Data and Progress

Active People, Healthy NationSM is a national initiative led by CDC to help 27 million Americans become more physically active by 2027. CDC will measure progress toward this goal in several ways.

Physical Activity Levels

CDC will use data from its National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) to monitor progress toward this goal.

Increasing Physical Activity Through Community Design

It’s important to be able to safely and easily walk, bike, or take transit to everyday destinations such as homes, workplaces, schools, parks, health care, retail, and grocery stores. Designing communities to provide safe routes for active transport helps increase physical activity and can make communities better places to live. Active People, Healthy Nation monitors communities’ efforts to increase physical activity through community design. Here are select findings from our data collection efforts.

Percentage of US adults reporting access to activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations near their home (NHIS, 2020):

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63% had sidewalks on most streets.
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53% had bus or transit stops to which they could walk.
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59% had shops, stores, or markets to which they could walk.

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77% were able to walk to places to relax, clear their mind, or reduce stress.

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Maps [PDF-19.6MB] by the National Complete Streets Coalition show the adoption of state, local, and regional Complete Streets Policies from 2000 to 2021. Complete Streets Policies have been implemented in over 1,500 jurisdictions.

Champions’ Support for Activity-Friendly Communities

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33 cities, towns, and states have passed an Active People, Healthy Nation Proclamation reaching over 11 million people.


Connect with Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity