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The For the People Act: Democracy Reform

The For The People Act would dramatically strengthen our democracy by making it easier to vote, ending gerrymandering, fixing our campaign finance system, and more.

Collage of hands, money, the U.S. Capitol: H.R. 1
Lincoln Agnew


Amer­ican demo­cracy is in urgent need of repair. Base­less alleg­a­tions of voter fraud, propag­ated by Donald Trump and his allies, drove an insur­rec­tion­ary mob to storm the Capitol in a viol­ent attempt to over­turn the results of the 2020 pres­id­en­tial elec­tion. The attack on the Capitol was the result of long­stand­ing efforts to disen­fran­chise millions of Amer­ican voters, espe­cially Black and brown voters — efforts that pred­ate Pres­id­ent Trump and will continue after his depar­ture from office.

The guard­rails that protect our demo­cratic system must be strengthened so they can with­stand future threats. The 2020 elec­tion was the second in a row to feature truly historic levels of turnout, but also once again exposed many weak­nesses, includ­ing increas­ingly brazen voter suppres­sion efforts, extreme gerry­man­der­ing that distor­ted too many congres­sional races, and a campaign finance system domin­ated by the tiny group of major polit­ical donors able to write checks for $100,000 or more and by record levels of anonym­ous dark money.

We cannot solve the many prob­lems facing our coun­try, from economic inequal­ity, to health­care access, to the global climate emer­gency, without ensur­ing that our polit­ical system is respons­ive to the needs and prior­it­ies of the Amer­ican people. In partic­u­lar, we cannot achieve full racial justice without a system in which all Amer­ic­ans have the chance to advoc­ate for them­selves through the polit­ical process.

The For the People Act, which passed the House on March 3rd as H.R. 1 and has been desig­nated S. 1 in the Senate, would be the most signi­fic­ant demo­cracy reform in the past half century. It is suppor­ted by a broad national coali­tion because it would make our demo­cracy fairer, stronger, and more inclus­ive by, among other things, expand­ing voting rights, over­haul­ing our campaign finance system, and ending extreme partisan gerry­man­der­ing. The House passed the previ­ous version of the For the People Act in 2019 by a substan­tial margin; while it stalled in the Senate, it was co-sponsored by all 47 Senate Demo­crats. Now, the new Congress is poised to advance this historic legis­la­tion.

As Pres­id­ent Biden said at his inaug­ural address, our demo­cracy is both precious and fragile. Passing the For the People Act is an oppor­tun­ity to ensure that it flour­ishes.

To learn more about the For the People Act, check out the follow­ing resources:

Public­a­tions and Comment­ary

Read analysis and comment­ary from the Bren­nan Center and others on H.R. 1 and demo­cracy reform.

Relev­ant Congres­sional Hear­ings and Testi­mony

Hear­ings and testi­mony related to voting rights and demo­cracy reform.

Momentum for Demo­cracy Reform Across the Coun­try

Amer­ic­ans over­whelm­ingly support key demo­cracy reforms. Momentum is build­ing across the coun­try.

What About the Fili­buster?

Even if the fili­buster cannot be abol­ished, there are ways to fix it that would clear a path for major demo­cracy reform.


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