
* A selection


Seeliger, Martin, Sevignani, Sebastian (eds.): Ein neuer Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit? Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2021.

Sonderband Leviathan

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Fuchs, Christian: Soziale Medien und Kritische Theorie. Eine Einführung. utb, München, 2021.

Second edition.


Hofkirchner, Wolfgang, Kreowski, Hans-Jörg (eds.): Transhumanism. The Proper Guide to a Posthuman Condition or a Dangerous Idea? Springer, Cham, 2021.

Klaus Kornwachs

Transhumanism as a Derailed Anthropology.

Tomáš Sigmund

Senseless Transhumanism.

Adriana Braga, Robert K. Logan

The Singularity Hoax: Why Computers Will Never Be More Intelligent than Humans.

Wolfgang Hofkirchner

Promethian Shame Revisited: A Praxio-Onto-Epistemological Analysis of Cyber Futures.

Christian Stary

Co-creation in Transhuman Realities: Setting the Stage for Transformative Learning.


Brenner, Joseph E., Igamberdiev, Abir U.: Philosophy in Reality. A New Book of Changes. Springer, Cham, 2021.


Doucek, Petr, Chroust, Gerhard, Oškrdal, Václav: IDIMT 2020. Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management. Trauner, Linz, 2020.

Tomáš Sigmund

Effectiveness and sense of privacy policy statements.

Gerhard Chroust

Human and cultural impacts on projects.

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Link to the report of the conference.

Contributions of Emergent Systems Group members on the left.


Brödner, Peter, Fuchs-Kittowski, Klaus: Zukunft der Arbeit. trafo Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, 2020.

Christian Stary

Soziotechnische Gestaltung soziotechnischer Systeme – Integratives Design und Engineering.

Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski

Informationssystem-, Arbeits- und Organisationsgestaltung in Produktion und Verkehr – das Orgware-Konzept, die Paradoxie der Sicherheit, des Wächters, der Beherrschung großer Datenmenge.

Klaus Kornwachs

Fragwürdige Geschäftsmodelle mit Künstlicher Intelligenz.

Werner Kriesel, Ulrich Hofmann

Kybernetik, Automatisierung und Autonomisierung – zu einem Imperativ der Automation.

Vincent Brannigan

Effective Social control of Technological Systems: Viewing Titanic and Boeing through the Orgware Paradigm.


Zimmermann, Rainer E.: Münchener Vorlesungen zur Grundlegung der Philosophie. wvb, Berlin, 2020.


Zimmermann, Rainer E.: Metaphysik als Grundlegung von Naturdialektik. Zum Sagbaren und Unsagbaren im spekulativen Denken. wvb, Berlin, 2020.


Papadimitropoulos, Vangelis: The Commons. Economic Alternatives in the Digital Age. University of Westminster Press, London, 2020.


Fuchs, Christian: Communication and Capitalism. A Critical Theory. University of Westminster Press, London, 2020.


Fuchs, Christian: Kommunikation und Kapitalismus. Eine Kritische Theorie. utb, München, 2020.


Burgin, Mark, Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana (eds.): Theoretical Information Studies. Information in the World. World Scientific, Singapore, 2020.

Mark Burgin and Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

Mark Burgin and Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

Yixin Zhong and Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

Rafael Capurro and Mark Burgin

Robert K. Logan

Mark Burgin

Tomas Sigmund

Click on every title to get the abstract of the chapters of contributing Emergent Systems Group members.

Click here to get to the publisher's site. See the whole contents.

Second volume of two. See here the first.

See here the news.

See project SISI. 


Krüger, Uwe, Sevignani, Sebastian (eds.): Ideologie, Kritik, Öffentlichkeit. Verhandlungen des Netzwerks Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft. Westend, Frankfurt, 2020.


Burgin, Mark, Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana, Schroeder, Marcin (eds.): IS4SI 2019 Summit. proceedings, 2020.

