Earning Money from your site, Tools


If you’d like to make money on your WordPress.com site with advertisements, WordAds is the official WordPress.com advertising program available for site owners. 

The program features ads from external ad networks such as Google, Facebook, AOL, and more. You can collect revenue through a PayPal account.

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Applying for WordAds

WordAds is available for sites on our Premium, Business, and eCommerce plans that use a custom domain on the site (for example: yourgroovydomain.com instead of yourgroovysite.wordpress.com.) You can opt into the program by going to My Sites → Tools → Earn → View Ad Dashboard. Then select Join WordAds. Your application should automatically be approved.

WordAds will not be available if your site is marked Mature.

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Ads Settings

After signing up and being accepted to WordAds, you can enter your PayPal email address by going to My Sites → Tools → Earn → View Ad Dashboard → Settings.

Other ad settings:

Ads Visibility: Determines who is served ads. By default, they are shown to everyone. You can choose to display ads only to visitors who are logged out of their WordPress.com account or pause ads altogether.

No, ads are served from our ad network and based on the browser history for that particular visitor. The ads you see may be different than those another visitor to your site will see. If you feel an ad is inappropriate or mature, please select Report This Ad on the advertisement itself to report it to us.

Ad Placement: Toggles that allow you to turn ads on or off for specific areas of your site. Please note that ad placement is determined by each individual theme and not every theme may have the same spaces for ads.

Site Owner Information: Enter your PayPal email address to receive payments for WordAds and indicate ownership status.

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If you have WordAds enabled, visitors that come from a country covered by the GDPR will see a CMP (Consent Manager Provider) banner at the bottom of the page informing them of their rights, what data we collect, and the option to consent to the data collection.

Your visitors can click View Partners on this banner to customize their consent options. Providing consent to visitors is a legal requirement, therefore the CMP can’t be removed or its text altered.
Take into account that the CMP banner replaces the Cookies & Consents widget. If you are on a Business or eCommerce plan, you can also install a plugin like Quantcast to insert this CMP.

The CMP banner is shown in this image.

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Ads Earnings

Ad revenue is generated by how much advertisers decide to bid on your site each month. There are many factors that contribute to this amount, including views to your site and the site content itself. Revenue is not earned by the amount of clicks on ads.

You can see current earnings by going to My Sites → Tools → Earn → View Ad Dashboard  → Earnings.

Screenshot of the Ads Earning section in Earn tab in WordPress.com

Total Earnings: How much revenue has been earned total while you’ve been enrolled in WordAds.

Total Paid: Total amount of earnings that have been paid out while you’ve been enrolled in WordAds.

Outstanding Amount: How much in earnings still to be paid out.

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Earnings Payout

  • Earnings are paid out once the outstanding amount exceeds $100, to the attached PayPal account.
  • Earnings are posted at the end of the month following the one in which they were earned. For example, earnings made in January will be made available at the end of February.
  • If you are closing either your WordPress.com or WordAds account and have an outstanding amount that is less than $100, please contact support and we can pay out the remainder of your balance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You’ll find answers to the most common questions about WordAds here.

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