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National Task Force on Rule of Law & Democracy

The Brennan Center gathered a nonpartisan group of former public servants and policy experts to outline a series of proposals to strengthen government ethics and the rule of law.

National Task Force on Democracy & the Rule of Law
Lincoln Agnew


The values that under­pin Amer­ican demo­cracy are being tested. As has become increas­ingly clear, our repub­lic has long relied, not just on formal laws and the Consti­tu­tion, but also on unwrit­ten rules and norms that constrain the beha­vior of public offi­cials. These guard­rails, often invis­ible, curb abuses of power. 

The Bren­nan Center houses the National Task Force on Rule of Law and Demo­cracy, a nonpar­tisan group of former public servants and policy experts who are work­ing to repair and revital­ize our demo­cracy. The task force’s first report, published in Octo­ber 2018, lays out a series of propos­als to strengthen govern­ment ethics and the rule of law. The second report, published in Octo­ber 2019, outlines how to curb polit­ical inter­fer­ence in govern­ment science and fix a broken appoint­ments process.


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