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Azure Container Apps

Build and deploy modern apps and microservices using serverless containers

Fully managed serverless container service for building and deploying modern apps at scale

Deploy containerized apps without managing complex infrastructure. Write code using your preferred programming language or framework, and build microservices with full support for Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr). Scale dynamically based on HTTP traffic or events powered by Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA).

Support for a variety of application types, including HTTP APIs, microservices, event processing, and background tasks

Flexibility to write code using your language, framework, or SDK of choice

Robust autoscaling capabilities based on HTTP traffic or event triggers

Simple configurations to perform modern application lifecycle tasks

Scale with flexible serverless containers

Get the flexibility you need with a serverless container service built for microservice applications and robust autoscaling capabilities without the overhead of managing complex infrastructure. Run containers and scale in response to HTTP traffic or a growing list of KEDA-supported scale triggers including Azure Event Hub, Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ Queue, MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. Scale to zero and pay for only what you use, by the second.

Accelerate developer productivity

Build microservices, APIs, event-processing workers, and background jobs using containers. Write code in your preferred language and accelerate development with built-in Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr) integration to simplify common tasks like event processing, pub/sub, and service invocation. Set up a code-to-cloud pipeline using GitHub Actions.

Build on an open-source foundation for modern apps

Create modern apps with open standards on a Kubernetes foundation. Perform application lifecycle tasks such as application upgrades, traffic shifting, and versioning with straightforward configurations. Rely on built-in service discovery options for microservice communication, fully managed HTTP and HTTP/2 ingress endpoints based on Envoy, and integrated load balancing, logging, and monitoring capabilities.

Comprehensive security and compliance, built in

Flexible pricing options to fit your needs

Get started with the free tier. The first 180,000 vCPU-seconds, 360,000 GiB-seconds, and 2 million requests each month are free. With scale to zero, pay for only what you use, by the second.

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Frequently asked questions about Azure Container Apps

  • Yes, this is the default configuration. When the minimum instances setting is zero, you'll pay only when your app is active in response to events and/or requests.
  • The first 180,000 vCPU-seconds, 360,000 GiB-seconds, and 2 million requests each month are free. Beyond that, you'll pay for what you use persecond based on the number of vCPU-s and GiB-s your applications consume.
  • Active usage occurs while your container is starting or while there is at least one request being processed by the application. By default, applications scale to zero. You can also configure Container Apps with a minimum number of instances so they're always running in idle mode. Idle usage is charged at a reduced rate when the application isn't processing any requests.

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