Mark Burgin

Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic and Mark Burgin

Wolfgang Hofkirchner

Wolfgang Hofkirchner

Annette Grathoff

Mark Burgin and Kees (C.N.J.) de Vey Mestdagh

Mark Burgin and Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

Mark Burgin

Mark Burgin, Eugene Eberbach and Rao Mikkilineni

Rao Mikkilineni and Mark Burgin

Mark Burgin

Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

Wolfgang Hofkirchner

Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

Joseph E. Brenner and Abir U. Igamberdiev

Click on every title to get the abstracts and the open access contributions of the members of the Emergent Systems group listed here.

Click here to get the Table of Contents including all contributions.


Collier, John, Stingl, Michael: Evolutionary Moral Realism. Routledge, London, 2020.

The book gives an account of how goodness could evolve in living and social systems.

Posthumous work of John Collier, member of our Emergent Systems Group, who passed away too early, finalised by co-author Michael Stingl.

Click here to get more information.


Hofkirchner, Wolfgang: Emergent Information. A Unified Theory of Information Framework. China Social Sciences Press, Beijing, 2020.


Fuchs, Christian: Nationalism on the Internet. Critical Theory and Ideology in the Age of Social Media and Fake News. Routledge, New York, London, 2019.


Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana, Burgin, Mark (eds.): Philosophy and Methodology of Information. World Scientific, Singapore, 2019.

Joseph E. Brenner

Mark Burgin

Rainer E. Zimmermann and Zhang Shiaomeng

José María Díaz Nafría, Mark Burgin and Blanca Rodriguez-Bravo

Click on every title to get the abstract of the chapters of the members of the Emergent Systems group listed here.

Click here to get to the publisher's site.

See here the follow-up volume. 


Fuchs, Christian: Soziale Medien und Kritische Theorie. Eine Einführung. utb, München, 2019.

German translation of the second English edition of "Social Media – A Critical Introduction".


Carayannis, Elias G., Campbell, David F. J., Efthymiopoulos, Marios Panagiotis (eds.): Handbook of Cyber-Development, Cyber-Democracy, and Cyber-Defense. Springer Nature, Heidelberg, 2018.

Hamid R. Ekbia

Stefan Hügel, Hans-Jörg Kreowski and Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht

José María Díaz Nafría

Tomas Sigmund

Click on every title to get the abstract of the chapters of the members of the Emergent Systems group listed here.

Click here to get to the publisher's site and see the whole table of contents.


Fuchs, Christian: Social Media. A Critical Introduction. Sage, London, 2nd edition, 2017.

This Second Edition:
- Lays bare the structures and power relations at the heart of our media landscape.
- Explores the sharing economy of Uber and Airbnb in a brand new chapter.
- Takes us into the politics and economy of social media in China.
- Puts forward powerful arguments for how to achieve a social media that serves the purposes of a just and fair world.


Burgin, Mark, Hofkirchner, Wolfgang (eds.): Information Studies and the Quest for Transdisciplinarity. Unity through Diversity. World Scientific, Singapore, 2017.

Joseph E. Brenner, Mark Burgin, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Rainer Feistel, Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Rainer E. Zimmermann et al.

This book is the second volume of a two-volume edition based on the International Society for Information Studies Summit Vienna 2015 on "The Information Society at the Crossroads. Response and Responsibility of the Sciences of Information".


Hofkirchner, Wolfgang, Burgin, Mark (eds.): The Future Information Society. Social and Technological Problems. World Scientific, Singapore, 2017.

Mark Burgin, John Collier, Yagmur Denizhan, José María Díaz Nafría, Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Asimina Koukou, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Robert K. Logan, Tomas Sigmund, Christian Stary et al.

This book is the first volume of a two-volume edition based on the International Society for Information Studies Summit Vienna 2015 on "The Information Society at the Crossroads. Response and Responsibility of the Sciences of Information".


Hofkirchner, Wolfgang (ed.): Information in Physics and Beyond. The European Physical Journal, Special Topics, 226/2, 2017.

Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Werner Ebeling, Rainer Feistel, Rainer E. Zimmermann et al.

The special issue covers ten papers that aim at a more consilient account of information, ranging from physics to social science. The role of physics must thereby not understood as that real-world science that can explain any information manifestation, but as necessary yet not sufficient condition for the study of information going beyond physics.


Archer, Margaret S. (ed.): Morphogenesis and Human Flourishing. Springer, Dordrecht, 2017.

Wolfgang Hofkirchner

This is Maggie Archer's fifth edited volume of the Social Morphogenesis Series. Wolfgang Hofkirchner contributed chapter 13: Creating Common Good: The Global Sustainable Information Society as the Good Society. Here is the abstract:

The ‘good’, eudaimonic society is characterised here as a society that cultivates the commune bonum, the common good, the commons. The topicality of the issue of the commons does not come as a surprise, because the dangers of an anthropogenic breakdown of our societal life originate from rising dysfunctions regarding the commons. The commons are according to a social systems view defined as any emerging synergetic relations, which converges with defining it as a relational good as relational sociology does. In order to remove frictions in the functioning of the commons, a transformation is needed. Social morphogenesis can transform the current societal conditions into those of a true ‘morphogenic’ society in which a ratchet is set up: the flourishing of the actors conditions the flourishing of the society and vice versa. This transformation has to take into consideration a global, a sustainable and an informational imperative. The global sustainable information society is the concrete utopia of today.


Burgin, Mark: Theory of Knowledge. World Scientific, Singapore, 2016.

This book aims to synthesise different directions in knowledge studies into a unified theory of knowledge and knowledge processes. It is written for graduate students and researchers in Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management. It has 964 pages.


Sevignani, Sebastian: Privacy and Capitalism in the Age of Social Media. Routledge, London, 2016.

This book explores commodification processes of personal data and provides a critical framing of the ongoing debate of privacy in the Internet age, using the example of social media and referring to interviews with users.


Archer, Margaret S. (ed.): Morphogenesis and the Crisis of Normativity. Springer, Dordrecht, 2016.

Wolfgang Hofkirchner

This is Maggie Archer's fourth edited volume of the Social Morphogenesis Series. Wolfgang Hofkirchner contributed chapter 12: Ethics from Systems: Origin, Development and Current State of Normativity. Here is the abstract:

Chapter 12 has three sections. The first section puts ethics in a system-theoretical perspective. It deals with the basic question ethics seeks to answer: how are Is and Ought related to each other? Answers matter insofar as they provide different frames for analysing what goes wrong with morals in unbound morphogenesis.

The second section gives an evolutionary account of how moral values came (and still come) into existence. It presents anthropological considerations on the origin of morals. Animals seem to have no morals, at least in the human sense. How then could human morality emerge? An unsolved debate gets support from empirical research: it is about the specifics of human co-operation that makes the difference.

The third section analyses the state of morals in today’s society. It comes to the conclusion that the neoliberal project resulted in a deep moral-ideological crisis.


Allmer, Thomas: Critical Theory and Social Media. Between Emancipation and Commodification. Routledge, London, 2015.

The aim of this book is to study the constraints and emancipatory potentials of new media and to assess to what extent digital and social media can contribute to strengthen the idea of the communication and network commons, and a commons-based information society.


Zimmermann, Rainer E.: Metaphysics of Emergence. Part I: On the Foundation of Systems. xenomoi, Berlin, 2015.

This book provides a mathematically based explication of emergent, complex systems.


Archer, Margaret S. (ed.): Generative Mechanisms Transforming the Social Order. Springer, Dordrecht, 2015.

