
WordPress Planet

October 02, 2021

Gutenberg Times: A Block Pattern Party in more ways than one – Weekend Edition 187


Did you get to watch the fantastic presentations about the block-editor at WordCamp US? No? I am sure they will be posted on WordPress TV in no time. I’ll keep and eye out. The best presentations from my perspective?

  • Helen Hou-Sandi talked about the adventure building WhiteHouse.gov site within 6 weeks. Her look behind the scenes and the thoughts behind the front page header block build, was a great case study, why to use blocks and not ACF.
  • Kjell Reigstad showed some wonderful creative examples how you could use Block Styles for some funky and new way to display blocks. Most with no JavaScript, all in CSS.
  • Rich Tabor did a phenomenal job diving into the seven realms of Full-Site Editing and Theme building, with an exponentially spruced up slide deck and a very soothing voice. We were all more relaxed about the huge changes to come.

That was only one day, yesterday, but more things happened in Gutenberg land. What have you been working on? I want to know. Hit reply and tell me:-)

We have some great posts and videos for you. Did I miss one or two? Let me know that too.

I’m excited to see you next week at our Live Q & A on theme building.

If you are not a theme builder, maybe you are interested in our upcoming Live Q & A on block building with members of the BuddyPress team.

Be well, 💕


PS: Huge Thank you to Rob Cairns for a conversation among friends about my start at Automattic, the beginning of the Gutenberg Times and catch-up on Full Site Editing. Listen to Episode #154 of The SDM Show by Stunning Digital Marketing.

PPS: Monday, 10/4 at 9am EDT / 2pm UK Time, I’ll join Nathan Wrigley, Michelle Frechette and Rob Cairns on the WPBuildsThis Week in WordPress Show. It will be live streamed on YouTube.

PPS: Don’t miss the fantastic Page Builder Summit! Oct 18 – 22, 2021 – Schedule below.

Gutenberg Development and Team updates

Gutenberg 11.6 was released. Now you can lock certain blocks, edit the site logo image file within the Site Logo block (yay!) and child themes have now basic support for full-site editing and Global Styles. Nik Tsekouras has the details for you in his release post: What’s new in Gutenberg 11.6 (29 September).

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index 2021” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. Updated by yours truly.

Kelly Hoffman posted about the upcoming improvements to the Gallery block. The silent video loops through many variations of how you can now configure the images in the gallery block. The total revamped Gallery Block is now built from individual image blocks, that bring their features into the gallery: you can style each image differently, link each single image to a different URL, apply different duotone filters per image and crop images to fit into a pattern and more.

Now, you can enable this Gallery block from the Gutenberg plugin’s Experiments page. If you want to see what happens when your existing gallery change into the new Gallery Block, you click on the Block’s Toolbar “Update” button. (new in 11.6)

The refactored Gallery block is slated to come to WordPress with the 5.9 release.

Maggie Cabrera publish the 67th Gutenberg + Themes Round-up post from the Themes team with a list of ongoing discussions on Full-Site Editing, Global Styles, and Design Tools. Just as examples:

There are quite a few more aspects listed, and they call could use your thoughts and ideas. It’s the place to be part of the discussion and influence development and designs.

Shaun Andrews posted the recording and summary of the Design team’s Show & Tell meeting. The meeting is mostly meant to catch up all design contributors on various stages of their work. In this meeting you’ll see

  • Tammie Lister talked about Block Support and how it is handled for individual blocks, in theme.json and block.json
  • Javier Arce shared his designs for editing background in an image block images, and
  • Channing Ritter discussed her exploration around Theme switching in the Site Editor.

Full Site Editing and Themes

There are now many conversations about Full-Site Editing and how can site builders, agencies, designers and freelancers get a handle on the various pieces, that make up Full-Site Editing. Anne McCarthy published her longer post on Sharing Approaches for Adoption of Full-Site Editing in the WordPress ecosystem. She suggested a gradual adoption with increasing levels of complexity and maturity”. Quite an interesting read.

Andres Noren published and introduction to his new block-based Theme “Tove” in which he lets you look behind the scenes. I found remarkable the comparison of this new theme with his latest classic theme:

“Tove contains a theme.json file that specifies supported settings and styles, HTML template files and template parts used by the Site Editor, a couple of stylesheets, placeholder image assets, a folder with block patterns, and a functions.php file to enqueue assets and register block patterns and styles. That’s Tove. Not a single line of JavaScript, and other than the functions.php file and a empty index.php file, no PHP either.

Compare that to Eksell, my latest (and probably last?) free classic theme. Eksell has 1 700 lines of PHP in its functions.php and template-tags.php files, five PHP classes in five files, and over 1 000 lines of JavaScript (not counting the CSS variables ponyfill). “

You will get an opportunity to connect with Anders Noren on Thursday together with Ellen Bauer and Carolina Nymark when we discuss going from classic themes to Block-based Themes on our Live Q & A. Get your seat now!

WPBlockPatterns.com is a site where you can compare, how the Patterns available in the WordPress.org directory perform with each Full Site Editing theme. On the first page of the site, you see the list of the block patterns from the directory. Once you click on the name of the pattern a new window opens, and you can then select the theme from a drop-down box on the top right.

Andrew Starr, owner of UX Themes and author of the Hansen theme, created the site and Justin Tadlock connected with him for more details: Preview WordPress Block Pattern and Theme Combinations via New Site.

Tammie Lister started a new project: A Block Pattern a Day. On her new site, Patternspiration, she will publish a new pattern every day to explore all the possibilities with Block Patterns, and to get an idea on what tooling would be needed around it. Definitely a place to watch.

Anne McCarthy published the 10th call for testing out of the Full-site editing outreach program and calls you to join the Pattern Party, too! You are invited to test all the Theme Blocks, some already in WordPress 5.8 and some to come in WordPress 5.9 and create patterns with them. “This test is focused on pushing these lovely Theme Blocks to their limits to better determine what to prioritize and what features might remain to be documented. “ McCarthy wrote.

Developing for the new wave of WordPress experience On Tuesday, Oct 5 at 01:30 PM CST, join Post Status CEO, Cory Miller, as he interviews Rich Tabor, Head of Product at Extendify, about the future of publishing with WordPress. Definitely a show worth watching!

WordPress Meetup London met this week, and during their 2nd hour they held a Roundtable on Full-Site Editing hosted by Dan Maby guest Paul Lacey, Diane Wallace and Anne McCarthy.

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s main (trunk) branch?
Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
Have you been using it? Hit reply and let me know.

GitHub all releases

Using Gutenberg as Content Creator

Istiak Rayhan shared with you the 10 Interesting Gutenberg Features You May Not Know About. Rayhan pointed out most of my favorite features of the Block editor. He is also one of the authors of the Ultimate Blocks plugins, so it’s not a surprise to see it listed.

Instead of the Document information page, I would pick the List View next to it as the more useful tool for your workflow. You can identify blocks from their nested view and drag and drop them at a different spot of your post.

Rayhan followed up with a Beginner’s Guide for Gutenberg. I bookmarked his post to share it with others looking to get started with the block-editor.

Page Builder Summit

Page Builder Summit is coming back and will be happening October 18 – 22, 2021. Nathan Wrigley and Anchen Le Roux just published the schedule

Here is the list of Gutenberg / Block-editor presentations

  • Forging the Future with Full Site Editing with Anne McCarthy (10/18 – 9am EDT)
  • The Future of Building WordPress Websites with Brian Gardner (10/18 – 12pm EDT)
  • What does Full Site Editing Mean for Page Builders? with Joe Casabona (10/19/ 9am EDT)
  • Customizing WordPress Block Editor for Client Projects with Birgit Pauli-Haack (10/19/ – 10 am EDT)
  • Mastering modern WordPress with Full-site Editing & Custom Blocks with Rob Stinson (10/20/ – 5am EDT)
  • How to Build Any Page Layout Using Kadence Blocks with Jake Pfohl (10/20/ – 12pm EDT)
  • Building a Custom Blog Archive with Blocks with Mike Oliver (10/21/ 11am EDT)
  • RIP Page Builders with Chris Lubkert (10/19 – 1pm EDT)

The schedule is not out yet. Sign-up for the waitlist to receive notifications.

Don’t want to miss the next Weekend Edition?

We hate spam, too and won’t give your email address to anyone except Mailchimp to send out our Weekend Edition

Thanks for subscribing.

Featured image: “Fire wood” by rossbelmont is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at October 02, 2021 03:40 PM under Weekend Edition

October 01, 2021

WPTavern: Logtivity: A WordPress Activity Log Service With Customizable Charts, Alerts, and CSV Exports

Launched by Ralph Morris and Steve Burge in June this year, Logtivity is a plugin and service that allows site owners to track everything that happens on their WordPress installs. The duo has made continual updates to the plugin since. In the past couple of months, they have added deep integration with Easy Digital Downloads. They are also planning to build around more eCommerce-related plugins.

Burge mentioned that using the Logtivity service allows site owners to track and log activity at scale. While small sites could get by with an on-site solution, it can be harder to do while growing. “This offers a strong alternative to using a plugin because you don’t need to store huge amounts of data on your own server,” he said.

The service provides graphs so that end-users can visualize their data, but they can also dive directly into the logs and look at specific actions. Users can also set up unlimited alert notifications through email or Slack and download reports as CSV files.

Site dashboard showing different chart types.

The Logitivity WordPress plugin is free to download and install, but it merely serves as a bridge to the commercial service. The pricing page has three tiers that start at $9.50/month and run to $49.50. The rates primarily differ on the number of logs generated, user access, and length of data retention. However, each tier can be used on an unlimited number of sites.

I have been running the service on WP Tavern for a couple of weeks. There are not many things I would want to track specific to this site other than posts published and commenting numbers. The short-term data has not told me much that I did not know already. However, I could see how these logs could come in handy over months or years. If we were running an eCommerce website, the information could be invaluable.

Viewing a specific set of logs based on an action.

Users can create reports of specific logs and display them as either bar or line charts. These can be generated based on an action, such as “Post Published” or “Comment Created.” Users can also add a specific context, such as a post ID. For example, a user could display a chart for each product file download through the plugin’s deep integration with Easy Digital Downloads.

This is the type of thing that the team has in mind at the moment. The primary use case since launch has been logging eCommerce activity.

“People who run eCommerce sites need to track registrations, subscription changes, file downloads, license key activations, login activity, and more,” said Burge. “eCommerce site owners need this for customer support and also to deal with refund requests and chargebacks.”

Currently, each of the service’s features is handled via the Logtivity site. The team has plans to bring them into the WordPress admin interface. However, it could be late 2021 or early 2022 before the integration happens.

“We’d love to bring Logtivity data directly into WordPress,” said Burge. “And because there’s no need to worry about Logtivity slowing down your site, we have some interesting ideas for how and where user activity can be displayed in the WordPress admin area.”

How It Started and Where It Is Going

Burge serves as the marketing brains behind the project. His primary WordPress-related business is PublishPress, but his customers had asked for a project like Logitivity for several years.

“Ralph Morris started Logtivity for a customer at the web dev agency he works at,” said Burge. “The customer’s site has around 100,000 users and gets a great deal of activity every day, from new registrations and subscriptions to resources being downloaded and cancellations. They were using a WordPress plugin to track customer activity, but as the number of logs grew, this process took longer and longer and became more clunky to perform. The final straw was when they were unable to perform the CSV exports, as it would keep timing out. Ralph scratched the itch and built a little MVP. After a few weeks, he showed it to his colleagues and got permission from his boss to offer it to the client to be the first user, and a little while later, the first paying customer.”

He said the two connected thanks to Iain Poulson, who recently co-launched the acquisitions marketplace FlipWP.

“Ralph lives really close to where I grew up in Hampshire, England,” said Burge. “We got our heads together and decided on a partnership: Ralph as the developer and myself as the marketer.”

Outside of integrating more directly with the WordPress admin, the Logtivity team has a roadmap that will keep them busy for a while. Topping that list are more integrations with third-party plugins.

“Our primary use-case is eCommerce sites, so WooCommerce is central to our plans,” said Burge. “But we also plan deeper integrations with more plugins that WordPress eCommerce sites use, including LearnDash, MemberPress, Paid Memberships Pro, and more.”

Several players in the space are moving toward broad integrations across the ecosystem. Chris Lema talked about it being a vital strategy for business growth with StellarWP’s recent acquisition of LearnDash.

Burge also noted that his team plans to continue improving the service’s alert system. “In future versions of Logtivity, you’ll be able to send more flexible alerts to more channels. We also plan to provide SMS alerts for your most important notifications.”

by Justin Tadlock at October 01, 2021 09:49 PM under Plugins

Akismet: Version 4.2.1 of the Akismet WordPress Plugin is Now Available

Version 4.2.1 of the Akismet plugin for WordPress is now available.

This update contains a fix for a bug in version 4.2 that could cause AMP validation errors on some sites, depending on the template they were using.

To upgrade, visit the Updates page of your WordPress dashboard and follow the instructions. If you need to download the plugin zip file directly, links to all versions are available in the WordPress plugins directory.

by Christopher Finke at October 01, 2021 06:31 PM under Releases

WPTavern: Gutenberg 11.6 Introduces New API for Locking Blocks

Gutenberg 11.6 was released this week with a new API for managing lock control at the block-type level. When defining a block, developers can now use the lock attribute to designate whether a block can be moved or removed. The PR introduces parts of the locking support mechanisms proposed by Matias Ventura in a separate issue earlier this year.

Ventura explained that while the editor already has template locking support to prevent inserting or moving blocks (i.e. for custom post type templates), it doesn’t yet offer much granular control or a UI for the different locking states. He identified block themes as an important use case for establishing a new block-level API for representing lock status. Block themes may necessitate the ability to lock down key elements, such as preventing the removal of the post-content for a single post template. If you have ever played around with the template editor then you have likely discovered how easy it is to remove important elements by accident.

“Another use case that we’re building for is having a Checkout Block with different blocks that act as fundamental steps,” WooCommerce and Gutenberg engineer Seghir Nadir said. “We don’t want people to delete or move those steps since they’re fundamental and their order is also important, but we want to allow people to select them, access settings, and insert blocks in between them.”

During this week’s core editor chat, Paal Joachim Romdahl highlighted the need for a locking mechanism for Reusable blocks.

“At the moment it is too easy to make an accidental change to a Reusable block,” Romdahl said. “I worry that only having the hover overlay and the initial click [to] select the parent Reusable block is just not good enough, that we soon should get a lock mechanism in place. There is a lot of feedback from users who have accidentally deleted the inner contents of the blocks and wondered what happened.”

Romdahl has created several issues about to the possibility of adding a locking mechanism to the inline toolbar for reusable blocks, where users would need to unlock to edit the contents.

Now that the foundational infrastructure is in place for managing lock control at the block-type level, contributors can begin building a UI to control it, as outlined in the Locking and TemplateLocking issue. Ventura said future iterations should include a UI that indicates which blocks are user-editable and also display block status in the list view and block inspector.

by Sarah Gooding at October 01, 2021 05:00 AM under reusable blocks

WPTavern: Gutenberg 11.6 Improves the Global Styles UI, Adds Child Theme Support

Gutenberg 11.6 landed yesterday. Contributors added dozens of enhancements and bug fixes. Admittedly, there was not a whole lot that excited me as a user about this release.

Typography options for the Post Title block. Nice.

Cropping for the Site Logo. A necessary addition.

Toolbar button for converting old Gallery blocks to the new — still experimental — format. Sweet.

For the most part, the release felt like a slew of routine enhancements that have been in the pipeline for those of us closely following the plugin’s development. Almost boring. And that is not a bad thing at all. Less excitement and smaller doses of iterative improvements can be healthy for the project and its developers. We do not always need to feel like we are chasing the next big thing. This is a well-rounded release that polishes many areas, from navigation to widgets to general block enhancements.

There were two features that I am happy to see movement on. That is the site editor’s Global Styles system and child theme support.

Global Styles Updates

Default site editor look with Global Styles panel open.

Global Styles is the system that will truly connect end-users to theme developers and vice versa for the first time in WordPress history. We have made some attempts at this, such as the customizer. However, this feature will handle it on top of the standardized block system.

Essentially, themes will talk to WordPress through their theme.json files, and users will speak the same language through the Global Styles panel.

For example, imagine a theme author sets up the default text color as black and the background as white. This will appear on the front end of the site but also be reflected in the site editor. The Global Styles interface allows users to change those two colors to something they prefer. They can also see of a preview of their color and typography styles in the box at the top of the panel.

Updating colors, preview shown in editor and at top of panel.

And, it does not stop at a couple of simple colors. Users can modify all sorts of design aspects like typography and spacing at the root and block levels.

Gutenberg 11.6 adds a navigation component to the Global Styles sidebar. Overall, it feels much smoother working through the top and sub-levels while editing my theme’s styles.

Updating the global padding for the Code block.

This is sort of a small but vital step toward overhauling the overall Global Styles interface. There is still much work to be done, but I am eager to see where the Gutenberg contributors take this component in the coming weeks and months.

I did run into one snag. Clicking on the Typography tab at the root level produces an error. However, it works at the block level.

Contributors also updated the old “Aa” icon representing the Global Styles panel with a half-dark-half-light circle button. My immediate reaction was that it was for switching between light and dark modes.

This was a sentiment shared by a user (from a now-deleted account) in the GitHub ticket.

Global Styles is not a new system disconnected from styles and themes, indeed is an improvement to the current themes system. If we were to consider the strength of WordPress’ past and present, we would perceive that on the dashboard, indeed a brush icon has been developed for years in people’s memory as an association with appearance, themes, styles, personalization. Therefore, the icon that would be most comprehensible in people’s memory regarding the new Customizer remains a brush. I say new and better Customizer, because this is how common people manifest what they understand about Global Styles. Departing from a pencil brush to yin-yang, moon, or water drop, I have not tested yet with public, but from past experience I assure you people are going to find this new icon unrelated and confusing.

Block Child Theme Support

As one of the pioneers of child theming in WordPress, using them long before they were officially supported, this is something near and dear to my heart. I created my first theme shop on this foundation. I have loads of ideas about how the block paradigm can reshape the theme space, and child themes are at the center of many of them.

However, all of the components of Full Site Editing have not entirely supported child themes until now. There are still a few pieces left to fit into the puzzle, but the system should work, mostly.

Templates, template parts, and theme.json files from a child theme should now completely overrule those from the parent. These changes work on both the front end and in the site editor.

Some open questions are being worked through in a related GitHub ticket. The most crucial development is still to come, which will handle merging values between the parent and child theme.json files. For example, it makes sense that child themes should be able to overwrite colors and typography while skipping definitions for layout-related values, falling back to the parent.

Once that is in place, designers will have an easy-yet-powerful way to realize the original vision behind CSS Zen Garden, a project that at least partially inspired child theming’s adoption by WordPress.

by Justin Tadlock at October 01, 2021 01:45 AM under gutenberg

September 30, 2021

Akismet: Version 4.2 of the Akismet WordPress Plugin is Now Available

Version 4.2 of the Akismet plugin for WordPress is now available. It contains the following changes:

  • Improved compatibility with the most popular contact form plugins, which should lead to improved accuracy.
  • Added links to additional information on API usage notifications.
  • Reduced the number of network requests required on a comment page when running Akismet.

To upgrade, visit the Updates page of your WordPress dashboard and follow the instructions. If you need to download the plugin zip file directly, links to all versions are available in the WordPress plugins directory.

by Christopher Finke at September 30, 2021 06:55 PM under Releases

Gutenberg Times: Releases Galore in WordPress open-source projects, Business Case of Gutenberg and more — Weekend Edition #179

Howdy, friend!

Today’s weekend edition is a double-feature, so to speak. I’ll skip next week because of traveling overseas. First trip in 20 months. I am so excited and also busy to get ready. I will be back into your inbox on August 7th, 2021.

This week was an exciting week for the WordPress open-source project and its many hundreds of contributors. One release after another! Just wow! Let’s dive right in.

Stay well and keep safe!

Yours, 💕

WordPress open-source project Releases in July 2021

WordPress 5.8

Five hundred thirty awesome contributors worked on WordPress 5.8 and the release team let it loose on Tuesday as Tatum, after Art Tatum, a renown American jazz pianist.

Need to catch up on all the features in this new version?

BuddyPress 9.0

In time for the block-based widget editor, the BuddyPress team released their block widgets in their 9.0 version this week. The new BP Widget Blocks are Legacy Widgets, rebuilt as BP Blocks. You can also access them in the Block Editor for use in your posts or pages!

WordPress Pattern Directory

The Meta Team has been collaborating with the Design team and designers in the community on the first version of the WordPress Pattern Directory. They released it officially on Tuesday night. Justin Tadlock has the skinny.

I found a few to add to my favorites. What are your favorite block patterns? These initial 80+ patterns are also a great inspiration for theme builders who look to include themes styled patterns in their themes.

If you are interested in creating block patterns from scratch, browse through this list of resources around block patterns.

Gutenberg Plugin Version 11.1

The Gutenberg Team released another version of the Gutenberg plugin, version 11.1.

Grzegorz Ziolkowski and I discussed its many of the changes on 48th episode of the Gutenberg Changelog

Justin Tadlock wrote: Gutenberg 11.1 Adds Drag-and-Drop Support for List View and Upgrades Block Borders

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index 2021” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. Updated by yours truly. The index 2020 is here

Theme building for Full-Site Editing

Tammie Lister shares here theme design journey on the site Ephemeral Themes. This week, she posted “Tips for creating a theme in the site editor” and explained the importance of testing early and often. Well worth your time!

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s main (trunk) branch?
Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
Have you been using it? Hit reply and let me know.

GitHub all releases

Kjell Reigstad has the weekly round-up of issues, updates and discussions around Gutenberg and Themes for you. In this post Reigstad covered the most recent PR on FSE Blocks, General theme building and Global Styles. The list of overview issues is a great start if you need to catch up on the overall concepts and ideas.

Carolina Nymark, team rep on the Theme Review Team, ask for your comments on the newly proposed Theme requirements for inclusion into the Theme directory on WordPress.org. You can also read them in more details on GitHub issue #12 on the Theme Requirements repository of the Theme Review team.

Deadline for the first round of comments is July 26th, 2021.

On July 28th, 2pm CET. The team will conduct a Zoom interview with theme authors about the requirements. Spots are already full. Hopefully, the interviews will be recorded to educate more than a few theme developers about the requirements.

Justin Tadlock provides background and more context as to the initiative via his post Next Phase of the WordPress Theme Review Overhaul.

Rich Tabor published The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Block Templates in Gutenberg and provides a comprehensive tutorial on how block-based theme template fit into WordPress template hierarchy and how they help WordPress users controls their site. Tabor also provided details instructions on how to build block-based templates and leverage them in your theme.

In his post Universal Themes: Customization on ThemeShaper, Ben Dwyer explored about how to make Global Styles and the Customizer work together. Dwyer looks at how to use classic WordPress tools (in this case the Customizer) to customize a block theme, while saving these changes in Global Styles – making a universal theme!

Developing Blocks and Plugins for the block editor

Last month, Dmitry Mayorov, Senior Front-End Engineer at 10up, published a crash-course in WordPress Block Filters. Mayorov shows you how to extend core blocks with filters. He also helps you with the decision between extending a core or build a custom block instead.

Michael LaRoy wrote a tutorial on creating blocks with Advanced Custom Fields. He wrote: “By providing a PHP solution to block creation, a developer already familiar with ACF can efficiently create new custom blocks without writing any JavaScript.”

Bill Erickson has a tutorial on how to use Inner Blocks with ACF Blocks, to expand on the usefulness of the plugin for more complex layouts.

Alex Standiford explained in his post “How Gutenberg Blocks Work the basic concepts of how the block-editor stores content, why HTML comments and how is it rendered.

Business Case for Gutenberg

Artur Grabowski, co-founder of Extendify, a Gutenberg first product start-up, was Joe Howard‘s guest on episode 153 of WPMRR Podcast: Going Big by Solving WordPress’ Biggest Roadblock. Grabowski, like many other business development people in the WordPress space, regards the missing new user onboarding experience as the biggest roadblock for even bigger growth of the WordPress ecosystem. Howard and Grabowski had an honest and nuanced conversation about the business case for Gutenberg First approach to WordPress products.

Grabowski took a historic view to the ongoing debate about Gutenberg being the right path for WordPress. Back in 2016, while working with Adobe and its product Spark, Grabowski became aware of many innovative web building tools. They were all block-based. It is only a fairly new concept for WordPress. “There is a lot less unknown here about the end state than some people realize.” If you are interested in the WordPress product space, I recommend you follow the link and dive into the details of things.

The future is here. It’s just not evenly distributed.

Artur Grabowski

Incidentally, Cory Miller, Post Status partner and Jeff Meziere talked to Chris Lubkert, also co-founder of Extendify, on their Webinar for the Business Value Academy. Webinar: Mergers & Acquisitions with Chris Lubkert

Before co-founding Extendify, Chris Lubkert and Artur Grabowski worked in the Merger & Aquisitions department of Automattic. Tammie Lister also joined Extendify as their head of design. Extendify is the new home for a series of block-editor plugins and tools: Editor Plus, Redux Framework, Editors Kit, Gutenberg Hub, Gutenberg Forms, ACF Blocks, and Block Slider to name a few.

Episode #48 is now available with transcript.
Next recording August 6th, 2021

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by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: List of WordPress Themes for Full-Site Editing and Resources

A few people ask about WordPress Themes that are already working with the Full-Site Editing system and the new Site Editor. Here is a List as of July 2021.

The Themes are all built while Full-Site Editing is under active development and many features are experimental. Do not use in production or live site. Expect the themes to be wonky at times, until developers have a chance to update the themes for new Gutenberg plugin version. In short: There will be Dragons! 🐉

Oh, yes. You also need to install the Gutenberg plugin.

For the lastest updates pre-release, use the Gutenberg Nightly

Themes for Full-Site Editing in the WordPress repository

I only used TT1 Blocks Theme for FSE-Testing. I rely mostly on Justin Tadlock or others to provide more insights on the various themes. The articles are linked with the theme header.

Armando by Carolyn Newmark

Armando WordPress Theme Provides Insight Into the Current State of Full Site Editing

Block Base by Automattic

Using Blockbase for a theme experiment (ThemeShaper) by Kjell Reigstad

The Automattic Theme Team Announces Blockbase, Its New Block Parent Theme (WordPress Tavern) by Justin Tadlock

Blockbase: A parent theme for block themes (ThemeShaper) by Ben Dwyer

Child themes of Block Base

Mayland Blocks by Automattic

Seedlet Blocks by Automattic

Automattic Launches Mayland Blocks, Its Second FSE Theme on WordPress.org

Block-Based Bosco by Fränk Klein

What I Learned Building a Full-Site Editing Theme

Implementing Global Styles in Block-Based Bosco

Block-Based Bosco, Second Full-Site Editing Theme Lands in the WordPress Directory

Clove by Anariel Design

Clove: A Showcase of Block Patterns by Anariel Design (WPTavern)

Hansen by Uxl Themes

Build a Full WordPress Site via Block Patterns With the Hansen Theme

Naledi by Anariel Design

Anariel Design Launches Naledi, a Block-Based WordPress Theme (WordPress Tavern)

by Ari Stathopoulos

Exploring Full-Site Editing With the Q WordPress Theme

Rick by WPEntire

TT1 Blocks by WordPress contributors

This is the FSE sibling of the Twenty-Twenty-One Theme

If you find any theme missing in this list, let me know.

WordPress Themes team resources

The themes team share their experiments on GitHub. Some listed themes made it as stand-alone theme into the repository listed above.

Contributors also included a script to generate a theme with the minimum necessary to build your own block theme: php new-empty-theme.php.

Every other week, the themes team meets discussion Block-based themes: 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 15:00 UTC (11am EDT) wp-slack channel #themereview

Every week, the Themes team published a roundup post about newly merged changes, and what is discussed on the GitHub repo for Gutenberg. The post also has a few overview issues so you can always catch up on what is in the works. Follow the #gutenberg-themes-roundup tag on the make-blog/themes

Anne McCarthy, developer relations and program manage for the FSE outreach published a post on ThemeShaper with more Resources for block theme development

DevNotes for WordPress 5.8

Developer Documentation

Courses and Tutorials

Updated 7/21 to add Rich Tabor’s article on Block Templates

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Themes

Gutenberg Times: Theme creation, Block plugin development and the Future of WordPress – Weekend Edition #178

Howdy, my friends!

WordPress 5.8 will be release next week. Are you ready? Well, if you didn’t get any chance to test things, you should still be alright. If you know your customers will be fiddling with their site’s widget section, do yourself a favor and install the Classic Widget plugin, so there are no surprises.

For last-minute testing, use the Release Candidate number 4. The final release is scheduled for Tuesday, July 20, 2021. The Field Guide covers all changes.

Wishing you all the best for the upgrade! Holler if you need any help!

Yours, 💕

Gutenberg and the Future of WordPress

In this week’s Jukebox episode, host Nathan Wrigley discussed with Robert Jacobi the Future of WordPress in the era of Gutenberg. Jacobi explained why he is persuing a Gutenberg first approach. You can listen on WordPress Tavern or your favorite podcast app.

From the section “Neither Gutenberg nor WordPress News”: I am excited about the acquisition of Pocket Casts by Automattic. I tested many other podcast apps, but Pocket Casts has been my favorite for many, many years.

Nathan da Silva, founder of Silva Web Designs, wrote about the Future of Page Builders and concludes, there are still pieces missing before Gutenberg makes 3rd Party page builders obsolete. Da Silva mentions, Full-Site Editing is not there yet and there are not as many add-on available as Elementor or Beaver Builder provide for their site builders workflow.

Episode #47 is now available with transcript.
Next recording July 23, 2021

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Block-editor for Content Creators

On July 29th, 10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. UTC. WordPress VIP will hold a webinar with the title Gutenberg Full-Site Editing: Unlocking Agility for Enterprise WordPress. James Proctor will share lessons from the cutting edge of implementation. “By taking Gutenberg blocks beyond the post editor, these new features allow content creators unprecedented agility and control over the entire site experience. “ Any site owner and agency will be able to take advantage of the knowledge shared at scale.

Deborah Edwards-Onoro posted a great tutorial on how to Manage your Block Editor preferences and increase productivity and comfort.

WordPress 5.8 brings Duotone Filters to images of the block editor. Justin Tadlock takes you on a tour of this fabulous new feature: Duotone Filters: WordPress 5.8 Puts a Powerful Image-Editing Tool Into Users’ Hands‘.

