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Feb 9 2022

Former Activision and NPD Group Senior Staff Join Newzoo

Our investments in research, tech, and talent are paying off, as evident in our exciting new products and our 10-year streak of double-digit growth. But we’re not done yet, and we have some lofty goals for the next five years (and beyond!) We’re excited to announce we’ve hired two new senior employees to help us...
Feb 2 2022

Michelle Rouhof Succeeds Peter Warman as Newzoo CEO to Lead the Next Phase of Newzoo’s Expansion

Today, Newzoo welcomes its new CEO, Michelle Rouhof. Michelle has been Newzoo’s Commercial Director since 2020, contributing two more years to Newzoo’s 10-year streak of double-digit growth. Before Newzoo, she spent many years as international VP at Activision Blizzard, building up the leadership experience that will take Newzoo to its next phase of growth. Michelle...
Sep 8 2021

Report Alert: 2021 Global Mobile Market Report

It’s September! This means our next big report is on the horizon! We have been busy working on our 2021 Global Mobile Market Report together with our partner Apptopia, a leader in real-time competitive intelligence.   This fifth edition report offers an actionable overview of the global mobile market, including data and insights on:  Mobile game revenues per app store,  Active smartphone usage,  Smartphone & 5G penetration,  Consumer Insights per country...
Aug 23 2021

The Methodology Behind Newzoo’s 2021 Global Cloud Gaming Report

Our cloud gaming forecast is based on our proprietary research in the games market. At the highest level, Newzoo’s cloud gaming model focuses on three key metrics: serviceable obtainable market by number of players, paying users, and market cap. The online population and number of players per country are the starting point of our forecasts. In addition,...
Aug 19 2021

Countdown to Launch: Newzoo’s Global Cloud Gaming Report 2021

Summer is always an exciting time of the year here at Newzoo, and this year is no different! We are currently putting the final touches on our Global Cloud Gaming Report 2021.   As cloud gaming has always been a fast-moving market, this comprehensive report will provide up-to-date insights and data—as well as actionable qualitative insights. Simply put, our yearly cloud gaming report is the global standard for sizing, exploring,...
Jul 30 2021

Quarterly Recap: Newzoo’s Q2 2021 Highlights

With August just around the corner, it’s time to celebrate our second quarter highlights! We’re happy to report that the quarter was eventful, productive, and last but certainly not least, successful. We’ve reached our strategic goals for the first half of 2021 and we feel inspired for the second part of the year. Read on...
Jun 4 2021

July Release: Newzoo’s 2021 Global Games Market Report

It’s that time of the year again! We’re preparing for the launch of our 2021 Global Games Market Report. This is always an important release for us, so a big part of the crew is hard at work ensuring the report is the most complete games market overview—and in a user-friendly and focused format to...
May 20 2021

Announcing Newzoo Pulse: Keep Up with Gaming’s Latest Developments at a Glance

The games market is complex and ever-changing. Keeping on top of everything can be a struggle—especially for those who are strapped for time or newer to the space. And there’s nothing worse than just missing the boat on a trend that could better your business. Luckily, our data scientists have been brewing up something awesome...
Apr 30 2021

Quarterly Recap: Newzoo’s Q1 2021 Highlights

Just like that, we’re already into the second quarter of 2021. We feel lucky and empowered about having our best first quarter in Newzoo’s history, which is a result of helping more brands and companies with strategic decisions than ever before, with more sophisticated data products and services. Here’s to many more future successes! As...
Apr 23 2021

Reach Gamers in China’s Tier 3 & 4 Cities: Newzoo Expands Chinese Consumer Insights

With 664 million players and game revenues of $44 billion last year, China is the world’s biggest games market. But companies across the globe are struggling to reach a more representative sample of Chinese gamers. That’s why we’re happy to announce that Chinese tier 3 and 4 cities are part of our Consumer Insights sample,...
Apr 16 2021

The World’s Biggest Research Panel of Gamers Is Now 62 Million Strong

We’re happy to announce that our Global Gaming and Esports Panel is now even bigger, connecting companies to a pool of 62 million gamers and esports fans across 45 countries/markets. There are 2.7 billion gamers on the planet, and virtually everyone engages with games in some way. That’s why top brands—inside games and out—leverage gamers...
Apr 7 2021

Newzoo Strengthens Its Knowledge on the China Esports Ecosystem by Teaming Up With ESVF Esports Group

We’re excited to extend our esports partnership program with a brand-new partner, ESVF Esports Group, one of China’s leading esports organizations. By joining forces with ESVF Esports Group, Newzoo will improve its knowledge of China’s esports market, which will support our esports estimates and insights powered by our landmark Global Esports and Live Streaming Report...
Mar 24 2021

Coming Soon: Get First in Line for Newzoo’s 2021 Consumer Insights – Games and Esports

