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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)
A178796 An ascending sequence of primes a(n) such that either the sum of decimal digits of a(n) is divisible by the sum of decimal digits of a(n+1) or vice versa. 3
2, 11, 13, 17, 31, 53, 71, 79, 97, 101, 103, 107, 211, 233, 251, 277, 349, 367, 431, 439, 457, 503, 521, 547, 619, 673, 691, 701, 709, 727, 853, 907, 1021, 1061, 1069, 1087, 1151, 1201, 1223, 1249, 1429, 1447, 1483, 1511, 1601, 1609, 1627, 1663, 1753, 1861, 1933, 1951, 2011, 2099 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)



Harvey P. Dale, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000


The sums of the digits of a(n) form the sequence d(n) = 2, 2, 4, 8, 4, 8, 8, 16, ... in which either d(n)/d(n+1) or d(n+1)/d(n) is an integer.


A178796 := proc(n) option remember; if n = 1 then 2; else a := nextprime(procname(n-1)) ; while true do r := A007953(a)/ A007953(procname(n-1)) ; if numer(r) = 1 or denom(r) = 1 then return a; end if; a := nextprime(a) ; end do: end if; end proc:

seq(A178796(n), n=1..80) ; # R. J. Mathar, Jun 28 2010


nxt[n_]:=Module[{k=NextPrime[n], tidn=Total[IntegerDigits[n]]}, While[ !Divisible[ Total[ IntegerDigits[ k]], tidn] && !Divisible[ tidn, Total[ IntegerDigits[k]]], k=NextPrime[k]]; k]; NestList[nxt, 2, 60] (* Harvey P. Dale, Aug 23 2017 *)


Different from A068807.

Sequence in context: A079132 A184802 A023257 * A068807 A241732 A154812

Adjacent sequences: A178793 A178794 A178795 * A178797 A178798 A178799




Giovanni Teofilatto, Jun 15 2010


Corrected by Giovanni Teofilatto, Jun 25 2010

Definition corrected, sequence extended, example added by R. J. Mathar, Jun 28 2010



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Last modified February 26 12:50 EST 2023. Contains 360650 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)