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How can I restore deleted messages?
How do I return to a group chat if I've already left and cleared the message history?
Messages limit
How can I find out the total number of my messages?
How to delete all my private messages?
I restricted some people from sending me messages. Why are they still able to send me messages?
How do I stop people from sending me messages?
How do I change the messaging interface?
Êàê óïîìÿíóòü ÷åëîâåêà â áåñåäå?
Why isn’t there a “Write message” button on some users’ pages?
Group chat invites
How do I delete a sent message for the recipient?
VK Calls
How can I allow VK Calls access to my camera and microphone?
VK Messenger
It says that I have new messages but I can’t see any of them!
Why don’t I get new message SMS notifications anymore?
Report a problem
Why would I need a chat with myself and how do I create one?
 ðàçäåëå ñ Ìåññåíäæåðîì ïîÿâèëèñü ðåêîìåíäàöèè êîíòàêòîâ. Êàê èõ óáðàòü?
I can’t add my friend to a group chat!
Êàê ÿ ìîãó ñîçäàòü áåñåäó íà íåñêîëüêî ÷åëîâåê?
I accidentally sent my message to the wrong person. How can I undo that?
How can I change the hotkey for sending messages (Enter vs. Ctrl+Enter)?
How do I change a group chat’s name, administrators or main photo?
How can I find a message?
Mobile VK messenger
How do I write a message?
Êàê äîáàâèòü íåíóæíûé äèàëîã â àðõèâ?
How can I add someone to a chat?
How do I remove someone from a group chat?
Message replies
How do I enable sound notifications?
Êàê îòìåòèòü âàæíîå ñîîáùåíèå?
How do I pin a message in a chat?
Êàê ïîæàëîâàòüñÿ íà ëè÷íîå ñîîáùåíèå?
How can I open a small chat window?
How do I send a message to someone’s email?
How do I edit a sent message?
VK Messenger for Windows, macOS and Linux
Install Messenger
Ãîëîñîâûå ñîîáùåíèÿ ÂÊîíòàêòå
How do I delete an unsent message from a chat?
How do I mark a chat as unread?
Êàê ïåðåñëàòü ñîîáùåíèÿ?
“Send” button in chats
Êàê îòêëþ÷èòü óâåäîìëåíèÿ î òîì, ÷òî ïîëüçîâàòåëü èç ñïèñêà êîíòàêòîâ çàðåãèñòðèðîâàëñÿ ÂÊîíòàêòå?
Why can I only reply to one message?
The emoji I want to use isn't available
Êàê çàïðåòèòü ñîîáùåñòâó ïèñàòü ìíå?
How do I report a self-destructing message?
How do I pin a chat, so that it's always at the top?
How do I leave a group chat?
Money requests in group chats
Êàê äîáàâèòü áîòà â áåñåäó?
×òî òàêîå áûñòðûå ÷àòû?
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How do I stop people from sending me messages?
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×òî òàêîå VK Pay?
Íàïèñàòü â Ïîääåðæêó VK Pay
I'm being blackmailed! What can I do?
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How can I restore deleted messages?
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How do I play games without logging into VK?
I restricted some people from sending me messages. Why are they still able to send me messages?
What do I do if my account has been blocked?
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My account was hacked!
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How can I transfer money?
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What is Prometheus and how can I get the fire badge?
How do I get a copy of my VK data?
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How do I remove a Happy Santa app?
How do I get a check mark next to my name or my community’s name? Verification.
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