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Available 9:00–17:00 Central European Time, Monday–Friday

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Available 9:00–17:00 Central European Time, Monday–Friday

Call 0800-589-1597

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Explore popular resources

Create a billing or tech support ticket

  • Billing and subscription management support is available for all Azure customers.
  • Technical support is available for customers with a support plan.
File a support ticket

Explore support plans

  • View and compare Azure support plan options.
  • Select and purchase the plan that best fits your organization.
View support options

Estimate Azure costs

  • Calculate your estimated hourly or monthly costs for using Azure.
  • Configure and estimate the costs for Azure products and features for your specific scenarios.
Try the pricing calculator

Access student developer resources

  • Learn about developer tools and cloud technologies.
  • Start building in the cloud.
  • Meet other students and get involved in the tech community.
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Connect with an Azure partner

  • Work with a partner who has deep technical knowledge of Azure.
  • Get help customizing your Azure services to meet your needs.
  • Get guidance on developing and implementing a cloud strategy.
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See resources for current Microsoft partners

  • Access support, information, and product communities for current partners.
  • Create an online ticket for all programs supported in Partner Center.
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Get started with an Azure free account

Get 12 months of popular free services, a $200 credit to explore Azure services for 30 days, and more than 25 always-free services.

  • Country Regional number Hours
    Argentina 0800-666-2842 9:00 AM–7:00 PM Argentina Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Australia 1-800-234-085 8:00 AM–8:00 PM Australian Eastern Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Austria 0800-206-208 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    Belgium 0800-81292 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    Brazil 0800-047-4894 9:00 AM–6:00 PM Brasilia Time, Monday–Friday
    Canada 1-855-270-0615 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Central Time, Monday–Friday
    China 400-886-6134 9:00 AM–6:00 PM China Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Colombia 1-800-518-3584 9:00 AM–7:00 PM Colombia Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Denmark 8060-3245 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    Finland 0800-944-77 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    France 0157-324-218 9:00–17:00 Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    Germany 0800-589-1597 9:00–17:00 Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    Hong Kong 800-903-769 9:00 AM–6:00 PM Hong Kong Time, Monday–Friday
    India 000-800-440-2008 9:00 AM–6:00 PM India Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Ireland 1-800-995-086 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Irish Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Israel 1-809-440-923 9:00 AM–17:00 PM Israel Standard Time, Monday–Thursday
    Italy 800915993 9:00–17:00 Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    Japan 0120-167-400 9:00–17:30 Japan Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Korea 080-543-0880 09:00–18:00 Korea Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Malaysia 1800-889-85252 8:30 AM–6:00 PM Malaysia Time, Monday–Friday
    Mexico 800-083-4920 9:00 AM–6:00 PM Central Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Netherlands 0800-0203536 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    New Zealand 0508-526-917 8:00 AM–6:00 PM New Zealand Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Norway 800-31-190 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    Peru 0800-56012 9:00 AM–7:00 PM Peru Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Poland 0800-702158 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    Portugal 800-208-975 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Coordinated Universal Time, Monday–Friday
    Puerto Rico 1-833-234-3535 9:00 AM–7:00 PM Puerto Rico Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Russia 88005550329 9:00–17:00 Moscow Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Singapore 1800-6221-493 8:30 AM–6:00 PM Singapore Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    South Africa 0800007128 9:00 AM–5:00 PM South African Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Spain 900-812-186 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    Sweden 0201605845 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    Switzerland 0800-001090 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Central European Time, Monday–Friday
    Taiwan 00801444242 9:00 AM–6:00 PM Taiwan Standard Time, Monday–Friday
    Turkey 0850 3902754 9:00 AM–5:00 PM Turkey Time, Monday–Friday
    United Kingdom 0800-028-3409 9:00 AM–5:00 PM British Time, Monday–Friday
    United States 1-855-270-0615 8:00 AM–6:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday–Friday
    Uruguay 000-405-4793 9:00 AM–7:00 PM Argentina Standard Time, Monday–Friday
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