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Requests for Reconsideration

The Reconsideration Process Timeline

A suggested form for submitting a Reconsideration Request is available here [DOCX, 27 KB].

Reconsideration Requests Status Update

Request 22-5: Zydus Lifesciences Ltd.

Request 22-4: Bryan Ealba

Request 22-3: Zydus Lifesciences Ltd.

Request 22-2: Namibian Network Information Center (Pty) Ltd. and Blacknight Internet Solutions, Inc.

Request 22-1: Michael D. Palage

Request 21-3: Dot Hip Hop, LLC Withdrawn

Request 21-2: Pooja Gupta

Request 21-1: Dot Hotel Limited and Domain Venture Partners PCC Limited

Request 20-3: Silver A Marketing

Request 20-2: Emily Rose Trust

Request 20-1: Namecheap, Inc.

Request 19-4: Merck KGaA and Merck Registry Holdings, Inc.

Request 19-3: Electronic Frontier Foundation

Request 19-2: Namecheap, Inc.

Request 19-1: Colombian Government

Request 18-10: The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization

Request 18-9: DotKids Foundation

Request 18-8: Afilias Domains No. 3 Limited

Request 18-7: Afilias Domains No. 3 Limited

Request 18-6: Travel Reservations SRL, Minds + Machines Group Limited, Radix FZC, dot Hotel Inc., Fegistry LLC

Request 18-5: DotMusic Limited

Request 18-4: dotgay LLC

Request 18-3: Astutium Ltd

Request 18-2: dotgay LLC

Request 18-1: DotMusic Limited

Request 17-5: DotKids Foundation

Request 17-4: DotMusic Limited and dotgay LLC

Request 17-3: dotgay LLC

Request 17-2: DotMusic Limited

Request 17-1: Russ Smith

Request 16-14: Fraser Lee

Request 16-13: Merck KGaA

Request 16-12: Merck KGaA

Request 16-11: Travel Reservations SRL, Spring McCook, LLC, Minds + Machines Group Limited, Famous Four Media Limited, dot Hotel Limited, Radix FZC, dot Hotel Inc., Fegistry, LLC

Request 16-10: gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) Withdrawn

Request 16-9: Ruby Glen, LLC and Radix FZC

Request 16-8: CPA Australia Ltd Withdrawn

Request 16-7: DotMusic Limited

Request 16-6: DotKids Foundation

Request 16-5: DotMusic Limited

Request 16-4: Roman Belichenko

Request 16-3: dotgay LLC Withdrawn

Request 16-2: Commercial Connect, LLC

Request 16-1: Commercial Connect, LLC

Request 15-22: Centre for Internet and Society

Request 15-21: dotgay LLC

Request 15-20: The Internet Commerce Association

Request 15-19: The ICANN Business Constituency & The ICANN Noncommercial Stakeholders Group (NCSG)

Request 15-18: Ron Andruff

Request 15-17: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

Request 15-16: CPA Australia Ltd

Request 15-15: Centre for Internet and Society

Request 15-14: Foggy Sunset, LLC

Request 15-13: Commercial Connect, LLC

Request 15-12:, LLC Withdrawn

Request 15-11: Motion Picture Domain Registry Pty Ltd

Request 15-10: Atgron, Inc.

Request 15-9: Atgron, Inc.

Request 15-8: Atgron, Inc.

Request 15-7: B.V. and Travel Reservations SRL

Request 15-6: .Music, LLC

Request 15-5: Atgron Inc.

Request 15-4: Schwarz Domains & Services GmbH & Co. KG

Request 15-3: Brice Trail, LLC Withdrawn

Request 15-2: Big Room Inc. Withdrawn

Request 15-1: Atgron, Inc.

Request 14-46: Little Birch, LLC and Minds + Machines Group Limited

Request 14-45: .music LLC

Request 14-44: dotgay LLC

Request 14-43: City of Spa

Request 14-42: Ministry of Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy of the Kingdom of Morocco

Request 14-41: Afilias Limited, BRS Media Inc., and Tin Dale, LLC.

Request 14-40: Dadotart, Inc.

Request 14-39: Despegar Online SRL, Radix FZC, Famous Four Media Limited, Fegistry, LLC, Donuts, Inc., Minds + Machines

Request 14-38: The Business Constituency; The Registries Stakeholder Group; and The Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group (NCSG) Withdrawn

Request 14-37: I-Registry Ltd.

Request 14-36: Asia Spa and Wellness Promotion Council (ASWPC)

Request 14-35: Amazon EU S.a.r.l.

Request 14-34: Despegar Online SRL, DotHotel, Inc., dot Hotel Limited, Fegistry, LLC, Spring McCook, LLC, and Top Level Domain Holdings Limited

Request 14-33: Dot Registry, LLC Withdrawn

Request 14-32: Dot Registry, LLC Withdrawn

Request 14-31: TLDDOT GmbH

Request 14-30: Dot Registry, LLC Withdrawn

Request 14-29: DotKids Foundation

Request 14-28: DotMusic Limited

Request 14-27: Amazon EU S.a.r.l.