Developing Plugins for the Block Editor

After the Primer last week, Rich Tabor posted How to Build & Publish Gutenberg Block Plugins to the WordPress Block Directory. Tabor guides you through the process from create block scaffolding and running the block plugin checker to uploading your block to WordPress repository and get it approved for the Block Directory.

Marcus Kazmierczak wrote a series of posts on how to Conditionally Load Block Assets when building block plugins. There are quite a few different ways to skin that proverbial cat. Start at the latest post, explaining the new WordPress 5.8 way to handle this. Kazmierczak also provides a video walk through.

This helped me to understand the feature Ari Stathopoulos worked on and described in his Dev Note: Block-styles loading enhancements in WordPress 5.8

Riad Benguella has a few more Miscellaneous block editor API additions in WordPress 5.8 – it covers:

  • Contextual patterns for easier creation and block transformations
  • Pattern Registration API
  • BlockControls group prop

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index 2021” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. Updated by yours truly. The index 2020 is here

Gutenberg and Themes

Jason Crist published this week’s Gutenberg + Themes roundup. Two issues caught my eye:

There is of course, much more going on. Another great round-up post from the Theme Team!

Anne McCarthy shared Resources for block theme development on ThemeShaper. She wrote: “Whether you’re just starting out or already deep in the block theme world, the following resources should help you be aware of what’s to come and how to get involved in shaping the future.”

Tammie Lister published here process on how to create a theme and what she encountered. She wrote: “I am still like many discovering how I create themes using site editing, but I wanted to share my current process and some observations I’ve made along the way. “

Nick Diego collected three small fixes to his theme to change the breakpoint for the column block to become responsive, how to change the order of the mobile columns and how to disable responsive columns completely. For the latter, Diego uses a solution by Andy Serong, that is already merged to Gutenberg and will be released with the plugin version 11.2 on July 21st, 2021. Details in Disable Responsive Columns in Gutenberg and Other Tips

Rob Stinson posted about WordPress 5.8 Widgets Changes and How they Impact the Genesis Framework. He wrote: “To help navigate this for the 100,000’s of sites that run on the Genesis Framework we have implemented an opt-in experience in version 3.3.4 for whenever anyone updates to WordPress 5.8.”

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s main (trunk) branch?
Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
Have you been using it? Hit reply and let me know.

GitHub all releases

Don’t want to miss the next Weekend Edition?

We hate spam, too and won’t give your email address to anyone except Mailchimp to send out our Weekend Edition

Thanks for subscribing.

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: Block Building, Query Loop block and more – Weekend Edition #177


For a few days, we enjoyed non-humid weather in Florida as Hurricane Elsa sucked all the moisture out of the air and took it with it. Sorry, Northern friends.

For some fun summer reading, I can highly recommend the WordPress 5.8 DevNotes, all handily assembled into a massive Field Guide by Milana Cap.

After the publishing rush around the WordPress 5.8 release last week, this week is certainly a lot calmer. Although I know that behind the scenes, contributors are working hard on getting Block Editor End-User documentation ready, too. 🐝

Hopefully, you have been busy testing plugins and themes for compatibility with the new widget block-editor. July 20th is only 10 days away. WordPress 5.8 RC 2 is out and could use your eagle eyes to spot last-minute bugs and quirks.

What else has happened in the WordPress Gutenberg space last week? I have a few more links for you. As always, you don’t have to consume them all in one sitting, you can always come back during the week.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and start into your next week!

Yours, 💕

Gutenberg Development

Gutenberg 11.0 was released and Dave Smith compiled the release notes for the team. This time in the release cycle of the next WordPress release, it’s all about bug fixing. Justin Tadlock highlights a few enhancements in his post. Grzegorz Ziolkowski and I recorded the 47th episode of the Gutenberg Changelog on Friday. Listen in and get a few more ideas of what’s in this Gutenberg 11.0 release. the audio should be available over the weekend.

Matias Ventura updated scope for site editing projects to help the team and the community to track upcoming tasks around the main site editing projects. There are a few separate tracking issues for covering some general improvements and then some broader projects. It covers some general UI features that need to be iterated on, mentioned a Browse mode for the site editor, and lists Infrastructure, Patterns, Styling and the Navigation Block.

Gutenberg and Themes

Carolina Nymark summarized all the Theme features that will come to a WordPress instance near you with WordPress 5.8. It’s the Cliff Notes with actionable code snippets for opt-in and opt-out decisions.

Daisy Olson posted a summary and the recording of this week’s Hallway Hangout Discussion the Theme.json.

The Theme.json Call for testing is still open until July 14, 2021. It has instructions for beginners, Intermediate and advanced WordPress theme developers. It’s a fabulous way to learn and share your feedback.

Maggie Cabrera created an outstanding weekly round-up (#56) post with theme related recently merged PRs, what is discussed and again a great list of overview git hub issues that are waiting for your comments and ideas!

A couple of weeks ago, we had Daisy Olsen, Tammie Lister and Jeff Ong on a Live Q & A. First we have a short introduction demo on how to work with theme.json and a discussion on how this new way to organize the settings and styles for your theme change how themes work in WordPress. We also answered interesting questions from the audience. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch it here with transcript and resources.

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index 2021” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. Updated by yours truly. The index 2020 is here

Block Editor for Content creators

This is a first in the almost three-year history of the Block editor! 🙌 🎉
Thanks to the indefatigable Anne McCarthy, content creators can review End-user documentation for the new features before they are released.

Now it’s all still a work in progress and there is still time until July 20th.

Anne McCarthy‘s Block-based Widget Editor Demo is now available on WordPress TV. Check it out to seen what’s coming to WordPress 5.8.
Yep, as Grzegorz Ziolkowski said yesterday, Anne McCarthy is everywhere!

Query Loop Block

Even if you are not familiar with the developer term Query Loop, once you look at the examples you’ll instantly realize that this is about the layout of a list of posts you might want to include on your pages, templates or posts. You can change the layout for post title, featured image, excerpt and link. An early version of this was the Latest Post Block.

The design team also implemented a series of Block Patterns of a few nice variations to display a post list on templates, post and pages. It’s a fun feature, and it has taken quite a long time to build. The wait was definitely worth it.

It is mighty and could be the most powerful feature in 5.8 as Justin Tadlock headlined his post Query Loop: The Ins and Outs.

Allison Rivers over the Torque Magazine also published an article What is the Query Loop Block? with lots of great insights and examples. Rivers also has a list of plugins that implemented some advanced features the WordPress version is still missing with its first iteration.

Block Building and Plugins

Reading throught the release notes for Gutenberg 11, I found great gem posted by Riad Benguella. It’s a flow graphic that explains the relationship between the packages that make the post editor.

Partial view of Riad Benguella’s schema

I find this very helpful to keep in mind when to use which package at which stage or the user interactions.

Rich Tabor, Senior Product Manager, WordPress Experience GoDaddy published A Primer on Gutenberg Block Plugins for the WordPress Block Directory in which he walks you through the process of submit your plugin to the WordPress Directory, as he went through when submitting his Markdown Comment block to the repository.

In the same space, Ella van Durpe published a plugin for private note-taking in WordPress called Hypernotes. Justin Tadlock reviewed it for the WordPress Tavern. Van Durpe explain her comment to the article’s, that the plugin uses some experimental PWA capabilities she introduced to the Gutenberg plugin for WP-Admin.

Alex Standiford, developer at Sandhills Development (makers of the EDD plugin) published a tutorial about API Fetch – The WordPress Library You Didn’t Know You Needed with code snippets and plenty of theory to with them, too.

Standiford also started the WPAcademy with the course WordPress Plugin Development Course, with 37 videos teaching you how to make a beer custom post type, customize the Gutenberg editor, create a new block, and create WP-CLI commands to make testing fast and easy.

Justin Tadlock shared his experience in Taking the Leap: Building My First WordPress Block Plugin. He built a breadcrumbs block as a dynamic block that’s rendered server side.

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s main (trunk) branch?
Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
Have you been using it? Hit reply and let me know.

GitHub all releases

Upcoming WordPress Events

July 17 + 18th, 2021
WordCamp Santa Clarita

  • 1pm PT / 4pm ET / 20 UTC – FSE: What’s Coming to 5.8 & the Story of the Outreach Program w/ Anne McCarthy
  • 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 21 UTC – How Theme Developers Should Approach Full Site Editing w/ Joe Casabona
  • 3pm PT / 6pm ET / 22 UTC – Rapid Landing Page Creation With the WordPress Block Editor w/ Daisy Olsen

July 23, 2021
WordFest Live The festival of WordPress

  • July 22 – 10 PM EDT / 2 UTC – Learn to Build Blocks with Advanced Custom Fields w/ Cameron Jones
  • July 23 – 3:20 pm EDT / 19:20 UTC How to Create a Fast Loading Stylish Homepage with Blocks & CSS w/ Davinder Singh Kainth

August 6 + 7, 2021
WordCamp Nicaragua

September 21 + 22, 2021
WPCampus 2021 Online
“A free online conference for web accessibility and WordPress in higher education.”

Don’t want to miss the next Weekend Edition?

We hate spam, too and won’t give your email address to anyone except Mailchimp to send out our Weekend Edition

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by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: Block-Based Widget Screen and DevNotes Galore for WordPress 5.8 – Weekend Edition #176


July is the month celebrating North American Independence (for white people) and the start of the French Revolution.

Happy 154th Birthday, Canada 🇨🇦 (July 1st).
Happy 245th Birthday, USA 🇺🇸 (July 4th)
Happy 232nd Bastille Day, France 🇫🇷 (July 14th)

There are many more countries celebrating Independence Day in July, though. Here is the list. Take a look! 🌐

July 20th, WordPress 5.8 will be released and there are a ton of block editor related dev notes for themes and plugin developers. Use this week’s RC 1 version to test your sites, plugins and themes!

Be well! Have a great weekend, wherever you are located!

Yours, 💕

WordPress 5.8 Dev Notes for Block editor features

This week was also the deadline to published Developer Notes around the upcoming WordPress 5.8 release.

Block-styles loading enhancements by Ari Stathopoulos – Ari has the details on how the two new features – Load styles only for rendered blocks and Inline small styles – work and how theme developers and block builders can tap into it.

Blocks in an iframed (template) editor by Ella van Durpe – The new Template editor is the first block editor loaded in an iframe and isolate it from the rest of the admin screen. Ella has the benefits for you as well as the details on how to adjust your blocks if you rely on document or window and provides code fixes for your ReactJS blocks. There is more. Definitely worth a read if you are deep in plugin development. Ella’s post compliments Grzegorz Ziolkowski’s post: Block Editor API Changes to Support Multiple Admin Screens

On layout and content width by Riad Benguella – This is a shorter post, introducing the Settings for layout and content width and how you can adjust your theme to take advantage of them.

Block-based Widgets Editor by Robert Anderson. He wrote: “WordPress 5.8 introduces a new block-based widgets editor to the Widgets screen (Appearance → Widgets) and Customizer (Appearance → Customize → Widgets).” and continues to explain the three methods (including the Classic Widget plugin) of opting out. You might find interesting to learn how the Legacy Widget block helps with the backward compatibility for existing widgets and widget areas.

Various Block Editor API removals by Riad Benguella has the details on the removal of EditorGlobalKeyboardShortcuts, hasUploadPermissions and their alternatives. Also, the block “Subheading” has been removed, too.

Timothy Jacobs post lists all the REST API Changes necessary for the Widget Block Editor. He also shows how to adjust Legacy widgets, so they are seen and handled by it. Timothy illustrates the changes with extensive code snippets, that should help you get up to speed fast.

And if that isn’t enough already, Milana Cap lists Miscellaneous developer focused changes in her dev note. The team removed support for IE 11 from build and test tools and gives you more control and consistency for the document title. WordPress 5.8 also brings a consistent type for integer properties of WP_Post, WP_Term, WP_User and a bookmark object and better caching of post/page IDs for subsequent request. There are quite a few more goodies in this upcoming release. Take a look!

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index 2021” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. Updated by yours truly. The index 2020 is here

User-facing changes in WordPress 5.8

Timothy Jacobs gave a detailed preview of What’s coming to the Block editor in WordPress 5.8 to the members of the WordPress NYC meetup. You can see a demo of Duotone for image & cover, Single Column color and spacing settings, Table block updates, and reusable block changes. He spent a few more minutes on the new Widget Screen as well as the Post Template Editor and the new Query Block.

Courtney Robertson wrote in What WordPress 5.8 means for your clients’ websites “This release expands the role of the block editor to include nearly every area of WordPress. You’ll want to check out all the updates to discover what WordPress 5.8, Full Site Editing, and Block-Based Themes mean for your clients’ websites.”. The post is a fabulous comprehensive list of what is new in WordPress 5.8 with short videos and the relevant details.

Block-Based Widget in WP Admin and Customizer

You can also watch Anne McCarthy Exploring the Block Widgets Editor in WP Admin and Customizer on YouTube. She wrote in the description: “This video seeks to give an initial look at this feature and answer some top questions people might have. Shout out to Channing Ritter who put together the demo portion!”.

Eric Karkovack also did a deep dive into the block-based Widget Screen for you: The WordPress Widgets Screen Joins the Gutenberg Era and provides you with a great tutorial on how to use the new screens with screenshot and all.

Diving Into WordPress 5.8’s New Widgets Screen by Justin Tadlock. He is a fan of the new feature and glad it made it into the WordPress core for this upcoming release. While the WPAdmin Widget screen feels like a good block editor, he wrote about the block widgets in the Customizer: “Customizer support for block widgets is light years ahead of where it was just a few short months ago. However, it feels awkward at best. There is a deep feeling of not belonging. While it was a remarkable programming feat to make the two features work together, the user experiences are nearly a decade apart.”

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s main (trunk) branch?
Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
Have you been using it? Hit reply and let me know.

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Plugins for the Block Editor

This week, I found quite a few people sharing their experiences with block editor plugins.

Chris Lema compared in his post Content Visibility for Gutenberg three plugins that allow you to control the visibility of single blocks on your page or posts. We mentioned two of them here multiple times. Chris tested the pro version for his purposes:

Episode #46 is now available with transcript.
Next recording July 9th, 2021

Send questions, comments or news to [email protected]

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Rich Tabor released Markdown Comment Block in the WordPress plugin repository. He wrote in his description: “Having the ability to add, and keep, any relevant editing comments within my posts, without rendering them on the front-end, means that I am freed up to mentally jot any idea down without thinking about it. It is simply natural and convenient.” Justin Tadlock gave it a review in Add Editor-Only Notes via the Markdown Comment Block WordPress Plugin

Thanks to Remkus De Vries’ new newsletter “Remkus Ramblings“, I learned about two more plugins for the block editor:

Highlight and Share by Ronald Huereca – “It’s a social sharing plugin that allows you to highlight text and and share among several social networks including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more,” Remkus said. I wished I had this plugin when I ran a social media marketing agency….

The second one is Block Editor Colors by MotoPress – Remkus wrote: “(…)which allows you to edit default Gutenberg block editor colors or the ones registered in a theme, as well as add your colors!”

Remkus de Vries, Head of Partner & Customer Relationship at ServeBolt, started his newsletter last month, and he uses – you probably guessed it – my favorite newsletter plugin: Newsletter Glue. 👋 Waving at Lesley Sim

I got quite excited when I learned about Automattic’s Sketch plugin, a plugin that allows its users to sketch within the editor and show it immediately on the front end. Based on perfect-hand library, it is the product of a collaboration between Matias Ventura, Pablo Honey and Oscar Lopez. It’s one of Automattic’s Block Experiments.

Building Blocks

Ben Gillbanks shows you how to get a list of all blocks in the editor of a post or page. He wrote: “It’s particularly handy for WordPress plugin developers, but will also be useful when setting properties in theme.json a new feature that is part of the upcoming Full Site Editing functionality of WordPress.”

Fabian Kägy‘s WordCamp Europe presentation Building great experiences in the new editor is now available on WordPress TV. He wrote in his session description “Starting out building blocks or experiences for the WordPress block editor can be a bit daunting. Where do I start? Custom blocks, block patterns or just styling core blocks. In this talk, I will walk through the different options and share the benefits and downsides of each while talking about overall good practices for building great editorial experiences.”

If you are looking for other talks, you might have missed, 23 WordCamp Europe 2021 talks are now available on WordPress TV

Upcoming WordPress Event

July 7th, 2021 -1pm EDT / 17:00 UTC
Hallway Hangout: FSE Testing call #8 theme.json with Daisy Olson

July 17 + 18th, 2021
WordCamp Santa Clarita

  • 1pm PT / 4pm ET / 20 UTC – FSE: What’s Coming to 5.8 & the Story of the Outreach Program w/ Anne McCarthy
  • 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 21 UTC – How Theme Developers Should Approach Full Site Editing w/ Joe Casabona
  • 3pm PT / 6pm ET / 22 UTC – Rapid Landing Page Creation With the WordPress Block Editor w/ Daisy Olsen

July 23, 2021
WordFest Live The festival of WordPress

  • July 22 – 10 PM EDT / 2 UTC – Learn to Build Blocks with Advanced Custom Fields w/ Cameron Jones
  • July 23 – 3:20 pm EDT / 19:20 UTC How to Create a Fast Loading Stylish Homepage with Blocks & CSS w/ Davinder Singh Kainth

August 6 + 7, 2021
WordCamp Nicaragua

September 21 + 22, 2021
WPCampus 2021 Online
“A free online conference for web accessibility and WordPress in higher education.”

On the Calendar for WordPress Online Events you can browse a list of the upcoming WordPress Meetups, around the world, including WooCommerce, Elementor, Divi Builder and Beaver Builder meetups.

Don’t want to miss the next Weekend Edition?

We hate spam, too and won’t give your email address to anyone except Mailchimp to send out our Weekend Edition

Thanks for subscribing.

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: Theme.json Resources, Block Patterns and WordPress 5.8 – Weekend Edition #175


We enjoy cooling off at the community pool after our lunch walks. It’s the simple things, right?

I learned so much in this week’s Live Q & A! You might too. Jeff prepared a insightful demo of the basics. Thank you to all those watching and asking great questions! It was a pleasure and honor to have Daisy Olson, Tammie Lister and Jeff Ong on the show. The recording is available here. So are the links to the shared resources and the transcript.

What else happened this week in WordPress? Amazingly plenty. Get yourself your favorite beverage and start reading and watching.

Yours, 💕

Release week at WordPress

WordPress is such a fantastic open-source project. I admire the team and the people in it so much!

The public Slack channel of the release squad helped me understand more of the complexities behind making software that is used by many millions of people all over the world. If you ever get a chance to spend a few minutes scrolling through the discussions on slack, on trac or GitHub, do it. Meet the people, who bring the work of hundreds of contributors over the finish line. Meet the contributors.

WordPress 5.8 Beta 4 is out and ready for your testing. WordPress 5.8 RC 1 is scheduled for June 29th, 2021. That comes with a hard string freeze, and the Polyglot teams get into high gear with translations. It’s also the deadline for DevNotes of the more significant changes coming with this release.

Gutenberg 10.9 and 10.9.1 were released. Some bug fixes will be ported back to be included in the WordPress 5.8. Grzegorz Ziolkowski and I recorded the Gutenberg Changelog #46 yesterday, and it will be published on Monday. Our editor, Sandy, is on a well-deserved break over the weekend. Justin Tadlock took 10.9 for a spin at the WPTavern.

Gutenberg Changelog #46 is now available — 6/27

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index 2021” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. Updated by yours truly. The index 2020 is here

Theme.json Resources

You can read an Introducing theme.json in WordPress 5.8 by Andre Maneiro on the Core Make blog.

You can read up on the details specifications in the Block Editor Handbook: Global Settings & Styles (theme.json).

Another fantastic way to get your feet wet is to heed the Call for Testing #8 out of the FSE outreach program. Anne McCarthy has some interesting tasks for you. Justin Tadlock has more for you on the WordPress Tavern

Tammie Lister started a new project “Ephemeral Themes” and shared her thoughts on theme.json and why she is excited again for theme development. Theme.json inspires

The Gutenberg team is in ongoing discussion about various topics. Two were raised during the Live Q & A. Both could use your opinion and ideas.

A good way to get started and see the configuration in action is to study the themes available in the Theme Experiments repository on GitHub.

Full Site Editing

Another theme by Ana Segota, built for the Site editor will come to the WordPress directory. Justin Tadlock took it for a spin. Clove: A Showcase of Block Patterns by Anariel Design.

Anne McCarthy published FSE Program Polished Portfolios Summary with the updated feedback from a great group of participants.

On her personal blog, Anne McCarthy also published On Future Outreach Program Models in the WordPress Community. She shared some of her learn lessons on running the FSE outreach program and what needs to happen to make this a permanent contributor activity within WordPress.

Here is the Upcoming FSE Outreach Program Schedule

Ben Dwyer on ThemeShaper posted Some Ideas for Universal Themes. He wrote: “A universal theme would work in both editing modes.  A user should be able to build a site in classic mode and switch to FSE mode when the Site Editor is more mature or when they are ready to try all the extra tools that Full Site Editing will bring. Changes to a theme in classic mode should be reflected when I enable the Site Editor.” and goes into more details on how that could work. At Automattic, they experiment with the Quadrat theme.

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s main (trunk) branch?
Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
Have you been using it? Hit reply and let me know.

GitHub all releases

Block Patterns

About 80 Patterns have been published in the Pattern Directory on WordPress.org, Kjell Reigstad reported in his Update: Initial Patterns for the Patterns Directory over the last two weeks, Kjell, Mel Choyce and Beatriz Fialho were fielding community submissions and working with the designers. There are wonderful and useful patterns, you can use for your site.

The discussion about Block Patterns on the WordPress Tavern has readers ruminating about Theme Lock-In, Silos, and the Block System. In a Post Status discussion, Tammie Lister thought the opposite is true. “it’s going to be easier, not harder, to switch with the newer set up.” And then she continues: “Try swapping between themes now. It’s not a picnic. It’s often a sad rained on picnic with soggy sandwiches of sadness, even with the best hope.” 🌧️ I might steal that metaphor from Tammie 💕

Speaking of Block Patterns, the design team also brought Block Patterns to all WordPress Twenty themes, all the way back to Twenty-Ten. They will be released with WordPress 5.8. Milana Cap published about these Bundled themes changes in WordPress 5.8. They are a great inspiration for designer on what can be possible with Block Patterns now. Justin Tadlock at the WordPress Tavern also took the new patterns out for a spin.

In Theme patterns for the Site Editor Kjell Reigstad show off a new UI to handle the display of different patterns for a header. It is an expansion of the block pattern display for Query Loop for various Post list layouts. He also shared his code and a short tutorial. Kjell also used the Quadrat theme from the Automattic repository

Header Patterns in Quadrat Theme / Automattic

Block Development and Plugins

For block builders, the Core-editor team published two DevNotes this week.

Block API Enhancements in WordPress 5.8 by Grzegorz Ziolkowski, encouraging plugins developers to using the block.json metadata file. He lists under the benefits:

  • code sharing between JavaScript and PHP and other languages,
  • optimized enqueuing of assets on the frontend to support performance increases.
  • Allows listing of the block on the Block Type REST API endpoint
  • It’s a requirement for blocks to be included in the WordPress Plugin Directory

Block supports API updates for WordPress 5.8  by Daisy Olsen, which outlines and additional support options for color, duotone, fontSize, lineHeight, spacing options for blocks and themes.

Don’t want to miss the next Weekend Edition?

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Featured Image: “File:Lego Color Bricks.jpg” by Alan Chia is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: Theme.json for WordPress Theme Authors – demo and Live Q & A w/ Daisy Olson, Tammie Lister and Jeff Ong

On June 24th, we hosted Gutenberg Times Live Q & A on the topic “Theme.json for Theme Authors – Getting started with theme development for Full-site Editing” It was a great pleasure and privilege to have Daisy Olson, developer advocate at Automattic, Tammie Lister, design lead at Extendify and Jeff Ong, code wrangler at Automattic on the show.

Jeff Ong prepared a demo for us, and then attendees had some interesting questions our panelists answered. You can read the transcript below.

WordPress 5.8 will come with the infrastructure and foundation to control the block editor and theme settings via the configuration file theme.json. JSON is a universal data format that is readable to PHP and JavaScript alike.

Themes no longer have to pretend that they’re plugins.

Tammie Lister

Resources about theme.json and themes for Full-site editing

During the show, we mentioned a few places where you can dive in and learn more about theme.json.

You can read an Introducing theme.json in WordPress 5.8 by Andre Maneiro on the Core Make blog.

You can read up on the details specifications in the Block Editor Handbook: Global Settings & Styles (theme.json).

A good way to get started and see the configuration in action is to study the themes available in the Theme Experiments repository on GitHub.

Another fantastic way to get your feet wet is to heed the Call for Testing #8 out of the FSE outreach program. Anne McCarthy has some interesting tasks for you.

Tammie Lister started a new blog and shared her thoughts on theme.json and why she is excited again for theme development. Theme.json inspires

The Gutenberg team is in ongoing discussion about various topics. Two were raised during the Live Q & A. Both could use your opinion and ideas.

Themes for Full-site Editing in the WordPress.org repository


This transcript is still a work in progress – Birgit

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Well, and then we can start the webinar here. The webinar is now live and welcome to our 28th Gutenberg live Q and A on this June 24th. My name is Birgit Pauli-Haack and I am your host for today’s discussion. Thank you all for watching, and it’s great to have you. And while you all come in, use the chat window to tell us where you are and where you’re watching from. 

And today we will discuss a new way to configure themes, that is black themes, with global styles and settings file theme.json. And it will enable theme developers to centralize all the block-based settings, color palettes, font sizes, and other block-based customizations. This way you will also control which of the other block features the theme supports or does not support. 

So that’s my simple mind’s description of the new features and I’m so thrilled to have three experts on the show to go beyond this simple explanation and help theme developers to get started. I’m extremely honored to have Daisy Olsen, developer advocate at Automatic and WordPress contributor. Hey, good to have you. Also Jeff Ong, code wrangler at Automatic.

Jeff Ong: Hello.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Thanks for being here. And at last but not at least Tammie Lister, design lead at Extendify.

Tammie Lister: Hello.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: We’ll do some proper introduction in less than a minute. I just have a few housekeeping notes. So after the introduction, we’ll have a first round robin question and then we see a demo. Jeff was working really hard on it and I think he was the only one repairing hard for this live Q and A. And then we’ll discuss the different angles and how they get started. And then, of course, answer your question.

Speaking of questions, how do you pose your questions? There’s a Q and A on the bottom of the screen, a kind of icon. You click on that and write your question. And for those watching on YouTube use the chat window next to the video player. And so saying hi. Hi, Victor. From Buenos Aires in Argentina. Awesome. Thank you for being here. All right. When you do comments and questions, so please be kind even if you disagree. 

This is a family endeavor. All right. Well, I’m thrilled you all agreed dear panelists to come on the show and I get an hour to talk with you about your work. So, Daisy, tell us a little bit about you, where are you’re located and what is it that you do as developer advocate on the purpose project and at Automatic?

Daisy Olsen: Yeah. I’m Daisy Olsen and I live in New Hampshire in the United States. It’s a beautiful day here right now unlike some parts of this country that are really hot. We got the cool weather over here this week. So as a developer advocate, I talk about WordPress a lot.

I get out and do workshops, teach classes, write documentation and just stay involved and close to the projects development so that I know what’s going on theoretically and can share that out particularly with plugin and theme developers as well as agencies and freelancers and things like that.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Awesome. So glad you’re here. Thank you. So, Tammie, thank you for coming back to the show. It’s been over three years. The last time you were on the show was just after Gutenberg was merged into Core and you were one of the three leads with Matias Ventura and Joen Asmussen. 

And you shared a lot about the journey of Gutenberg and the philosophy behind it. So I will put the link to the show into the show notes for you who have been coming later to Gutenberg. But this year you joined the WordPress product company Extendify. So what do you do there?

Tammie Lister: First of all, has it been three years? That goodness. Time flies. So in Extendify I focus on design. So our solutions extend the editor. And then the aim is to make it even more usable for people’s purpose that they want to use it for. And I’m really, really excited about that.

So it means that people can have the best experience from the content they’re creating, to the layout, the patterns, the styles, whatever that the editor enables, that’s really what I’m focusing on. So it’s a interesting new challenge to do. And you have blew my brain with that time span. You really have. That’s awesome.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Well, it’s also over three years that Gutenberg times us. So I’ve been part of that journey so for so long.

Tammie Lister: Congrats.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Nothing really held my attention for so long. And normally I get really bored. Well, I’m also really happy that Extendify took over Editor Plus from Munir Kumal and the EditorsKit from Jeffrey Carandang. So, those have a more sustainable way now to access because both Munir and Jeffrey seem to have… Munir joined you, but Jeffrey moved on to be a consultant at , I think, 10up.

Tammie Lister: It’s so really exciting. 

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Yeah. I imagine. So thank you also to Jeff Ong for joining us today as well. You’re a code wrangler in Automatic and what have you been working on lately except for the demo. I know about that.

Jeff Ong: Well, first, thank you for having me and hosting this. Awesome to be here. I feel very honored to be with three on-time contributors. So super cool. At Automattic, I’ve been working on theme development, pretty solely focused on that for the last year. And my background is not in WordPress. 

So it’s kind of been an interesting journey to transition and learn about the ecosystem and really coming at a transitory time figuring out how do we kind of move into this new block-based paradigm? How do we make themes that work with the block editor really well and can hopefully unlock more creativity for just really great design. And I can tell you what sites again. Well, making new themes and figuring out how to do that with the latest version of Gutenberg, which turns out every day.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: So the viewers follow Jeff Ong, he’s going to teach you how to do things with the Block Editor. And we will soon see a little demo of that. It’s what Daisy said, “What you did in five minutes, I taught a course on that in three hours.” So it’s going to be a little fast paced today. 

What will change most for the theme developers when building themes for full-site editing?

But before we head into media’s raised, I would like to ask each of you, so what do you think will change most for the theme developers when building themes? These are for agency building custom themes for the clients or for theme shops rolling out new themes to sell. Do you want to start, Tammie?

Tammie Lister: Yeah. That’s interesting because I think perhaps it’s a change if you wanted to be a change. Because lots of this is an opt-in, as is the way. WordPress, the best way to opt-in. I go back to a lot of times that this is a freeing of things and I think it brings an opportunity that has pros and cons, ups and downs with opportunities.

