The principle, palace and politics and the democratic alternative.

Book Graham Smith to speak at your event.

"I've never heard a good reason to keep the monarchy. There are plenty of reasons to get rid of it. Britain deserves a more democratic, equal and fairer politics. That has to start at the top." ~ Graham Smith, Republic.

Republic's CEO, Graham Smith, is an experienced public speaker and an authority on the issues of monarchy and republicanism. He has been campaigning for a republic for almost twenty years, as a volunteer and then working for Republic. 

Graham has appeared on Newsnight, Radio 4's Today Programme, BBC Breakfast, LBC, TalkRadio, Channel 4 News, Channel 5 News, CNN and has been quoted countless times in British and overseas press.

If you would like to book Graham to come and speak at an event, school or university please email [email protected] or call Graham directly on 07747 608 770.