Request 14-26: Italian Government

Request 14-25: French Government

Request 14-24: CNAOC, CIVC, EFOW, BNIC, and CIVB

Request 14-23: Danielle F. Watson Withdrawn

Request 14-22: Swiss Government

Request 14-21: Luxembourg Government

Request 14-20: Portuguese Government

Request 14-19: Italian Government

Request 14-18: CNAOC, CIVC, EFOW, BNIC, and CIVB

Request 14-17: Spain

Request 14-16: Spain

Request 14-15: French Government

Request 14-14: United Kingdom Government

Request 14-13: European Commission

Request 14-12: Tennis Australia

Request 14-11: Commercial Connect, LLC.

Request 14-10: dot Sport Limited

Request 14-9: Merck KGaA

Request 14-8: DotMusic

Request 14-7: Asia Green IT System Ltd.

Request 14-6: Dot Rugby Limited

Request 14-5: Vistaprint Limited

Request 14-4: Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America

Request 14-3: Corn Lake, LLC

Request 14-2: World Gold Council

Request 14-1: Medistry LLC

Request 13-23: Ruby Pike, LLC

Request 13-22: DotMusic

Request 13-21: European Lotteries

Request 13-20: DotSecure, Inc.

Request 13-19: HOTREC

Request 13-18: ILGA

Request 13-17: GCCIX, W.L.L.

Request 13-16: dot Sport Limited

Request 13-15: Commercial Connect, LLC

Request 13-14: DERCars, LLC Withdrawn

Request 13-13: Christopher Barron

Request 13-12: Tencent Holdings Limited

Request 13-11: Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group

Request 13-10: Commercial Connect, LLC

Request 13-9: Amazon EU S.á.r.l.

Request 13-8: Merck KGaA

Request 13-7: DISH DBS Corp.

Request 13-6: Hotel Top Level Domain S.a.r.l.

Request 13-5: B.V.

Request 13-4: DotConnectAfrica Trust

Request 13-3: Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group

Request 13-2: Nameshop

Request 13-1: Ummah Digital, Ltd.

Request 12-2: GNSO Intellectual Property Constituency

Request 12-1: International Olympic Committee

Request 11-1: Michael Gende

Request 10-3: Michael Palage

Request 10-2: .JOBS Charter Compliance Coalition

Request 10-1: Michael Palage

Request 06-4: ICM Registry

Request 06-3: Marilyn Cade

Request 06-2: Danny Younger

Request 06-1: Network Solutions, LLC, et al.

Request 05-2: Edward Hasbrouck

Request 05-1: Bret Fausett

Request 04-3: Network Solutions, LLC

Request 04-2: Danny Lee Younger

Request 04-1: Bret Fausett

Request 02-6: VeriSign, Inc.

Request 02-5: Dotster, Inc.

Request 02-4: Ethan Katsh

Request 02-3: Tony So

Request 02-2: Russ Smith

Request 02-1: David Ogden

Request 01-7: Edward Hasbrouck

Request 01-6: Russ Smith

Request 01-5: Michael Froomkin and Jonathan Weinberg

Request 01-4: Verio

Request 01-3: Monsoon Assets Limited (BVI)

Request 01-2: .Kids Domains, Inc.

Request 01-1: Beltraide

Request 00-16: Telnic Limited

Request 00-15: ICM Registry

Request 00-14: SRI International

Request 00-13: Image Online Design, Inc.

Request 00-12: The .TV Corporation

Request 00-11: Sarnoff Corporation

Request 00-10: Paul Stahura

Request 00-9: Roy Goldberg

Request 00-8: Ivan Vachovsky

Request 00-7: D. Alexander Floum

Request 00-6: A. J. L. de Breed

Request 00-5: James Trefil/Adam Corelli

Request 00-4: Bret Fausett

Request 00-3: Paul Wilson

Request 00-2: Nigel Roberts

Request 00-1: Russ Smith

Request 99-4: Karl Auerbach

Request 99-3: Mr. Perelman

Request 99-2: Gene Marsh

Request 99-1: Eric Brunner and Bob Gough

Domain Name System
Internationalized Domain Name ,IDN,"IDNs are domain names that include characters used in the local representation of languages that are not written with the twenty-six letters of the basic Latin alphabet ""a-z"". An IDN can contain Latin letters with diacritical marks, as required by many European languages, or may consist of characters from non-Latin scripts such as Arabic or Chinese. Many languages also use other types of digits than the European ""0-9"". The basic Latin alphabet together with the European-Arabic digits are, for the purpose of domain names, termed ""ASCII characters"" (ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange). These are also included in the broader range of ""Unicode characters"" that provides the basis for IDNs. The ""hostname rule"" requires that all domain names of the type under consideration here are stored in the DNS using only the ASCII characters listed above, with the one further addition of the hyphen ""-"". The Unicode form of an IDN therefore requires special encoding before it is entered into the DNS. The following terminology is used when distinguishing between these forms: A domain name consists of a series of ""labels"" (separated by ""dots""). The ASCII form of an IDN label is termed an ""A-label"". All operations defined in the DNS protocol use A-labels exclusively. The Unicode form, which a user expects to be displayed, is termed a ""U-label"". The difference may be illustrated with the Hindi word for ""test"" — परीका — appearing here as a U-label would (in the Devanagari script). A special form of ""ASCII compatible encoding"" (abbreviated ACE) is applied to this to produce the corresponding A-label: xn--11b5bs1di. A domain name that only includes ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens is termed an ""LDH label"". Although the definitions of A-labels and LDH-labels overlap, a name consisting exclusively of LDH labels, such as"""" is not an IDN."