Government College University Faisalabad

Department of Political Science

Muhammal Ali Block, Old Campus
[email protected]

Scheme of Studies


To committed for excellence in teaching, scholarship and mentoring. By offering a distinctive program that includes opportunities for independent research and experiential learning. The Department promotes scholarship in the political science discipline, civic participation and leadership.


To promote scholarship, leadership and responsible citizenship among students at Government College University, Faisalabad. The Department provides a solid liberal arts curriculum that exposes students to the principal subfields of the discipline and develops transferable skills of liberal learning. Actively involved in research, teaching and applied scholarship, the political science faculty serves as mentors to students seeking academic challenge and civic involvement.


Great emphasis is being laid on Political Science as an academic discipline since 20th century. In the wake of globalization, freetrade and increasing influence of supra-state institutions world over, Political Science has gained all the attributes of dominating the world-scene in the 21st Century. The Department of Political Science deals in the area of study which encompasses the global as well as domestic affairs. It examines some of the critical issues of modern times, including the changing nature of international cooperation and conflict, the new character of warfare, the impact of globalization upon states and societies and the persistence of world problems such as poverty, migration and drug trafficking. The roles of state and non-state actors in shaping world politics in the new millennium are central to the study of Political Science, as is an understanding of how different visions of world order affect the prospects for peace and security. In the era of globalization and regionalism, national survival is now premised on international orientation for which the nations strive not only to equip themselves with modern technologies in all fields but also with competencies in the management of trans-national relations. To achieve this objective and to build future national leaders who are capable of playing effective roles in government, political institutions and international organizations the Department has designed broad based Programs in Political Science.The main objective is to provide the students with an education that develops an understanding of the national and international community socio-political and economic spheres. The department of Political Science has successfully launched the programmes of PhD in Political Science, M.Phil. in Political Science, BS Political Science and BS in Politics and Parliamentary Studies.

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