I love Free Software Day

We often underestimate the power of a simple Thank You. Free Software contributors do important work for our society and they deserve attention. The "I love Free Software Day" on 14 February (also known as Valentine's Day) is the perfect opportunity for you to express your special gratitude.

ILoveFS 3D card

In the Free Software community, we expect a lot of work from Free Software project maintainers. We want that our bug reports are dealt with quickly and demand new features from people who often spend their sparse volunteer time on Free Software code, translations, tests, or design. There is nothing wrong about this because constructive feedback helps us to further improve and keeps Free Software projects alive. But it is also important to show some appreciation to those who work so selflessly throughout the year for us! You can show your love for Free Software by saying thank you to your favourite Free Software project or contributor.

The yearly "I love Free Software Day" allows you to make 14 February a day full of positive, creative and lovely messages for the whole community. Together, we can celebrate software freedom that empowers us.

Many people are in love with Free Software for different reasons.

I ♥ Free Software Day 2022

This year's I Love Free Software Day is all about Free Software games. Games, and especially Free Software games, are not only a fun activity but also are an important part of our daily lives. While playing we can meet new and old friends, can relax and learn new skills, and most important we can contribute to our favourite Free Software game and adapt it to our own wishes. Therefore the FSFE are planning a special event dedicated to Free Software games. We will have three experts in Free Software games, games engines and Game Jams.

The agenda of the event looks like this:

  • 18:00 - 18:05 (CET): Welcome and Introduction
  • 18:05 - 18:25 (CET): Flare - Free/Libre Action Roleplaying Engine by Justin Jacobs
  • 18:25 - 18:45 (CET): Vassal – Free Software Game Engine by Joel Uckelman
  • 18:45 - 19:05 (CET): Godot Wild Jams by Kati Baker
  • 19:05 - 19:20 (CET): Veloren –Free Software Game by Forest Anderson
  • 19:20 - 20:00 (CET): Gaming time
  • 20:00 (CET): Closing remarks
For more information on the event have a look at our news page.

But we also say thank you to all of you who have contributed to Free Software projects. Let us all use the I Love Free Software day to say thank you and celebrate our love for Free Software.

Gaming event picture
Let's celebrate #ilovefs day!

For this year's I Love Free Software Day we have a new Software Freedom Podcast episode. Our guest for this special Software Freedom Podcast episode is Stanislas Dolcini; together Bonnie and Stanislas talk about the Free Software game 0.A.D: Empires Ascendant.

Be part of the I Love Free Software Day

  • ILoveFS heart with 'use'

    Use the opportunity

    Take the opportunity this wonderful day to thank the people who enable you to enjoy software freedom. Make use of our new I Love Free Software: Game event graphics and our special Software Freedom Podcast episode, sharepics, the stickers and balloons, artwork, and merchandise the FSFE provides for #ilovefs.

  • ILoveFS heart with 'study'

    Think about it

    Think about which Free Software project you have used throughout the last year. Which Free Software game have you played with your friends or on your own? How did you have fun while or because of using Free Software? For some inspiration have a look at others' love statements.

  • ILoveFS heart with 'share'

    Share your love

    That's the fun part! We have created a sharepic generator, with which you can easily create your very own sharepics and share your appreciation on social media (#ilovefs), in blog posts, pictures and video messages, or directly to the Free Software developers and contributors.

  • ILoveFS heart with 'improve'

    Improve Free Software

    Talking is silver, contributing is gold! Help a Free Software project with code, a translation, or by assisting its users. Or if you can, please consider a donation to a Free Software organisation like the FSFE, or to a Free Software project.


What is your contribution to this special day and the people who enable you to use Free Software? Will you use our stickers and balloons? Or make a picture or video with your new ILoveFS shirt? And what about celebrating software freedom with your colleagues and friends at a company gathering or public event? Whatever you do, show it to the world by using the #ilovefs tag. And if you have questions, just drop us an email.

Happy I Love Free Software Day everyone! ❤