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Podcast Episode - Wordle and the Web We Need

Electronic Frontier Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending
digital privacy, free speech,
and innovation.

The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.

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the standard apple logo in silver, with a cartoonish green worm poking through it on each side

Facebook Says Apple is Too Powerful. They're Right.

In December, 2020, Apple did something insanely great. They changed how iOS, their mobile operating system, handled users’ privacy preferences, so that owners of iPhones and other iOS devices could indicate that they don’t want to be tracked by any of the apps on their devices. If they did, Apple...

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Stop This California Bill that Bans Affordable Broadband Rules

The California Senate Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee will soon be the first to consider new and terrible amendments to Assemblymember Quirk-Silva’s A.B. 2749—which is backed by AT&T and other telecommunications interests. The legislation would prohibit the state from implementing affordable broadband rules for broadband companies receiving state subsidies as...

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