conditions and events leading up to construction of the dam, and the degree of influence of the Montgomery gates on subsequent dams built on the river by the Corps. So grab your slide rule, a cup of joe, a digital copy of the MONTGOMERY LOCKS AND DAM, OHIO RIVER Direct Vertical Lift Gates – Design History, and chow down on magnificent chunk of engineering history!!!

Image of Archaeology of the Harmony Brickworks booklet and link to pdf     

Archaeology at the Harmony Brickworks - The booklet was developed through our Leetsdale Archaeological Data Recovery project in conjunction with Braddock Dam construction. There is a connection with Old Economy Village and the Harmony Society, a state historic museum, near Leetsdale.

 Link to book: Working in the Dry: Cofferdams, In-River Construction, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers   Working in the Dry: Cofferdams, In-River Construction, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers
by Patrick O'Bannon

Archaeological Data Recovery Site 36AL480                           

Chapter 1: Introduction                                                     Chapter 7: Area 2

Chapter 2: Environmental Context                                   Chapter 8: Area 3S

Chapter 3: Prehistoric Context                                         Chapter 9: Volunteer

Chapter 4: Historic Context                                              Chapter 10: Synthesis

Chapter 5: Historic Component

Chapter 6: Area 1

Chapters 6&7 cannot be uploaded due to size. Please request CD at [email protected] or call (412)395-7500.

Looking for a report or book?

Headquarters is now in the early phase of development for a future online service that will give our customers a new catalog interface that simplifies library and end-user requesting workflows through timesaving resource-sharing tools. In the meantime, please call or email if you have questions or concerns: 978-318-8349 or [email protected].

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