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Shorewalkers: Members Only Group

New York, NY

Shorewalkers: Members Only Group

This group is open to active members of Shorewalkers, a non-profit group leading walks throughout the NYC area. Our volunteer hike leaders offer walks every weekend of the year and our signature event, a 32 mile hike around Manhattan called the Great Saunter, takes place on the first Saturday in May. To join this group, first register as a paid member at

Come join us for a walk and experience NYC at 3 mph!

Your participation in any of our activities is your acknowledgment that you are solely responsible for your own assessment of your abilities and your physical fitness to participate in that activity.   Participants in any Shorewalkers activity are encouraged to discuss with the hike leader any limitation they may have that  could affect their ability to fully participate in an event,  especially on hikes outside city limits such as those on hiking trails.  The hike leader may refuse to take anyone who lacks proper equipment as indicated in the hike description.  Walkers must be physically fit and by joining any event you agree to waive all rights and claims for damages against Shorewalkers, it’s officers, directors, hike leaders, employees, event personnel or volunteers. 

Shorewalkers does not tolerate inappropriate behavior during its events. If you are subject to or witness any inappropriate behavior during a Shorewalker event, please contact the Shorewalker Meetup Organizers directly and report the behavior. Shorewalkers will investigate any reports of inappropriate behavior and take necessary action.

We encourage and appreciate the posting of photos taken during a Shorewalkers event and we reserve the right to use the photos in any manner and for any reason, except for commercial purposes, without remuneration or credit.

Past events (1,720)

876 members · Public

Dashing Whippets Running Team

New York, NY

Dashing Whippets Running Team

The Dashing Whippets Running Team is a New York based running team that is founded on, and driven by, the diversity of our team members. With team members from all over the city, the country and the world, and with greatly different running goals, we find unity in recognizing and appreciating each others differences and our mutual enjoyment of running and participating in the New York running community and beyond.

Our goal is to help each other become the best runners that we can and to fulfill our potential as athletes - whether that is to run your first race, run a PR, a marathon, an ultra marathon or an Ironman - our team spirit, expert coaches and training plans will help you achieve and exceed your goals. As a team, we aspire to be a net contributor to the running community by hosting multiple training sessions per week for runners of all abilities and pace, maintaining a low annual membership fee that ensures we are open to all, cheering at races and giving back to the community through volunteering and fundraising for local nonprofit organizations.

The Dashing Whippets Running Team is a 501(c)(3) non-profit running organization operating under the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA). In 2012, the team received the Outstanding Club Website Award from RRCA and received New York Road Runners Annual Team Spirit Award.

Read about us in the Fall 2010 issue of NYRR Runner's Magazine and watch an interview with Elizabeth on Gotta Run With Will.

We charge $30 in annual dues, but new members may try out the team for 90-days (more info).

If you're on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Garmin, you can follow us here:
FB Group:
FB Page:

1131 members · Public

Tastes of the World NYC

New York, NY

Tastes of the World NYC

New York City is home to a myriad of ethnicities that showcase their rich cultures through their cuisines. What better way to explore this rich ethnic heritage of New York City than to sample cuisines from all around the world right in our own backyards without ever having to buy a plane ticket.

Come join us we set out on a culinary journey across the 5 boroughs of NYC to locate and sample all the authentic ethnic cuisines and discover some new tastes as well as re-visit some old favorites.

No foodie experience required. All you need is a Metrocard, an open mind and a willingness to try new cuisines, and most importantly an empty stomach to come join us as we take that subway ride across the 5 boroughs where many delicious ethnic dishes await. You will be glad you did, and your tummy will thank you for it.

All our events will be held throughout the 5 boroughs of NYC, with main focus on the mom-and-pop restaurants located in the outer boroughs of Queens, Brooklyn, The Bronx and Staten Island, all reachable on MTA subway and/or buses, or even Metro-North.

OUR MEETUPS: Good food is meant to be shared. At each Meetup, we will dine FAMILY-STYLE, NO EXCEPTIONS! Final food bill, together with tax and tips will be shared evenly. Any drinks are separate and are the responsibility of the drinkers. Number of attendees to our events will be kept at a small number (no more than 10 to 12) to allow everyone to get to know each other.

MEETUP FEE: To help defray the cost of paying Meetup HQ to keep the site up and running, a $1.00 Meetup fee will be collected at RANDOMLY selected events.

**NOTE: this group is not suitable for those with any kind of dietary restrictions**

Group founded: November 6, 2021

150 members · Private

Past Lives, Dreams, Soul Travel throughout New York

New York, NY

Past Lives, Dreams, Soul Travel throughout New York

Open to all those looking to find more wisdom, love, inner peace and spiritual freedom in their lives, through better understanding of dreams, past lives and the personal way the universe speaks to us daily. Move naturally and easily into higher areas of awareness and help life flow in a smoother and happier direction. One form of personal meditation we explore is known as a "Spiritual Exercise". This form of simple meditation, using your creative imagination, strengthens your inner guidance and helps you recognize your true identity as Soul, an eternal and divine spark of God.

Nothing needs to be taken on faith. Experience it yourself.

Have you had one of the following spiritual experiences? Come and share; learn more about connecting to direct guidance and achieving personal growth.

* Past-life recall or having a sense that you have lived before (in a meditation or dream)

* Dreams -- that opened awareness, expanded your consciousness, told of a future event, gave you an answer

* Out-of-body or near death experience * Seeing an inner light

* Hearing an inner sound

* Inner guidance (angel, spiritual master, departed loved one)

* Knowingness (intuition, coincidence, déjà vu)

* Unconditional love (from a family member, friend, pet, etc.)

* Sense of oneness, divine love

* Connection with all life -- greater awareness, feeling of inner peace

Creative techniques are discussed in these Meetups to further explore our inner worlds. Similar to meditation, yet more active, these contemplation techniques, such as singing the ancient love song to God, HU, (pronounced 'hue") helps with self improvement, brings self empowerment through greater inner understanding, opens consciousness, helps in understanding how karma is created, how to work through it, and gives guidance on how to achieve states of Self and God Realization.

HU, this ancient and sacred word for God, can be found in the Jewish Kabala, Christian Gregorian chant, Buddhism, the Sufi teachings, Chinese Taoism, as well as in the path of Eckankar. It is a universal word with a very high vibration. You are invited to try it anytime you would like, either out loud or silently to experience the effects for yourself. (

We warmly welcome you to join us in our events and discussions that take place in all 5 boroughs, Westchester and Rockland – a common meeting ground for all who have had or would like to have a life-changing spiritual experience.

Our group is sponsored by Eckankar. Experience the Light and Sound of God. This ancient spiritual teaching offers spiritual techniques and resources for an individual to discover truth for themselves.

To learn more about Eckankar, go to  You can find out about advanced study and the spiritual exercises of ECK.

1927 members · Public