But plug-ins themes no longer have to pretend that they’re plugins and they no longer have to be everything and have to be things that they weren’t intended to be in the first. So I think that that is a challenge in itself because there’s a certain way that you maybe thought you had to do things and now you don’t have to work around things. We often have to work around things in WordPress. 

And if you don’t have to work around it, it can feel a little bit peculiar, but once you realize you don’t have to do that, it’s actually really awesome. But you have to realize you don’t have to and that WordPress was getting in the way. I also think as a result there’s going to be a space for more creativity, and this can also be really to challenging because maybe you were limited to what you could do creativity wise because of just the confinements of the space and the confinements of what you could do before. 

And it’s going to open things again to a lot more people. And a lot more people who maybe didn’t have access to a theme developer with experience who knew the exact ins and outs of it. So I think that’s a challenge because new people in this space, new creativity. But honestly I think it’s a good thing. It’s just if you want to and you’re open to it and you can kind of explore those new ways, but I don’t think it’s a change that you have to make. I think that’s the thing.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Awesome. Thank you. Daisy, what do you think?

Daisy Olsen: So I think I would agree with Tammie that the barrier of entry for a new theme designer. And I think that’s one of the key things is it’s bringing the design back to theming. Theming over time became very functional. We had a lot of theme companies that were trying to make their themes as flexible, powerful and feature-ful as possible to reach a wide variety of people.

And I think that we can see some opportunity for vertically oriented designs coming out where you have a theme that is geared towards a restaurant or geared towards, I don’t know, a salon or a certain kind of a business or even a personal site.

And I think that there’s a lot of opportunity to be able to have a lot of variety out there in the marketplace so that when someone asks you inevitable question, because this was probably the most common question when I was working for a thing company is which theme is best for this? 

I’m doing this kind of a site, which themes should I use. And it could make it so, well, here are five that are really geared towards what you’re trying to do instead of, oh, you can use any of them. You just have to do all this work to get it to look bright.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Yeah. That’s a good point. Thank you. Jeff?.

Jeff Ong: Definitely, from a design perspective, it’s super exciting. I want to highlight maybe a little bit more from the development side. This seems like the biggest opportunity or clearest opportunity to ensure that your theme is integrated with the editor. That the things that you’re doing with the editor and your ability to customize it to control what presets and options are available there to the users of the theme, this is the theme [inaudible 00:12:27].

It’s a unifying kind of idea and single point of truth. Talking about theme.json and even just this whole concept of how do we bring the experience together. I think we have an opportunity to do that and that’s going to change even in some small level. Even if your theme.json cloud just as a few settings. You can take it slow like Tammie was saying. Incorporate parts of it because to me you have this new contract now that can really unify things and bring things together from a lot of disparate parts and pieces.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Lots to think about. And I agree with all of you. I had this pleasure last year that I took over themes from agencies and they were so powerful and all the things that normally a plug-in will do, custom post types and rigid and all that. It’s all in one place and we won’t be able to change a theme at all. 

So now this is definitely going to make life a lot easier for site owners as well So lots to think about and listening to you is quite inspiring to kind of think, oh, well how many direction can my brain go now? But, Jeff, are you ready for your demo? I think it would be helpful for all the people here on the call to see what it’s all about and how it kind of gets started.

Jeff Ong: Yes. We have 10 minutes roughly. Yes. Can you see my screen? 

Birgit Pauli-Haack: We can see your screen. Yes.

Demo: Configuring the block editor with theme.json file


Jeff Ong: So we have a blank theme here and I just want to kind of go over some, not going to cover everything, but some of the key parts of that theme.json introduces and show how that impacts a blank theme and also the editor. So hopping over to my code editor. I have my theme.JSON here. This is a really basic, simple theme and nothing going on yet. 

In here I’m going to go ahead and the first thing I want to talk about are the settings of your theme.JSON. Settings are kind of what control or give you the ability to configure the editor and what kind of customization options are present to a user and the theme. The only thing I have right now is the layout, which we’ll get to in a second. But let’s say I want to add some color options here.

Previously it would be done in the functions PHP. I have kind of a few sheets over here. Sorry. I need to hide these meeting control. I’m going to copy a color palette from this. I’m going to set a palette that’s going to become available to me in my theme. I go to edit the same post. In here I see my cornso, my orange, red, and color blue that’s become available to me. 

What’s pretty interesting about this is before you would have had to kind of go into functions at this whole palette and then also define the class name, something like this to actually apply those styles. Let’s say I want this heading to be orange, update it. Show it here. I get all this cool stuff for free. This class was generated for me by Gutenberg using this preset and that I have defined meeting controls defined here in my palette options. 

Another cool thing or interesting about the possibility here is within the same configuration. Let’s say I’m the theme designer. I have the option right now to change the color to kind of anything I want. The powerful thing about theme.json at this time is it can actually turn something like this off. I actually don’t want people or my users to be able to change anything, change the color palette.

But let’s go ahead and reset this back here. Turned off custom colors within theme.json. And then back here you’ll see that option has disappeared. So inaccessible color combinations or just color combinations that you don’t want to be available. You can turn that off. This is just one of the options that are available. Color is just one of the options that you can customize.

You can also take a look at something like typography. I think I can find some font sizes here. Refresh. I can see now that those presets were available, are now available to me. I can do the same thing again here too. Say I don’t actually want people to be able to change all sides here. As a designer I know it’s best and I don’t want people putting in random font sizes. 

So disable that and now only my presets are available too. Oh, by the way, this content is just kind of some standard block-based content. Again, I’m getting all of this kind of for free or for free in a way by just applying some preset values here. Well, I think the next thing that I wanted to cover is going into the last thing. I’ll cover it within the settings because you can actually change these per block. 

Remember we were looking at color before. I could add a color key to the paragraph block and actually say, just kidding. I want to allow you to be able to change the color of paragraph blocks. Just the paragraph blocks. I can open up the whole thing. So within here now I can see, oh, I can actually change just for paragraph blocks. I go up to my heading. This custom color is not available. This color option is not available. 

If you want to I could also supply a custom palette. I’m not going to do that, but could say if you wanted a specific palette that’s just applied for paragraph blocks. That would be how you do it. So I think that’s it for settings. I’m going to go ahead and collapse this now and move on to the styles key of our theme.json. And now within here I can start to define some files. 

Remember our colors from up here from the palette. I can go ahead and because I know that WordPress is generating CSS variables based on these palettes, I can go ahead and start to use those within the styles application of the style section of my theme.json. So with the preset color, put orange red. See what else do. These are going to apply at the top level. So this is going to apply to everything.

Say I only wanted, for instance, my headings to be… Let’s make this. Do the same thing in here and say, ah, I just want, actually, let’s just make my paragraph colors black. So, again, what I’ve done here is I’ve set my global kind of text color to this orange red was preset, which was provided by WordPress and generated here to the entire text. And then actually I can go in and target specific block, set the settings for that as well. 

I think we are close. I just want to show, well, if you’re editing this, something that’s also probably going to happen and mess this up. It should throw some kind of an error here yet. Notice there when decoding theme.json. So that’ll let you know there’s something going on because it’s pretty easy tip something up here. 

And I think that’s just a small note is we’ll likely encounter that if you’re configuring keys and nested objects trying to figure out how each of those apply. You pause here for a second. I guess the last thing I want to cover too is the concept of elements. So within here, any h2 that I have is going to be applied a specific style here. So I have the same because [inaudible 00:24:24] can appear outside of blocks or links, for example.

These are restricted to a specific set at the moment. So let’s just say text. So, again, because this is not actually rendered as a pocket and an element and that can appear anywhere. That’s something that I can target with this kind of top level elements select here. Everything else here you can target with the name of the block. 

That is most of what I wanted to cover pretty fast, but again all of the settings that you can find here or that I’m going over, there’s way more than just color. There’s spacing, typography and all of that can be found in documentation that Birgit, I think she shared it here. So that I want to open it up. And I guess there are questions. If there are specific parts that anyone would want to go into in a little more detail. Happy to do that.

Daisy Olsen: Thank you, Jeff. 

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Thank you, Jeff. This was awesome. Do you want to just say something?

Daisy Olsen: Yeah. I just wanted to say that maybe we could just talk about layout real quick because I think that’s going to be a big one for 5.8.

Jeff Ong: Yeah. And I kind of skipped over. It was the first thing that was in here. Yes. Layout key is a way for you to quickly define the default, the width of your content within WordPress or within here. So if you see here, if I don’t define this layout, a lot of my content is just going to be full width by default. 

You can supply two values here. Content size, it’s just going to be the default width. You can also define, I think it’s, what is it? Wide size. Wide width. Nothing happened there because I hadn’t provided it. Maybe there’s a better way to show that with cover block. 

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Nice. I like it. 

Jeff Ong: Pretty cool. You can, I mean, alignment coming together and within a unified system reliably layout content with starting here is pretty powerful stuff I’d say.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Yeah. Awesome. So I shared in the chat window, if you haven’t seen it, the documentation link where you can read up about the theme.json as a whole. When you say, Daisy, that that’s the layout will be important for 5.8, which part of it would be, where does it come into play?

Daisy Olsen: So with 5.8 with the custom template functionality that’s coming where you can basically create a custom template for an entire page or a post that would cover your header as well as your content. If you need to have these setting set for the width, especially the content size for it but preferably also wide so that your site knows how wide it should be. 

Otherwise you get kind of the facts that Jeff showed where it was the full width of the page. It didn’t have anything to contain it down to the width that you want. So for any theme that wants to use the template editor would benefit from having a theme.json file that even if it only has the one thing in it, it would be good way to take advantage of it.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Yeah. It’s an excellent tip. Thank you, Daisy. You heard it here first. So we already got some questions in our Q and A, but I just wanted to have one question for Jeff before. That’s my prerogative as a host, I get the first question. So if I understood it correctly, so until now, theme.json comes into play I had to create many different places or touch many different places to make a color palette work.

So, I had to put it in my functions.php and then I also have to put it in my style sheet. Is [inaudible 00:30:04] that I don’t have to do this anymore, or do I still have to put it into my style sheet, or is it automatically created with when I put the color palette in the theme.json?

Jeff Ong: It is wonderful question. It is automatically created. This is all that that style sheet looks like since this is one of the big very exciting aspects of a theme.json. It’s that it’s managing this for you. And then also I think more down the line by providing colors and styles in this way. And then also by applying the styles here you can guarantee that those blocks are going to integrate properly.

It’s like the styles for those blocks are going to be more closely tied and actually in how the block is implemented. So no more writing styles that are overwriting that we’re having to target specific nested blocks. And so there’s tons of complications to this and there’s a lot more room to mature and develop, but I think that’s one of the parts I’m most excited about. To your point, there’s one place now where I can define my palette and show how it should be applied. I don’t have to go into two different places to do it.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: All right. Well, let’s go to the questions. Victor Kane, from the beginning of the show has already put them in and he’s particular interested in finding out about the workflow using them theme.json. So one is the best editing alternative for VS Code formatting, and then the second one was the possibility for exporting interactive selections to clipboard and code. I’m not quite sure I understand the question. Maybe you understand it, Jeff Daisy, Tammie.

Tammie Lister: Personally. So I think this is a personal choice. I’m going to start with an answer and then go to… I use VS Code, so I may not be able to give the right answer there. I would be curious to know what you don’t want in VS Code, and I think that that’s the thing. This opens up personal… I’m going to be really bad at reading the response in chat whilst talking. So I’m going to be a little bit pertinent and kind of speak first. I’m sorry, I’ll get back to it.

It’s your personal choice how you write and then you can kind of go back to it. So the thing that I did, this was my workflow, it has been my workflow so far, and I think this is the thing, we’re all finding our own new workflows with these new toys that we’re playing with. So what I’ve been doing is I’ve been using theme.json. 

I’ve actually been setting up variables using SAS that have been then pulling in root variables into my theme.json so that I can pull them through. That’s a weird way to do it. That’s strange, but the reason being, it means I can reuse and keep things separately. But I’m sure that everybody on this call has their own little workflows that they are kind of working from.

Daisy Olsen: My approach to that was actually the opposite that I was using my theme.json to set all of my variables so that I didn’t need SAS, which I think for those that never quite got their head wrapped around preprocessed CSS, it might be a way to simplify things for those that prefer it that way.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Awesome. 

Tammie Lister: I think it’s what you’re cozy with, right? And I think that’s the thing. This can adapt to what was your cozy blanket of coding, and you don’t have to lose that yet, I think.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: All right. So Victor commented on that. If I get the results, I want interactively with the global settings panel on the right-hand side of the editor, can I export that to a theme.json format?

Daisy Olsen: The answer is not right now. I think there’s discussion in the teams about maybe building it, but it hasn’t been the highest priority because everything needs to work first before we start working on an exporter. But there are other parts of that can be exported in that full site editing experience that can be exported. So I think it would be a natural progression to add the ability to do a theme.json export.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Yes. Definitely there will be.

Tammie Lister: From the very beginning, there were designs in global style. Sorry. The reason I know is that was one thing I did partake on. There was exporting. So I have a feeling if we all wanted to play some little happy bets, there will be exploiting at some point.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Yeah. But if we all bet on the same thing, it’s not really bet, right? Victor, as always, you’re a little bit ahead of the time. So and from Jan Horna, from the Czech Republic, it’s very hot by now there. 

He has two questions as a theme developer, one, is the theme.json supposed to include all the styling, formatting definitions and replaced the CSS style? And I think we’d take it one at a time. So we talked a little bit about it from my question, but would it replace? You could still do all those styling in the style sheets as you want, right?

Daisy Olsen: And I think there are some things that will remain in other styling, but you could use the variables that you set or the properties that you set in your theme.json in your CSS. So they can work together. But I don’t think that theme.json, at least right now, will not completely replace an entire site’s design, especially if you have a very complex design.

Why do we want to rewrite CSS in JSON

Jeff Ong: Yeah. And this was one of my first questions and honestly, skepticism early on of the proposal around this, is CSS is great. Why do we want to rewrite CSS in JSON. And then it slowly, I mean, other people are obviously smarter than me understood this quickly. It’s not about rewriting all of CSS. There’s definitely going to be aspects of your site, especially if you have taking, like you’re saying, more complicated designs that will remain in CSS. 

But this is about creating, I think, more of the foundational elements and understanding how the blocks will interact with your styles and having that single point of contact, I think is most important. So I think for me, at least it’s more about the foundational elements that are going to be placed and managed this way than replacing your entirety of your styles. Because this great. 

Things like animations and transformation, and this is all really powerful stuff that I don’t imagine, really, at least in the super near future, having a big part of theme.json. To the question about, will you be able to save an export a theme.json from global styles? I think this is a really important thing to keep in mind is what I just showed you is kind of unnatural. I don’t imagine a future necessarily where theme developers are writing raw JSON.

It’s really, there’s not a great experience for it. It’s a configuration file. And so the more, to points that have already been raised, it’s about we’re in this phase now because we need to kind of identify and get it to work, and then we can kind of build an ecosystem around what would a really cool UI look like to generate one of these files? Is it native directly to global styles? How do we start to imagine those interfaces so the theme developers or theme designers can really get to the core of this experience too?

Birgit Pauli-Haack: All right. Well, thank you. Good point. You wanted to say something.

Tammie Lister: Yeah. I was just going to say over time, CSS has gained so much. So I didn’t know about anyone else, but I had a block.css file that was getting bigger and bigger of supporting blocks and doing things. And something I’ve noticed that I can do is throw that file away, and I couldn’t be happier because what I can do now is lean into these defaults. I’m still going to have some lines of CSS, the output by whatever, a preprocessor, whatever, my happy little whatever. 

Because everyone has got their own way and we should have our own way of doing it. But it’s a foundation, and it means that we’re not having to work around the editor or find different ways of doing it. I set up naturally a hack file for the editor out of habit. I haven’t filled it with anything yet in the latest theme I’ve been working on. 

I’m delighted if I never fill that up with anything on the next theme, because it means that the new way we’re doing things hasn’t had me to work around that. I can just use the foundation and create a really awesome experience on top of it. And that’s what we should be doing. We should be working with the editor, not having to work around it, or using not important like it was going out of fashion to go over control of it. It was this awkward middle ground we were working in trying to make things fit that paradigm. 

Birgit Pauli-Haack: And I think that fits right into the next question from Jan Horna again, and he says so as a block theme developer, should I focus from a strategic point of view on theme.json block styles, or block patterns. In other words, how do I differentiate? It’s kind of a high-level question there.

Daisy Olsen: I would say all of the above. They’re all important things. And your block styles are part of theme.json, I would say. But block patterns are really a powerful partner to the theme.json, that you can create building blocks for a site where you’ve got some really amazing very specific designed elements that could be used for different things on a site. So if you’re creating a commercial application that’s going to go out to a wide audience, they can be more generic. 

But if you have a client and you’re working as a freelancer or in an agency where you have a site that needs to have access to these things that they’re going to use more than once, patterns are a fantastic way to do that, where most of the work is done for them. They don’t have to reconfigure everything from the ground up every time they want to create something similar to what they’ve done before.

What happens when you update the color palette? Will saved blocks have the new colors?

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Thank you. And Spencer McCormick in the chat had a question. So what happens when you update the color palette or similar, for example, if you have a primary and secondary colors, when you update and change the palette colors, will saved blocks have the new colors? That’s an interesting question. Thank you, Spenser.

Daisy Olsen: I can answer that to some extent. If you think of your palette as named colors, if you give the different hex code to the same name, it should apply to the site. But if you give it a new name, then that’s a new element, and it won’t apply to anything that already had an old name attached to it.

Jeff Ong: There is a hefty discussion related to this question on the naming of colors in the way that Gutenberg wants to supply a default palette or a default set of named colors so that you could reliably… What we’re seeing I think is that I think patterns have been wanting to rely on specific colors across kind of, so you can guarantee oh, when corn flour shows up it’s always going to be corn flour. 

It’s always going to be available. There’s a lot of complication and nuance around it. But if, I think today, to answer your question, like Daisy is saying, today, if I were to supply a value or a named value here and then change it or take it out of my palette, then that would break the experience or it would no longer be applied to that.

And that’s part of the challenge, how do we reliably solve for that? How do we give theme office the tools to figure that out. But now if they set a custom color, if you set a custom color on an element or a block, then that will remain because it’s a specific X value, but the class names will go away though, if they’re supplied by the theme.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: So great discussions. And I’m probably going to share, and if it’s one issue where that discuss the theme team every week kind of shares all the things that are discussed and that need input from the community or other theme developers on their make blog. 

So that is definitely a place to go to chime in and we’ll find all the discussions that are happening. And then chime in in the ones that you find important and that you are worried about. So Tim Bowen has the question, how does the theme.json handle responsive sizes for font sizes especially. Responsive sizes.

Daisy Olsen: By default, I’m not sure.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: You’ve stomped the panelists. Yes, we did it.

Tammie Lister: I mean, you can use not just pixel values for your fonts, so-

Daisy Olsen: That’s what I was going to say. 

Tammie Lister: … that helps. And I think it’s a work in progress. So things like responsive and breakpoints. But the now answer is you don’t have to just use pixels. And Jeff just gave a great leak.

Jeff Ong: I just dropped the issue in that has not seen a lot of activity around it, but the idea of media. So the first part of your question on font sizes, there are ways of calculating this where they’re not pixel values tied to specific viewports. You could supply a calculated value, for example, in your small… that is based on a viewport size. 

So it’s kind of a paradigm shift or design paradigm shift of getting away from you must be 12 pixels under below 600 pixel viewport width, to more of are we okay with kind of a fluid typography kind of system? That being said, there are instances where you need media queries, and that is not currently… I don’t know how actively that’s being worked on right now. But a wonderful thing open to contributors.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: So Patty has a comment and a question after that, Patty O’Hara, I most often develop custom themes for clients and hand them off for the clients to update the content. And playing around with new tools, I’m excited to start using them, but don’t want to give access to global standards to anyone with admin access. Will the granularity of permissions changes so that I can block access to changing fonts and colors from within the admin?

Tammie Lister: I think this amazing thing happens in where also Jeff showed some of the control you can do. So in the demo, there was some control that you can do. But my process is a history of configurability and being able to do that be it in code, or be it in a plugin. But I honestly think we need to be a little bit cautious. This is my personal opinion here, and we need to maybe embrace allowing people to do styling. 

You can set boundaries, you can set branding boundaries, you can set pallets, you can set topography. But we need to move away a little bit from having such pixel fixated control in that sense and think about safely within boundaries, expression of these tools. And that people can create really amazing things, and you can maintain branding that way, and it can empower someone. 

These themes are becoming style guides, and that’s something that is known in the corporate world and used within that space as well. It’s a term, but it’s kind of democratizing design in that sense in giving people all these tools to play with, and I think it’s a huge change in the way that we’ve done things, but I think it’s really, really important and really, really empowering to the people that are using our themes.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: That’s a good advocacy for set it free. Thank you.

Tammie Lister: But you’re allowed to have boundaries. I think you can set it free, but be comfortable about some boundaries. I think sometimes when we say set it free, it can be scary because we don’t say you’re allowed to have some boundaries, but with pallets and with these style guides, that’s what you’re saying. You’re saying I’m making these good decisions for you and you can choose from this platform of good decisions. And that’s kind of awesome. I think,

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Yeah. I like the plea for block patterns that Daisy just a couple of minutes had that block patterns also give you the possibility or the option to actually provide different facets of how a section can be organized or styled within the style design system that you build with the block add on. 

And so I think that there is a lot of creativity that will come from that as well. So Tim Bowen is brave and contemplating, is it safe to use the theme.json now for a project launching in August? Would we just activate the Gutenberg plugin and add JSON file? Or is there more to it? I would love to move away from our functions in Editor.js method probably as soon as possible. So what would we say to Tim?

Daisy Olsen: The theme is not a block theme, as in it doesn’t use HTML templates, then I probably wouldn’t put the Gutenberg plugin on a production website, unless you are ready to deal with unexpected things happening. But placing your theme.json file in your classic theme on the 5.8 beta or release candidate that will be coming, I would start testing there and see if the things that you’re putting in your theme.json file work with 5.8 on a classic theme. That’d be my suggestion.

Tammie Lister: I think if it’s launching in August, that means 5.8 should be out. She tries to check her mental calendar. So I think tests. I, personally, am okay. I would consider it if it was going into a site, but I would also want to know how many users were using it, what their levels was, what they were doing, what they were going to create, and how they were going to do it. So it’s a… this is not legal advice. I feel that there should be [inaudible 00:50:36] advice that I can be. 

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Don’t try this at home. 

Tammie Lister: But by then, 5.8 should be out.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Yeah. 5.8 comes out July 20th, that’s at least the schedule for that. So we ran out of questions right now one the Q and A sessions here. Well, you’re welcome, Tim. Good luck with that, and let us know. Is there more to the setting it up besides just activating the plugin or adding the JSON file. Well, back to kind of using it and editing. 

When there are already themes available in the theme repository that use the full set up for full site editing and use all the template parts and templates with the blocks, and header blocks, and photo blocks, and all that. But I’m not quite sure of that yet. Be careful about the using the Gutenberg plugin in production. It always has a few hiccups there.

So it wasn’t the first time ever that I retreated to the last version when I had one and had to wait till one, two, or three point releases to come out. So I’m hesitant to say do it in production. Test it as much as possible. So I have a lot of things on my screen, but not the right thing. Here, so it is. Oh, Ryan, we are pretty good time wise. 

So, I don’t have an additional… So, when we say how to get started, what was the first thing most difficult part for you for learning, or was there a mind shift until it clicked? Just to kind of get away from a fear of learning something new, and was there something when you go back ages on the theme.json thing.

Tammie Lister: So for me, it was realizing it wasn’t as hard as I maybe mentally thought it was. It was just the same with learning anything. You always think it’s going to be super hard, or at least with me, I read like dev doc and I’m like… My brain makes that noise. And then I just letting my theme be lighter. Letting it take the weight of that, giving up control, which as someone that’s maybe a bit of an old themer, giving up control of things, that’s an interesting process to go through. 

But it’s really important embracing those foundations. And when you do, there’s that mind shift of creating in the editor. That was the moment that… And I’m still going through the process. I think it’s a process, and it’s a process as these tools are evolving. We’re talking about be gentle, they’re in production. These tools are still evolving and working. 

If you are using these tools now before it’s released, then you’re going to hit bugs and report them. But that’s the thing. This theme.json also… the moment I kind of, the Jenga box, the blocks fell in my brain was I stopped seeing it as global stars. And I knew it wasn’t just global stars, but I felt it wasn’t just global stars and this felt like it could be the backbone of my theme, and it felt like it wasn’t everything in my theme, but it felt like it could be the backbone, is the best way I can describe it. 

And I could hang my theme from it. And we’ve hung our theme from functions.php wrongly, I think. So it was just that change from PHP to doing it all in the editor and creating and seeing that JSON. It just was free, and it’s more in line with how things are made outside WordPress, which I think is delightful.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Any comments from you that you want to add, Daisy?

Daisy Olsen: So when I first started working with a theme.json file, I found that I had to… So there’s a whole section called styles, and I had to realign my thinking about what that meant, because what it’s saying is there are style settings in your blocks or for your site level depending on how it’s being applied, and what you’re doing is configuring the defaults for it. 

So if I think of the theme.json file as a default file, then it helped me frame it so that I’m not necessarily replacing my CSS depending on… I mean, I’m letting theme.json do the heavy lifting, kind of like Tammie said, but then I can take it further if I feel like I need to, or I want to. So I like thinking of it as a configuration file or a defaults file.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: That’s a good point. Jeff, do you have any stories how I came about?

Jeff Ong: It’s been really helpful to pair on it with people, to work on a theme with someone. I think if my team at Automattic. It’s a very culture of collaboration, and if you have the opportunity to say, “I’m having trouble with this. Would you want to work on this?” With someone like that, because this definitely can be a head bashing kind of why is this not being applied? 

I literally just wrote color green. Why is it not green? It can be so frustrating dealing with that. So to have someone just to look at your code and be like “Oh, you missed a comma or actually you need an extra key there” is really, really helpful for something like this.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Oh yeah. So well, I think we’re coming to the end of our show. This has been very interesting and inspiring. So thank you all so much. And for those who want to dive into at a guided kind of testing session, Anne McCarthy, who, as you might know, runs the Full Site Editing Outreach program, she’s about to post the eighth call for testing, and it will all be about the theme.json file.

So as soon as it’s out, I will share a link in the show notes. And of course, also if you subscribed to our Gutenberg Times newsletter, you will definitely be informed about that. So at this point, I only have two more questions for our panelists. So do you have any announcements that you couldn’t get out before and you want the people to keep in mind? And if people want to get in touch with you, what would be the best way. Tammie, you want to start?

Tammie Lister: Yeah. So I’m comatose in all the things. I’m pretty easy to find in a good way. And I love chatting to people. So please do. I think my thing to say would be remember all of what happening now you can help shape. Just because we’ve sat here talking about it doesn’t mean we know anything more than you? It just means we’ve poked it and we’ve played around with the code. 

So do that. Start exploring it. And it’s a lot more accessible than it ever was. It’s starting to be more accessible. There’s more documentation than there ever was coming out. And if you care about what happens with themes or you ever cared about what happens to themes, and maybe you could have that reignited, start to join the conversation. And I guess my final point would be, I think my hope is to see this experimentation come back to themes. 

I think we forgot about that a little bit and we need to have some fun again in these. We used to have so much fun in WordPress themes, and I look forward to not just themes to have a purpose, but just themes that are art, themes that are just wacky experiments, and start enjoying theming and make some art. I’m really excited to see what things people create and use them just for one day even. That’d be amazing.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Yeah. So Jeff, anything you want to have people keep in mind, and how to get in contact with you.

Jeff Ong: Yeah. Contact at J-F-F-N-G. And I guess keeping in mind, I’m just building on the last thing Tammie said, perhaps find a way to have fun with it and get curious about it, and try it. There’s really to me, a fundamental tendance of learning about something or you just have, how do I get curious about this thing? How do I play with it and have fun? And that’s going to be the most important thing to keep in at the center.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Thank you, Jeff, and thank you so much for the audio work on the demo. Daisy.

Daisy Olsen: I’m Daisy Olsen on most things, Olsen with an E, and I would say that as far as what you can do as the next step if you’re interested in learning more about this, is go to… I’m pretty sure that Birgit has a link to this somewhere, the theme experiments repository on GitHub in the WordPress space has things that other people have done or are working on. 

So I love to see examples of something in action to help me learn more about it and to see what other people have done. So I would say go check out something.json files in there and see what people have come up with.

Birgit Pauli-Haack: Awesome. Thank you so much. So big thank you to Daisy, Jeff, and Tammie to come today and make your time. A big thank you also for the viewers with all your great questions. I think we got a great array of it. And if you have more questions, you can always send them to me via email to [email protected], and I’ll get you the answers.

And the recording of the show will be available in a few minutes on our YouTube channel. And I’ll share all the links then also in the video description. And within a few days, we will have also a transcript that we will publish on the Gutenbergtimes.com. So be well, good-bye, and good luck. That was fun. Thank you.

Jeff Ong: Thank you, everyone.

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under News

Gutenberg Times: Block-based Template Editor is coming to WordPress 5.8 and a new Widget Editor – Weekend Edition #174


Lots happening in the larger WordPress space! More aquisitions and a new service for WordPress plugin business, flippantly named FlipWP.

WordPress 5.8 Beta 2, Gutenberg 10.9 RC released and the first dev notes dropped for the upcoming release. More on that below.

Don’t miss next week’s Live Q & A on June 24, 2021, at 11am EDT / 15:00 UTC on theme.json for Theme Authors with our panelists Daisy Olson, Tammie Lister and Jeff Ong. Learn and discuss How to get started with building themes for Full-site editing.

What are you working on? Creativity is mushrooming around the WordPress ecosystem and I want to learn from you! Hit reply and let me know! I loved your notes in my inbox! Thank you.

Yours, 💕

WordPress 5.8 DevNotes and more

Grzegorz Ziolkowski posted the article Block Editor API Changes to Support Multiple Admin Screens. “WordPress 5.8 is the first core release where the post editor is no longer the only admin screen that uses the block editor. The updated widgets editor screen will also support blocks.”, he wrote. It’s quite technical and developers will appreciate it as it opens the doors to use the bock editor on other admin screen, for instance for plugin dashboards and features. It makes my long time wish possible: replace the “Quick Draft” widget with an instance of the block editor and have writers start writing immediately after login, instead of having to open yet another screen.

