Enterprise Integration PatternsMessaging Patterns

Message StoreMessage Store

Messaging Patterns

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As the Message History describes, the architectural principle of loose coupling allows for flexibility in the solution, but can make it difficult to gain insight into the dynamic behavior of the integration solution.

How can we report against message information without disturbing the loosely coupled and transient nature of a messaging system?

Use a Message Store to capture information about each message in a central location.

When using a Message Store, we can take advantage of the asynchronous nature of a messaging infrastructure. When we send a message to a channel, we send a duplicate of the message to a special channel to be collected by the Message Store. This can be performed by the component itself or we can insert a Wire Tap into the channel. We can consider the secondary channel that carries a copy of the message as part of the Control Bus. Sending a second message in a 'fire-and-forget' mode will not slow down the flow of the main application messages. It does, however, increase network traffic. That's why we may not store the complete message, but just a few key fields that are required for later analysis, such as a message ID, or the channel on which the message was sent and a timestamp.


Related patterns: Control Bus, Message History, Wire Tap

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Enterprise Integration Patterns
Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf
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Table of Contents
Solving Integration Problems using Patterns
Integration Styles
File Transfer
Shared Database
Remote Procedure Invocation
Messaging Systems
Message Channel
Pipes and Filters
Message Router
Message Translator
Message Endpoint
Messaging Channels
Point-to-Point Channel
Publish-Subscribe Channel
Datatype Channel
Invalid Message Channel
Dead Letter Channel
Guaranteed Delivery
Channel Adapter
Messaging Bridge
Message Bus
Message Construction
Command Message
Document Message
Event Message
Return Address
Correlation Identifier
Message Sequence
Message Expiration
Format Indicator
Interlude: Simple Messaging
JMS Request/Reply Example
.NET Request/Reply Example
JMS Publish/Subscribe Example
Message Routing
Content-Based Router
Message Filter
Dynamic Router
Recipient List
Composed Msg. Processor
Routing Slip
Process Manager
Message Broker
Message Transformation
Envelope Wrapper
Content Enricher
Content Filter
Claim Check
Canonical Data Model
Interlude: Composed Messaging
Synchronous (Web Services)
Asynchronous (MSMQ)
Asynchronous (TIBCO)
Messaging Endpoints
Messaging Gateway
Messaging Mapper
Transactional Client
Polling Consumer
Event-Driven Consumer
Competing Consumers
Message Dispatcher
Selective Consumer
Durable Subscriber
Idempotent Receiver
Service Activator
System Management
Control Bus
Wire Tap
Message History
Message Store
Smart Proxy
Test Message
Channel Purger
Interlude: Systems Management Example
Instrumenting Loan Broker
Integration Patterns in Practice
Case Study: Bond Trading System
Concluding Remarks
Emerging Standards
Revision History