#110 Open page Incompatible Applications Plugin Kaspersky Total Security

  • Rejected

    , last edited by Jarvis


    Google Chrome version 67.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)

    Reproduction steps:

    1. Startup system.

    Actual result:

    After startup system open browser with page Incompatible Applications.

    Expected Result:

    Plugin Kaspersky Protection compatible with browser.


    System Settings

    Operating system: Win 10, x64

    System: Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 RAM 3GB DDR2 Hitachi HDP725050GLA360 500 GB ASUS P5G-MX

    Product: KTS

    Product Version: 2019 MR0

    Language: en-US

    Product Logs: https://cloud.qainfo.ru/s/DA9tVI8mWZuTRPt

  • , last edited by Egor.Pokrovsky

    Hello! Is this bug repeat at 2019 patch A?

  • Not reproduction.

  • Obsolete

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