Riad Benguella introduces us to the Template Editor coming to WordPress in its 5.8 release. It comes with a series of new blocks to accommodate Site-wide information, like Site Title or Site Logo as well as post parts for the Query Block, like Post Title, Post Excerpt, Feature Image. In total, 13 Blocks that replace some template parts in conventional themes. Some blocks will be made available also for classic Themes to accommodate hybrid themes and to support the gradual adoption of block-based themes.

Justin Tadlock wrote about it on the WPTavern, too.

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index 2021” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. Updated by yours truly. The index 2020 is here

For Site owners and Content Creators

Hari Shanker from the community team published Talking points for WordPress 5.8 of Meetup organizer, that also helps agency owners and freelancers to quickly get an overview of what is coming in the new version. Hari clusters the upcoming changes per WordPress stakeholders. You’ll find a section for Publishers and users, and another one for site builders and developers. If you want to read just one article, this would be it. 🚀

Chris Lema makes a strong case for Embracing Gutenberg Completely. Out of necessity, he decided to rebuild his site with Gutenberg blocks. All site metrics tools suggested reducing the DOM size of his Landing pages build with 3rd party page builders. With this switch, Chris realized, what he needs and doesn’t need for a highly performing website. His five observations put a few things in perspective for him as a daily writer, he came to appreciate the tools and blocks that come with the block editor.

The team at PublishPress posted a short tutorial on How to Use Nested Blocks in the Gutenberg Editor, as it’s still a little confusing for content creators to navigate, especially Column blocks. The persistent list view coming to WordPress 5.8 will help with this, though.

Javier Acre from the WordPress design team published a Walk through of possible enhancements for the Table Block. He showcases update to the placeholder state, multicell selection, the sidebar, the toolbar and icon improvements. You’ll see mock-ups for each. It’s quite exciting to see, as we probably can all agree that the Table block needs so TLC, 🙂 You can leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments of the post.

Mockup of Toolbor for the Table block

Theme builders

Dave Smith has notes on how to test the new Widget Editor that will come with WordPress 5.8. He followed Andrei Draganescu call for testing and logged his experience. To test for backwards compatibility for your existing widgets, you can first create some with the new widget editor disabled using the Classic Widget plugin, and then deactivate the plugins and try to manage and edit the widgets with the block-based editor. You have only a month to make sure your sites won’t run into trouble. WordPress 5.8 will be released on July 20th, 2021.

Join us for our next Live Q & A on June 24, 2021, at 11am EDT / 15:00 UTC

Theme.json for Theme Authors or building themes for full-site editing in WordPress.
Host: Birgit Pauli-Haack
Panel: Daily Olsen, Tammie Lister and Jeff Ong Register Now

Maggie Cabrera posted the Gutenberg + Themes: Week of June 18, 2021, roundup of relevant discussions, issue and PRs for Theme builders. She covered Full-Site Editing, Global Styles and block-based Themes. Chime on on the discussion and test the new releases. If you are a theme developer trying to catch up with what’s happening with Gutenberg, the Overview / Tracking issues section should get you started. You’ll find links to documentation and tutorials as well.

Episode #45 is now available with transcript.
Next recording June 25th, 2021

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Plugin Developers

Dave Smith published a tutorial on Mocking @wordpress/api-fetch in Gutenberg unit tests. During development you don’t want to hit an external API everytime you run a unit test, these instructions show you how to mock data coming from an API call in your block or site.

Genesis Custom Blocks, (former Block Lab plugin) are a nifty tool to create blocks without going through the pain of learning modern JavaScript. You use the UI to create Field Groups and then add the PHP display code to your theme template. But what if you want to separate the newly create blocks from the theme? Then you could install it on multiple sites, and it would survive a site owners decision to switch themes without loosing content. Rob Stinson has a two-part tutorial for you on How to package up your custom blocks in a plugin.

Jeffery Carandang, a Gutenberg adopter of the first hour, found a new home for his Gutenberg entities: Extendify. Jeffery has been pushing the envelope on what is possible with Gutenberg since it first came out in 2017. CoBlocks, co-authored with Rich Tabor and later sold to GoDaddy, was a favorite block plugin for additional blocks. EditorsKit extended blocks with additional tools. We mentioned his Share a Block directory on multiple episodes of the podcast. After starting at 10up, he didn’t find much time anymore for his love projects, especially the very useful EditorsKit plugin hasn’t seen updates for the last nine months. It now found a home at Extendify.
See also:

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Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
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Featured Image: Miami at Night by Birgit Pauli-Haack

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: Over 50 Patterns in the Pattern Directory, Learn Full-site editing, WordCamp Europe – Weekend Edition #173


After three and a half years, it was time to replace the WordPress theme on the Gutenberg Times. The trigger: I wrote about Core Web Vitals for a different project and used the Gutenberg Times as a test project, using Google’s Lighthouse via an incognito browser window. The desktop version performed very well, all circles in the green range, but the mobile version really crawled over the Internet, ranking in the low 40ties.

Google announced earlier this year that they start rolling out new page experience update in this month, and start using Web Vitals as another ranking factor for organic search results. I also noticed that GT had a very high number of visitors via the desktop, but not many on mobile, which I found odd. Now I know why.

Anders Noren’s Eksell is our new theme. I love the typography, the clean design. and its graphics. I just started exploring it. Nothing gets things done faster than working on the live site. 😊

The content mostly converted well, except there are no widget areas, so I would need to add the widget via the Legacy widget block. It was hit-and-miss. This exercise turned out to be a great test for the new block-based Widget screen, which will come to a WordPress instance near you in the 5.8 release on July 20th, 2021.

From the discussions, I learned that the Gutenberg team is leaning towards an opt-out rather than an opt-in implementation. Testing sites with this week’s WordPress 5.8 Beta 1, is definitely recommended. If you don’t have time to test all the site you are working on, rest easy, there is a Classic Widget plugin you can install to keep the old Widget screen.

What else happened this week? WordCamp Europe! It was a great virtual conference. Kudos to the organizers, speakers, sponsors and attendees! If you missed it, you can watch the recordings on YouTube.

The video with the Gutenberg Highlights is available for those of use who missed the Conversation with Matt Mullenweg. Matias Ventura wrote: “The video is wonderfully narrated by Beatriz Fialho, and it was a great opportunity to celebrate all the incredible work that contributors are doing around the globe to improve the editing and customization experience of WordPress”. I will update my earlier WCEU post with links to videos and resources over the course of next week.

As always, I am so glad you are here, reading the eNews every week. Thank you!

Yours, 💕

Join us for our next Live Q & A on June 24, 2021, at 11am EDT / 15:00 UTC

Theme.json for Theme Authors or building themes for full-site editing in WordPress.
Host: Birgit Pauli-Haack
Panel: Daily Olson, Tammie Lister and Jeff Ong Register Now

WordPress 5.8 Release Cycle

WordPress 5.8 Beta 1 was release on Tuesday. You can use the official Beta Tester Plugin to test this version. If you haven’t used it before, the Core Team share information and instructions in their handbook.

You can read more about the development cycle of WordPress 5.8 here. Feature Freeze for this upcoming version was May 25. We are right now in the beta phase of the cycle. It will be used for testing and to fix bugs. That is to last until June 29, 2021, when the first Release Candidate will be released. That’s also the deadline for Dev Notes and Field Guide. It also comes with a hard-string freeze. That’s the moment the Polyglots team starts with translations.

Features and updates for WordPress 5.8

Speaking of DevNotes, the Gutenberg team tracks their progress on the DevNotes via this GitHub issue. You can get a head start on “Block API Enhancements” by Grzegorz Ziolkowski or “Contextual patterns for easier creation and block transformations” by Nik Tsekouras before they are published on the Make Core blog.

Anne McCarthy posted about other Block Editor Enhancements:

On the WordPress News Blog, you found earlier: Coloring Your Images With Duotone Filters by Alex Lende. Yes, I am in love with it, that’s why I mentioned it again. Gutenberg 10.7 also brought the methods to disable duotone via the theme.json file. The details are in this Lende’s PR.

Adam Silverstein published WordPress 5.8 adds WebP support dev note. It’s not directly a block editor update but crucial for content creators and developers alike, especially in context of the Core Web Vitals when speed is becomes of the essence.

Gutenberg Changelog

It’s been two years since Mark Uraine and I started the Gutenberg Changelog podcast, and he was my co-host for the first 40 episodes. Grzegorz Ziolkowski joined me as co-host with episode 41. In February 2021, we celebrated the first 10,000 downloads. Now four months later, we passed the 26,000 mark of downloads. For such a narrow niche show, these are mind-boggling numbers. It is very humbling. We are very grateful for our faithful listeners! Thank you all very much.

Grzegorz Ziolkowski is back from vacation, and we recorded episode 45. We covered Gutenberg 10.7 and 10.8 releases, WordCamp Europe and WordPress 5.8. It will be published later this weekend. The similar t-shirts? Mere coincidence!

Gutenberg 10.8

Gutenberg 10.8 was released this week. It had quite a few enhancements, and a ton of bug fixes and underlying code change for quality and tooling. Sandip Mondal work on his first release and published the release notes: What’s new in Gutenberg 10.8? (9 June).

Justin Tadlock has more details Gutenberg 10.8 Adds New Typography Controls and Block Previews

The enhancements for full-site editing and theme design controls are already for the next WordPress release (5.9) in December and require more testing before they are available for WordPress Core.

Block Patterns

Kjell Reigstad posted an invitation for the WordPress community to submit Block Patterns to the official WordPress directory. In his post Initial Patterns for the WordPress.org Patterns Directory, he explained the details of the submission process.

Justin Tadlock, a big fan of block patterns, wrote about the invitation on the WordPress Tavern and showcased some of his creations. Ana Segota, co-founder of Anariel Design shared her submissions via Twitter.

You can review the list of submissions on GitHub and learn from the comments on by the design team. Brian Gardner, Tammie Lister, Mel Choyce, Kjell Reigstad and Beatriz Fialho also contributed patterns to the directory.

Block Patterns on WordPress.org submitted by members of the design team and from the WordPress community.

In total, I counted 54 block patterns available to WordPress users. What a great start!

Full Site Editing

At WordCamp Europe 2021, the Panelist Danielle Zarcaro, Grzegorz Ziółkowski, Koen Van den Wijngaert and Milana Cap discussed Full Site editing and what it means for the broader WordPress community. We have the recording and the transcript for you

We added the Blockbase Theme to the list of available FSE themes last week. Kjell Reigstad published Using Blockbase for a theme experiment on the ThemeShaper blog and take you on a journey on creating a child theme of Blockbase. He wrote “Overall, I found that the benefit to using Blockbase was peace of mind. Compared to starting fresh or using emptytheme, Blockbase ensured that I had a fully functional block theme immediately.” Kjell also shared his code on GitHub.

The WPMarmite Team publish the results of their Full Site Editing Study: Will WordPress theme shops embrace this new paradigm? They studied the involvement in the current FSE development of 127 Theme shops.

At first glance, these seemed to be a little premature, considering that only architecture for themes supporting FSE is coming to WordPress at the end of July. It certainly sets the base numbers to see what will happen until December. These are the numbers to watch changing in the next half year, and it will answer the original questions.

  • 57% of theme shops feature their Gutenberg compatibility.
  • Only 17% of theme shops offer custom Gutenberg blocks.
  • 3% of theme shops provide block patterns.

The team also talked to 22 theme shops about their intentions regards full-site editing. You need to read the article to learn more.

Fränk Klein at WPDeveloper Courses, released his new course: Building Block-Based Themes. If you want to learn how to build a real-life example theme and all the ins and outs for a theme using the full-site editing capabilities and theme.json.

On Fullsiteediting.com, Carolina Nymark has been offering her Full Site editing course for free, but that might change soon.

Joe Casabona at CreatorCourses is also working on an update of his Gutenberg Theme course.

My take-away from the acquisitions of Atomic Blocks, Co Blocks etc. is that early adopters found it quite worth their while to deal with the ever-moving goal posts while developing along site Gutenberg developers. The future is yours!

Upcoming WordPress Events

June 6, 2021 7:00 pm EDT / 23:00 UTC
WordPress Meetup Philadelphia
Full Site Editing Review and Test-a-thon

June 7 – 9th, 2021
WordCamp Europe
A virtual event and contributor day. Call for sponsors is open.

🎉 Gutenberg Times is a media partner of WordCamp Europe 2021

June 10th, 2021
WordPress “Mega Meetup”: Plugins That Keep Websites Running

June 20 – 26, 2021
WordCamp Japan
The schedule has been posted. Most sessions will be in Japanese, with exceptions, I think…

June 24, 2021
WPEngine Summit 2021
The digital breakthrough conference released their schedule. Personally, I am very much looking forward to the Keynote talk with Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code and Marshall Plan for Moms at 12:55 EDT / 16:55 UTC. I also hope to see talks with Rob Stinson, Carrie Dils and Chris Wiegman. There are also deep dive talks listed into Headless WordPress. Enterprise WordPress is definitely heading down that route.

June 24 – 26, 2021
WordCamp Cochabama (Colombia)

July 17 + 18th, 2021
WordCamp Santa Clarita
Calls for speakers ends TODAY!

July 23, 2021
WordFest Live The festival of WordPress

August 6 + 7, 2021
WordCamp Nicaragua

September 21 + 22, 2021
WPCampus 2021 Online
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by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: WordCamp Europe: Full-Site Editing Panel discussion

It was announced as a discussion panel about the present and future of WordPress with Full Site Editing.

The panelists, highly involved in this new feature, discussed many topics about FSE and how it is going to be a new revolution in the WordPress ecosystem.

The Panelist were Danielle Zarcaro, Grzegorz Ziółkowski, Koen Van den Wijngaert and Milana Cap

Jose Ramon Padron and Lesley Molecke moderated the discussion.

Torque Magazine did an outstanding job live tweeting.

The transcript and table of contents

José Ramón Padron: Hello, Lesley.

Lesley Molecke: Hey, Moncho.

José Ramón Padron: I’m laughing, because this is the moment my neighbor started to do this at home. I don’t know. I hope it doesn’t sound through the microphone, but I’m hearing a hammer quite hard on that building. I hope it’s not-

Lesley Molecke: I can’t hear anything, but listen, I’m ready for this next session. I can’t believe that we’re already here. It’s already the final session of the day, and it’s going to be a good one. 

Introduction of the topic and the panelists

José Ramón Padron: Yes, it’s true. It’s going to be a good one, because we have a lot of good people talking about a quite good and hot topic inside the WordPress community. One of the things we are going to have, really near in, I don’t know, in 5.8, in the next version of WordPress, full site editing?

Lesley Molecke: Yes. We would like to welcome our panelists. This is a panel presentation, so it should be a good conversation with a number of experts speaking. So they will join us here on stage in just a moment. Hello, hello. Hi, everybody. 

Grzegorz Ziółkowski: Hello.

Koen Van den Wijngaert: Hello, there. 

Lesley Molecke: Will you please introduce yourselves? 

Milana Cap: Which order?

Lesley Molecke: As you wish. 

Milana Cap

José Ramón Padron: So let’s start with Milana, just for talking.

Milana Cap: Because I’m the loudest. Well, you said expert. I’m here just for the cookies and to bribe contributors to come to documentation. Also, I’m here as documentation team co-rep. And I’m the docs focus lead for a new release, 5.8. I should be knowing what’s happening, hopefully soon. I’m Milana from Serbia. 

Lesley Molecke: How about you, Danielle?

José Ramón Padron: Thank you so much.

Danielle Zarcaro: Sure. I’m having an issue too. I don’t know whether he’s blowing leaves or mowing the lawn? I don’t know what’s happening. 

Danielle Zarcaro

Lesley Molecke: We can’t hear it, it’s okay.

Danielle Zarcaro: Good. I’m Danielle. I’m from the US. I am the head of paperback web development. We build custom WordPress websites and maintain them, and maintain existing websites, and all that that comes with. We just launched overnightwebsite.com. So that’s mostly what I deal with is the old and the new of WordPress. So it’s the whole range.

José Ramón Padron: Thanks, Danielle. Let’s go with Koen.

Koen Van den Wijngaert

Koen Van den Wijngaert: Hey, hi, there. Is this thing on? Hey, Good evening. I’m Koen. I’m a WordCamp and meetup organizer from Belgium. I run my own company called NEOK IT, where I provide software consultancy, partly around WordPress. I’ve been working with WordPress for a few years now. I like to learn things, as well as challenge myself while doing it. 

So for a while now, I’ve been casually contributing to Gutenberg, as a way of giving back and mostly getting more accustomed to the ins and outs of the project. So that’s me. 

ImageGrzegorz Ziółkowsk

Grzegorz Ziółkowski: It looks like it’s me now. So my name is Grzegorz Ziółkowski. I live in Oleśnica, Poland, and I work at Automatic, where I spend all time contributing to the WordPress core. My main focus is Gutenberg. I was helping to merge changes from the plugin, Gutenberg plugin to the WordPress core for the upcoming WordPress 5.8 release, which won’t contain all the necessary pieces of the full site editing. However, there is a lot of new goodies coming that will be ready to use on the site. 

Lesley Molecke: Excellent. So Moncho and I have come up with a bunch of questions for you. They go from really basic, and then they work up and get more and more exciting and interesting. So we’re going to start with the first one, which is actually, this is my question, because I don’t know the answer to it yet and hopefully you will educate me. What is full site editing and where did it come from? 

What is full site editing and where did it come from?

Koen Van den Wijngaert: Maybe if I can start, maybe the best thing to say at first is that full site editing is not just a big monolithic heap of a big function. It’s better to think of it as a collection of a lot of features that come with Gutenberg, as part of the second phase of the Gutenberg roadmap. Maybe someone else can pitch in now, so I don’t do a monologue.

Grzegorz Ziółkowski: If you don’t take a bigger picture, so full site editing is part of the Gutenberg project, there are four phases. And we are reaching this year, the end of phase two. The first one was introducing the building blocks for editing content. Now, we will be editing a full canvas of the sites. And the next two phases are collaborative editing. So to let people collaborate when they are changing websites or writing content. And the fourth one is multilingual support.

Koen Van den Wijngaert: What everyone is waiting for, I believe. That’s going to be a big one. 

What problem does Full-Site Editing solve?

José Ramón Padron: Anything else? Anything else? Because one of the things inside of Lesley’s question is, what problem does it solve? Which is, I think, very interesting. What do you think?

Milana Cap: I think that the problem it’s trying to solve is to give the user one unique workflow to edit everything. Because at this moment, you have post, you have page, and you go to block editor. Or if you are not brave enough, you’re still using classic editor and you edit your content there. 

But then you want to change your logo, then you have to go to customizer. But then you have some theme options. And it depends on theme from theme, what will you edit and where? I believe the idea is to release end user from need to know everything about the theme, you just go there and you just edit. 

And if you want to edit footer, and you’re on the post and you’re editing post, and then you realize the menu is not correct, you edit menu. You don’t need to know, because nobody cares is it customizer or whatever? People care to know where it is. And it’s a good thing that you can see how it looks on the front end, which I think was the initial idea for Gutenberg. But who knows? Maybe I’m wrong.

I think that’s a huge problem that will be fixed, and solved with full site editing. For us who are building websites, I know that for every website, I have to create a ton of tutorials and everything, to show clients how to use it. And this will solve all that. So we will be out of job.

Koen Van den Wijngaert: I also like to think that it brings a lot of power and more freedom and flexibility to end users of a website. Because in the traditional way of doing things, there’s a few ways one can have a WordPress website. He can have an agency, have a website built for him. Or he could be using some sort of a theme builder, or he could have installed a theme from the theme directory or maybe it’s even a custom theme.

But now end users are able to have so much more power about editing templates, and editing all sorts of aspects of their website. I think that’s really exciting to look forward to. 

Danielle Zarcaro: I think it solves a couple of problems, to add to that. It takes away some of the ambiguity around how to edit each individual thing. So WordPress’s whole thing is to democratize publishing. There were areas of the websites that were just not available to edit to anyone who doesn’t know code. 

So there’s the ease of use gap that came about, that you can’t edit the 404 page, you can’t edit the header or footer, unless an option is available. Is the theme using the site logo that you upload in WordPress, or you’re going to upload the image and then theme isn’t going to show it. It gets rid of those, however the theme developer decided to do it that day, and it streamlines a lot of that process to do some expected behavior to make it easier for anyone to hop into a site and edit it, and it democratizes publishing on a whole new level. 

Koen Van den Wijngaert: That’s a nice way of saying it. Yes. Because right now there’s this huge fragmented world of all different ways of themes that came up with our own way of editing site features and headers and customizing things. But there’s no real standard way of doing that. So it just makes it harder to step out of that particular ecosystem, I think. I’m looking forward to the standardized way of doing theming in WordPress.

José Ramón Padron: Grzegorz, I think you had something. Yes.

Grzegorz Ziółkowski: I wanted to add some more to it. Because I think it’s important to note that it’s not only about unifying everything, but it’s also to giving the power to users to change those little bits that annoy them, like the color of the header, or the font size. 

Before, you would have, or either learn CSS or learn HTML just to edit that. But now you will have tools that will allow that, and you won’t have to call your site administrator to do a simple change. So maybe you could tell that, remove the job from those people who maintain those sites, but on the other hand, they will have more time to work on expanding their offering and improving their own products or services, just to use the time.

So this is something that sounds scary, but on the other hand, it opens a lot of possibilities. Because the idea of blocks also gives you the power that you can create your own blocks that you can use in several websites, and give additional functionality out of the box for your customers.

What happens to websites that are live (in production) when WordPress 5.8 is released?

José Ramón Padron: So regarding that this is something new, something is going to happen from 5.8, as far as I know, what happens to the WordPress websites that are already live and in production? Must they be rebuilt in order to use full site editing? Or they’re going to work in the way they are? 

Milana Cap: They have to be rebuilt completely. It will crash. No, it won’t.

Koen Van den Wijngaert: It will just crash when you update. 

Milana Cap: No, it won’t.

Lesley Molecke:That’s big news. 

Koen Van den Wijngaert: Oh, we were not supposed to say that, sorry.

Milana Cap: No, they will not be crashed, they will not have to be rebuilt completely. As you all know, WordPress always build in mind with what is already out there, not to crash anything. And in 5.8, not everything will get in. So if I’m wrong, please correct me, but I think that in 5.8, you will have to install a Gutenberg plugin to actually use full site editing. So not everything will be there, but it will be foundation for the next releases when everything else will come in. 

But still, we will have some nice things coming in and nothing will break. You can go part by part and rebuilding it and adapting for a complete editing experience. 

José Ramón Padron: Thanks, Milana. Anything to add ?

Koen Van den Wijngaert: Maybe Grzegorz can do it. 

Grzegorz Ziółkowski: You can go. 

Koen Van den Wijngaert: Okay, but you can just… Well, some of the full site editing features will be added to 5.8, I think, but Grzegorz will probably be able to say which one exactly. I’m hearing feedback. 

José Ramón Padron: An echo. There is an echo.

Koen Van den Wijngaert: So it’s not some monolithic feature, like we said before, but it’s more like a collection of features and they won’t be turned off all at once by default, by just upgrading to WordPress 5.8. You do need to have a full site editing team to enable all features, but some of them will also be available for non-block based themes. 

Things like the template editor blocks, the site logo, the tagline, the query blocks, posts, posts related blocks, like post title, post [inaudible 00:14:45], they will all be made available in the post editor. And as well as that, I think it was also possible to also not edit, but with add new templates to a normal theme and edit those in the template editor. It’s pretty awesome. 

Grzegorz Ziółkowski: So the first step is to allow people to change, use the block-based paradigm on a single page. So think about that, about previously you would have to create a PHP file to change a single page view. And now you will be able to do that to through UI, and that will create an override that you would be able to delete later. But as a user, so it’s more like empowering people who have access to the sites, rather that’s a feature for the team designer.

So that’s one thing. And everything like that is optional, so there will be a flag to disable that. So site owners or theme authors we will say that, “I don’t want that,” and they can remove that. 

The one big change is that not necessarily related to full site editing, but is somehow in the same area is the widget editor, which will be… I don’t know what’s the final decision, but it will be depending on the feedback from the testing, either an opt-in or opt-out.

So the idea would be that you will be able to use the same blogs you use in your content to use also in site, when you would previously use widgets. So that’s a nice change. If you have your own custom blocks, you would be able to put there as well, which will open those new possibilities, and also somehow unify the interface. 

But as you could hear, there is a lot of new blocks coming. But it’s just addition, it’s not something that you have to use. It’s just there if you want to try them out, that will be perfect time to do that after 5.8 is out. And there is a-

Koen Van den Wijngaert: That will be released tomorrow, by the way. So if you want to test it, please do so. It’s by a lot of users that can test and provide feedback on the new update that we can improve upon those things, and decide what can be added and what should be skipped. So go install it tomorrow.

Lesley Molecke:Yes, we should acknowledge that, that everyone here is actually working really hard right now to create the new release, while also attending WordCamp Europe and being here on this panel and contributing on track too, and y’all are everywhere. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your time. 

What does Full Site Editing change for the various WordPress stakeholders

My next question has to do with stakeholders. So obviously, a big change like this to WordPress has multiple stakeholder groups. It has the end users, the users of WordPress websites down the road. It has the editors of WordPress websites. It has the companies who build themes and the companies who build plugins, and the people who contribute, all of these different groups. 

I’m interested in talking about the theme creators who currently primarily rely on offering block patterns with their own header and footer and sidebar management. So how does that work with full site editing?

Danielle Zarcaro: Well, it works the same way. You can offer whatever you want. I think it’s a misconception that by giving the users the ability to do what they want means that they’ll be able to do anything they want. If you are someone like me who’s creating custom sites, you can actually more easy put options and make it so that you don’t have to install a whole extra plugin to add a couple of extra options. You reserve that for the bigger projects that you’re doing.

And it’s up to the theme creators, if they’re creating a theme on a wider scale, instead of just an individual client, that’s up to them to decide how they want it to work. They just opt into stuff, they add stuff, they add their custom options, but it’s all working within the same ecosystem, and we’re all speaking the same language now instead.

So if you don’t want to make it so that your header and your footer and your sidebars are manageable in the block editor or in full site editing, then I guess you don’t have to. You can hard code whatever you want, you can do that now, you don’t have to make any options available. 

But then at some point, you’re going to start to fall behind, in terms of what you’re able to do. So it’s going to work the same way, just with more possibilities. That’s how I go about looking at it. 

Koen Van den Wijngaert: You’ll be able to turn off or on, or even tweak some of the configuration options just by providing a single JSON file for those things. But also, I like to think that with full site editing, a theme developer or theme designer can benefit from a more solid foundation that is standardized and optimized for things like accessibility, usability and performance. 

That way more of their time and energy can be spent into building things that actually add value to their customers, all the while benefiting from the existing full site editing features and even tweaking them to their liking. So that’s a big plus, I think. So they don’t have to go and reinvent the wheel every time they build a new website.

José Ramón Padron: There is something related to the last major change we saw in WordPress, when Gutenberg appears, when Gutenberg finally was born in 5.0. And now you can see that there is a plugin that is the old editor. And at this moment, we this kind of legacy, we can call it legacy, but it’s still available there. 

Why will Full-Site Editing be in Core and not a plugin?

My question is about why there are things that can sit in the core, and a different one can be set as a plugin? For example, why put the full site editing in the core when it is something that the majority of users at this moment don’t know? And we hope all of them are going to use it, but as everything that comes new in WordPress, there is always a time for getting used to it. 

So what do you think is the main reason full site editing is in the core and not, for example, in a plugin and people can choose if they want it or not?

Milana Cap: I think that now that we have Gutenberg in core, and full site editing is obviously expansion of what we were using in core by now, I think it would be silly not to have it in core and have it as a plugin, when you can use… This is just a foundation to put all the blocks that you already have. So it’s not like the structure that you still don’t have, you have. There is Gutenberg and now you will just expand it to the whole website.

And there is benefit in having everything standardized, especially for people who are using themes from our repository. So when you switch theme, you have all those available, things to edit, you know where it is, and you have all the blocks available.

José Ramón Padron: Makes sense.

Milana Cap: So that’s a huge benefit. I love that theme in wordpress.org is insisting on idea that people will change themes, and they cannot lose anything. I love that idea. I think this will really help having that. 

So when you have custom themes, and people have different ways of editing right now the header, the footer, or they don’t have it at all, so you’re afraid to change the theme. But with full site editing, you will have all that available.

Now, as far as not knowing how to use it goes, we didn’t know many things, how to use. And the thing that we really need right now is, here comes my pitch, documentation. So we really, really need to document everything good, because when you don’t have documentation, people don’t know how to use it and then they don’t interact with it enough. They don’t find bugs, they don’t contribute. They don’t think ideas how to expand it, and you don’t have contributors, and there is no cycle for open source. So first, we need to do a good documentation. 

We did fail a bit with Gutenberg getting in, and we can still feel it. We can still feel developers who are frustrated and don’t know how to work with it and how to build on that. I’m asking everyone to come and help. While doing documentation, you will actually learn how to do it. 

I’m not afraid of new things. I don’t think anyone should be afraid, especially because this is not a really new thing, like Gutenberg was a new thing. We didn’t know what it was. Now we know, full site editing is what we already know, it’s new, but expanded, so it’s easier to learn. And if we do enough work, and we are doing… people make WordPress themes are doing great job.

Just mentioning few, Anne is doing the testing, great job, and Carolina even have a website for full site editing where you can read everything. So it’s doing better, and we can learn and there are resources, so there’s no need to be afraid of it. 

Koen Van den Wijngaert: And if I’m not mistaken, there’s even seven milestones added to the full site editing milestones. It’s called gradual adoption. So that it focuses solely on making sure that full site editing features are being adopted better and more gradual. And that work is being put into actually making sure that the documentation is on par, and that the dev notes are up to date, and all of that kind of thing. So that’s also important. That’s also part of the work that’s now being done after the feature freeze for the 5.8 features. 

Danielle Zarcaro: I think from my perspective, as someone who’s working with it and working with people, no one’s going to use it if you make it optional. People are going to do what they’re going to do, if you let them. 

I think WordPress itself has never, it’s been very transparent about where it’s going. We’ve all been able to use Gutenberg for years now. We’ve been able to install the plugin, and then we’ve been able to use the block editor in core for years now. So it’s like we’ve had this getting used to period.

