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Anne Pasek
Prof Cultural Studies + . STS/Media/Enviro stuff. Low-Carbon Methods. She/her. I like to think about how people think about carbon.
Peterborough, Ontarioannepasek.comJoined April 2014

Anne Pasek’s Tweets

- Finally, I definitely need to find a way to prompt students who don't bother to engage with the system until the last possible date, at which point their opportunities are limited ('cause, you know, the point is to interact and support peers, not to do work tasks for me).
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- Here I try to reward more virtual resource sharing that students seemed drawn to. A point for posting a song/article/event relevant to the week's reading, maybe? And then this becomes a garden of case studies that can be picked up for final papers?
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- I will probably need to rejigger the points earning pathways so that there's more options, especially beyond submitting reading/class notes. Those are very popular and useful options, but I had a student make a disability accommodations argument that these weren't viable 4 them
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- It seems like the 'mutual aid points' thing had fair success. I think there was a greater willingness to ask for peer help, and to give it, which I love to see (and reward!). However, my in-person students definitely benefited more than my Zoom/asynchronous joiners
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A little update on the whole 'not grading for attendance/participation, but using a collegiality points system instead' experiment: - Asking students to write letters to future students, explaining what they need to know in order to succeed is 100% a great idea
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It's tentative agreement day with my faculty union and there's actually a lot to be excited about! Extended trans benefits, psychotherapy, and permanency pathways for our contingent colleagues. Hooray for organized labour!
We ended the term on a high note by building a basic carbon dioxide removal machine. It's got us thinking about all sorts of plans and possibilities...
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We did a quick and dirty build of @openaircollect's Cyan direct air capture machine today. It's a very basic machine that creates a lot of humidity, which causes hydrated lime powder to react with CO2 to form calcium hydroxide. Very science fair!
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A clear plastic box is full of water, which bubbles from an aquarium air pump and air stone. Suspended in the water is another clear plastic container, ontop of which sits a coffee filter and some white powder
A photo of the set up from slightly further away. The clear plastic container sits next to a cut mat and a black air pump shaped like a 4 legged computer mouse. A spider plant sprawls in the background.
New School students are pretty cool and good
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New School students say they’ll occupy the building 24/7 “until the administration resumes pay, full healthcare protection, and retirement benefits to all school employees and until the university reaches a fair contract with part-time faculty.”…
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Spending my research funds on fish pumps (we're doing a build of OpenAir's Cyan CDR project)
A box and instructions for a Tetra air pump lie strewn on a beige surface with tubing and coffee filters
Putting feelers out: I'm working on a grant to fund critical-making/research-creation projects around the idea of 'critical climate tech'--basically, prefiguring and tinkering with speculative carbon/clean energy tech. Anyone share this interest? Or know would-be grad students?
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I just finished compiling materials for my 2 year reappointment file. It's over 800 pages long. If the quality doesn't get 'em, the terrible length of this pdf of pdfs will...
Appreciate this post & recommend members of STS community read it. I'd also add, w UC strike going on, that structural conditions do indeed structure how vulnerable folks are or aren't to gatekeeping & worse, so improving our field requires an eye on those matters too. #WeDoSTS
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New blogpost trying to think through the Harvard STS testimonials, academic bullying and where #STS might go from here. All feedback welcome!
How are all the comms scholars who specialize in analyzing Twitter analytics feelings about all this?
Amanhã no seminário SHIFT vai-nos falar sobre políticas e práticas de produção de conhecimento, métodos de investigação de baixo carbono, equidade e transições energéticas no trabalho académico, com base no trabalho do grupo 👇
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Don't miss out on this amazing chance to discuss #lowcarbonresearch in #academicwork this thursday (16 of november) on our SHIFT Seminar with Anne Pasek! 👇🌿🚨
I just finished a really rewarding #SIGCIS22 panel on carbon and computing histories. I am so delighted to discover that it was live tweeted by the inestimable (who, year after year, keeps delivering these great summaries!)
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McGee reads some remarks from session organizer @theodorajewell, who challenges us to think about the env. costs of computing and the technical shortcomings of previously proposed solutions to the climate crisis. (Big Q: Where will we go from here?) #SIGCIS22
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