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Students' corner

IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme

external pageIAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme: Scholarships for female Master's students. Apply by 30 September 2022.

external pageLaura Bassi Scholarship for Master's and doctoral students. Application deadline: 10 August 2022

Logo of D-MAVt Mentoring

D-MAVT Mentoring: For all first-semester students. Register as mentee or mentor.

Logo HitchHike

Next stop PSI? external pageCarpool from ETH Zürich to PSI - and back.


Space for studying: ETH and D-MAVT offer external pageworkplaces for students.

Jobs, internships, summer schools
D-MAVT notice board

Doctoral students


ETH Zurich Doc.Mobility Fellowships for doctoral students who wish to carry out part of their doctoral research at an institution abroad. The next application deadline is 1 September 2022. 

Information from D-​MAVT for doctoral students
Visit the website for doctoral studies

Event poster, see link for details:

MaP Graduate Symposium on 1 September 2022. Poster and image submission deadline: 2 August 2022. Registration deadline (without contribution): 11 August 2022.

Students' information events


Hydrogel keeps vaccines alive

Kelesidis wins ISF Presentation Award

Dennis M. Kochmann wins John Argyris Award 2022

In the media

Talks & events

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