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PyCon US 2022 Registration Launch!

Our favorite time of the year is finally here! Registration for PyCon US 2022 is now open and we are so excited to give you the details... Health & Safety Guidelines To gather in-person again safely and protect the health and safety of our community, we have implemented COVID-19 guidelines and protocols to be followed by all attendees during the event. We ask that you  please review these guidelines  prior to registration.  Please note : The Health & Safety Guidelines will be updated based on new or current protocol suggested by the United States CDC at the time of the event. Please check our guidelines page regularly to stay up to date on current guidelines.  How to register Once you have created an account on the  PyCon US 2022 conference website , you can register via the registration button on your dashboard . Head over to our Registration Information page  to get all the details on how to register.  Registration Costs Corporate - $700 USD Individual - $400 USD Student
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PyCon US 2022 Call for Proposals is open!

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PyCon US 2022 Website and Sponsorship Program Launch!

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Join the PyCon US 2022 team!

Want to play a pivotal role in the planning and success of PyCon US? Here’s your chance! Join our team by volunteering for one of our Call for Proposal Committees. We are looking for motivated volunteers who want to contribute their time and knowledge to make this year’s conference a great success. As a committee member, you’ll have the opportunity to be part of the PyCon US staff team, meet and work with organizers, volunteers, and speakers, and share your diverse skillset with the Python community. PyCon US is seeking volunteers of all experience levels and backgrounds to join our Program, Tutorial, and Posters Committees. Learn more about each committee and where to submit your application on the PSF website . Thank you for considering this opportunity. PyCon US would not be a success without the support of community members like you!  

PyCon US 2021 Recordings are complete!

The PyCon US 2021 recordings are available on our YouTube channel .  Be sure to subscribe to our channel for notifications of new content. This channel will be used for all future conferences in order to keep all content in one channel. The recordings are synced with the available live captions taken during the event. There are some tutorials whose files did not align with the recordings for many unforeseen reasons. Please utilize the closed captions offered on YouTube for those without the caption files synced.  There are three tutorials that needs some fine tuning and will be available next week: Introduction to Decorators: Power UP Your Python Code / Geir Arne Hjelle Effective Data Visualization / Husni Almoubayyed A Hands-On Introduction to Multi-Objective Optimisation / Eyal Kazin We can not mention enough times our heartfelt gratitude to all the presenters of the tutorials, talks, keynote addresses, posters, workshops, summits and lightning talks for their time and efforts in