Wolfgang Hofkirchner

This is Maggie Archer's third edited volume of the Social Morphogenesis Series. Wolfgang Hofkirchner contributed chapter 5: "Mechanisms" at work in Information Society. Here is the abstract:

This chapter deals with ‘mechanisms’ from the perspective of critical systems thinking. ‘Mechanisms’ are rooted in self-organisation. Far from being mechanical, they are contingent dynamisms. They are the cause of the advent of Information Society; they are the cause for the reproduction of Information Society; and they are the cause for a transformation of Information Society.

After explicating critical systems thinking by referring to aims, scope and tools of social science, a critical review of positivist, interpretivist, postmodern and critical theories of the build-up of information society is given. All of them but the last ones focus on one side of a purported dynamism only instead of attempting to integrate several sides for which there is empirical evidence. An example of a dynamism is presented that is crucial for the advent of a Global Sustainable Information Society that would deserve the label ‘Morphogenic Society’. The description of this dynamism makes creative use of the terms ‘antagonism’, ‘agonism’ and ‘synergism’ and explains what the author calls the Logic of the Third.


Archer, Margaret S. (ed.): Late Modernity. Trajecories of Social Change. Springer, Dordrecht, 2014.

Wolfgang Hofkirchner

This is Maggie Archer's second edited volume of the Social Morphogenesis Series. Wolfgang Hofkirchner contributed chapter 6: On the Validity of Describing "Morphogenic Society" as a System and Justifiability of Thinking About It as a Social Formation. Here is the abstract:

Chapter 6 contends that the fact we find ‘morphogenesis unbound’ being a tendency of current societal development does not justify to call the latest social formation ‘morphogenic society’. What is indicated by ‘morphogenesis unbound’ is rather a crisis threatening the continuation of civilised life on Earth. This crisis can be overcome if and when reflexivity includes systems reflexivity, that is, the decentering of individual actors from themselves and the extension of their concerns to a supra-individual meta-level that serves as point of orientation of their common actions. Such a state of development would deserve the name ‘morphogenic society’ in contradistinction to the current state which tends to restrict self-reflection.


Fuchs, Christian, and Sandoval, Marisol (eds.): Critique, Social Media and the Information Society. Routledge, London, 2014.

Christian Fuchs

Critique of the Political Economy of Informational Capitalism and Social Media

Wolfgang Hofkirchner

Potentials and Risks for Creating a Global Sustainable Information Society

Sebastian Sevignani, Robert Prey, Marisol Sandoval, Thomas Allmer, Jernej A. Prodnik and Verena Kreilinger

Critical Studies of Contemporary Informational Capitalism: The Perspective of Emerging Scholars


Archer, Margaret S. (ed.): Social Morphogenesis. Springer, Dordrecht, 2013.

Wolfgang Hofkirchner

This is a volume edited by Maggie Archer. It became the starting volume of a five volumes Series in Social Morphogenesis. Wolfgang Hofkirchner contributed chapter 7: Self-Organisation as the Mechanism of Development and Evolution in Social Systems. Here is the abstract:

The chapter explores how close the concepts of morphogenesis and self-organisation are. Both can be seen to have natural science origins though applicable to the long-term history of societies, to events within societies and to contemporary society modernity seems to transform into. Both can be labeled descriptive, explanatory and normative at the same time. That view can be accomplished when resorting to dialectical philosophy, evolutionary systems theory and critical social systems theory, each based upon the former. The argument starts with a discussion of revolution, proceeds to reflexivity and ends up with the needs to grasp unity-through-diversity to respond to the complexity of the global age.

Hofkirchner, Wolfgang: Emergent Information. A Unified Theory of Information Framework. World Scientific, Singapore, 2013

This book was written to clarify Hofkirchner's approach towards the field of information. After developing positions of an Evolutionary Systems Theory that started with the research project "Human Strategy in Complexity" 2001-2004 and led to Praxio-Onto-Epistemology as Systems Philosophy, the way was paved to formulating corner stones of a Unified Theory of Information. The book itself gives an introduction to complexity and self-organisation as well as information.


Updated on 2021-09-22T10:48:56+02:00, by schoenswetter.