Domains, Upgrades

Domains » Connect a Subdomain

A subdomain has an extra piece of text before your main domain. For example, if your domain is, you can create subdomains such as and which you can use with a separate website.

This guide will show you how to connect a subdomain to your site.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

A few items to point out before you begin:

  1. Decide on the purpose of your subdomain. This can be anything from setting up a dedicated site separate from your main site, to creating an internal network, or a seperate members-only area.
  2. In this guide, we show you how to connect a domain to a specific website. On the platform, you will not be able to connect a subdomain to a specific page or directory on your existing site.
  3. If your domain name is registered through and you want the subdomain to show different content than what is on your existing website, you’ll set up a second website to connect that new subdomain to.
  4. You will need to purchase a plan for the new website. You will not need to pay for the subdomain itself, since you already pay for the domain name.

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Connecting a Subdomain to Your Site

If you want to connect a subdomain to a site, follow these steps depending on where your DNS is managed:

If the domain’s DNS is managed at
  1. Add a domain connection subscription.
  2. You’re done!
If the domain’s DNS is not managed at
  1. Add a Domain Connection Subscription
  2. Add a CNAME record with your domain’s registrar

Note: It’s not possible to connect a subdomain of a domain already connected or registered under a different account.

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Adding a Domain Connection Subscription

If your domain name is registered or connected to a site and you want the subdomain to show different content, you’ll start by creating a second site under the same login. Next, upgrade the second site to any of our paid plans, and then connect the subdomain to the new site using the steps below.

  1. Starting from your dashboard, go to Upgrades → Domains.
  2. Click Add a domain.
  3. Select Use a Domain I own from the drop down menu.
Click the Add a domain button next to Site domains to add a new domain.
  1. Type the entire subdomain you want to use such as and Click Next. On the next page, click Select in the Connect your domain section:


If you are taken to a check out screen after clicking Select, make sure you’ve added a paid plan to the site you’re adding the subdomain to.

If the subdomain is for a domain already using name servers, you don’t need to do anything further.


If your domain is registered and hosted elsewhere (like through Bluehost, Godaddy, etc.) or another service is managing your DNS settings, you’ll need to follow the next steps below to complete the connection of your subdomain to your site.

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Adding CNAME Records With Your Registrar

The next step is to add a CNAME record at your registrar or current DNS provider’s end.

The CNAME should look something like the following: IN CNAME

  • Replace with the full subdomain you want to use. Some DNS managers will only require you to add the subdomain (blog, in the example) in a field typically labeled “host”, “name” or “@”.
  • Replace with your free site address, which you can find at the bottom of this screen. Some DNS managers will have this option labeled “points to” or “alias”.
  • Remember to include the periods after each domain name as in the example above.
  • If you are unsure how to do this, we recommend contacting your domain registrar for assistance. You can use the following sample request:

I would like to connect a subdomain of my domain to my site, which is hosted at I want to use the subdomain Can you please add a CNAME record to point that subdomain to 

After the change, it will take a few hours for the DNS to propagate all over the internet.

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Alternatives to Using CNAME

While we recommend using CNAME to connect your sub-domain name to, you can also connect your sub-domain to using NS or A records, as shown in the following screenshot.


Bear in mind, IP addresses can change without notice, which is why CNAME is the preferred method.

NS and A records to connect a sub-domain.
Connect a sub-domain with NS or A records.

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Connecting Your Subdomain to an External Site

If your domain is registered or connected to, you can connect a subdomain to an external site using a CNAME or A record. Check the support documentation or contact the support staff for that site to find out which DNS record you need.

  1. Go to your Domains page (UpgradesDomains) and click the domain you wish to add the subdomain to.
  2. Click DNS Records and then Manage.
  3. Click Add a record in the upper right corner.
  4. In Type select CNAME or A.
  5. Enter the subdomain you want in Name.
  6. Enter the information provided from the service you’re trying to connect to under Alias Of (for CNAME) or Points To (for A Records).
  7.  For example for Tumblr sites, you’ll need something like this:

tumblr alias of

  1. Click Add DNS Record
At your hosting provider for the other site

Log into your hosting provider’s control panel and follow their instructions to connect the subdomain to your site there.

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FAQ & Troubleshooting

Can I use a subdomain to have “www” before my domain name? automatically removes the “www” from all URLs. Connecting the “www” subdomain is not supported.

Can I connect a subdomain to a specific page on my site?

Subdomains cannot be connected to specific directories on your site, for example

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