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2007 ICANN Correspondence

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Correspondence Affiliation Date Issue
Letter from ICANN Chairman to Peter Zangl [PDF, 983 KB] ICANN 21 December 2007 Introduction of Internationalised Domain Names at the Top Level
Letter from Edmon Chung to Kurt Pritz [PDF, 144 KB] DotAsia Organisation 20 December 2007 Registry-level Fee Amendment for DotAsia
Letter from Paul Twomey to Ray Plzak [PDF, 91 KB] ICANN 19 December 2007 Formalization of ICANN-NRO Relationship
Letter from Debi Rosati to Paul Twomey [PDF, 91 KB] Canadian Internet Registration Authority 18 December 2007 Transparency and Accountability
Letter from Ray Plzak to Paul Twomey [PDF, 138 KB] NRO 17 December 2007 Formalization of ICANN-NRO Relationship
Letter from Marc Rotenberg to Vint Cerf [PDF, 113 KB] EPIC 31 October 2007 Whois
Letter from Peter Zangl to Vint Cerf [PDF, 351 KB] European Commission 29 October 2007 Introduction of Internationalised Domain Names at the Top Level
Message from Jesse Feder to Paul Twomey [PDF, 9 KB] Director of International Trade & Intellectual Property, Business Software Alliance 27 October 2007 BSA submission in ICANN Whois public comment proceeding
Letter from Mark Bohannon to Paul Twomey [PDF, 44 KB] Software and Information Industry Association 27 October 2007 Whois
Letter from Todd Flournoy to Paul Twomey [PDF, 27 KB] Vice President and Senior Counsel, MPAA Federal Affairs and Policy 27 October 2007 MPAA Whois Comments
Letter from Michael Warnecke to Paul Twomey [PDF, 173 KB] Entertainment Software Association 26 October 2007 Whois
Message from Stacey King to Vint Cerf [PDF, 67 KB] Richemont 25 October 2007 Whois
Letter from Sam Mosenkis to GNSO Council [PDF, 18 KB] American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers 24 October 2007 Whois
Letter from Nils Victor Montan to Vint Cerf [PDF, 83 KB] International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition 24 October 2007 Whois
Letter from John Berryhill to Dan Halloran and John Jeffrey [PDF, 836 KB] Individual 26 September 2007 Changes to National Arbitration Forum UDRP Supplemental Rules
Letter from Kristine Dorrain to John Jeffrey [PDF, 64 KB] National Arbitration Forum 21 September 2007 Changes to NAF UDRP Supplemental Rules
Letter from Paul Donohoe to Kurt Pritz [PDF, 189 KB] Universal Postal Union 5 September 2007 .POST Sponsorship Agreement
Letter from Bret Fausett to Vinton Cerf and Doug Brent [PDF, 209 KB] Cathcart Collins LLP 30 August 2007 .III TLD Application
Letter from Maxim V. Timofeev to Dr. Paul Twomey [PDF, 37 KB] Ministry for Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation 8 August 2007 Discussions in Moscow
Letter from Francis Gurry to Paul Twomey [PDF, 353 KB] World Intellectual Property Organization 4 July 2007 Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution
Letter from Kash Mahdavi, Telnic to Kurt Pritz [PDF, 55 KB] Telnic Ltd. 28 June 2007 Telnic Response to comments
Letter from Alexey Soldatov (FID) and Alexei Platonov (RIPN) to Paul Twomey [PDF, 1.76 MB] FID / RIPN 27 June 2007 Status of .SU Domain
Letter from International Chamber of Commerce to Paul Twomey [PDF, 88 KB] International Chamber of Commerce 21 June 2007 Informal Comments on ICANN Transparency, Accountability and Structural issues to Dr Paul Twomey
Letter from Michael Palage to Paul Twomey [PDF, 9 KB] DotCooperation LLC 15 June 2007 Proposed .COOP Renewal Agreement