So we’re just going in the direction that we said we’d go in, and people can still find ways to go backwards. They can still install the classic plugin for sites that need it, they can install the classic plugin for certain things. They cannot enable the block editor for custom post types. There’s all kinds of stuff that you can do to counteract some of that. 

But like I referenced before, and I’ve talked a lot about this in the past, at some point, you have to embrace the tool that you’re using. So you’re either going to embrace the fact that we’re all working towards the same goal, or you’re working against it and basically forking your own version and working on your own, which is fine. But then you can’t offer the latest stuff. 

I think it’s up to you as a developer to, on some level, work with things, and meet WordPress where it is. You have to give up. WordPress is open source. You have to allow yourself to go with the tide a little bit. 

And when you have new users who come into WordPress, who are installing things, they’re not going to know that there was an old WordPress. They’re not going to know that, oh, I have to install this other plugin to enable all of these awesome features. You have to think forward. So you have to allow these new users to start installing it, and use all the cool latest stuff. 

If someone wants to go backwards for a bit, then they can put the work in to do that. 

Grzegorz Ziółkowski: It’s also worth mentioning that the full site editing, it’s soon to be included in the core, it’s always something that we wanted to have. It’s not something that came, because there was the 5.0 release and the block editor. It’s the other way around.

So we took the smallest step possible to enable people to start using this block paradigm, start learning UI. We got a lot of feedback. And if you look at the iterations that worked, how the editor looked two and a half years ago and how it looks now, it’s a completely different product.

And also the way, how we people started thinking about building content with blocks is different. It’s not longer, building small custom blocks, but rather combining a lot of existing blocks into block patterns, into having UIs, having ways to change a big portion of the page with solutions. Like now it’s coming to the query block that allows you to switch the list of blog posts will be displayed on the page.

So we are constantly trying to make it easier for users to provide the infrastructure, also for plugin authors, for theme authors, so they can build upon that, and have the unified experience. So people, once they learn how to write a post, they will know how to change the template of the page, because it’s exactly the same paradigm. 

It’s even in the same UI interface. You just go from one page to another, without the page reload. Everything can happen, you can go back, you can revisit how it looks when you compose everything together. It’s no longer you need to go to the preview of the page and see another tab to see, oh, it looks good, but now something broke outside of the post content. I need to go find customizers and go to this template, or call the theme author on the support and change that for me. 

So this is a huge project, and has so many layers on top of that. We want to bring as much as possible, I would say, what makes sense to most of the users, but not all of them. Because there is always room for extenders to build their own solutions on top of that, and give this unique perspective and look and feel for the customers.

What will be the role of existing page builders?

Lesley Molecke: I feel like we’re tiptoeing closer and closer to this question. I’m just going to ask it, just get it out there on the table. What do you all feel is the big role for the online page builders, the Divi, the Elementor, these big guys, taking into account that we’re moving into full site editing, block patterns, all of these things that are being built into WordPress core? What is the role of these page builders that so many of us use? 

Danielle Zarcaro: I think that’s up to them. I think ultimately, they were there to push the envelope. They were there to bring us to where we currently are. I think without them, we might not have had this extra push. Maybe it would have taken a few more years to put all this into core. These builders saw this hole and filled it. 

And ultimately, they’re going to have a different UI anyway. So they’re going to do have their fan base, they’re going to have their whatever preference to editing things, maybe certain things are dragging and dropping. Whatever they make available, they’re going to extend WordPress. So that’s up to them to decide how they’re going to go about it. 

So they’re all already currently working with the block editor, all the major ones anyway are. If they’re concerned at all about future proofing themselves, they’ve already looked into how to integrate themselves with the block editor. I think it’s only going to enhance everything to see how they go about integrating themselves into the new ecosystem. 

I really love, as a developer, I love the way Oxygen goes about it, where you can build stuff, and then go and edit it in Gutenberg. So that’s a really cool take on it. And so it’s just a new way to innovate, and they’re going to have their place.

I think it’s cool that we now have these established things. We have these people to look to, to see where are the new holes in WordPress? Where can we go from here? And they’re going to continue to just push the envelope. I love the diversity that’s out there. 

When you talk about builders, there’s at least four that come to mind and that’s awesome. And I hope that it stays that way and grows. And that’s only going to help us. And so hopefully, it’ll take away some of that, Divi does this way and Elementor does this way. So some things are going to hopefully become uniform, and then they’ll branch out in other ways. 

Koen Van den Wijngaert: Exactly. Because now, there’s a few big ones indeed, and they all seem to have their own ecosystem surrounding them, which is okay, because as you said, they all implement and provide their own stream of users to the WordPress platform. So it’s definitely interesting to look at, and observe how they will interact with WordPress and Gutenberg.

I know most of them already have some sort of a way to either include a new template view or something as a block, or even toggle between Gutenberg and their own editor. But the thing I’m actually quite looking forward to is whether or not they will start using the new default way of doing things. So that they can actually merit from how it is now going to be supposed to be done, and add on top of that their own set of features and new value-adding stuff. 

Like the cadence theme, for example, is doing. In my eyes, it’s quite a nice way of implementing Gutenberg the right way. I’m very interested to see how they will be going to implement full site editing things in the near future, because now it’s all in the customizer, of course. So, interesting. 

What is going to happen with the rest of the open-source solutions like Joomla, Drupal?

José Ramón Padron: We were talking about how full site editing can affect the own WordPress ecosystem, talking about for example, what happens with the builders, builders like Divi, Elementor, et cetera. But what do you think, taking account you are developers, designers, you are on the technical side, contributors, what do you think is going to happen with the rest of the open source solutions like Joomla, Drupal? How do you think it’s going to affect? So it’s going to make WordPress better than the rest, it’s going to be a real advantage in front of the rest, like Wix, like the other ones, not only in the open source reality, but outside WordPress? What do you think is going to happen with full site editing?

Milana Cap: They will all take Gutenberg. Drupal already do it.

Koen Van den Wijngaert: But Drupal also has a [crosstalk 00:37:15]. But there’s not like this CMS is better than the other one. They all serve different purposes. And it’s like using the right tool for the right job. And having more competition in the game is pretty good actually.

I think the biggest reason that we, as WordPress, have the biggest market share to date in the CMS market is because of the low threshold to start building websites. And that’s partly thanks to all of those theme builders. I think it’s important to reach out and make sure that we all keep using WordPress and not just fork off their own version of WordPress, because it’s open source, they can do that. 

So if we all collaborate, we can build pretty nice things, I think. 

Milana Cap: I think we already saw this many times in history, but let’s just take a look at Internet Explorer 6. It was so bad that we got this good Chrome and Firefox. And it was so difficult to create posts for some people in WordPress, that we got page builders. So this is happening. There is always this kind of competition between WordPress and Joomla and Drupal. 

But the truth is, they all have their share. Ours is a little bigger than theirs, but they will continue to exist, and I hope they will push, they will invent something new. And then we will be jealous, and we will do something better, because that’s how it works. Human mind compares. So that’s what we do.

I’m proud that 12 years ago I have selected WordPress and now it’s 40%. I think I’m smart, because I did that. But I don’t like just one way of doing things. I like things messing up. I like people inventing new things. That makes us all better and everything makes better. 

I’m really looking forward to see what other CMSs will do, but also what will page builders do. I have never used page builder, as someone who builds website and some of you uses website. I cannot say anything. 

But I’m seeing in our WordPress Serbia Facebook group, I’m seeing people asking questions about it. I know what they are doing and how, and I really hope to see they invent something insane, so we will have to push Gutenberg again and just pushing forward. 

Koen Van den Wijngaert: Even better.

Danielle Zarcaro: I think it’s going to blur the line a little bit. Because I just recently had to go into a Wix site and it is no longer Wix or Weebly. It is Wix or Webflow. Webflow popped up as an in between to Weebly and the GoDaddy builder and WordPress.

I think it blurs the line a little bit, where you can now visually edit things and you can now edit those parts, like I said, the 404. All these other things, you can just do now. And so I think it blurs the line and WordPress can now fit into more categories as well.

So maybe it’s not a Squarespace, which is a template machine that you stick a bunch of stuff in and it’s easy, but it does open it up to a whole nother market. Instead of just, oh, you got to have somebody on your side, it now opens the door for more people. And then now they’re ready to grow, and now they come to you and are familiar with WordPress. 

So there’s the three or four other markets that’ll pop up as well. So it blurs a little bit and makes it a little more accessible. 

Grzegorz Ziółkowski: There’s also one thing that I’m looking forward to, is the blog patterns directory, which should enable a quicker creation of websites, instead of going, changing everything yourself. If you don’t have, like me, skills for designing, you just pick something that someone crafted very carefully. And maybe pay some fee for that and have unique experience for all the use cases you have.

It’s no longer you need to use one theme, and hope that it has all the solutions you need. Instead, you can combine from different sources and build the best experience you need. So that’s one thing.

One thing that I’m looking forward to is how I’m seeing the growth of headless. It’s getting a lot of attention at the conferences in the WordPress community. And that interaction with full site editing, I’m looking forward how that will evolve. Because at the moment, if you want to use headless solutions you need to build from scratch the front end side.

However, if you combine that with what Gutenberg can produce and reach that, that will open a new set of possibilities. And that will bring big companies looking at WordPress, because now they will be able to build completely custom solutions, and also use whatever WordPress provides in its core, rather treating it as a source of the content only.

José Ramón Padron: I’m glad to read that question. 

Lesley Molecke: Koen, you have one final thing to add, before we sign off?

Koen Van den Wijngaert: I was going to say that one obstacle might be that a lot of back end developers have mostly skills in writing PHP and stuff. But most of the new features, you really do benefit more if you have a JavaScript back end. I think we should also focus on helping those developers transition into more and more adopting JavaScript and active development to develop even better new solutions.

Milana Cap: And documentation. 

Koen Van den Wijngaert: Most importantly, of course. 

Lesley Molecke: Yes. Well, thank you, thank you, thank you all for this really interesting conversation. I now know more about full site editing than I do before, thanks to you. But also, I think our audience does as well, which is fantastic.

And again, thank you for taking the time to join us, even though you’re also so, so busy working on the new release, and working on this massive change to WordPress. We’re really grateful to you and your time. Enjoy the rest of the conference. We will see you later and thank you. 

Will you be heading over to the Q&A room to talk with the audience? Does that sound like a familiar thing to you? All right. 

Milana Cap: We can, if there are questions.

José Ramón Padron: There will be.

Lesley Molecke: People can also make meetings with you and see you in other rooms and things.

José Ramón Padron: There will be more content related full site editing during WordCamp Europe, in each day, I think, or also in the number two track. So this is not the last time we are going to talk about full site editing. 

Another thing is to say thank you for accepting our invitation, more or less in the last minute. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Lesley Molecke:Thank you all.

Milana Cap: Thank you, bye. 

Grzegorz Ziółkowski: Thank you.

Koen Van den Wijngaert: Thank you. Very nice to being here. 

José Ramón Padron: See you around. Ta-ta.

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under WordCamp

Gutenberg Times: Themes for Full-Site Editing and Getting ready for WordPress 5.8 – Weekend Edition #172


It’s the eve of the second virtual WordCamp Europe. Tickets are still available for another awesome three days with talks, workshops and contributor events. This year, the organizer decide to sprinkle contributor event into the rest of the schedule and have for all three days, a mix between techtalk, business talks and contributor presentation and discussions. There are quite a few events around the Block editor, Full-site-editing and block-based themes. I compiled a list for you. And just because I am so focused on Gutenberg, doesn’t mean you have to. 😎 Check out the schedule and get your tickets now.

Hopefully, it will be the last virtual conference and we will see each other at an in-person WordCamp Europe in 2022. I am still hoping for Porto, Portugal. At this state of withdrawal from meeting WordPress friends in person, it doesn’t matter where it will take place, thought. It’ll be a Hug-Fest.

Last week, I mentioned the next Gutenberg Times Live Q & A in the subscribers-only section of this newsletter. Now we have a full panel. Registration is officially open. I am thrileed to host Daisy Olsen, Jeff Ong and Tammie Lister for our show on How to get started on Theme building for Full-site Editing and using the Theme.json file to configure your theme, and its interaction with the block editor. The Theme.json file will be introduced with the release of WordPress 5.8 in July 2021. Get a head start and join us!

Grzegorz (Greg) Ziolkowski will be back from vaction next week and we will record our next Changelog episode on Friday 11, 2021. I am so excited and can’t wait until Grzegorz is back! If you have questions or suggestions or news, you want us to consider, hit reply or send them to [email protected]. We now have consitently 500 – 800 downloads per week. It’s humbling, mind-boggling and inspiring. And if YOU are a listener, Thank You! If you have a minute or two, consider writing a review of the podcast. We’d be grateful and might read it out loud on the next show.

Alright, that’s the news around Gutenberg Times. Below you’ll find what else happened in the Gutenberg universe. Enjoy!

Yours, 💕

PS: Hope to see you at WordCamp Europe. Don’t forget to join the #WCEU channel on WordPress Slack and meet speaker, sponsors, organizer and attendees like you and me.

Full-Site-Editing & Themes

Anne McCarthy published the Stick the landing (pages) Summary. This post is a summary of the sixth call for testing for the experimental FSE outreach program, which also was translated into Italian to reach more of the non-English audience. Earlier calls were also translated into Japanese. The group of FSE testers is much bigger now, thanks to the persistent efforts by Anne to reach out to the community and stay on top of all the issues around the template editor.

A reminder: You can still join the the seventh call for testing: Polished Portfolios – The deadline for your feedback was extended to June 16th, 2021.

If you read this before Sunday night, you can participate in the Full Site Editing Review and Test-a-thon Sunday, June 6th at 7 – 8:30 pm with the WordPress Meetup group in Philadelphia.

Reading through the summary, I am stuck on trying to understand the difference between a template built by the site-owner and a theme template. What will happen with their templates when the site-owner decides to change the overall theme of their site? There is still plenty to be figured out. How edited block templates are linked to themes is topic of the discussion on GitHub. The Gutenberg team would appreciate some thoughts from folks familiar with these APIs (theme mods, performance, database).

Kjell Reigstad posted again acomprehensive list of issues and discussions regarding block-based themes and Full-Site Editing: Gutenberg + Themes: Week of May 31, 2021. Any of the listed items are worth checking out and consider commenting. The more the team knows the better the next iteration of Full-Site editing and block-based themes becomes.

WordPress 5.8 release preparations

From the meeting notes of this week’s Dev Chat: “Docs needs the most help with end user documentation. For block editor in particular. Some changes from 5.6 and 5.7 are still not published and we had a significant drop in number of contributors due to pandemic situation. Anyone interested in getting involved please ping Milana Cap  (zzap on Slack). 

The summary of needed DevNotes for new features in WordPress 5.8 is available on GitHub and could use contributors. There is also a “needs dev note” label for pull requests.

The widget screen could use some more testing. As a reminder, please read Help Test the Widgets Editor for WordPress 5.8 by Andre Draganescu

Block Patterns

Hector Pietro wrote in his post What’s next in Gutenberg? (June 2021):

“Since Gutenberg 10.7, block patterns displayed in the inserter are fetched from the WordPress.org Pattern Directory. This opens the door to having a big amount of wonderful patterns available in the inserter, which will require iterating on the pattern insertion experience.

For more updates on the Pattern Directory, stay tuned for Block Pattern Directory updates and check the most recent design iterations for the Pattern Directory.”.

Plugins for the Block Editor

Featured Box Plugin with this plugin “you can highlight a image with your key features” wrote Sumaiya Siddika on WordPress.org. Justin Tadlock took it for a spin.

JetFormBuilder — Form Builder plugin for Gutenberg from the plugins stable at CrocoBlock. The developers Andrey Shevchenko and Oleksandr Ivanenko also added an extensive Post action hook system that allows you to daisy chain actions and integrated with 3rd party systems. I haven’t tested it yet, but it looks promising. Crocoblock has been building plugins and tools for Elementor and has now started supporing Gutenberg with their products as well.

Another new plugin is the JetEngine for Gutenberg a dynamic content plugin that lets you build a complex websites fast and cost-effectively.

Themes for Full-Site Editing

A few people ask about Themes that are already working with the Full-Site Editing system and Site Editor. So I put a list together of those I know about. Now before you use them, you need to be aware that they are all built while Full-Site Editing is still under active development, hasn’t been released yet and ergo many features are still experimental. Do not use in production or live site.

If you find any missing, let me know.

Gutenberg related Business Updates

This week’s big WordPress business news is the aquisition of Eliots Condon‘s plugin Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) by Delicious Brains. With over more then 1 million active installs ACF is one of the widest used plugins. Thousands for developers depened on it in the last ten years to build complex WordPress sites.

Stepping away from ACF has not been an easy decision to make. The reasoning behind it comes from a place of humility. As the number of installs have grown from thousands to millions, the needs of the product have outgrown my ability to develop solutions. The last thing I want to do to this amazing community is unintentionally hold back the project, so something needed to change.

Elliot Condon, ACF

Early on into the development of the block editor, Candon was also developing a php way to build blocks and integrated it into Advanced Custom Fields Pro starting with the version 5.8. This effort certainly helped developers even more. Now they could use their existing tools and offer their users Gutenberg compatible sites withouth learning ES6 JavaScript or ReactJS.

Delicious Brains also caters to WordPress Developers with products like SpinupWP (💕), WP Migrate DB and more. Their team seems to be the right fit to pick up the torch and put ACF on an even stronger path for future growth.

You can learn more about the aquisition via

Join us for our next Live Q & A
on June 24, 2021 at 11am EDT / 15:00 UTC

Theme.json for Theme Authors or building themes for full-site editing in WordPress.
Host: Birgit Pauli-Haack
Panel: Daily Olson, Tammie Lister and Jeff Ong Register Now

Upcoming WordPress Events

June 6, 2021 7:00 pm EDT / 23:00 UTC
WordPress Meetup Philadelphia
Full Site Editing Review and Test-a-thon

June 7 – 9th, 2021
WordCamp Europe
A virtual event and contributor day. Call for sponsors is open.

🎉 Gutenberg Times is a media partner of WordCamp Europe 2021

June 10th, 2021
WordPress “Mega Meetup”: Plugins That Keep Websites Running

June 20 – 26, 2021
WordCamp Japan
The schedule has been posted. Most sessions will be in Japanese, with exceptions, I think…

June 24, 2021
WPEngine Summit 2021
The digital breakthrough conference just released their schedule. Personally, I am very much looking forward to the Keynote talk with Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code and Marchall Plan for Moms at 12:55 EDT / 16:55 UTC. I also hope to see talks with Rob Stinston, Carrie Dils and Chris Wiegman. There are also deep dive talks listed into Headless WordPress. Enterprise WordPress is definitely heading down that route.

June 24 – 26, 2021
WordCamp Cochabama (Colombia)

July 17 + 18th, 2021
WordCamp Santa Clarita
Calls for speakers ends TODAY!

July 23, 2021
WordFest Live The festival of WordPress

August 6 + 7, 2021
WordCamp Nicaragua

September 21 + 22, 2021
WPCampus 2021 Online
“A free online conference for web accessibility and WordPress in higher education.”

On the Calendar for WordPress Online Events you can browse a list of the upcoming WordPress Meetups, around the world, including WooCommerce, Elementor, Divi Builder and Beaver Builder meetups.

Don’t want to miss the next Weekend Edition?

We hate spam, too and won’t give your email address to anyone except Mailchimp to send out our Weekend Edition

Thanks for subscribing.

Featured Image: Photo by Xavi Cabrera on Unsplash

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: WordCamp Europe 2021 starts Monday

WordCamp Europe 2021 will be one of the largest virtual WordCamps again and the schedule has some great talks for every WordPress users, developers, site builders, theme designers, DIY site owners and content creators.

We looked through the schedule and spotted very forward-looking Gutenberg related talks, workshops and discussions. Before you study the list, I would recommend the site Time Zone Converter to help you convert the listed times from Central Europe Summer Time (CEST) to your local time. Once in a while I get confused by time zones, and that’s my favorite site to set me straight.

Fabian Kägy, developer at 10up:
Building great experiences in the new editor

Description: Starting out building blocks or experiences for the WordPress block editor can be a bit daunting. Where do I start? Custom blocks, block patterns or just styling core blocks. In this talk, Kägy will walk through the different options and share the benefits and downsides of each while talking about overall good practices for building great editorial experiences.

As a sidenote: Almost exactly a year ago, Fabian Kägy was a presenter at a Gutenberg Times Live Q & A together with Grzegorz Ziolkowski, and demo’d how you can use and extend the official WordPress create-block scaffolding tool.

Monday, June 7th, 2021, at 10am EDT / 14:00 UTC / 16:00 CEST

Full-Site Editing Panel Discussion

The names of the panelist are still a secret, and I will update the post when we know more.

If you’d like to get a jump start here are few resources:

Monday, June 7, 2021 at 12:34 pm EDT / 16:34 UTC / CEST: 18:34

Workshop: A walkthrough of Full Site Editing with Herb Miller, Web developer in UK,

Description: Herb Miller will give a short tour of Full Site Editing (FSE) in this workshop from his perspective as a contributor to the outreach experiment for this major development in WordPress.

He has created a learning resource which attendees can use to follow on during the workshop.

Herb will give attendees an overview of:

  • how to get started
  • the components of the Site Editor
  • example templates and template parts
  • some blocks used to create FSE themes
  • example themes
  • a very few code samples
  • some answers to FAQs
  • how to become involved
  • and many links to other resources

Tuesday, June 8th, 2021 11am EDT / 15:00 UTC / 17:00 CEST

Lee Shadle, web developer Blazing fast block development

Lee Shadle wrote in his description: “I’ve been OBSESSED w/ building blocks since before Gutenberg was released. I’ve built a BUNCH of custom block plugins over the years. In this workshop I’m going to share the framework I’ve been using for quickly building custom block plugins for WordPress.”. Shadle recently also held a talk at WordSesh and demo’d his create-block-plugin scaffolding tool and it was inspiring. This is definitely not a talk to miss.

Tuesday June 8, 2021 12:00 EDT / 16:00 UTC / 18:oo CEST

The Future of Themes in WordPress

The future of themes will be a topic of this panel discussion. Stay tuned or follow WordCamp Europe on Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).

Join us for our next Live Q & A
on June 24, 2021 at 11am EDT / 15:00 UTC

Theme.json for Theme Authors or building themes for full-site editing in WordPress.
Host: Birgit Pauli-Haack
Panel: Daily Olson, Tammie Lister and Jeff Ong Register Now

Conversation with Matt Mullenweg

Matt Mullenweg is the co-founder of WordPress and the CEO of Automattic. The conversation should be the highlight of the WordCamp Europe

Wednesday, June 9th, 2021 – 11:42 EDT / 15:42 UTC / 17:42 CEST

This edition of the WordCamp Europe also offers interesting Sponsor talks. Look for them on the schedule, too.

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under WordCamp

Gutenberg Times: So, You want to talk about Full-site Editing?

As we’re nearing 5.8, there’s an increasing demand for people to speak about Full Site Editing and this post should help act as a resource guide to enable more people to do so. As always, I would love contributions from the wider community to build this out into an even more comprehensive resource! While this post covers a lot of content, see it as a go to place to mix and match as you’d like for your own presentation rather than something you need to know every detail of. For example, if you’re presenting to theme authors, you can use this to get a sense at a glance of what might be relevant from what to demo, what resources to share, what GitHub issues to highlight, and more.


Key points to cover around 5.8:

  • FSE is a collection of features and not a monolith.
  • Because FSE is a collection of features, Core can be flexible in shipping what is both stable and adds the most value.
  • 5.8 is focused mainly on bringing tools to extenders with limited changes to the user experience. This includes theme.json, new theme blocks, design tools, and template editing mode.

Demo ideas

Depending on who you are and who the audience, the following are your best bets for demo content:

Helpful GitHub issues

Helpful Posts

Conversation Starters

  • What would you like to see done as part of the gradual adoption milestone
  • What would make you more inclined to use Full Site Editing? On the flip side, what would make you less inclined? 
  • Are there any key people or resources like podcasts, courses, documentation, etc that have helped you explore Full Site Editing? 
  • How do you think Full Site Editing will change the WordPress ecosystem? What excites you there? What makes you nervous? 
  • What do you think is most helpful to communicate about Full Site Editing right now to put more people at ease and build excitement? 
  • What are you still confused about when it comes to Full Site Editing?


These are the top questions you can most likely expect to get asked with high level answers to get you started in the right direction. For a more comprehensive list of questions and answers, check out the FSE Outreach Program’s roundups.

What is Full Site Editing and what value will it bring?

Full Site Editing is a collection of features that bring the familiar experience and extendability of blocks to all parts of your site rather than just post and pages. In terms of value, it depends on who you are:
User: empowerment to customize what you want to your liking without needing to dive into code.
Themer/developer: focus less on coding thanks to various design tools and more on creating a compelling experience with your theme.
Agency: greater control and consistency over what you offer clients including things like setting custom branding colors or locking down various aspects of the site such as typography settings.
When you see or feel this value depends on who you are, how early you adopt features, and when stable features land in Core. Thanks to FSE being a collection of features, some independent and some interdependent, there’s wonderful room to ship what’s stable.

What is going to happen to WordPress themes and what kinds of pathways are being created?

In the long run, it should make theme development much easier and simpler with design tools ready to tap into allowing theme authors to focus less on coding and functions and more on design expression and aesthetics. Because Full Site Editing requires a block based theme, this makes themes extremely important to get right! As a result, lots of pathways are being created including the ability to use theme blocks in a classic theme, exploring how to use the customizer and site editor as part of a “universal theme”, unlocking the ability to create a new block template in a classic theme, allowing classic themes to adopt the block widget editor, and more.
Key: Themes are a key part of the FSE experience, lots of work is being done to allow for a breadth of options going forward, and we need feedback from theme authors to make the transition easier. 

What about page builders/site builders?

FSE is being built in a way that site builders, if they choose to, can build on top of what’s being created. Overall though, FSE is being built partially so people don’t get locked into one site builder over another. While the goals shared between FSE and site builders are similar in terms of empowering users and give better tools to customize a site, the main difference is that we are developing tools that work for users, themers, and hopefully also page builders by expanding how WordPress uses blocks as a whole. Since Core has to strike a nice balance, it’s expected that future plugins will play a role here in exposing more/less depending on user needs.

How will restricting access to these Full-site editing features work?

This will depend on who is asking the question (a user, a theme author, a developer, etc) but some of the GitHub issues referenced above should help. For users, I’d focus on the fact that they would either need to seek out a block theme to use or their current theme would need to ship specific updates. For a themer/developer, I’d share that there will be various options to opt in and out of this work (for example with creating block templates). Upcoming 5.8 dev notes should address this for any new features.

Will upgrading to 5.8 cause FSE to take over my site like the Core Editor did in 5.0?

No. 5.8 is focused on giving tools to extenders first and foremost before more user facing changes are launched going forward and integrated into themes. In terms of user facing features, you can expect to see

Anne McCarthy published this post on her personal blog and gave us permission to republish it here as well.

Join us for our next Live Q & A
on June 24, 2021 at 11am EDT / 15:00 UTC

Theme.json for Theme Authors or building themes for full-site editing in WordPress.
Host: Birgit Pauli-Haack
Panel: Daily Olson, Tammie Lister and Jeff Ong Register Now

by Anne McCarthy at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under News

Gutenberg Times: Why WordPress Agencies Are Embracing Gutenberg – Help Test WordPress 5.8 – Weekend Edition #171


Memorial Day is a federal holiday, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Although a sad occasion for many people in the US, it is also the first long weekend after a cold winter. Many of you will hopefully take the opportunity to spend it leisurely outside with family and friends, away from the screens. Look up from your phone. The content keeps until Tuesday when you get back to work.

After catching up on my publishing schedule, I will spend the weekend with friends at the Cricket Club, and at the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg. Let me know about your weekend!

With the release of Gutenberg 10.7 version, we are in the “feature freeze” which means from now to the first beta release on June 8th, 2021, it’s all about bug fixing. Below you’ll find several ways how you can help make it a great release.

There is something to be said that 5.8 is probably the biggest release for Gutenberg since 5.0 and in terms of merged code might even be bigger.

Riad Benguella, editor release lead for WordPress 5.8, in #core-editor meeting 5/26/2021

Yours 💕,

PS: Thank you to all who shared great resources on wp.data last week! If you used the wp.data package in your blocks, I am looking for real life examples. Ping me in Slack @bph or email me.

PPS: Huge “Thank You” to Dave Smith for his wonderful review of our podcast. Grzegorz (Greg) Ziolkowski is on vacation, and we’ll record the next Gutenberg Changelog on Friday Jun 11, covering both releases 10.7 and 10.8. Send us your questions to [email protected].

A new call for testing is now available from the FSE outreach program! Deadline: Jun 9th, 2021. Anne McCarthy sends you down the rabbit hole to create a Polished Portfolio Pages, using the Template Editor and your personal Query Blocks design. She guides you with nice ideas for your Portfolio page, the accompanying template and shares designs from the web. On WPTavern, Justin Tadlock followed along. He shared his page’s source code and the joy and frustrations along the way.

Huge W. Roberts introduces you to the Five Photo Editing Tools Available To Use On The Block Editor and explains in detail how to crop, resize and zoom and other features of the Image block.

Speaking of which, WordPress 5.8 will bring a new feature to the image and cover block: Coloring Your Images With Duotone Filters, created by Alex Lende. Details about this wonderful new feature are now available on the WordPress News site. Using the Gutenberg plugin, you don’t have to wait until July 20, 2021 for WordPress 5.8 to come out. You can use today!

Blockbase “This block theme attempts to make all the common theme styles configurable in theme.json, and provides the CSS needed to make them work until the blocks themselves support these settings.” wrote Ben Dwyer The Blockbase themes is available via GitHub. Justin Tadlock at WPTavern kick the tires of it. He concluded: “It is the modern-day Underscores (_s) for blocks, and the WordPress theme design community will need such a project moving forward. They will need a starting point and educational tool, and Blockbase is just that.” You’d be interested in more details.

Hector Pietro published What’s new in Gutenberg 10.7? The release notes for this week’s Gutenberg plugin release. This is the last version of Gutenberg features that will be coming to WordPress core. What didn’t make it? Navigation screen and block, Post Author Block and the Refactor of the Gallery Block. The latter is a bit disappointing as I was very much looking forward to building galleries with image blocks. Ah, well.

