Have Questions?

Have questions about a training or certification exam, course purchase or scheduling?

Please submit a Training & Certification Support Request. It is the fastest way to receive support.

Project Support

For hosted project support, please Submit a Support Request.

Security Issues

To report a Linux kernel security vulnerability, please email [email protected] as described in security bugs.

Project Hosting

To learn more or inquire about hosting a project at the Linux Foundation, please visit our Host a Project page.

Contact Us

We do not provide any support for Linux. To get answers to your Linux questions, please check Linux-related resources available on the Internet or contact the distribution vendor.


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TEL: +1 415 723 9709


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Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 231-0023, Japan


FAX : 045-228-7762


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Avenue des arts 56

1000 Bruxelles