Letter from Axel Pawlik to Vint Cerf [PDF, 57 KB] RIPE NCC 12 June 2007 RIPE Community Request for ICANN to Sign DNS Root
Letter from Vint Cerf to Janis Karklins [PDF, 1.78 MB] ICANN 8 June 2007 GAC advice on 16 October 2006 call for Input on the Development of Transparency and Accountability Management Operating Principles
Letter from Paul Twomey to Edouard Dayan [PDF, 15 KB] ICANN 1 June 2007 UPU and .POST Negotiations
Message from Chris Disspain to Chair and Board members of ICANN [PDF, 18 KB] Chair-ccNSO Council 16 May 2007 IDN TLDs
Letter from Alan Price to Kurt Pritz [PDF, 1.67 MB] Telnic 25 April 2007 Request to Alter Telnic's Contract
Letter from Eva Frolich to Paul Twomey [PDF, 390 KB] Public Interest Registry 18 April 2007 Notification of Price Increase
Letter from Richard Tindal to Craig Schwartz [PDF, 37 KB] NeuStar, Inc. 17 April 2007 .BIZ Notice of Fee Increase
Letter from Roland LaPlante to Paul Twomey [PDF, 215 KB] Afilias Global Registry Services 13 April 2007 .INFO Fee for Domain Name Registrations
Letter from Alan Price to Kurt Pritz [PDF, 631 KB] Telnic 13 April 2007 Registry-level Fee Amendment
Letter from Anthony Bishop to Paul Twomey [PDF, 31 KB] VeriSign 5 April 2007 Notice of Fee Change
Letter from Chad L. Belville to ICANN [PDF, 50 KB] FUBAR Webmasters 3 April 2007 Illegal Use of Copyrighted Images
Letter from Janis Karklins to Vint Cerf [PDF, 40 KB] Governmental Advisory Committee 2 April 2007 GAC advice on 16 October 2006 call for Input on the Development of Transparency and Accountability Management Operating Principles
Letter from Edouard Dayan to Paul Twomey [PDF, 61 KB] Universal Postal Union 30 March 2007 ICANN/UPU Negotiations for .POST sTLD
Letter from Jeffrey A. LeVee to Kevin Medina [PDF, 91 KB] Jones Day 28 March 2007 Letter from Jeffrey A. LeVee to Kevin Medina
Letter from John Jeffrey to Kevin Medina [PDF, 58 KB] ICANN 27 March 2007 RegisterFly's Failure to Provide Data and Further Notice of Termination
Letter from Stuart Lawley to Vint Cerf [PDF, 155 KB] ICM Registry 23 March 2007 Pre-Reservation Data
Letter from John Jeffrey to Kevin Medina [PDF, 902 KB] ICANN 16 March 2007 Notice of Termination of Registrar Accreditation Agreement for Top Class Names, Inc. ("RegisterFly")
Letter from Vint Cerf to Peter Schaar [PDF, 26 KB] ICANN 15 March 2007 Draft Procedure on Potential Conflicts with Whois Requirements and National Laws' and 'Preliminary Task Force Report on Whois Services'
Letter from Vinton Cerf to Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi [PDF, 141 KB] ICANN 14 March 2007 Response to ICANN call-for-comments on the revised proposed agreement for the .XXX sTLD
Letter from ICM Registry to ICANN [PDF, 565 KB] ICM Registry 13 March 2007 ICM Registry Subscriber List - Redacted
Letter from Peter Schaar to Vint Cerf [PDF, 56 KB] Chairman, Article 29 Data Protection Working Party of the European Union 12 March 2007 'Draft Procedure on Potential Conflicts with Whois Requirements and National Laws' and 'Preliminary Task Force Report on Whois Services'
Letter from Stuart Lawley to Vint Cerf [PDF, 284 KB] ICM Registry 9 March 2007 Re: Letter of Minister Helen Coonan (Australia)
Letter from Stuart Lawley to Vint Cerf [PDF, 1.15 MB] ICM Registry 8 March 2007 Sponsored Community Support - Industry Pre-reservation Service
Letter from Patrick Jones to Jordi Iparraguirre [PDF, 255 KB] ICANN 7 March 2007 Proposal #2007001, Domain Name Exceptions
Letter from David W. Maher to Kurt Pritz [PDF, 10 KB] Public Interest Registry 7 March 2007, Inc.