The new Widget screen made it and could use some major testing round: Use the WordPress Beta Tester plugin, enable the nightly stream on the bleeding edge channel and start testing specially for backwards compatibility with existing themes and plugins and configuration. Pantheon gives Developer 2 free testing sites, and has a powerful migration tool for cloning existing sites for testing. It’s what we will use for our long-time client sites. If you feel you don’t have enough times, but also don’t want to see any surprises, you can install the Classic Widgets plugin by core contributors Tonya Mork and Andrew Ozz.

Allison Rivers wrote Why WordPress Agencies Are Embracing Gutenberg for the Torque Magazine. Rivers interviewed 15 Agency leaders in the WordPress space who shared why they are slowly moving away from 3rd party page builders favoring the block editor and the rich ecosystem around it, with Generate Blocks, Kadence Blocks, Toolset, Stackable, Genesis Blocks and more.

The above article was a nice palate cleanser after the rather lively debate on This Week in WordPress #164 with Nathan Wrigley and Spencer Forman. The reasoning from the agency leaders might also explain why hard-core Elementor fans get so agitated. Big “Thank You” to Nathan Wrigley for having me on the show. 🤟 It was quite entertaining, to say the least.

In case you missed it, I thoroughly enjoyed Nathan Wrigley’s interview with Benjamin Intal, of Stackable  on the WP Tavern Jukebox podcast, and Why he is betting his business on blocks.

Eric Karkovack did a deep dive into the plugin Block Visibility by Nick Diego and shared his insights in his article An Easy Way to Edit Block Visibility in the WordPress Gutenberg Editor .I mentioned the plugin multiple times before. If you didn’t get a chance to test it on one of your projects, Karkovack’s article gives you definitely more insight in how it works, and what use cases are suitable for it.
I also discovered the plugin Conditional Blocks by Morgan Hvidt with a slightly different approach. Both plugins also provide pro versions via their respective websites.

Upcoming WordPress Events

June 7 – 9th, 2021
WordCamp Europe
A virtual event and contributor day. Call for sponsors is open.

🎉 Gutenberg Times is a media partner of WordCamp Europe 2021

June 10th, 2021
WordPress “Mega Meetup”: Plugins That Keep Websites Running

June 20 – 26, 2021
WordCamp Japan
The schedule has been posted. Most sessions will be in Japanese, with exceptions, I think…

June 24, 2021
WPEngine Summit 2021
The digital breakthrough conference

June 24 – 26, 2021
WordCamp Cochabama (Colombia)

July 17 + 18th, 2021
WordCamp Santa Clarita
Calls for speakers was extended to June 5th, 2021.

July 23, 2021
WordFest Live The festival of WordPress

September 21 + 22, 2021
WPCampus 2021 Online
“A free online conference for web accessibility and WordPress in higher education.” Call for Proposal is up and proposal are due May 26, 2021

On the Calendar for WordPress Online Events you can browse a list of the upcoming WordPress Meetups, around the world, including WooCommerce, Elementor, Divi Builder and Beaver Builder meetups.

Don’t want to miss the next Weekend Edition?

We hate spam, too and won’t give your email address to anyone except Mailchimp to send out our Weekend Edition

Thanks for subscribing.

Featured Image: Photo by Ravi Palwe on Unsplash

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: Getting Started with Themes for Full-site Editing and Block Plugins – Weekend Edition #170


I am getting really excited about the WordPress 5.8 release. It’s still about eight weeks away, but there is a lot of work in front of us. We are coming up to Feature Freeze on May 25, 2021. The Gutenberg team has a release candidate for 10.7, the last version of the plugin, that will make it into WordPress Core.

How can you help? Test, test test!

On the team working on the block-editor end user documentation, we have a preliminary list of relevant user-facing changes in Google Doc. We are looking for more contributors to not only get through the latest task list but also update some documentation pages with 5.6 and 5.7 changes. If you have a few hours, and want to take a deep dive into the block-editor features, let me know by joining the #docs channel or DM me on the Make Slack.

Wishing everyone lots of patience. We are still in a pandemic, and all good things take time.

Yours 💕,

PS: Did a deep dive into the wp.data package to learn more about state management for the block-editor. Do you know of any resources that helped you get the hang of it? The usual metaphors don’t seem to help much.

Anne McCarthy posted about Hallway Hangout: Discussion on Full Site Editing Issues/PRs/Designs (20 May). This was the fourth Hallway Hangout, a series of information meetings, that started in April. They are all available on YouTube. Sometimes it is much easier to talk through a feature, an interface, or bugs, when you can ask questions and screen share. If you missed them, they are available on YouTube and summary posts are available on the Make block of the Test Team.

Although, I long for in-person WordCamps, they are still not safe in many regions. For now, connections to my WordPress friends are still virtual: pick-up Hallway Hangouts, Meetups meetings and WordCamps and conferences.

Speaking of which: Next week WordSesh is taking place May 24 – May 27, with Workshops starting on May 28. Well, depending on where you are in the world, it will start tomorrow night.

On the schedule a five session around Gutenberg:

  • Blazing Fast Block Development w/ Lee Shadle
  • Building Custom Blocks w/ Rob Stinson
  • Block-Based ThemesThe Future Of Full Site Editing In WordPress w/ Imran Sayed
  • How the Block Editor Makes It Easier to Build Custom Websites w/ Danielle Zarcaro
  • Build your own Block-Based Theme w/ Daisy Olsen (Workshop)

Find a list of more upcoming WordPress events further below.

Eight Gutenberg Tips and Tricks in eight minutes – Learn how to start developing WordPress sites with Gutenberg blocks with Bill Erickson and Gabriel A. Mays from GoDaddy. Take a look at the YouTube video and the links resources, if you are just starting out working with the block-editor in your WordPress development.

Edward Bock shared how to Properly add modern JavaScript to Gutenberg. In his article, he helps you transition from the conventional programming on PHP to adding JavaScript to your tools set

Full-Site Editing for Theme Developers

Herb Miller shared recording from his presentation: Guide to WordPress Full Site Editing, blocks and themes at the Meetup in Portsmouth. Now the Herb went beyond the template editor bits that are coming to WordPress 5.8. He demonstrated the full Site Editor, which isn’t slated to come to WordPress until 5.9 or even 6.0. To follow along you would need a block-based theme and the latest Gutenberg version (for now 10.6.2). After a tour around the Site Editor, Herb Miller, shared with the audience how he built a block-based theme.

Carolina Nymark published here full-site editing theme “Armando” in the theme directory on WordPress.org. Carolina also is a contributor to the Gutenberg repository and published a Full Site Editing course for developers. Recently, she also published a VS Code extension WordPress Block Markup with autocomplete snippets to add blocks to your templates faster.

Fränk Klein of WPDevelopment Courses is getting ready to open his Building Block-Based Themes course. He already shared quite a few insights in his learnings with the articles: What I Learned Building a Full-Site Editing Theme and Implementing Global Styles in Block-Based Bosco. The Block-based Bosco Theme is also available in the WordPress.org repo.

The theme.json settings structure is now finalized and is not experimental anymore. The Documentation is available in the Gutenberg Handbook. Riad Benguella wrote an Introduction to WordPress’s Global Styles and Global Settings to get you started on the new era of Theme development in WordPress. (Yes, I shared this before. I just want to make sure you find it again )

A few days ago, Ari Stathopoulos started working on a Theme.JSON parser to make it possible for conventional themes to take advantage of the settings file as well.

Ana Segota, Ariel Design, an early adopter of Gutenberg blocks in her themes she published in 2018 and 2019, came out with her first theme embracing full-site editing, and global styles with here new Theme “Naledi”. Justin Tadlock took the theme for a spin. Once the theme is available at WordPress.org, it will be the sixth theme for full-site editing.

When will we see yours?

Sarah Gooding has the story of Blocksy Theme Expands Free Starter Site Collection, Plans to Create New Suite of Blocks. Blocksy embraced the block-editor wholeheartedly and grew it’s business rapidly, it seems. They also integrate well with the blocks by Stackable.

Plugins for the Block Editor

Benjamin Intal, of Stackable was this week’s guest of the WP Tavern Jukebox podcast, and he discussed with Nathan Wrigley the Why He’s Betting His Business on Blocks. Intal and his team were an early adopter of the Block-editor and publish their plugin already in 2018 before the block-editor made it into WordPress Core. Since them Stackable has been an often recommended plugin for content creators, and it has grown quite a bit in features and reach. It’s certainly worth a listening, considering another wave of creativity and opportunities is coming to WordPress. This time for themes.

Alexandra Yap of Stackable recently posted the Introducing Dynamic Content. They wrote: “We’ve received a huge number of requests to display content from ACF’s custom fields in Stackable blocks, and now you can! Most ACF field types are supported as well as ACF Options Pages.”. They also integrate with Toolset.

Justin Tadlock reviewed a newly published pricing block and found You Might Not Need That Block. “With WordPress’s base blocks and a decent theme, many custom solutions are possible via patterns.”, he wrote, and he went ahead and recreated a three column pricing table with the core blocks and different themes, Twenty-Twenty, Eksell, and a full-site editing theme, too. I strongly agree with Tadlock that block patterns would provide an easier path. I can see that plugins like Easy-digital downloads, Woo Commerce and other ecommerce plugins would offer such patterns together with their Gutenberg blocks extensions to get store owners up and running quickly.

Jamie Marsland shared the 10 Big Updates to PootlePress WooCommerce Gutenberg plugins Storefront Blocks and WooBuilder Blocks.

Upcoming WordPress Events

June 7 – 9th, 2021
WordCamp Europe
A virtual event and contributor day. Call for sponsors is open.

🎉 Gutenberg Times is a media partner of WordCamp Europe 2021

June 20 – 26
WordCamp Japan
The schedule has been posted. Most sessions will be in Japanese, with exceptions, I think…

July 17 + 18th, 2021
WordCamp Santa Clarita
Calls for speakers (May 30th), sponsors, volunteers and organizers are open.

June 24 – 26, 2021
WordCamp Cochabama (Colombia)

July 23, 2021
WordFest Live The festival of WordPress
Call for Speakers is now open and submissions are due on May 24th, 2021

September 21 + 22, 2021
WPCampus 2021 Online
“A free online conference for web accessibility and WordPress in higher education.” Call for Proposal is up and proposal are due May 26, 2021

On the Calendar for WordPress Online Events you can browse a list of the upcoming WordPress Meetups, around the world, including WooCommerce, Elementor, Divi Builder and Beaver Builder meetups.

Don’t want to miss the next Weekend Edition?

We hate spam, too and won’t give your email address to anyone except Mailchimp to send out our Weekend Edition

Thanks for subscribing.

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: Template Editor, Theme.json and is a Universal theme possible? – Weekend Edition #169


It’s not entirely Gutenberg related, but I am so happy that deputies at Global Community Team are discussing conditions under which in-person meetings (WordCamp and Meetup) can start up again. Just the fact, that in-person meetings are talked about after 14 months “online only”, is already progress. It’ll still take months before the first in-person WordCamp organizers will be able to start planning. Your opinion counts, so don’t hesitate to chime in the comments.

There was a lot of happening this week in the WordPress world. You probably saw most of it on other WordPress news sites, so I dive in right into all the Gutenberg related updates. Happy reading.

Yours, 💕

Gutenberg and WordPress Pre-release

It comes down to the wire for developers committing code before the WordPress 5.8 feature freeze coming up on May 25th, 2021. Gutenberg feature freeze is practically on May 19th when the Gutenberg 10.7 RC candidate is released. After those dates, only bug fixes will make it into the first Beta release, scheduled for June 7, 2021.

To keep all the dates straight I consult the full WordPress 5.8 Development Cycle page.

Calls for Testing

Andre Draganescu posted Help Test the Widgets Editor for WordPress 5.8 with test instructions for three scenarios any user could test

  • Migrating from classic widgets
  • Adding blocks next to widgets
  • Opting out of the new widgets screen with the new plugin

He also urges Theme and Plugin developers to read the available documentation and suggests to

  • Test upgrading classic widgets to blocks.
  • Test enabling and disabling theme support
  • Test 3rd party widgets compatibility.

Anne McCarthy in her post “Stick the Landing (pages)” ( 😁 nice pun!)* composed a real-life scenario for the various tests of the template editor and use it for landing pages. This goes to the heart of the new feature slated to be introduced to WordPress users with WordPress 5.8.

The instructions come with a very nice demo of the template editor in a silent movie. Just follow the mouse pointer.

(* I had to look it up: Stick the landing – is an expression that comes from gymnastic or other athletic routine when the athlete lands firmly and confidently on their feet. Or an aviator executes a flawless landing. – all part of the service… )

Gutenberg 10.6

Gutenberg 10.6 was released and comes with a ton of create features! For the first time, volunteer contributor, Koen Van den Wijngaert led this plugin release and published What’s new in Gutenberg 10.6? It was one of the bigger releases with 216 commits.

  • Duotone filters made it into this release now. Very cool highlight/shadow colors are already available. Theme developers can provide extend with theme specific colors.
  • Padding is here! You might not need those spacer block anymore or at least not so often.
  • Most used tags selector – many bloggers missed it for the last few years. It’s now also available in the block editor.
  • Tables can now have colored borders.
  • More blocks for Themes and modify Post list displays (Query blocks)
  • Theme.json is out of experimental and the documentation was updated just a couple of days ago.
  • Template Editor screen to create custom templates for landing pages.
  • Block Editor Settings are now available via an endpoint of the REST API. This opens quite a few additional opportunities for plugins and themes to adjust features and controls.

I have had a fascination with the Query block ever since it started as a Latest Post block. In this version, the team added Block Patterns to the place holder, so you don’t have to start from scratch assembling.

Justin Tadlock tested a few new features and shares his findings in Gutenberg 10.6 Adds Duotone Filters, Query Pattern Carousel, and Most-Used Tags Selector.

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s main (trunk) branch?
Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
Have you been using it? Hit reply and let me know.

GitHub all releases

The Gutenberg Changelog episode #44 will be published later this weekend. Grzegorz (“Greg”) Ziolkowski and I had a great time diving into the details of this release, answered some General Gutenberg questions and also talked about what’s in the works even beyond 5.8.

Subscribe to the Gutenberg Changelog via your favorite podcast apps!
🎙️ Spotify | Google | iTunes | PocketCasts | Stitcher |
🎙️ Pod Bean | CastBox | Podchaser | RSS Feed 

Full Site Editing and Themes

Kjell Reigstad is back with the Gutenberg + Themes: Round up post from the Themes team. Learn quickly what was released and fixed, what is pending as PR or still in discussion that could use your input. The list of overview issues is a great way to catch up on the latest development.

Jeff Ong invited contributors and other theme developers to a Upcoming “Universal Themes” Hallway Hangout, a theme that works as a classic theme as well as a block-based theme. The post has links to recording, the sticky boards as well as the Zoom chat transcripts. I have yet to watch the gathering of Theme wizards and their thoughts on how they might want to deal with the upcoming changes. The recording is available on YouTube

Hallway Hangout – Universal Theme

The Second Call for Questions on Full Site Editing and their answers has ended, and Anne McCarthy published Answers from Round Two of Questions. Almost all answers have also reference to the GitHub discussion around a specific topic. The answer covering the differences and different use cases for the three entities that might cause confusion (#5): Reusable Block, Block Pattern and now Template. Anne answer it comprehensible, has a real life example and a great set of links to dive deeper into the topic.

Upcoming WordPress Events

May 19th, 2021
Portsmouth WordPress Meetup
Full-site Editing with Herb Miller core contributor and his block-based theme

 May 22-23, 2021
WordCamp Northeast Ohio Region
Two sessions and a Lighting talk about Gutenberg are on the schedule

  • Anatomy of a Block Theme for Full Site Editing w/ Daisy Olson
  • Web Components in WP, Gutenberg and as HTML plugins w/ Craig West
  • Lightning Talk: The power of reusable blocks w/ Daisy Olson

May 24-28, 2021
WordSesh 2021
The session schedule is now available, too. Here is the list of Gutenberg talks:

  • Blazing Fast Block Development w/ Lee Shadle
  • Building Custom Blocks w/ Rob Stinson
  • Block-Based ThemesThe Future Of Full Site Editing In WordPress w/ Imran Sayed
  • How the Block Editor Makes It Easier to Build Custom Websites w/ Danielle Zarcaro
  • Build your own Block-Based Theme w/ Daisy Olsen (Workshop)

June 7 – 9th, 2021
WordCamp Europe
A virtual event and contributor day. Call for sponsors is open.

🎉 Gutenberg Times is a media partner of WordCamp Europe 2021

June 20 – 26
WordCamp Japan
The schedule has been posted. Most sessions will be in Japanese, with exceptions, I think…

July 17 + 18th, 2021
WordCamp Santa Clarita
Calls for speakers (May 30th), sponsors, volunteers and organizers are open.

June 24 – 26, 2021
WordCamp Cochabama (Colombia)

July 23, 2021
WordFest Live The festival of WordPress
Call for Speakers is now open and submissions are due on May 24th, 2021

September 21 + 22, 2021
WPCampus 2021 Online
“A free online conference for web accessibility and WordPress in higher education.” Call for Proposal is up and proposal are due May 26, 2021

On the Calendar for WordPress Online Events you can browse a list of the upcoming WordPress Meetups, around the world, including WooCommerce, Elementor, Divi Builder and Beaver Builder meetups.

Don’t want to miss the next Weekend Edition?

We hate spam, too and won’t give your email address to anyone except Mailchimp to send out our Weekend Edition

Thanks for subscribing.

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: Introduction to Global Styles, Block-based Themes and Two weeks of virtual WordPress events – Weekend Edition #168

Howdy, my friends!

Hope you are all well. This week was a little less hectic, nevertheless again lots of information to digest about the block-editor and the upcoming WordPress 5.8 release.

Today, you’ll find some great actionable tutorial, articles and tools. Again, I marvel at the extraordinary generosity of the people in the WordPress community from around the World. If you find something that’s useful to you, please let the authors. Most of them have a Twitter account that’s linked with the link to their contribution.

Be well, be safe!

Yours, 💕

Updates from the Gutenberg and Core Teams

Anne McCarthy posted the summary of finding of the Query Quest. This time, a 3 or so dozen user from Japan took part in this call for testing. Members on the Italian Polyglott team translated the call, too. The circle of people testing has expanded quite a bit.

McCarthy also had two reminders for you:

  • The second round Call for questions is still open – send in your FSE question and concerns. Deadline is May 12, 2021
  • The next call for testing will be published on May 12, 2021 on the Make blog of the Test team, so clear out an afternoon in your week and reserve it for the next WordPress testing round. You’d be helping improve software, used by many, many millions of users.

Hector Pietro, technical lead on the Gutenberg project Phase 2, published the focus post for the team for May 2021. There are no particular surprises listed, as the focus is getting a few projects ready to be merged with Core, but this post also aims beyond the feature Freeze on May 19 for block-editor features, RC 10.7. For Theme builders and developers, he also has a section on what particularly we all need to be aware of.

In anticipation, that the Widget block editor will land in WordPress Core, contributors Tonya Mork and Andrew Ozz published the Classic Widget Screen plugin, that allows you to opt-out of the new feature. Plugin and Theme developers can opt-out via this code snippet remove_theme_support('widgets-block-editor'). Connect via GitHub for issues and contributions. Justin Tadlock took the plugin for a spin and wrote a review: Classic Widgets Plugin Disables WordPress 5.8’s Upcoming Block-Based Widgets System.

🎙️ Episode #43 is now available with Show notes and transcript Greg and I discussed Gutenberg 10.5, the Block Patterns Directory and a Call for Testing for WordPress 5.8 Release.

Subscribe to the Gutenberg Changelog via your favorite podcast apps!
🎙️ Spotify | Google | iTunes | PocketCasts | Stitcher |
🎙️ Pod Bean | CastBox | Podchaser | RSS Feed 

If you have been a listener, please write a review on iTunes, Stitcher, Podchaser or Castbox. We would love to read from you, and more reviews help with the distributions.

Speaking of podcasts: Grzegorz (Greg) Ziokowski and I talked with Maciek Palmowski of WP Owl, about Contributing to WordPress, the inaugural episode for the new podcast WP Owlcast. We talked about the ins and outs of contributing to WordPress – about the various teams, how to get started, how to pace yourself, Five For the Future and so much more.

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index 2021” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. The index 2020 is here

Building block-based Themes

Adelina Tuca of Themeisle interviewed Tammie Lister, design co-lead of Phase 1 of the block editor, now design lead at Extendify. “We Made Themes Become Plugins by Forcing Them to Have Functionality That Shouldn’t Be There“, Lister is quoted. It’s a great discussion around the reset on how themes are developed with the block-editor and how it will not only change the creativity and productivity, but also user experience for content creators.

Riad Benguella posted an Introduction to WordPress’s Global Styles and Global Settings. You can learn more about the thoughts behind the theme.json implementation for connecting your theme with all the block-editor features. For the first time in WordPress there is now a standard way for plugin block builders to be considerate about the theme developers design decisions and tap into its settings and styles. Be aware, although the theme.json implementation with come to WordPress core with 5.8, the Global Styles will still be experimental, so if you use them, they might change.

Carolina Nymark turned her block markup snippets into VS Code extension with it, you can add blocks to your full site editing templates faster by typing the name of the block and have VS Code auto-complete it for you.

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s main (trunk) branch?
Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
Have you been using it? Hit reply and let me know.

GitHub all releases

Block Editor for Content Creators

If you are just now evaluating if the block editor is mature enough for your future client projects, or the right tool for your content production processes, Sam Wendland for WordPress VIP has some more in depth information: “How the WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor Empowers Enterprise Content Creators”.

Block building for Developers

Mark Wilkinson of Highrise Digital share the 10 lessons he learned from developing WordPress sites with the block editor in this video. He also posted a Thread on Twitter

Kaspars Dambis from XWP describes how to manage dependencies when creating your Gutenberg blocks in his post: Managing Javascript Dependencies for WordPress Blocks

In his tutorial Convert Shortcodes into blocks Milan Petrovic explains how to reuse shortcodes code and develop blocks for the block editor with support for sidebar settings

Upcoming WordPress Events

10 – 14 May 2021
Page Builder Summit 2021
Gutenberg is part of it with the following sessions:

  • How to turn Gutenberg into a Page Builder with Stackable w/ Benjamin Intal
  • Don’t Compete with Gutenberg – Embrace It w/ Danielle Zarcaro
  • Google’s Core Web Vitals – Get Green With Gutenberg w/ Jake Pfohl
  • Creating newsletters in the Gutenberg block editor w/ Lesley Sim
  • Building Fast, Block-Based Landing Pages w/ Mike Oliver
  • Panel – Preparing for the future of WordPress – Supported by WordPress.com – Marjorie Asturias, Anne McCarthy and Donna Cavalier

 May 22-23, 2021
WordCamp Northeast Ohio Region
Two sessions and a Lighting talk about Gutenberg are on the schedule

  • Anatomy of a Block Theme for Full Site Editing w/ Daisy Olson
  • Web Components in WP, Gutenberg and as HTML plugins w/ Craig West
  • Lightning Talk: The power of reusable blocks w/ Daisy Olson

May 24-28, 2021
WordSesh 2021
The session schedule is now available, too. Here is the list of Gutenberg talks:

  • Blazing Fast Block Development w/ Lee Shadle
  • Building Custom Blocks w/ Rob Stinson
  • Block-Based ThemesThe Future Of Full Site Editing In WordPress w/
  • How the Block Editor Makes It Easier to Build Custom Websites w/ Danielle Zarcaro
  • Build your own Block-Based Theme w/ Daisy Olsen (Workshop)

June 7 – 9th, 2021
WordCamp Europe
A virtual event and contributor day. Call for sponsors is open.

June 20 – 26
WordCamp Japan
The schedule has been posted. Most sessions will be in Japanese, with exceptions, I think…

July 17 + 18th, 2021
WordCamp Santa Clarita
Calls for speakers (May 30th), sponsors, volunteers and organizers are open.

June 24 – 26, 2021
WordCamp Cochabama (Colombia)

July 23, 2021
WordFest Live The festival of WordPress
Call for Speakers is now open and submissions are due on May 24th, 2021

September 21 + 22, 2021
WPCampus 2021 Online
“A free online conference for web accessibility and WordPress in higher education.” Call for Proposal is up and proposal are due May 26, 2021

On the Calendar for WordPress Online Events you can browse a list of the upcoming WordPress Meetups, around the world, including WooCommerce, Elementor, Divi Builder and Beaver Builder meetups.

Featured image: “Tiny City Block Building” by Matt Henry photos is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Don’t want to miss the next Weekend Edition?

We hate spam, too and won’t give your email address to anyone except Mailchimp to send out our Weekend Edition

Thanks for subscribing.

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: New Era for WordPress Themes in 2021 – Updates and voices around WordPress 5.8 release – Weekend Edition #167


Happy May 2021! We are a third into 2021. Phew.

I can’t tell you how relieved I feel that my husband and me as well as many US friends got vaccine shots. It’s also bitter-sweet and sad. In other places of the world there are again lock-downs. Hospitals are filling up fast. Hundreds of thousands new infections. People dying. Distribution of vaccines is slow, if there is any available at all. The WordPress community spans all around the globe. We are not out of the woods. We still have friends and business partners in places of crisis. The team of the New York Times curated this list: “How to Help India Amid the Covid Crisis“. Consider donating and ask your employer if they have matching programs.

How are you and your communities weathering the epidemic 14 months later? Please share in a reply!

Hang in there, my friends. Stay safe. 😷

Yours, 💕

WordPress 5.8: Four weeks to Feature Freeze:

The Gutenberg and WordPress Core team is gearing up for the next major release 5.8 in July 2021. We are less than four weeks and two more Gutenberg plugin releases away from feature freeze.

Goals of Gutenberg updates for the next major WordPress release

In the last two or three weeks, I listened to the interviews and Q & As. I learned the team working on the block-editor pieces for this release has two goals:

First, to release enough stable tools for developers and designers to start using aspects of Full-site editing in their themes, via theme.json and hybrid constructs for classic themes. The hope is that by the time the rest of Full-Site-Editing interface is released to the users in December 2020, there are plenty of block-based themes and block patterns available from the community of extenders.

Second, to introduce the new page template feature. It’s a new way to use the block editor to create and modify page templates for landing pages. This will be the first time in WordPress that a content creator or site owner would be able to change headers and footer for single pages. This takes a bit of a switch in the publishing / producing mindset. Gutenberg developers are hoping here for plenty of user feedback to make sure that the new blocks and in their new context, the user-facing elements are clear enough to handle in this smaller scope of a single page before the expanded version of Full-site editing is released in December 2021, that allows users to create and modify site-wide templates, template parts and to build new themes.

Block-Editor Features to come to WordPress 5.8

After the Go/NoGo meeting and decision, technical lead Hector Prieto published Full Site Editing Go/No Go: Next steps with more details around the full scope of the block editor pieces for WordPress 5.8

  • Gutenberg plugin releases 9.9 – 10.7
  • First version of theme.json for theme builders of block-based themes.
  • Theme Blocks (Query, Navigation, Site information)
  • Template Editing with the post editor
  • Widget Editor and block widgets in Customizer
  • Persistent List view in the post editor
  • Duotone (Image filter) block supports
  • Gallery block refactor

In the post you’ll find links to issues and pr for even more details.

Increased Buzz about Full-Site Editing

On the WordPress News site, there were a few posts regarding the block-editor and Full-Site Editing. Using the WordPress News space to published more frequently about the ongoing development and ideas is one part of the stronger communication outreach planned for this new feature release. The more intense communication about Full-site editing from the core team is a direct result from the feedback from the WordPress community after the first Gutenberg release in 2018.

Curious about Full-Site Editing by Josepha Haden Chomphosy. A short article on what Full-site Editing is and how it will affect different kinds of users. You have been following Full-site Editing for a while now. So it’s not necessarily for you. It is a great first article to share with WordPress users and co-workers that hear about Full-site editing for the first time. The resources share are good starting place to catch up.

The second article wasn’t about Full-site editing, so much but about the Gutenberg. Anne McCarthy posted Become an Early Adopter With the Gutenberg Plugin, and tackled the various terms, we have mostly used as synonyms between Gutenberg, block-editor etc. Also, a good place to start, if someone likes to dive deeper into Gutenberg beyond the WordPress Core implementation.

The latest article in the WordPress News section, is the tutorial Getting Started with the Figma WordPress Design Library by James Koster. Learn how to quickly create design prototypes for WordPress UI in Figma, a collaborative interface design tool. The tutorial is quite comprehensive and not only shows you how you work with it. Being knowledgeable about Figma can also jump start contributing to WordPress as it’s the tool of choice by the WordPress design team.

WP Briefing is the new podcast hosted by Josepha Haden Chomphosy. In her fifth episode, she was Talking Full Site Editing with Matías Ventura (ICYMI). Josepha and Matías answered user questions, from “is full site editing a standalone plugin?” to “will full site editing break my current site?”. The episode comes with a transcript.

Gutenberg Release and Block editor updates

In Core Editor Improvement: Refining the Block Toolbar, Anne McCarthy elaborates on the refinement and standardization implemented for the Block Toolbar with the goal to simplify the hierarchy of the block, to make it more predictable what goes where. Below graphic is part of the newly updated Best practices for Block Design page of the developer handbook.

This week Gutenberg 10.5 was released and in short succession v 10.5.1, v 10.5.2 and v 10.5.3. to fixing regression bugs. Ajit Bohra wrote about What’s New In Gutenberg 10.5. 15 new block patterns made it into the release and template editing is now also available for classic themes. For the latter, exercise optimistic caution should you use the Gutenberg plugin in productions. Many, many more changes came to the block-editor. Grzegorz Ziolkowski and I recorded our take on it for the Gutenberg Changelog podcast yesterday, and it should come to your favorite pod catcher over the weekend.

Justin Tadlock shared his experience in his post Gutenberg 10.5 Embeds PDFs, Adds Verse Block Color Options, and Introduces New Patterns

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index 2021” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. The index 2020 is here

Block Pattern Directory

Speaking of Block Patterns, Kelly Choyce-Dwan posted the Block Pattern Directory Update from the Meta team. She invites you to follow along on the site that is a red-hat zone for now, but it already gives you a good idea on how it is going to work. Check it out on wordpress.org/patterns. The patterns are arranged in squares in five categories: Buttons, Columns, Gallery, Header, Text. You click on the square to see a details page with a larger representation and a button “Copy Pattern” or add them to your ‘Favorites’. Although, Kelly wrote that the copy button doesn’t work yet, I quickly tested it, and you can just paste it into your next post, even if you are not in code edit mode. 

