Person working on laptop at desk

Go-to-market with Microsoft

Your Microsoft Partner Network membership includes access to resources designed to accelerate your time to market, generate leads, and grow your cloud business.

Bring your solutions to market

As you prepare to introduce your solution or services to the right customers, discover expertise, resources, programs, and offers through the Microsoft Partner Network. From digital marketing and personalized consultation to guidance and customizable marketing assets, find tools designed to help you along your marketing journey.

Person sitting in chair working at home

Marketing resource hub

Find powerful resources for a successful go-to-market plan when you explore our collection of customizable digital content—available to all partners.

Person working on laptop over breakfast

Reach more customers

Make connections that move you forward. Get meaningful referrals, personalized guidance from cloud specialists, and co-selling support.

Person standing in a workshop typing on a laptop Person standing in a workshop typing on a laptop

Get support as you go to market

Becoming a member of the Partner Network gives you the resources, programs, and support to successfully go to market. See what membership can do for you.