Letter from Vint Cerf to Senator the Honorable Helen Coonan [PDF, 66 KB] ICANN 2 March 2007 Proposal to Create .XXX sTLD
Letter from Jeffrey LeVee to Aristotle Mirzaian [PDF, 286 KB] Jones Day 2 March 2007, Inc.: Second Notice of Breach and Notice to File Suit
Letter from Aristotle Mirzaian to Kurt Pritz [PDF, 10 KB] Mirzaian Schoenbrodt, LLP 1 March 2007, Inc.
Letter from Kurt Pritz to Glenn Stansbury [PDF, 119 KB] ICANN 28 February 2007 Second Notice of Audit
Letter from Senator the Honorable Helen Coonan to Vint Cert [PDF, 59 KB] Minister for Communications, Technology and the Arts, Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate, Australia 28 February 2007 Proposal to Create .XXX sTLD
Letter from K. Mahdavi to Paul Twomey [PDF, 19 KB] Telnic Limited 22 February 2007 Proposed dotMOBI Fee Structure
Letter from Kurt Pritz to Glenn Stansbury [PDF, 101 KB] ICANN 21 February 2007 Notice of Breach of ICANN Registrar Accreditation Agreement
Letter from Kurt Pritz to Glenn Stansbury [PDF, 60 KB] ICANN 21 February 2007 Notice of Audit and Notice to Submit Data Escrow
Letter from Tim Ruiz to Paul Twomey [PDF, 25 KB] 9 February 2007 PIR Comments on the Santa Monica Regional Gathering
Letter from David Maher to Paul Twomey [PDF, 9 KB] Public Interest Registry 7 February 2007 Registrar Compliance & Customer Service
Letter from GAC Chair and Chair-Elect to ICANN Board [PDF, 19 KB] GAC 2 February 2007 Proposed Agreement for .XXX sTLD
Letter from Craig Schwartz to Scott Hemphill [PDF, 96 KB] ICANN 24 January 2007 New gTLD Round
Message from Scott Hemphil to John Jeffrey [PDF, 11 KB] Afilias 15 January 2007 New gTLD Round
Domain Name System
Internationalized Domain Name ,IDN,"IDNs are domain names that include characters used in the local representation of languages that are not written with the twenty-six letters of the basic Latin alphabet ""a-z"". An IDN can contain Latin letters with diacritical marks, as required by many European languages, or may consist of characters from non-Latin scripts such as Arabic or Chinese. Many languages also use other types of digits than the European ""0-9"". The basic Latin alphabet together with the European-Arabic digits are, for the purpose of domain names, termed ""ASCII characters"" (ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange). These are also included in the broader range of ""Unicode characters"" that provides the basis for IDNs. The ""hostname rule"" requires that all domain names of the type under consideration here are stored in the DNS using only the ASCII characters listed above, with the one further addition of the hyphen ""-"". The Unicode form of an IDN therefore requires special encoding before it is entered into the DNS. The following terminology is used when distinguishing between these forms: A domain name consists of a series of ""labels"" (separated by ""dots""). The ASCII form of an IDN label is termed an ""A-label"". All operations defined in the DNS protocol use A-labels exclusively. The Unicode form, which a user expects to be displayed, is termed a ""U-label"". The difference may be illustrated with the Hindi word for ""test"" — परीका — appearing here as a U-label would (in the Devanagari script). A special form of ""ASCII compatible encoding"" (abbreviated ACE) is applied to this to produce the corresponding A-label: xn--11b5bs1di. A domain name that only includes ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens is termed an ""LDH label"". Although the definitions of A-labels and LDH-labels overlap, a name consisting exclusively of LDH labels, such as"""" is not an IDN."