The meta team is now working on the process for WP.org users to submit patterns into the directory, and the accompanying automated evaluation and moderation feature. WordPress users will be able to find block patterns right from the block editor inserter and add them directly to their post or pages.

Ultimately, the core block patterns will be removed from Gutenberg and made available through the Pattern directory only.

Testing Full-Site editing: The outreach program

The Full-Site Editing Outreach program is in full swing.. Anne McCarthy and dozens of people contribute to WordPress by testing the new feature.

Since the last Weekend Edition, there were quite a few updates coming out of the program.

🗓️ Upcoming FSE Outreach Program Schedule – Synch your calendars! 😂

For anyone who wants to learn more about the program, Anne McCarthy was a guest on the WordPress Jukebox podcast last month. Nathan Wrigley, host of the revived WPTavern podcast Jukebox, discussed with her How Full Site Editing Will Impact WordPress and why the program and its participants are an essential part for a successful implementation of the new features.

In Building a Restaurant Header Summary you can read a curated list of outcomes and finding from the 4th Call for Testing.

In this week’s Hallway Hangout: Discussion on Full Site Editing Issues/PRs/Designs, participants in the FSE program talked through the findings of the last call for testing with Anne McCarthy, Marcus Kazmierczak and Sabrina Zeidan. Using screen sharing and video the groups was able to discuss some of the interface challenges much easier than when just reading through a blog post. This was already the second of this Video chats. The first Hallway Hangout chat took place on April 8th, 2021, when Caroline Nymark, Paal Joachim Ramdahl, and Olga Gleckler joined Anne and Marcus.

You have until May 5th, 2021 to participate and comment on Testing Call #5: Query Quest.

If you have questions that still need answers, Anne McCarthy started the second round of collecting questions to bring back to the team and get you answers. Bookmark this page, so you can open it quickly when you have another question. If you want to read up on the answers for the previously submitted 47 questions, follow this link to previous posts of Q & A

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s main (trunk) branch?
Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
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Developing for Gutenberg

Jem Turner, a reluctant adopter of Gutenberg, has six things she does to make developing websites with Gutenberg easier. It’s a great mix of developer and content creator processes.

Will Morris posted How to Create a Custom Gutenberg Block in WordPress (In 3 Steps) on the Torque Magazine site and helps you how to extend your WordPress site with the Genesis Custom Blocks, one of the few ‘almost’ #nocode block building tools.

Do The Woo podcast, co-hosted by Bob Dunn and Mendel Kurland, discussed WordPress Core and Gutenberg Blocks with Grzegorz (Greg) Ziolkowski. They talked about the opportunities of working with blocks in an eCommerce context and beyond full-site editing. Grzegorz explained how micro templates and blocks are the building material for more complex implementation and the advantages of the standardized interface for users and extenders in WordPress Core. 

Plugins for the Block Editor

Speaking of WooCommerce: Jamie Marsland shared his Top 10 Blocks for WooCommerce – Plugins mentioned:

New Era for WordPress Themes

Anders Noren, Swedish theme developer and co-author of the WordPress Twenty-Twenty theme, sees A New Era for WordPress Themes. In 2021, we will “see the introduction of the most significant change to WordPress themes since the modern theme system was released in version 1.5 of WordPress, 16 years ago.”. He has great explanation and insights, and embraces the new era and is happy about the slow release this time around, so theme developers can get familiar with the new tools. “Developers will have plenty of time to create fully block-based themes by the time the Site Editor and Global Styles are released in WordPress 5.9. And no excuses if they don’t.” Last month, Anders released a new free theme called Eskell. Read Sarah Gooding’s review on WordPress Tavern.

The 47th edition of the Gutenberg + Themes roundup by Maggie Cabrera from the Themes team, lists all FSE related issues and PRs from the Gutenberg repository that need your attention, your opinion and your comments. The post also provides a list of resources if you are just now getting into block-based theme development. One issue caught my eye specifically: Presets used in patterns: register them as user presets? in it Andre explores a way how block pattern could be used across a theme change and still keep their styling. Reading through the comments from the Gutenberg contributors, it’s clear that there are a few questions still unanswered, when users can change colors. This applies to a few other elements of the themes and blocks, when classes don’t survive a theme change, and designs in navigation or group blocks lose their background colors. There are quite a few of these discussions that need your input and ideas.

In his latest post, Chris Wiegman walks us through the process of reducing WordPress themes to the bar minimum and still be able to render blocks. Creating A Minimal WordPress Theme In The Era Of Gutenberg. This minimalistic and sustainable theme is available on GitHub

If you are looking to share your future block-based theme in the WordPress.org repository, Carolina Nymark has a proposal for you: Removing blockers for block themes on the Themes team. I am quite surprised that it hasn’t received any feedback from the community yet.

In his post Themes Set Up for a Paradigm Shift, WordPress 5.8 Will Unleash Tools To Make It Happen Justin Tadlock took a tour around the upcoming WordPress 5.8 features and took them for a spin and a first evaluation. “Themes are not going the way of the dinosaur. All of that overly complex PHP code work necessary in the past might just be. The shift is putting themes back into their proper place: design. Previously available tools such as patterns and styles coupled with the new pieces like theme.json and template-related blocks will be the backbone of the new system. It is all starting to come together.” he concluded.

As a former Theme developer, Justin Tadlock keeps his ear to the ground of theme development. I very much appreciate the tremendous effort he puts into his Theme reviews. I learn something new every time.

WordPress Events

10 – 14 May 2021
Page Builder Summit 2021
Gutenberg is part of it with the following sessions:

  • How to turn Gutenberg into a Page Builder with Stackable w/ Benjamin Intal
  • Don’t Compete with Gutenberg – Embrace It w/ Danielle Zarcaro
  • Google’s Core Web Vitals – Get Green With Gutenberg w/ Jake Pfohl
  • Creating newsletters in the Gutenberg block editor w/ Lesley Sim
  • Building Fast, Block Based Landing Pages with Mike Oliver

May 24-28, 2021
WordSesh 2021

June 7 – 9th, 2021
WordCamp Europe
A virtual event and contributor day. Call for Sponsors is open.

June 20 – 26
WordCamp Japan
The schedule has been posted. Most sessions will be in Japanese, with exceptions, I think…

Don’t want to miss the next Weekend Edition?

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by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: Page Template Editor for WordPress 5.8, Videos and Plugins – Weekend Edition #166


Yes, it’s been a while that you received a fully curated Weekend edition. After the move it took a while to get my office operational again. We still have too many boxes to unpack, though.

Nevertheless, let’s catch up on Gutenberg news together!

All the best,
Birgit 💕

Gutenberg 10.4 Released (and 10.4.1)

The Gutenberg Changelog episode 42 is now available. Grzegorz (“Greg”) Ziolkowski and I discuss Full-site Editing Scope for WordPress 5.8, Gutenberg’s 10.4, Gallery Block Refactor and Block-Based Theme updates.

Sarah Gooding of the WP Tavern wrote about the Gutenberg 10.4 release: Gutenberg 10.4 Introduces Block Widgets in the Customizer

Full-Site Editing and WordPress 5.8

If you now find yourself in the position to learn more about the extent of Full-Site Editing experience, I have a real treat for you: A 30-min video Full-Site Editing Overview by, Anne McCarthy, Developer Relations for the Gutenberg project.

On April 14, 2021, the Gutenberg and 5.8 release leads held a meeting, with Matias Venture giving a tour of the current state of the Phase 2 of Gutenberg development. The outcome of the meeting was a decision on Go/NoGo for component that make it into core for WordPress 5.8.

Josepha Haden Chomphosy provide in her follow-up post a list of the detailed scope, the video of the meeting and a transcript of the recording.

The block editor scope

  • Improvements from Gutenberg 9.9 to 10.7 plugin version.
  • Introduce 25 new blocks (Query, Site Logo, Navigation,Posts, Comments, Archives etc. ), the most valuable among them will be the Query Block.
  • theme.json Mechanism for Theme builders (see developer documentation)
  • Template Editor for Pages/Blank Template. (see demo by Marcus Kazmierczak)
  • Widgets Screen & Block widgets in Customizer.
  • Design tools: Duotone, Layout controls, padding, etc.

There is the caution stated in the post: “Not all the above are currently ready, but there’s some level of confidence that they can be by the time of 5.8.”

For the Template Editor for Pages/Blank Template you can see it in action in a demo by Marcus Kazmierczak, he gave at the Mega Meetup last week.

Bud Kraus of JoyofWP showed us in his video, how the Widget screen will look like in the future. It does not show the Widget handling in the Customizer yet, but that is to come to WordPress 5.8. You could see a short piece of it in Matias Ventura’s demo video from the release leads meeting. It is now already available in the latest Gutenberg plugin release.

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index 2021” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. The index 2020 is here

Justin Tadlock summarized last week’s announcements in Full Site Editing Is Partly a ‘Go’ for WordPress 5.8

Testing Full-Site Editing

As the latest Full-Site Editing Call of Testing, Anne McCarthy has a Query Quest for you. Again with a great set of test instruction, you are guided towards usage and various features of the Query Block and its accompanying new post blocks for title, content, comments, feature image and pagination.

Justin Tadlock discussed this task a bit further in his article: FSE Outreach Round #5: Venturing out a Query Quest. “Testing never has to be boring. I encourage participants to grab inspiration from their lives as they venture out on their Query Quest.” he wrote.

Apropos Testing: Sarah Gooding wrote about our Gutenberg Nightly plugin to get the latest development of the block-editor in an easy to handle plugin. Set Up a Gutenberg Test Site in 2 Minutes with the Gutenberg Nightly Plugin.

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s main (trunk) branch?
Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
Have you been using it? Hit reply and let me know.

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Anne McCarthy curated all the feedback from the fourth testing call: FSE Program Custom 404 Page Testing Summary

Block-Based Themes

Helen Hou-Sandi streamed on Twitch her exploration session to create a block-based theme for the Full-Site Editing.

Kjell Reigstad opened an issue for Query Block Pattern inspirations. There are great examples posted that could be converted to pattern, that could be bundled with WordPress 5.8

Marcus Kazmierczak also used Twitch to stream his Lunch & Learn series on Block-based themes.

Keep abreast on specific Theme related development and discussions with the weekly round-up from the Themes Team. Kjell Reigstad posted this week’s edition. Gutenberg + Themes: Week of Apr 12, 2021

A couple of PRs that should help with transitioning existing themes to be block-based:

In their latest episode of WPCafe co-hosts Mark Wilkinson and Keith Devon talked about Building Twenty-Twenty-One with Caroline Nymark and Mel Choyce-Dwan.

Plugins for the Block Editor

Gutentor published a collection of 70+ Blocks and layouts for Gutenberg Editor.

If you are working on your set of Blocks for the editor, Justin Tadlock has some thoughts to consider: Yet Another WordPress Block Library Plugin. He is making a well though through case to suggest more unique blocks to fill the gap to the core blocks. It seems to me that, two years of seeing block collections being acquired by big companies like Atom Blocks, Co Blocks and latest Kadence Blocks, might tempt a small developer team to come up with another set of blocks matching a specific theme and hope for an acquisition by another big company in the space. There might be space for a few more, indeed.

Tadlock’s longs for something new, a unique extension of core or a missing tool:

Conditional Blocks by Morgan Hvidt allows you to create block that are displayed when certain conditions apply. We saw other plugins that offer that, like Block Visibility by Nick Diego. This one is a bit different. It allows you to change content depending on HTTP referrer, so if someone comes from Twitter, they could see a different message than someone coming from a Google Search or a link in a newsletter or an affiliate link. The plugin is also available as a pro version with premium features at conditionalblocks.com

Episode #42 is now available, with new co-host Grzegorz Ziolkowski

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People and Community

It’s been already a year that Anne McCarthy joined the Gutenberg team as a developer relations wrangler. It has been a great pleasure meeting Anne and collaborating with her has been quite inspiring, and I learned a lot from her wisdom and her wealth of ideas. She has also become a good friend. She is som much better and being a remote friend that I ever will be. On her personal block Anne published One year in DevRel

Anne’s pioneer work with WordPress open-source project has been so successful that Automattic wants to sponsor another person for developer relations.

Developing with ReactJS and Gutenberg Blocks.

Rob Stinson wrote a tutorial on how to building custom Collections in Genesis Blocks. Now Collections in this context are Layout templates, that extend existing Genesis blocks.

Mark Howells-Mead uses ReactJS to build interactive single page applications with WordPress and wrote a tutorial. It’s not at all about Blocks and Gutenberg, but it’s related to the skill set of learning ReactJS and hopefully inspired developer to gradually make the transition.

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: Video: Full-Site Editing Overview with Anne McCarthy

As part of the Meta Meetup on April 15th 2021, Anne McCarthy gave a presentation on what Full-Site Editing entails, the updated scope of WordPress 5.8, what the FSE outreach program is and what issues surfaced during the four calls for testing from the group.

It’s a fantastic and fast-paced presentation and covers a lot of ground. It’s ideal for WordPress users that just now want to catch up on all the buzz around Full–Site Editing and learn what will come to WordPress in the 5.8 release in July 2021.

Big Thank You to Anne for allowing us to publish the video here with the transcript.

For those interested how the template editor works, jump right in to Marcus Kasmierczak’s live demo portion of the WordPress Mega Meetup recording

Shared Resources

See transcript below

Full-Site-Editing – the Ultimate Resource List
Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. — Marie Curie 
Full-site Editing MVP: Can I Build a Landing Page?
Josepha Haden Chomphosy was the featured guest on the inaugural episode of the WPTavern Jukebox podcast, hosted by Nathan Wrigley. Chomphosy explained her unofficial benchmark for the Go/NoGo decision on Full-site Editing for the WordPress core merge. 


Featured image: 404 template by Channing Ritter on critterverse.blog

Howdy. To start, thanks so much for having me. This is a presentation about full site editing. I’m very excited to talk with you. This is a feature I’ve been thinking a lot about over the last year and I’m excited to share with you all. I’m also really keen to learn from each of you what you’re worried about, what you’re excited about, how you think full-site editing can improve your workflows, and more. So this is prerecorded because I wanted to make sure with so much information going around, wanted to make sure I had all the details lined up and so I could pause and rework certain sections. But please know that I welcome questions. So while you can’t interrupt me during the presentation, there will be a whole section at the end. Pull out your pen and paper, write them down, and know that they’re very, very welcomed. But for now, let’s dig in.

So briefly about me, I’m actually originally from Winter Park, Florida. So I haven’t been home in about a year and a half, and thank you for letting me virtually return home by participating in this meetup. In 2011, I first found WordPress as a student at UNC Chapel Hill. I worked on their multi-site, had a great time. 2013, I went to my first ever WordCamp. 2014, joined Automatic as a happiness engineer focused on VaultPress and had a great time focusing on security of websites. It gave me a really interesting look into concerns people have about websites that most people don’t think about. Then 2020, I switched into the developer relations position at Automatic and have been there ever since.

So let’s get meta and talk about the talk. (laughing). So to start, I’m going to zoom out really big and then slowly put pieces together until we kind of get a nice map of what full-site editing is with all the details. So this will look kind of like first answering some big, high-level questions, digging into then how the work is actually being done, so going from high level, “What is this? Why does it help me?” to “How is this work actually being approached? What are the pieces of the work that I need to know, the role of the outreach program?” Then I want to address some key topics and questions that I often get asked when I’ve presented at other places and talked on other podcasts about full-site editing or just one-on-one with people. I love to talk about full-site editing. So hopefully some of the key topics and questions can help get people thinking about other things they want to ask about.

So let’s dig into the first big picture question. Why is this being done at all? Simply put, it’s to empower users. Rather than having a specific part of the site locked away in a theme or requiring a plugin, full-site editing will basically open it up to customize any part of your site the way you want to, or, on the flip side, you can let it be, or if you’re an agency, you could lock certain sites down or certain parts of a site down, depending upon how you want users to have access. So it’s a pretty powerful, big mission to actually deliver on full site editing.

So I answered why is this being done. Now let’s dig into how does this fit into the WordPress roadmap? So full-site editing is a major part of phase two of the current roadmap. It’s not the only part, though. There’s actually other interrelated projects, including things like block patterns, the block directory, block-based themes. So it’s just one piece of this larger roadmap, but it’s one of the major grounding points of phase two of the roadmap.

So what is full-site editing at a high level? Essentially, it’s a collection of features, and it’s important that you get the collection part. But it’s a collection of features that bring the familiar experience of blocks to all parts of your site, rather than just posts and pages. But Anne, what does a collection of features mean? Basically, I’ve noticed people tend to refer to full-site editing as one big thing. It’s like an on-off switch. It’s this monolith, and it’s actually not. It’s not this binary thing. It’s way better to talk about how there’s different pieces that fit together and interrelate, because it actually gives flexibility for release squads to release what’s ready, rather than all of it at once. So while it might be easier to talk about how it’s this one big thing, I encourage you all to kind of think about the different pieces, if you can, and I’ll touch on this more in a bit.

Okay. So what does full-site editing actually allow me to do, right? So cool, Anne, a collection of features, but show me the money. (laughing). So this is an example of a 404 page. So a 404 page, typically you’re not actually able to edit, but with full-site editing, you could actually create this 404 page. This was actually done by one of the automatic designers, Channing. Shout-out to Channing. She did this as part of one of the tests for full-site editing, the outreach program. So it’s a pretty beautiful thing. While we all might not have the design chops that Channing does, it is pretty neat to see kind of a very tangible, hands-on example of what full-site editing unlocks you to be able to do.

To get more specific, basically, if you’re a user, imagine editing the template that a specific post has for a specific category. For theme authors, you’ll be able to tap into design tools that allow you to focus more on actually creating a really compelling experience and less on getting the code in place and hacking things up. You can also out in and out of whatever you’re ready for, which is really exciting. But ideally, for theme authors, it’s going to be a huge change. It’ll allow creating themes to be much, much easier. If you’re an agency, you’ll have greater control over what you can offer clients, including setting custom brand colors with presets to locking down various aspects for consistency, such as typography or wanting only certain default colors to be used.

Milestones of Full-Site Editing Experience

So how is this work being done? So rather than trying to go through everything in one go, this project has actually been broken down into seven different milestones. Some of these milestones are completely separate, their own thing. Some are very interrelated. Some mix and match in different ways. But we’re going to go through each of them so you can get a sense of how this is being done. I’m going to try to stay at a high level before going into a very brief demo midway through the presentation. But hopefully this’ll give you a sense of what this looks like.


So milestone one, this was actually such a big milestone that it was broken into two parts. Essentially, this is all about laying the foundation, everything from multi-entity saving, which is actually being displayed here in the GIF that you see, where you can actually update multiple things at once, including a template part. You update your header, you update a post, and you update your footer. It’ll show all the changes happening and allow you to check and uncheck different boxes to save. Basically, just think about this as building the foundation of the experience, the technical foundation, unlocking things like being able to edit a template directly to working on specific blocks for full-site editing, like the site title. So we have a site title block, and it updates everywhere you have it listed.

Browsing Templates and Template Parts

Milestone two, browsing. Again, there’s another little visual so you can see what this actually looks like. This is basically giving you a map and a GPS to know your location, how to get where you need to go for your site. So because there are these new parts of editing your site that are unlocked with full-site editing, like template editing and template parts, like a header or footer, there needs to be a way to navigate between them. So this milestone is dedicated to that. How can we make it as easy as possible for you to you get where you need to go?

Styling – Global Styles + theme.json

Milestone three, styling. So this actually covers a couple different layers. I’m going to break it down in this slide and then the next one to help give you a sense visually of what this looks like. But this includes everything from the technical requirements to make various levels work and the UI for users. So you can actually see a depiction of the future design for the UI that users will interact with in the imagery here. So there’s generally three layers, including selling for local blocks, theme defaults, and then global modifications or what we often call global styles. You can think of global styles as basically having the option to edit all aspects of your site. So if you want to set a typography that goes across your entire site, if you want to have certain colors for all H1 headers, you can set that up with global styles.

Currently, much of the work has been focused on the technical underpinnings, especially around aspects like theme.json, which is a very key component for block themes and a really big tool for block theme authors. But for 5.8, the focus is generally going to be on merging the non-user interface parts of global styles. So don’t expect to interact with this system unless you’re a theme author. If you are a theme authro, get really excited. Here’s a little visual, just you can get a sense of it. So these are the different layers that have to interact in the styling system and hierarchy that needs to be thought of when working on this milestone.

20+ Theme Blocks

Milestone four, theme blocks. So because full-site editing opens up so many more aspects of the site to edit, new blocks had to be created, basically. So if you’re creating a new template for a specific category and you’re putting in post content and you want to add the post author block, which you can see here, you can quickly add it in, customize it to your liking, add in post comment, add in post data, remove the post date. You can edit each parts of these things, which pretty excited about this, is there’s actually 20-plus blocks that fall into this category. If all goes as planned, some of those will be released for 5.8 and available potentially for all sites. So even if you’re not using a block theme, you could have access to these theme blocks, which is pretty powerful and pretty cool.

Query Block – The Loop or Post List

Query block. So the query block has its own milestone, because it’s a pretty powerful block. It’s also meant to be a theme author tool, so in the long run, if you’re a user, imagine that you interact with what we call block variations, which basically are just different variations of a block, as the name implies. But imagine you want to add in your latest post. You’ll add the latest post block, but underneath it, what will be powering that experience of adding your latest post will be the query block. Essentially, as the name implies, it allows you to query posts and pages and display them in different arrangements on the page. I’m very excited, actually. In Gutenberg 10.5, which will be released in just about two weeks, there’s going to be some new patterns. You can see right here, large, medium, small are the current selection of patterns that you have for the query block. But pretty soon, there’s going to be a grid pattern and a couple other cool ones, which is pretty exciting. Generally speaking, though, if you’re an end user, don’t expect to interact with this. If you’re a theme author, get excited.

Navigation Block

Navigation block. Again, this is just a single block, but don’t be fooled. It’s definitely a mighty one. So this last one is dedicated to all things navigation block, both in terms of structure and design. You can see in this little GIF I have going on, I’m just kind of making little design changes and moving things around so you can get a sense of what it’s like to interact with this block. This milestone actually includes everything from how do you build a really simple menu with a few items to thinking about how to create a really large mega menu and add in new blocks, like the search block that you can see here. We’re even adding sub-menus, different designs, different layouts, and more.

Gradual Adoption – Widgets, Customizer, Hybrid Themes 

So the last piece of the milestones is the gradual adoption. I hope this GIF makes you laugh, but also seriously, this is the intent, is we slowly want people to be able to adapt in the way that they can. Once more of these pieces are completed, there’s basically a ton of room to start exploring how adoption might look like for those who can’t or don’t want to restructure a full theme. So this might be an intermix of block-based things and regular PHP templates, or it might be covered by projects like the block-based widget editor and the navigation screen. Both of those projects I’ll cover later, but for now, just keep in mind that this is intentionally a milestone. We want to allow for gradual adoption and want people to have lots of pathways in to taking advantage of full site editing.

What’s coming to WordPress 5.8

So what’s coming to WordPress 5.8? So just last week, a post went out from Josepha, who is the executive director of the WordPress project. I want to read a quote from it just to kind of set the tone and give you a sense. So full-site editing is a collection of projects, and together, they represent a big change, arguably too much for a single release. The most important context to share is that it isn’t shipping as the full default experience for users. One of the clearest pieces of feedback from the phase one merge process was that there wasn’t enough time for extenders, agencies, theme authors, plugin developers, site builders, et cetera to prepare for the upcoming changes. With that in mind, this merge process won’t be an on-off switch, and you can see I’ve bolded various specific parts that I hope you take home with you.

All right. So let’s talk WordPress 5.8 plans. This is up-to-date information as of today. A post was released from Josepha on [inaudible 00:12:21], if you’d like to check it out. From the call that the project leadership had, this is what they came up with for the 5.8 plans. This includes improvements from Gutenberg 9.9 and beyond. So we always package different versions of Gutenberg into major releases. This release is no different. There’ll be an introduction of new blocks, including query, site logo, navigation, et cetera. These are each very powerful blocks, very exciting to see. theme.json mechanism, this is part of what allows block themes to use different global styling, which will be very cool for block authors to get their hands on.

The template editor for pages and a blank template, I’ll actually be showing a demo of this in a moment. So hang tight there, but it’ll all make sense in a bit. The widget screen and block widgets in the customizer, this is basically work being done to bring blocks to the widgets experience. I will talk more about that later, about how it’s a stepping stone towards full-site editing. Then finally, design tools, so even more design tools that people can hook into, including duotone, which adds a really cool color filter, layout controls, padding, and more.

Short Demo: Template Editing, Navigation Block and Multi-Entity Saving

So at this point, let’s pause for a minute and actually show off one of the features that is aimed to be included in 5.8. 

I’m going to show you template editing, the navigation block, and just some of the cool flows with multi-entity saving is one of the things that we talked about that will make it into this release. So I’m in the post editor. I have a new post. I love to blog and write and present. I hit Update. Super happy, whatever. Open up the post settings, and there’s this new section that allows you to both create a brand new template. This will ideally be used both in themes that are block-based themes, so they’re ready for full-site editing, and potentially for classic themes. There’s actually work underway so that this will be available in anything being used in WordPress right now.

So right now, if I hit Edit, this will take me into the template that this post is using. So let’s do that now. So as you can see, this drops me into what looks like the entire site. So you can see I have my header up here, I have the footer down here, and I can make changes directly to them. So, for example, if I jump in here, this is the navigation block, and I haven’t yet set it up. So I can say add all pages, and I can start empty. In this case, I’ll say, “You know what? Let’s start empty.” Let’s say I want to add a custom link. One of the cool things you can actually do, you can quickly select from here, or let’s say I want to add a new post. Let me first select post link.

So adventures around the world. Let’s pretend I’m just inspired where I’m writing this. I can actually create a draft post, which is pretty cool, and it’ll show up here. It will not show up on the front end, since it’s a draft, but it actually creates a page draft for this with this title automatically. So let’s say I’m scrolling through here. I’m going, “Oh, this looks pretty good. Actually, I kind of want to see what it looks like if I add an image to the post here.” Pull up an image block. Oh, my media library. Hammocks. Can’t get enough hammocks. Going to throw that in there. Great. So at this point, I’ve made changes to the actual header. I’ve made changes to the post. I’m just going to apply and see what happens.

So this is the multi-entity saving that I mentioned earlier. Now, as you can see, it has a section for posts, so it’s saying, “Hey, you edited this post,” and it has a section saying, “Hey, you edited the header.” So at this point, I’m going to hit Save, because I want both those changes to propagate. Now I’m back into my post, into the writing flow, and I can easily switch back and forth. I can also select a new one. But yeah, hopefully this gives you a good sense of one of the key parts that’s being worked on for inclusion in 5.8. There will be a demo later, but this is just a taste.

Timeline of 5.8 Release

To help set the stage for what you can prepare for, here are some upcoming dates to keep in mind. If you’re like me, time is moving really strangely, so I like to have dates to kind of anchor me. Feel free to take a screenshot of this or write it down if you’d like. So April 13th and April 27th, these are the go and no-go decision dates. So right now, project leadership actually has gathered. So you might notice if you are good with dates and good with time right now, April 13th has come and gone. So this date has passed, and project leadership has met actually to go through different FSE-related features and projects to figure out what might be ready for 5.8. I would expect to see more high-level posts throughout the month, especially after the second date, the April 27th date. That’s when final decisions will be made around 5.8.

Then if all goes well, the beta period for WordPress 5.8 will start on June 8th. So people can actually start getting their hands on the tools that are going to be in place in the actual release and testing it and finding bugs and improving things from there. July 20th is the actual date of WordPress 5.8 and when it’s released. This is being considered as an open beta, where theme authors, plugin authors, agencies, and more can dig into the tools that are being offered and that I went over previously. Then in December 2021, that’s around the time when WordPress 5.9 will be released, and this is when I expect to move from tools for extenders into tools actually for users and more user-facing interactions with full-site editing and having things unlocked in the interface that previously in 5.8, most users won’t notice and won’t interact with. In 5.9, I expect that to be more visible.

So some key takeaways. I know this is a lot of information. So only what’s ready from the various milestones will be shipped. This is not an on-off switch, and it won’t take over your site. The focus right now is on giving tools to extenders first, before user-facing changes. That’s a big lesson that was learned from the 5.0 merge, where Gutenberg and the core editor was brought into the WordPress experience. This is something that, thankfully, we’re in a position where because of these interrelated projects, we’re able to move in a more flexible and adaptable way to release what’s ready and not anything else.

What is the FSE Outreach Experiment Program?

All right. At this point, let’s jump into the full-site editing outreach program. As a reminder, this is the program that I actually run, so consider this free rein to ask me whatever question you’d like, because I think probably too much about this program. But it’s something I’m really excited to talk to you about, and I think it’s a really neat vehicle for both feedback and education about full site editing.

So let’s go over some big picture questions, kind of like we did earlier on, and just get the details of the way. So let’s start. What is it? So essentially, it’s just a program focused on full-site editing. It’s in the form of a Slack channel right now. I’ll go over how to join it in a bit. But it has curated calls for testing, summary posts of the feedback that we get, and various educational opportunities that you can hop in on, mainly in the form of live streams. I’m running some hallway hangouts, which are basically just Zoom calls. People can come in, and we can talk about full site editing.

What’s the goal

What’s the goal? So the goal is pretty simple, help improve full-site editing experience by gathering feedback from WordPress site builders. While the group originally started solely to be about feedback, there’s actually this really neat educational component that has come up as the feature has developed and as more people have gotten curious about it. So people can join just to build their own awareness about what’s happening with full-site editing and kind of just look at a glance or just help amplify the posts that are coming through.

Why was it started?

Why was it started? So I’m going to quote Josepha from the kickoff post. During the WordPress 5.0 retrospective, which is when Gutenberg was merged and the core editor was merged, one of the things that came up routinely was the need for better engagement with users. It was generally agreed from all levels and area of contribution that users would be most impacted by Gutenberg, but the users were also the group we had the least channels of communication to. To help get user feedback to WordPress developers a little bit more seamlessly, I’m going to try and experiment outreach program. So basically, this is a lesson that was learned from the 5.0 release. In order to prevent another situation where people are caught by surprise, this program is in place to help people get excited and on ramped and on boarded onto full-site editing, as well as getting feedback so that we know if a major workflow change is coming into play, we can actually get user feedback to make it a little bit easier.

