
(PHP 7, PHP 8)


A TypeError may be thrown when:

  • The value being set for a class property does not match the property's corresponding declared type.
  • The argument type being passed to a function does not match its corresponding declared parameter type.
  • A value being returned from a function does not match the declared function return type.

Class synopsis

class TypeError extends Error {
/* Inherited properties */
protected string $message;
protected int $code;
protected string $file;
protected int $line;
/* Inherited methods */
final public Error::getMessage(): string
final public Error::getPrevious(): ?Throwable
final public Error::getCode(): int
final public Error::getFile(): string
final public Error::getLine(): int
final public Error::getTrace(): array
final public Error::getTraceAsString(): string
public Error::__toString(): string
final private Error::__clone(): void


Version Description
7.1.0 A TypeError is no longer thrown when an invalid number of arguments are passed to a built-in PHP function in strict mode. Instead, an ArgumentCountError is raised.
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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

celsowmbr at outlook dot com
2 years ago
An example:


function test($x):int {

try {
TypeError $e){
"Error !";
andrian dot test dot job at gmail dot com
1 year ago
declare(strict_types=1); //if without this line the result is different

$a = [1,2=>[3,4]];


    count($a, COUNT_RECURSIVE, 'toto and blabla');

}catch(TypeError $e){

    echo $e->getMessage();

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