Purchase or renew your Microsoft Partner Network offer

If you are an existing partner and would like to purchase or renew your competency or Microsoft Action Pack subscription, please follow the steps below to confirm your status and initiate your purchase or renewal in Partner Center. If you are new to the Microsoft Partner Network, use the link below to join the MPN program.

How to purchase or renew your offer

Step 1: Make sure your Microsoft Partner Network account is verified
To be fully verified and enroll or renew in Microsoft Partner Network programs, your organization's Partner Center account must complete a five-step business verification process. You can see your organization's verification status or complete your verification by clicking on the "Check verification status" link below.
Step 2: Ensure you are an MPN partner administrator
Only your organization's MPN partner administrator can enroll or renew your company in these programs. To find out which of your colleagues has this capability, visit the link below and filter for the "MPN partner admin" role.
Step 3: Renew (or purchase) your competency or Microsoft Action Pack
All offers eligible to be purchased or renewed will be listed on Partner Center in the membership offers section. You can renew up to 30 days after your anniversary date. Ensuring that your organization is verified and that the individual completing the enrollment or renewal has administrator status will ensure that you have the access and verifications required. If your organization lacks verification or you do not have administrator status, eligible offers will not appear on this page.