How to Join FSE Outreach Experiment

All right. At this point, I bet you’re just so stoked. You’re ready to dive in. Awesome. (laughing). All you’ve got to do is join FSE Outreach Experiment in Make WordPress Slack, and then you’re all set. You’ll just get a bunch of annoying pings for me with prompts for how to test, interesting posts related to full site editing, and more. I promise it’s also not as scary as this dive, which looks absolutely terrifying, but also beautiful.

High-Level Feedback from Calls for Testing

So because at this point, we’re on our fifth call for testing, I want to go over some high-level pieces of feedback that we’ve actually gotten about the experience so far. Basically, across all the calls for testing, these are repeated themes that have come up. But keep in mind that because there are certain aspects that we actually haven’t tested, so global styles, for example, the UI isn’t available really for users, and it’s not refined for users, so it’s not something that we’ve had as a focus part of testing, even though there is a UI that is available. So certain things are left out purely because they aren’t necessarily ready for testing, but these are the top pieces of feedback. So bear with me.

Preview Content

Previewing content. Publish a post. You want to go preview it, or you’re editing a post. You want to go preview the content. The same thing is true with full site editing. This is a big thing that kept coming up. My question is, is this a necessary workflow, or is it a symptom of other problems? Because in general, the site editor should be as WYSIWYG, as what you see is what you get, as possible.

So if you’re making a change, it should look exactly the same as the front end of your site, and because it doesn’t right now, it’s causing this tension. There actually is a preview site option under discussion, as well as a browse mode option, which basically, if you’re actually editing your site, it would turn off everything that wouldn’t actually show up on the front end. So if you only have one page of posts, but you have pagination set up so if you had multiple pages, that would actually go away. So as you can imagine, this is currently up for discussion, but there actually are a couple different pathways to try and address this problem. But it’s a very important one to address.

Saving Process

Saving process. I like to say it’s technically reliable, but not yet delightful. So basically, it’s left a lot to be desired right now, and it’s resulted in a fair bit of confusion. There’s a lot of feature requests and enhancements and bugs that have come up related to saving. This is likely because the multi-entity saving aspect that I demoed earlier is very new for WordPress users. It’s not something we’re used to having as part of our workflow. So it’s something that inherently needs some work on. So whether it was people requesting more granular saving options to show specifically what was being changed to issues with saving for screen readers to confusion around even just what the general parts mean, like what you’re actually selecting or unselecting, This was definitely a big, big area of feedback.

Distinction between editing area.

Distinction between editing area. So basically, because you can edit all parts of your site, it’s hard to know, “Am I editing the header for all of my site, or am I editing just a specific piece of content on a post?” This kind of distinction, jumping between different levels of, “Oh, you’re changing this. This will change everything” to “You’re just changing this one thing in this one spot” is pretty tricky. Right now, there’s not a lot of friction, and there’s not a lot clarity in the actual experience to show when you’re actually jumping between those different levels. So this was a big piece that’s come up, and it’s something that is an active area of iteration and exploration to kind of get the right amount of friction in place.

Rethinking Width and Alignment.

So rethinking width and alignment. Previously, alignment in full-site editing worked to optimize how traditional things worked, where basically, traditional things provided their own alignment styles. This worked okay for the project up until this point. But recently, work has been shipped to reimagine how this dynamic should work to allow for actually more control over alignments when using the site editor. This should actually help make sure that whether you want something that’s full width or you want to change the actual width of your content that’s showing up that it’ll actually be what you see is what you get. Right now, this is another piece of feedback at a high level that’s impacted what you see is what you get experience.

General usability improvements.

Generally usability improvements. I admit this is totally a catchall, and it covers a ton of stuff, but it’s actually a very important one to think of, because it’ll actually move the site editing experience from being just functional to actually delightful, which is really exciting. There’s a ton of issues that are included in this, including some enhancement requests, bug reports, all that good stuff. One of my favorites to talk about is creating a background image on a template part. So imagine you have a header. You’re working on it. You’re super excited, and you’re almost done. Then you’re like, “Oh, do you what would be really cool is if I had mountains in the background. Maybe I’ll add a cover block in the background and add an image and set the opacity pretty low, but have mountains going in the background of the site.” That’s really hard to do.(laughing). You basically would have to delete everything and add the block in and then add everything back. So those are the kinds of experiences that we’re trying to improve right now.

Improving Placeholders.

Improving placeholders. So placeholders, especially for some of the newer blocks, are a powerful way to both guide people and a current point of confusion. So you probably saw this with the navigation block earlier, where it had those little grayed boxes. It’s like, “How do we explain to people, ‘Hey, this is something you have to set up and engage with, but here’s generally what it will look like and what it will do’?” 

The feedback for this mainly came into play with the query block, social icon block, featured image block, and the navigation block. Each currently actually also get users started in different ways. So not only are there different placeholders for different experiences, the actual experience of interacting with the placeholders are all pretty inconsistent right now. So I think in the long run, it seems that users will benefit a bunch from a standardized, consistent way to interact with placeholder content so that it becomes a really familiar interaction when you’re working with a more powerful block. This especially is true for the query block and navigation block.

Okay, now that we’ve covered the milestones, the outreach program, high-level pieces of feedback, I’m going to quickly run through some key topics that I imagine you’re going to have questions about. Just because I cover them here does not mean I don’t want to answer questions, so please don’t see this as a sign that you can’t also still ask questions about these topics. This is just what I’ve been hearing from folks.

Will full site editing take over my site?

Hopefully by this point, you all can say no in a resounding way. But no, this is not something that’s going to all of a sudden, on-off switch, you upgrade to 5.8, it takes everything over. Not at all. You very much have to opt into it through using a theme blocking that supports, actually, these features. In time, more pathways are going to be built as well so that when you’re actually using full-site editing, you’ll likely be using pieces in all of it. So you could just be using the query block, or you could just be using global styles without it taking over your entire site.

What about the block-based navigation and widget screens?

What’s the deal there? So in case you missed it, there’s actually two additional projects that are dedicated to bringing blocks to more areas of the site outside of full site, I think. This include the navigation screens. You can build out menus and the widget screens. You can build out your widget sections, and this is pretty powerful and high-impact work. They are both separate projects that are tangential to full-site editing, but you can think of them as stepping stones, basically. So you could have a theme that is a classic theme, but it uses a block-based widget screen so that people can have the power blocks with their widgets. Essentially, the whole point, like I said, it’s a stepping stone to get people used to using blocks more places.                                                       

Site builders

I could write a thesis about this, because there’s so much to talk about here. I imagine I’m going to get questions about this, but essentially, full-site editing is being built partially so people don’t get stuck or locked into one site builder or another. It’s also being built in a way that site builders can actually hook into what’s being created if they choose to. I’ve heard from a lot of folks, though, that they expect full-site editing to actually fully replicate their favorite site builder’s functionality, and I’m here to say that while the goals between full-site editing and site builders are pretty similar in terms of empowering users and giving better tools to customize a site, the difference is that we’re building for 40% of the Internet, and we’re building even for site builders, where site builders have a much more targeted approach.

In the future, I do think there will always be room for specific takes of how to have an ideal site editing experience, whether that’s geared to a specific group, like a marketing style approach, or if you want to have things locked down or if you want to have things opened up. But generally speaking, full-site editing is meant to actually expand the way WordPress as a whole uses blocks, so don’t expect it to fully replicate any sort of site builder, your favorite site builder, essentially.

How is this going to impact themes?

How is this going to impact themes? So in the long run, this should actually make theme development much easier. I think Marcus’s demonstration later will show that, and much simpler, especially with the design tools that will be essentially ready at your fingertips to tap into. Ideally, because of what’s being released, it should allow theme authors to focus less on coding and functions and more on design aesthetics, integrating block patterns, and all that good stuff. But because one of the key things I wanted to really drive home in this section, though, is that because full-site editing requires a block-based theme or a theme with certain functionality enabled, this makes theming extremely important to get right. So I’ve heard people say like, “Oh, themes are a thing of the past.” It’s very much not true. I’d actually argue the opposite, that theme is almost key to this experience, to having it be delightful and having it makes sense.

What pathways are going to be created?

I know I’ve talked a lot about pathways this entire time, but it is the entire focus of the final month milestone for full-site editing. So expect a lot of pathways. For now, this includes everything from having a classic theme that can take advantage of global styles to template editing or a block-based widget screen. This also includes things like allowing certain full-site editing, really, blocks to be available for users, regardless of if they’re using a classic theme or a block theme or enabling the ability to edit block templates directly, kind of like I showed in the demo earlier. So there’s going to be a ton of options here, and I’m actually really excited to see what happens once 5.8 kind of sparks the creativity of the community, because I imagine both that people will create their own pathways and start experimenting, and we’ll also get a very clear sense of, “Hey, I actually really need X, Y, and Z pathway.” We’ll get a sense of demand from the community of core, which is super exciting to have.

What’s the best way to prepare? 

So this depends on who you are. (laughing). So depending on whoever you are, at a high level, this is what I recommend. Join the FSE Outreach Program. I know this is the thing that I run. I’m very biased. But seriously, join it. I think it’s really, really helpful to get a sense both of feedback, what’s being currently iterated on, and just general education opportunities. If you’re a theme author, I really recommend checking out the theme experiments repo and joining the block-based theme meetings to learn about the latest and greatest, because lots of good information is shared there. In general, too, it’s often also helpful to join the weekly core editor meetings, because there’s regular updates about the projects and PRs people working on. Finally, pay attention to upcoming content on Learn WordPress, because I think there’s going to be a ton of stuff coming up about full-site editing, depending upon what’s scoped for 5.8 and 5.9, including building a block-based theme, for example. That will really help, I think, everyone level up.

Stay connected with Anne McCarthy

All right. So we’re at the very end. At this point, if you want to stay connected with me or you have follow-up questions after this talk, I very much welcome them. You can find me on WordPress or on Slack @annezazu, or you can reach me at my site, nomad.blog. I will also try and drop my automatic email address separately. I just won’t on a live presentation, in case you want to follow up directly via email. I’m not on Twitter. I’m not on Facebook. I’m on and off of Instagram. So please don’t try to contact me those ways.

Finally, I just want to say thanks so much for your time. Let’s hear your questions at this point. I’m really excited to hear what you all are thinking and curious about. I do want to say I don’t know everything, but I can find anything, and I’ve talked with David about how he can follow up after this presentation to get you all information and answers that you all want to questions that I might not be able to answer. So at this point, I’m going to pass it off to live and current Anne and give a high-five from past Anne.

by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Updates

Gutenberg Times: Full-Site Editing Scope in WordPress 5.8. Weekend (Tiny) Edition #165


In the last two weeks there was so much was happening around Gutenberg. To keep you somewhat in the loop, I interrupt my unpacking of way-too-many boxes and share a few links with you.

Next week again in full force. Stay tuned.

Have a great weekend!

Yours, 💕

Grzegorz (Greg) Ziółkowski and I published our first episode together, Episode #41. It is a great episode, and we had a lot of fun. I am delighted having Grzegorz on the show. It’s now available with show notes and transcript.

Josepha Haden Chomphosy posted Full Site Editing Scope for WP5.8 (u)

  • Lesson from Phase 1 roll-out, extenders like plugins developers, site builders and theme authors didn’t have enough time to test their products with the new editor in core. 
  • Full-Site Editing user experience with Global Styles, Template editing and saving, will not be changing default user experience. It’s opt-in only. There is some confusion on saving template and switch from overall template to content and back. Polishing those will be out of scope for 5.8. 
  • Also, on the scope list for WordPress 5.8 are: Widget Editor, Navigation Screen and block, refactored Gallery Block and the List View. These  components are some of the most complex, and the user experience of them will be key. “They are all high priority to complete (hopefully for WP5.8), but will be punted if they aren’t ready in time for Beta.” 

Matias Ventura will demo the current state of these features to the release lead team trio of  Matt Mullenweg, Josepha Haden Chomphosy and Helen Hou-Sandi.

Justin Tadlock has the skinny: Will Full Site Editing Land in WordPress 5.8? A Decision Is Forthcoming

Hector Prieto published the April Focus areas for the Gutenberg team. 

As expected, it covers Widget, Navigation Screen, and Full-Site Editing with more details. Please see the “Area to be aware of” section of the post, for Block and plugin Developers, Designers and Theme builders. We talked about most of them in one or the other episode, but you find them all in one place in Hector’s post. 

Kjell Reigstad published the notes from the Block Theme Meeting They team discussed among other things:

  • TT1 Blocks update 
  • Block-based theme updates in Gutenberg 10.3 with alignment styles automatically for front and back end and the capability to use theme.json styles for every block.
  • New tools for transitioning to Block-based Themes.

The deadline for the Full Site Editing Testing Call #4 has been extended until April 12th, 2021.

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Don’t Miss this!
Mega-Meetup April 15th, 2021 6:30 -8:30 pm EDT / 23:30 UTC with Anne McCarthy, David Bisset and the organizers of six Florida Meetup groups. All About Full Site Editing (Coming in WordPress). Register via Meetup.com

For a more in-depth look on current Gutenberg development, the Index page with all the teams’ updates in the Core handbook has the latest.

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. The index 2020 is here

Featured Image: Photo by Fran Jacquier on Unsplash

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Episode #41 is now available, with new co-host Grzegorz Ziolkowski

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by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under News

Gutenberg Times: New Gallery Block, Convert Blocks, Business News and more Weekend Edition #164


Despite the new spread of the coronavirus in Europe and the problems around vaccinations, I am quite hopeful to be able to travel again in the second half of the year and visit the homeland after two years. Patience is a virtue.

Today, we have a full roster of content for developers, content creators, theme authors, implementers and contributors. Again I am awed by the astonishing creativity in the WordPress space!

Remember, you don’t need to read it all in one sitting. It’ll keep the whole week!

Yours 💕

Full-Site Editing + Themes

WPTavern has a podcast again! The WordPress Juke Box. For the inaugural episode host Nathan Wrigley interviewed. Among other things, Josepha Haden Chomphosy talked about her benchmark for the Go/NoGo decision to merge Full-Site Editing into core for the 5.8 release in July. Find additional thoughts in my post: Full-site Editing MVP: Can I Build a Landing Page?

Anne McCarthy posted the fourth call for testing: Building a restaurant themed header, with instructions to use columns, navigation block and other features for the header template part.

There is a lot of movement on the Gutenberg Repo and the Themes Team keeps a list of relevant issues and discussions for theme developers. Maggie Cabrera published the round-up post Gutenberg + Themes: Week of March 25, 2021. It’s an excellent reading list if you need to dive deeper in the upcoming changes for your theme or your customer. One of the issues caught my eye: the discussion and work around block alignment settings for themes. The current way predates the revamp of the Inner Blocks. There is some work to be done, streamlining the styling for themes. Join the discussion on GitHub.

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. The index 2020 is here

If you love to take a sneak peek at the new version of the Gallery block, heed the call for testing by Glen Davies: Gallery Block Update – Call for Testing. The refactored version is now using single image blocks inside the Gallery block. You can us all the great features: individual links per image, block styles, choices for size and editing capabilities. If you also use a plugin with your site, like CoBlocks, you can still apply the great filters and animations to your gallery block. In his post, Davies walks you through the few features and asked to test all the many facets of the new Gallery block.

On the WPTavern, Justin Tadlock explains how this new change can make a lot of difference on how gallery layouts will be built. Among other ideas, he pictures that among images, a Pull Quote block could be added. Refactoring Gutenberg’s Gallery Block To Support Nested Images.

I posted my first impression as a comment and created a bug report on GitHub when my images lost all their styling when I added the gallery block to a group. I suggested making it possible to apply block styles to more than one image at a time, and that the gallery block / image block copies the respective Alt texts from the media library. Both suggestions made it into the project board.

Block editor for content creators

Liam Dempsey asked his Twitter followers for recommendation of Block plugins. He collected all the suggestions in this blog post: Community Recommendations for Gutenberg Blocks in WordPress.

Amie Suzan at at Virfice reviewed the Blocksy Theme and gives 18 Unavoidable Reasons to Build Sites With It. The theme received some attention after Chris Lema revamped his site using the block editor it now runs on the Blocksy theme. Justin Tadlock at the WPTavern also found the Blocksy theme to provide a solid block editor experience

🌐 WPRepo | Website

Anders Norén published a new free theme in the WordPress Repository, named Eskell, inspired by the Swedish graphic designer Olle Eksell. In his introduction to the theme, Andres wrote: “(…) the star of the show in Eksell is the archive page, which features a masonry grid of posts and a category filter that updates the grid with posts from the selected category without a hard reload.” In includes full color settings and dark mode for devices that support it. He continues: “The Blank Canvas Template hides everything on the page except the blocks you add to the Block Editor content. That gives users the freedom to create entirely custom pages, with whatever blocks they want. It feels like a little preview of what we’ll be able to do once Full Site Editing is merged into WordPress Core.”

Justin Tadlock published a review Eksell theme creates art with blocks and a follow-up article on the WPTavern.

🌐 WPRepo | Website | Demo

Should you switch to the block editor?

Benjamin Intal from Stackable posted Why You Should Switch to the Gutenberg WordPress Editor. He wrote: “In this article, we enumerate some reasons why the Gutenberg WordPress editor might be your new primary choice for page building. Read on, and we might just convince you to give Gutenberg another shot.”

WordPressVIP post takes us Behind the scenes of News UK’s rampant speed to value. News UK is the powerhouse behind some of the UK’s most famous news, media, and lifestyle brands. Its reach ranges from the highly respected the London Times to the hugely popular Sun. In the more detailed case study, you’ll learn from the editor’s perspective how the usage of the block editor has streamlined content production, increased productivity and fosters a culture of innovation between teams.

On the WPBuild podcast A-Z of WordPress this week, Nathan Wrigley and David Walmsley tackled the letter G – Gutenberg. If the early controversy in 2018 had you shy away from trying it out, but now you heard so much positive about it, this episode will give you an update on how people are using the block-editor now and what’s in store for 2021.

Let Allie Nimmons of WPBuffs tell you Why and How to use the WordPress block editor. It’s an excellent introduction and tutorial with dozens of links to learn more.

For those of us who are worried about migrating a ton of content from classic editor and short codes to block editor, Darshan Sawardekar, lead web engineer at the web agency 10up, has good news. This week, he announced the release of the Convert to Blocks plugin. Convert to Blocks converts your content to blocks on the fly and those changes will be saved when you update the post. It’s not a Bulk Converter, it only converts content once it is opened in the block editor.

🌐 WPRepo | GitHub

A couple of months ago, the WPTavern published the article How To Bulk Convert Classic WordPress Posts To Blocks?. Justin Tadlock listed two more plugins for the purpose: Bulk Convert to Blocks (still in development) and Bulk Block Converter, last updated a year ago. We used it at a recent project and it worked very well.

Business News around Gutenberg


WPTavern has the scoop: Extendify recently aquired plugin EditorPlus and joined forces with Munir Kamal and his team around Gutenberg Hub. Back in November 2020, they also acquired Redux Framework, and hired its creator, Dōvy Paukstys, part-time.

Plugins now owned by Extendify:

People behind Extendify

Chris Lukbert and Artur Grabowski, co-founders of Extendify, are former Automattic employees. So is Tammie Lister, Extendify’s Head of Design. Lister has been a major WordPress contributor on the Gutenberg block-editor as co-lead since the beginning in 2017. She participated in one of our first Live Q & As in November 2018 with her Gutenberg co-leads Joen Asmussen and Matias Ventura. You can also read more about Lister on HeroPress: Discovering Your Place.


GoDaddy is sponsoring George Mamadashvili to contribute on the WordPress Gutenberg project full-time. Mamadashvili was one of the developers behind the cool blocks published under the brand of SortaBrilliant in 2018 and 2019. Recently, he released Toggles, an accordion block for FAQs, and other use cases. You can also use it to hide spoilers in Movie or Book reviews.

Developing for the block editor

Matt Watson published his 5th tutorial Create a Customizer Panel using Gutenberg Components for developers. You should read his previous posts before tackling this one.

On WordPressTV you’ll find Chris van Patten‘s The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to the Gutenberg Data API. The Data API is how you get data in and out of Gutenberg, track changes across blocks, and execute events around the editor.

The WordCamp India presentation by Grzegorz “Greg” Ziółkowski Block Development with scaffolding helps you get started building a single block plugin with the create-block-script.

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s master branch?
Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
Have you been using it? Hit reply and let me know.

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WordPress Events

April 6, 2021 9 am EDT / 14:00 UTC
WPCafe: Building the Twenty Twenty-One with Caroline Nymark and Mel Dwan-Choyce, live on YouTube

April 6, 2021 9 am EDT / 14:00 UTC
WPCafe: Building the Twenty Twenty-One with Caroline Nymark and Mel Dwan-Choyce, live on YouTube

April 15, 2021 6:30 pm EDT / 23:30 UTC
South Florida Mega Meetup “New Site Builder Edition”

April 15 – 17, 2021
WordCamp Centroamérica 2021

April 27 and 28th
Expand 2021 – a virtual event hosted by GoDaddy that brings the web design and developer community together to share ideas and experiences, make connections and support each other.

May 24 – 27. 2021
WordSesh 2021
Speaker submissions are due on Monday! (March 29th)!

On the Calendar for WordPress Online Events you’ll find a list of the upcoming WordPress Meetups, around the world, including WooCommerce, Elementor, Divi Builder and Beaver Builder meetups.

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by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

Gutenberg Times: Full-site Editing MVP: Can I Build a Landing Page?

Josepha Haden Chomphosy was the featured guest on the inaugural episode of the WPTavern Jukebox podcast, hosted by Nathan Wrigley. In their conversation, they covered a lot of ground. The show is definitely worth your 40 minutes of listen.

Around minute 23 of the audio they talked a bit more about Full-Site Editing and its merge into the core. Chomphosy said she knows ‘this summer’ is an ambitions goal, and she also assured the listeners that the team won’t release something that’s not functional and usable.

Go/NoGo Mid to End of April

The Core release and Gutenberg teams will make the Go/NoGo decision to merge Full-Site Editing for the next WordPress release in July (5.8) on April 17 or on April 23. In other words, the state of Full Site editing in Gutenberg plugin version 10.4 and 10.5. If it doesn’t get merged into 5.8, Full-Site Editing will be merged in WordPress 5.9 to be released in December 2021

Chomphosy also shared her – unofficial – benchmark of what should be possible with the prototype of the Site Editor by April: Can you – without writing code – create a landing page with Full-site editing tools. She calls it “the smallest viable sentence. The I-AM of websites.”

A Landing page is the smallest viable unit

This single web page consists of a header, a footer, a hero image with a button, some text, a form or a call to action. This narrows the focus of the MVP, the prototype, considerably. It also increases the probability that the first low-key, opt-in version of Full-Site editing might actually make it into the next WordPress version. A narrow scope will also help content creators, teachers and developers get started working on their discovery of the new WordPress feature. As soon as it is merged into WordPress core, plugin developer and theme builders can test their ideas against it and get familiar with the underlying concepts.

It’s a good way to ease-in content creators, too. When you are not dealing with the header and footer of a big site, but just for a single page, it’s not so critical if you get lost on the way from content editing to template part (header, footer) editing and back again. It’s all on the same page, literally.

This transition was one of the major causes of confusion during the first few testing calls for the FSE outreach program and the developers are working on making it less confusing. With this unofficial benchmark of a single landing page creation, the team will have additional time and input on how to better handle that switch between editing a template that is used for many pages and the content of a single post or page content.

A very tangible goal, “Can I build a landing page with the tools available?” makes it straightforward for WordPress contributors who work on the parts that make that are not code, like documentation, marketing, training and testing.

Call For Testing: Create a Header

The 4th call for testing via the WordPress FSE-Outreach program asks you to create a header for a Restaurant. Anne McCarthy has detailed instructions for you as well as video if you are in a testing mood. Your input is definitely wanted!

Chomphosy also added that Matias Ventura, the technical lead for Gutenberg, might have different benchmarks for the MVP. I am curious, and answer Josepha’s call for questions on Full-Site Editing for her next episode of the WPBriefing podcast when Matias will be her guest.

Full-Side Editing project encompasses a lot more than the Site Editor with template parts. There are Global Styles, Widgets in Customizer, a new Navigation and Widget screen, block-based themes with a theme.json file and query block. Some of it will work its way into the MVP. We will see how far the team progresses on their journey, that will only begin once Full-Site editing comes to Millions of WordPress users. No Fear, though. It will all be opt-in. Nothing will break.

“Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow” — Eric Raymond’s Linus’ Law

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by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Site Editor

Gutenberg Times: Building Forms with Blocks, Work w/ Blocks via GraphQL API, and more – Weekend Edition #163


It’s another month, until we know if the Full-site editing experience is good enough for the merge into core. It still has many moving parts that need to fit neatly together to make it a good user experience and allow site owners to design their site within the boundaries of their block-based theme.

Discover two plugins to build forms with the editor and read two articles on how to work with blocks in decoupled (also called headless) WordPress via GraphQL. Some developers might find it as exciting as I do.

Enjoy the plugins shared and check out the upcoming WordPress events.

Yours 💕

 “Keeping up with Gutenberg – Index” 
A chronological list of the WordPress Make Blog posts from various teams involved in Gutenberg development: Design, Theme Review Team, Core Editor, Core JS, Core CSS, Test and Meta team from Jan. 2021 on. The index 2020 is here

Gutenberg team released version 10.2 of the plugin.
Release notes by Bernhard Reiter
WPTavern post: Gutenberg 10.2 Adds Spacers To Navigation Lists, Lets Users Categorize Template Parts, and Introduces Scoped Patterns

Anne McCarthy shared high level feedback from the FSE Program.

The 3rd Call for Testing is only open until March 23, 2021. If you have about 20 minutes, build a fun 404 page via the new Site Editor in WordPress. Anne McCarthy has some very details instructions. Please share your experience as a comment on the post.

Monday started with This Week in WordPress live show #154, a podcast by Nathan Wrigley and Paul Lacey. This week Anne McCarthy and Joe Casabona were on the show as guests, and they covered the new features in WordPress 5.7 and more Full-Site Editing. Head on over to YouTube!

Episode #40 is now available!

Subscribe to the Gutenberg Changelog podcast
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Review by Peter Ingersoll on Stitcher

Plugins for the Block Editor

Formality is an all-in-one WordPress form plugin for the block editor. Michele Giorgi, who built it for fun and “because he hates the gym.” I definitely can relate to the sentiment, although, I get cranky when I skip our lunch runs for too many days. The plugin comes with 12 blocks that include usual form elements, multi-steps layout, and ratings. You’ll also find 24 templates with backgrounds from Unsplash and corresponding color palettes. For developers, there are hooks and filter to extend it for your needs. Ben Townsend of LayerWP reviewed it on YouTube.

🌐 Website | GitHub | Gist | WPRepo

Gutenberg Forms is another block editor only plugin to create forms for your page and post. The author, Munir Kamal, also created add-ons for Mailchimp, Mailpoet and Akismet. All his code it open-source, and maybe he inspires you to create your special integration as well. You can also read Justin Tadlock’s review from last summer

🌐 Docs | WPRepo | Website | GitHub

The plugin Full Screen Galleries by Nick Halsey creates an automatic full-screen slideshow mode for images on your page or post. It works on both, block editor and classic editor. It’s designed to work with any theme out of the box. See the plugin page for code snippets to add custom styling and a launch button. It’s a focused way to showcase travel photos or art work. This week, Justin Tadlock of WPTavern published a review.

🌐 WPRepo | Demo

K2 Blocks is one of the Block collections extending the core block editor with additional blocks. The most interesting to me would be the Counter and Time blocks as well as the Magic Image block. The PookiDevs team from Islamabad posted screenshots and more details.

🌐 WPRepo | Website

Need a plugin .zip from Gutenberg’s master branch?
Gutenberg Times provides daily build for testing and review.
Have you been using it? Hit reply and let me know.

GitHub all releases

Gutenberg for Developers

Ryan McCue, director of product at the agency HumanMade, shared some experimentation with the navigation components in Gutenberg and created a new WP-Admin navigation bar outside the editor. He “based this stand-along plugin on existing work in WooCommerce.” You can follow the discussion on Twitter.. The code is available on GitHub for your perusal.

Justin Ferriman of LearnDash shared how they leveraged Gutenberg to make a Certificate Builder in LearnDash. You can see short demos on how it works.

As an alternative to Jason Bahl‘s work with Gutenberg and WordPress decoupled sites a couple of weeks ago, Leo Losoviz published his proposal on how to handle blocks with a decoupled WordPress and GraphQL site. The two different approaches are a deep dive into both plugins that provide GraphQL APIs for WordPress.

WPGraphQL and GraphQL API for WordPress

Speaking of Headless or Decoupled: Michal Trykoszko started a three-part series of blog posts: Headless WordPress Gutenberg & NextJS with Creating a block with React.

WordPress Events

March 23 – 26th, 2021
Atarim Web Agency Summit

March 24, 2021 – 10 AM EDT / 14:00 UTC
Intro to Publishing with the Block Editor (Demo + Discussion group) with contributors of Learn. WordPress program

March 26, 2021 – 10 AM EDT / 15:00 UTC
Creating and Registering Block Patterns (Demo + Discussion group) with Daisy Olsen from via Learn WordPress program
If you want to come prepared with questions, watch the workshops Intro to Block Patterns and Registering Block Patterns

April 6, 2021 9 am EDT / 14:00 UTC
WPCafe: Building the Twenty Twenty-One with Caroline Nymark and Mel Dwan-Choyce, live on YouTube

April 15, 2021 6:30 pm EDT / 23:30 UTC
South Florida Mega Meetup “New Site Builder Edition”

April 15 – 17, 2021
WordCamp Centroamérica 2021

April 27 and 28th
Expand 2021 – a virtual event hosted by GoDaddy that brings the web design and developer community together to share ideas and experiences, make connections and support each other.

May 24 – 27. 2021
WordSesh 2021
Speaker submissions are due on March 29!

On the Calendar for WordPress Online Events you’ll find a list of the upcoming WordPress Meetups, around the world, including WooCommerce, Elementor, Divi Builder and Beaver Builder meetups.

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Featured image: Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

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by Birgit Pauli-Haack at September 30, 2021 06:15 PM under Weekend Edition

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Last updated:

October 03, 2021 09:00 AM
All times are UTC.