That time of the year is quickly approaching again! We’re excited to announce that our 2021 Consumer Insights – Games and Esports is launching in the beginning of May! Some of the most prominent companies in the world use our Consumer Insights data—from the biggest consumer brands to the most successful game publishers. We’ve been...
Mar 9 2021

Newzoo’s Global Esports & Live Streaming Market Report: What’s New in the 2021 Edition

We’re very excited about the launch of our new Global Esports & Live Streaming Market Report! Keep reading for a quick overview of what’s new in this year’s report. New Focus, New Name The new name of the report already hints a big change we’ve made to the 2021 edition: next to the insights on...
Mar 2 2021

Understand and Track Your Brand’s Performance among Gamers with Newzoo’s Brand Health Tracker

Whether you’re a game developer or publisher looking to track your game’s performance or a brand that wants to monitor its positioning among gamers, Newzoo’s Brand Health Tracker for gamers can help. Launching today, this service will help you to understand how you’re performing against the competition, how strong awareness and recall is among key...
Feb 17 2021

Report Alert: All Eyes on Newzoo’s Global Esports & Live Streaming Market Report

We’re all set to start our 2021 Global Market Report season next month! Our team is currently hard at work putting the final touches on our first report of the year, the Global Esports & Live Streaming Market Report, which we’re launching on March 9 at 4pm CET/7am PST. That’s right, the 2021 edition of...
Feb 17 2021

Newzoo Adds Finland to Its Consumer Insights Scope: Understand the Consumers Powering the Finnish Games Market

We’re proud to unveil that Finland is officially part of our Consumer Insights suite, strengthening our coverage of the Nordic markets (we also cover Sweden). The addition of Finland also means we cover a total of 33 countries/markets across the globe. Why Finland for Gamer Consumer Insights? Many of our clients—big and small—have expressed interest...
Feb 16 2021

Newzoo and Apptopia Partner Up, Adding Unique Data and Insights on the Global Games and Mobile Markets

We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with Apptopia, a market leader in mobile app intelligence. The collaboration will combine Apptopia’s mobile data with Newzoo’s games market insights to support brands and game developers as well as media, financial, and technology companies to easily navigate the mobile world and the global games ecosystem. Partnering with Apptopia...
Jan 29 2021

Quarterly Recap: Newzoo’s Q4 2020 Highlights

January is always a busy (yet exciting!) month for us at Newzoo. We’ve been hard at work implementing our game plan for this year: adding a plethora of new actionable data to our Newzoo Platform, bringing new partners on board, preparing the rollout of our new batch of Consumer Insights, and supercharging our 2021 report...
Jan 19 2021

Newzoo Releases Proprietary Data Model for PC Games Engagement, Adding MAU and Other PC Metrics to the Newzoo Platform

We are proud to announce the release of the Newzoo PC Games Engagement Model. The new and improved model powers the most comprehensive set of PC player engagement metrics on the market, all accessible via Newzoo’s Platform. The metrics, also accessible via API, include: Monthly active users (MAU) and advanced metrics including overlap, churn, and...
Dec 16 2020

Newzoo Amplifies Its View on Esports With More Data on the LATAM Market

We’re excited to announce our collaboration with four new esports organizations. LOUD, GGTech Entertainment, Todosgamers and Infamous Gaming are joining Newzoo’s esports partnership program, empowering us to expand our view of the esports market with further insights from the Latin American region. “Latin America is one of the most exciting and promising esports markets in...
Dec 10 2020

Newzoo Supercharges the Newzoo Platform With Reddit Sentiment and Topic Analysis Insights

We’re thrilled to announce we’ve added even more exciting Reddit data to our Newzoo Platform. Thanks to our new sentiment and topic analysis insights, Game Performance Monitor users, including game developers and brands, can understand the engagement driving some of gaming’s biggest trends—as well as why certain games are popular on Reddit. The new data...
Nov 27 2020

A Chat with Sian-Selina Grant, Newzoo’s Partnerships Manager

Sian, our resident painting enthusiast, stepped into the brand-new role of Partnerships Manager at Newzoo in February 2019. We recently chatted with her about her job, what she enjoys most at Newzoo, and—of course—the first game Sian ever played! What Do You Do As Partnerships Manager? One of my main goals is to expand our...
Nov 19 2020

Quarterly Recap: Newzoo’s Q3 Highlights

We can hardly believe that we’re only two months away from a new year, which means it’s time to recap our third-quarter highlights! We feel lucky to say that we’ve had a productive third quarter. Here’s a quick glimpse into what our July, August, and September looked like: New Partners on Board: OpenCritic and Team...
Nov 13 2020

Former Activision Blizzard and Google Execs Join Newzoo’s Leadership Team to Boost the Company’s Expansion

Over the past two years, we’ve been hard at work scaling up our business and operations significantly. Our investments in research, development, technology, and talent are becoming apparent in the new products and services we’re bringing to the market. To strengthen our efforts moving forward, we’ve also extended our leadership team with two very experienced...